This gift from Mother Nature assures us that we will indeed have a White Christmas, something that does not occur that often. It just happens that this is a repeat performance of a similar snowstorm the same time last year.
A blanket of snow is a picture perfect event, especially at this time of year. So for my friends in climates that rarely experience this, here are some of the sights I saw as I wandered around my own winter wonderland.
As I was clearing a path to feed the birds, my Cassie, one of my calico cats, was peering out the side kitchen window to see what I was doing.
When I walked out of my driveway to see just how the outside world was doing, there was my neighbor's giant evergreen, adorned with a blanket of white, a perfect Christmas tree.
These pics are from Sunday, December 20, 2009.
In the first pic, Cassie is in the side window.
The Christmas tree in my front window, is the
one that has the ornaments I have collected over the years.
It seems in addition to the morning doves,
blue jays, tiny unknown birds, we have an entire family of cardinals.
Coreen, That's a lot of snow!
You arent kidding, that really is a Winter Wonderland. Speaking of picture perfect!
Thanks so much for braving it out there to take those pictures Coreen. It means a lot to someone who rarely see's snow. You should consider taking some of those pictures and designing your own personal Christmas card with them next year.
Hope your birds are now well fed, and ready to face the day. They're lucky to have you. I think I barely saw your calico cat through that window (am I right?). If it's the same one that was in your last pictures, she's certainly a beauty. It's nice to see you enjoying the season so much, and especially nice that you are sharing your enthusiasm and appreciation of it all with us. Thanks!
"It seems in addition to the morning doves,
blue jays, tiny unknown birds, we have an entire family of cardinals."
What a collection. I love them all.
"tiny unknown birds"
I think those may be the same ones Carol and I have been talking about.
R U still around?
That, and Wonderpets is very cute and clever too. I'm kinda old to be watching cartoons, but what the heck.
sorry forgot the " marks up top.
Now that I have started drinking coffee, and eating sweets..Im going to learn how to bake; without sugar. Maybe with Honey-Honey. I like solid things, like cake...carrot, zucchini, and my favorite of all is the triple chocolate cake that I get from Cost-co....
Those are some great pictures.!!
Each one tells a little story by itself, and a different kind of mood sorta....
I don't know how long this schedule will will be off and on tho.
Chloe, Solar,
If you are still around, we need some more humor...lucy/desi...
Just got to my office, the roads are really
in quite good shape...dry for the most part,
some of the side roads still have mush, so do
the parking lots, but all in all, the cleanup
was very good...not like the old days when
everything came to a halt for days....
Sweets, eating sweets Solar, and I thought that
you had more than enough 'sweetness' hanging
out with all of us....
I do not use any sweetners but regular white
sugar, or raw sugar, but there is an ad about
something called stevia that says it is real
sugar, does anyone know about this....
I didn't see-think that anyone was around. will stay on; and see if Chloe will take a peek in..she has been a goodie two shoes lately and doesnt want to fight with me..I have tried to stir the pot ..but she Alway's comes back with a pooper.!!
"Sweets, eating sweets Solar, and I thought that
you had more than enough 'sweetness' hanging
out with all of us...."
Only if I can take a little bite, here and there...move U head to the side a little.....The Mistletoe's remember the mistletoe's that i hung all over the swamp.!! :))))
I really like the property on your house. I like the privacy that it gives you. I would put in a putting green, and a chipping green on it...and maybe an indoor swimming pool...and a Sauna....there now it's perfect...
Praying for someone is just what the Churches have taught us that we should do...
This is another basic need, and desire that we have innate in all of is part of evolution.!!
The Church used the most common things that we all share, and exploit them...How did they ever start lighting candles for the loved ones that have passed on??
Once that they figured out how to make people spend money on the souls that were held up ( in purgatory-all of them are there for a while) on the way to meet others in heaven, and became one of the ways that you could buy heaven for your dead family members and your self...every time that you light a candle, the contribution is buying-getting someone a little closer to heaven..or yourself for when you pass on....
Much of my property is designated 'wetlands'
which does not all development....but that's
fine with me, don't need extra work maintaining
Is your being busy hopefully providing you an
income now, I remember that the economy was
impacting your business a lot, has it eased
a bit for you....
About 12:15 and will be around until 1;30
In the Vedanta philosophy, nothing exists except God.
" When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the outer as the inner, and the above as the below, then shall you enter (the kingdom)... I am the light that is above them all, I am the All, the all came forth from Me and the All attained to me. Cleave a (piece of ) wood, I am there; lift up the stone and you will find me."
This is a favorite thing of mine that Jesus said...he was talking about us being just part of the all the earth, as well as the Universe imo.....
Thanks. Yes I have picked up a little project that will take some time to finish; since I keep stopping it, whenever the client does not pay on time. There are other things that are going to keep me a little busy that is not work related...but will alwas have time to check in and see what is going on...
Solar, am happy to hear that you picked up some work, it always makes it easier when we
are busy working...
Still have high hopes to do the government work that has been awarded to us, and the work that we have in mind....
We have transferred our loan application to antoher bank, recently...
Though about you yesterday...had some Tortellinis; filled with spinach, and a cannoli for desert. I passed only my usual cheese cake. Not chocolate (they did not have ) but was delicious with a cup of coffee.
Carol, I'm with you....being around children
allows us to be a kid again...
And video games...burgertime, the Mario Boys
were big with us. While in law school, we used to play a 'prehistoric' game called 'haunted house'. The ex(Greg) who saw the UFO with me, on one new years eve we spent hours with another law school friend & his wife (they are still my good friends, not Greg though) playing that game, the lawyer still mentions that time.
Chocolate canolis are popular in New Haven
italian bakeries. Others use chocolate chips,
but the chocolates are the best....
I like cavatelli, its a twisted pasta pretty
sure made with cheese, a couple of local
restaurants have home-made recipes from mothers
of the owners...I only like marinara tomato
sause, no meat for me....
Have to leave and go do some errands before
the day gets away.
Hope to catch up later.
"Currier & Ives" picture postcard perfect!
Where are the "tiny unknown birds?" I want to see if I can identify them. What colors? At the feeder? in the trees? on the ground? Seed-eating or wood-boring for insects? Do you put up suet at your feeder?
I read that feeding birds on Christmas is a "good luck" deed in Scandanavian countries.
Are you Italian? What do you know about the "Feast of the Seven Fishes?"
I'm 1/3 Greek, 1/3 Spaniard; 1/3 Mexican-American Indian..and one third confused.
I don't know about that feast..but I have heard abut it...and it sounds interesting..
I do like Italian food a lot..specially Pizza, and Calamari. I like to eat a kinds of different foods, cos I get bored with the same ones easily...Glad that you are feeling a little better, and hope that the Holiday's are not going to be so hard on your friend that lost her husband..
I wonder if prayer doesn't exercise that part of the brain that helps us control that part of the universe that's illusion? Then both would be helped.
I don't mean that silly stop and pray and shout that so many fundamentalists do, but the very intense, soul searching prayer done in private.
I don't think you can believe in esp without thinking we either are, or one day will become one.
I have lots of birds stop by my feeders, and this year we're seeing birds we've never seen before. But the squirrels keep emptying the cupboards, and no matter what i do with the feeder they outsmart me.
I like stevia coreen. Some people don't, so they're coming out with a new version that is half and half. It's like sugar but something like 1,000 times sweeter so you don't use as much.
I bought my mother a wii this year. Games like bowling are supposed to be very popular with seniors. I got her fishing too. Wondering if she'll really use it. She normally plays a lot of solitaire which isn't doing her any good in any way. I don't play video games, so if she doesn't use it it will be a great dust collector.
I think that praying; has been handed down as a custom to ward off evil, from the very beginning of conscience..
That is why the Devil was we can get rid of what mother nature does naturally. In ancient times, the devils was blamed for any disaster that happened. The Floods, the Hurricane's the tidal waves..etc, etc...
Prayer was refined to save the soul..along the way. I think that the part of the brain that creates illusion is very different than the need to have false illusions thru prayer.....will check in on your comments tomorrow...I think that you have some very interesting thought abut the brain, and science...
You are one of the ones' that think, that we can have both, religion and science...I do too, now that we have them both..but they should not be confused, as to what they are, and what they do.
Including the real life that Jesus the Messiah had, and a Military one, just like all of the others before him. Sorry that is way of the subject....the brain is telling me to catch you later...
Had to make one last post:
Im not on my pc. I just did a refresh and the text that I had written did not disapear, so that means that the settings for the text (java?) that we all have can be changed..but I wouln't do it, until I knew what else it would effect???
I put bird seed out every day,all year, they seem to know & rely on it, only on the
ground, all are welcome to eat, birds, squirrels, raccoons at night, deer even stop
by, especially when the snow doesn't melt fast, even have a few crows, I think they know me...I will try to get a pic of the tiny birds, but most of the time the move to fast...
I did get a blurry pic of a woodpecker, & will
check to see if any pics shows the little guys.
I spread a mix of sunflower seeds, woodpecker mix that has big nuts, cracked corn & a
songmaker mix of tiny seeds. I get 7 bags (20 or 25# bags, that's all I can lift out of the
car) every couple of weeks at a local farm market that sells seeds, hay, etc for farms, horses.
Don, never heard of stevia until I saw the ad
on tv. Is it a natural sugar? Why would it
be better than just sugar....
I am half Italian & while my family did not
do the entire 7 fishes for Christmas Eve, it has always been a tradition that we eat only
fish on that night. We do serve more than one
fish choice....
In the past I have been at other Italian friends homes who did the 7 fishes, the tradition's origin is I'm pretty sure, unknown.
It is more of a southern Italian and Sicilian thing. My mother's family is from a small town
outside of Naples (I forget the name, I'll ask
my cousin) & I have friends whose families came from Sicily.
One of the common fish choices is baccala (a salted dried cod) we don't eat that, but some
make a baccala salad. My grandmother used to cook eel, & no, I never ate eel...
I will have shrimp, clams, crabmeat, calamari(squid) my aunt likes the calamari. Maybe a lobser bisque.
Much speculation about the significance of the no. 7, from the 7 sacraments, the 7 days of creation, the 7 days it took for Joseph & Mary
to go to Bethlehem,(as the story goes) the 7 hills of Rome, with no consensus.
I guess we just do it because we do....
Dang, I missed Solar. And just when he was looking for a good fight, which I'm always ready for. Everyone knows I have a 'short fuse'.
"she has been a goodie two shoes"
Hey, I've been looking for a good fight, and you won't give me one. What's with that!
Coreen, The thing with stevia is that it is better for you than the other 'artificial' sweeteners (the others can be toxic, if over used). Stevia is good when used to sweeten some things (like my fruit icy), but not as good to sweeten some other things. If you taste it directly on your taste buds, it will taste bitter (but not in some other mixtures).
The thing is, if you're not watching your calories, there's not much reason to give up sugar (unless it's affecting your health). If you do decide to try it though, see if you can get the 'Truvia' brand. They claim to use only the less bitter part of the stevia plant.
" I wonder if prayer doesn't exercise that part of the brain that helps us control that part of the universe that's illusion?"
I think so Don, in much the same way that affirmations and positive thoughts do. Especially if done in the way you said: 'intense and soul searching'. Emotion is an important part of affirmations also. If you can't convince yourself something not only can, but will, happen - then it never will.
Magnificent pics you got there Coreen. A true winter wonderland. And especially nice sitting down here with 60 degree sunny weather.
Yes, I agree you should use some of those pics to make your own Christmas cards next year.
And I had a question about one of your last pics. I think it is pic #6, the one with the cat and another creature in it. Is that thing on the right an owl statue or a little kitty with a Halloween mask? I meant to ask you the other day.
Aha! " I like solid things, like cake...carrot, zucchini, and my favorite of all is the triple chocolate cake that I get from Cost-co"
Chocolate is supposed to make you feel more loved. No wonder you never want to fight anymore!
Solar, is that quote you cited, " When you make the two one, and when you make the inner as the outer, and the outer as the inner, and the above as the below, then shall you enter (the kingdom)..." in the Bible because I remember reading it in one of the Gnostic gospels also?
Your going to have to splain it to me cuz if I need to understand it to get in upstairs, I'm trouble.
I took a magnified close look at it Carol, and I assumed it was an owl statue Carol. That cat sure was pretty.
suppose to read..I'm in trouble.
.. not was, but 'is'.
Isn't it weird that we see so many more tiny birds in the winter? I still have Cardinals but so many more little birds in the winter.
And happy winter everyone. Isn't today the winter solstice? I think it hit at noon today.
Oooh, I just found Coreen's cat peeking out in the corner of the first pic. I was looking at the wrong photo before. What a cutie. I bet her kitty is a lot warmer than she is right about then.
Maybe the tiny birds do better, when there's not so many of the big ones around. Maybe they hide more during the rest of the time, or are bullied. They are so cute.
Nice, tease me about those 60 degrees & sunny! It is going to be quite awhile before we see those, but it was sunny today, but just about
34 & windy.
I'm glad you all are enjoying a little taste
of winter & this holiday season. I can probably give you one more post of my favorite holiday things, just before Christmas.
About the 'creature' in the pic of my christmas tree on the porch, it is just a little cat statue, I think it meows when you walk by, but it scared the cats so its shut off, it is used to keep the French door ajar when any of the cats go out on the porch, but not now, since it is only 30 out there, the water in the tree stand is still frozen solid.
Around here, its either cat stuff, mice,or flying pigs....
BOO ~_~
It looks like I will be around for a cpl of day's again..schedule back to normal..I think.!
Coreen, I just got on the blog and found your wonderful pictures. What a gift you are sharing with all of us. I had to blow up each one and get the full effect. I love your little kitty in the window - how warm and toasty she must feel. All are amzing pictures. The one with the cardinals is spectacular - The black, grey and whiteness of the background with the tree limbs and then the bright redness of the cardinals. A first class picture. Thank you.
Just read about stevia. It certainly sounds
like it should have many good qualities, but as with all such things, special interests are there to undermine it.
I should be more careful about eating habits,
but so far, I don't really count calories, maybe because I don't eat that much at any one
time. Remember I'm the eat to live person, not the live to eat, your complete opposite.
Do you use Truvia? And have Coke or Pepsi been using it in their sodas as the article
suggests. I'm a Pepsi person, not a Coke (you are either one or the other) not the diet kind, the real deal, & I haven't noticed a taste difference. I also like Dr. Pepper & 7-Up. And I have to say, if someone gives me a
diet-anything drink, there is always an unpleasant aftertaste.
There is another sugar substitute, I think in a yellow pack, but can't remember what that is
called either or if it has an aftertaste.
Jan, I'm a classic Coke girl.
Can't do the diet stuff in my soda either. I do use the pink sweetener, Sacchrin, the one that causes bladder cancer in mice that drink tons of it, in my coffee. Don't like Aspertame, the one that cause MS, Lupus, Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, etc. Don't find Splenda sweet enough, not sure what the toxic effects of it are. Never heard of the new one.
"It looks like I will be around for a cpl of day's again..schedule back to normal..I think.!"
I knew you'd be back Solar. I put a witches spell on you. Hope that spell didn't get you to lose any work though. My powers are so strong, that I have to be very careful.
Carol, hmmm - I think someone else was asking about the sweetners. I don't use any of that stuff anymore. I don't trust it. Once in a blue moon I get an orange soda. I never use sweetners in tea or anything else. I don't like cokes. Even when I was a kid I drank grapeade or orangeade - anybody remember those.
Carol, this is a professional question - you are the expert on physical assessment. I had a hard time breathing last night - was coughing up a storm - so got out my stethescope and was listening to my breath sounds. I could hardly hear any - only heard pops and crackles - I forgot what that means. I did go to an Urgent Care Center here (too hard to get into seeing my doc) and the doc there said I was "close to" having pneumonia - said my lungs were wet when he listened at lower part of my back. I am now on antibiotics and they gave me a 10 minute breathing treatment at the clinic. I am breathing a little better.
Carol, so what do you think about all that? I wonder if we will be able to go on this cruise. We are supposed to leave on Friday. Wouldn't you know it, we did not get any insurance in case we can't go on the cruise. Talk about a couple of nitwits!!
I like coke too Jan (the diet). When I lived in Ca. I 'always' drank Pepsi. But here, it doesn't seem as fizzy as the coke. I thought it may be because of the humidity. (?)
Oh, it was Carol who like the coke.
Jan, I just now read how sick you are. I guess it hasn't been long enough to know if the antibiotics are working.
Do you think that dry air could be affecting you badly like it did me when I lived in the desert. I ended up getting full blown asthma, that went away as soon as I got someplace with high humidity.
I hope that everything goes well for you.!! Don't they have Dr's on the cruise?
"I knew you'd be back Solar. I put a witches spell on you."
You can put the ice-iceld( making up my own word here) broom worked.
Not all witches need brooms Solar. You of all people should know that.
But U have been telling us all; that U R an old fashion gal; so....
Old fashioned or slightly eccentric? I don't remember saying I was old fashioned.
Put that kid down, when your trying to pick a fight with me..U know that I can't argue with you thata way.
slightly eccentric Ha.! thats a good one..and remember the mulish part...and the_____part, and the ___part also.
Are you calling me a Jack Ass again Solar? Hey, we can't 'all' be perfect. So maybe I have more than my share of imperfections.
Sorry this is not working. I have mistletoe s all over the place, and Chloe keeps getting under one of em..but wait until next year the moon.!!!
Truce! Are you ready for Christmas? Are you cooking?
Ha! It's always my fault Alvin!!
Im going to see my Grand nieces and G nephews, will go with some deserts.
Ok guys, I'm laughing a little.....
But Solar, that was the Honeymooners, not
lucy/desi, but that's good too....
You two could do a stand up routine together....
With absolutely no medical background, I would
get to my own doctor asap, especially if I were
about to leave on a cruise....
Hey; I said that you were under the mistletoes..and I can't say anything giving you and M a big hug and a problem with that?
Hey, take a few pics of all the little cuties and post them for us afterward. They'll be glad to see their favorite uncle there for Christmas.
Then a week later, New Years, and out hear, we'll get to hear fireworks going off most of the night. If you have a now fireworks law in your area, be thankful. They do down in Houston, but not way up here. You think I'm usually grouchy, wait til you see me on New Years day. I'll be a mess.
"so giving you and M a big hug and kiss"
Right back atcha Solar. M is in bed already, has been for a while. But I'll deliver hers in the morning while we're watching Science Kid.
I'm sorry about putting that spell on you. I just couldn't resist.
I like them all, but when Ralph used to tell his wife Chloe..."to the Moon" that was my favorite part...
Lucy to me was different..she had the guts to do it her way...messed them all up and got Ricky to clean up the mess.....wait...wait, am I talking about Chloe here?
Naw Chloe is the cleaner upper around here.:-)
That's OK, you been hanging around that Voodoo women, and can't help your self.....mmmm wonder if Don thinks that all the pinks are a little voodooish ?
Cleaner upper??
Hate to tell you this, but I'm never the cleaner upper. I'm the one that get's myself in trouble, and needs someone else to clean up the mess.
I liked the golfer episode the best. Norton
teaching Ralph how to Address the ball....hello, ball.
Chloe, that would be Lucy......
Sid the science kid is cool...
That was my favorite episode also,,the golf one...
You can't imagine how many grown up men, say that when they are on the golf course....
Chloe= Lucy. Doe Coreen = her friend that is always laughing at her..the one that lives in the same apartment building??
"wonder if Don thinks that all the pinks are a little voodooish ?"
Na, I don't think so.
You just bring that out in us.
Coreen, Actually I'm a little more like Yosemite Sam. Jumping up and down when I'm angry.
Do you mean Ethel Mertz & her husband Fred....
Ethel is the neighbor who gets in trouble with
Solar = Alvin
Chloe, I don't know Yosemite Sam....
Yes, I knew who they were,,but I always like the guessing game..just in case that I have to back out...gracefully...:-) didn't know if you would like me calling you Ethel..I know that there is no resemblance ....
Just another cartoon character Coreen. I'm not like him, except for the temper part.
if i were compared to a tv character, it would be murphy brown, not good at close personal
relationships...they always go wrong....
"just in case that I have to back out...gracefully...:-"
... bet you back out of a lot of rooms, huh Solar? :)
Murphy Brown's a good one Coreen. That program was much more my type of humor. I don't go for the slapstick as much.
there you go again...Solar you left yourself
wide open for that one & Chloe gotcha....
How did this conversation start anyway? Doubt if we can attract many lurker out there....hey if they don't like it..they can tell us...who the hell do they think they are have something to say...say it to Yosamities face..she will back it all up....
"they always go wrong.."
It's never to late for things to change Coreen. You have to be careful about having too many pre-conceived ideas about things. I can't imagine you not being good in a relationship. You've got so much to offer.
".she will back it all up...."
LMAO Solar. I'll just slap 'em, like I do you.
Yeah, I have to give Chloe a shot at me now and then..about Murphy Brown..she was really tender, but noone knew how to tap into I would have done it with a sledge hammer...she was one of the best,,,if not the best
... now you've got me giggling. Oh no..
"Yeah, I have to give Chloe a shot at me now and then"
Ha! That's a laugh. As if you have a choice!!
Too demanding, too controling, too spoiled, too smart, just for starters....shall I continue...
"Too demanding, too controling, too spoiled, too smart, just for starters...."
MG, I'd swear you were talking about me!!
You just described me perfectly Coreen! Ha! I can't believe it.
"LMAO Solar. I'll just slap 'em, like I do you"
I love it when you talk like that...where are the whips...sorry I came back now huh? that was funny..hahaa
Oh, except for the too smart. But I am controlling, spoiled and used to getting my way. Just don't tell Solar that.
That explains it then....kindred spirits....
"I love it when you talk like that...where are the whips"
Ha! I don't need no whips. Just boots.
Coreen, Chloe, tell me something that I don't just described the perfect women....Wanna Dance?
Coreen, lots of people used to call me Murphy Brown. I couldn't see it but many thought I was just like her.
Jan, do you have a regular Doc of your own? I think you need to see someone more tuned into to you than what you sometimes find at the Doc in the Box.
It does sound like pneumonia but was it secondary to the flu or your chronic allergies and being run down. What antibiotic are you taking??
Take it easy and see how you are doing. Do you have to fly or are you driving to the take off point? A cruise can be relaxing, just don't plan on overdoing it.
There are men out there just looking for those traits Coreen. Ask Solar.
Oh, I just saw his post. The perfect woman. LOL.
See what I mean Coreen. It turns him on.
"lots of people used to call me Murphy Brown."
I've never been called Murphy Brown, but I've been called a bossy bitch. Does that count?
Carol, again kinded spirits, may account for how we all managed to gather here.
What do you call it, synchronicity...
And my friends called me 'murph' when that show
was popular too.
"Do you have to fly or are you driving to the take off point? "
I didn't think about that Carol. She wouldn't want to get on a plane.
You didn't mention having a chest xray Jan. It would be nice to have one. See exactly what you are dealing with. There are other causes for the pops and crackles.
Murphy Brown had something that most women don't have....wanna know?....
Carol, Are the pops and crackles mucous?
... tell us Solar.
If you say what i'm thinking you are thinking......
Your thinking, that im thinking, balls,,but no, thats not it
Sorry was going to say guts..but that wouldn't describe her...
She was one of the guys...she fit in with the
guys no matter what....
Chloe, usually fluid of some kind.
She was, Intelligent, consistent, Funny, and you always knew where you stood with her...that is attractive to some men that aren't intimidated by such women...but she was a fictional character.....wasn't she???
Now im going to dream, dreams of the Murphy twins.....
I hope that you get this all resolved..can you postpone it for one week and do it for New Years celebrations??
Chloe and Solar, I am LOL and it does not sound good. You are both too much. Chloe, I am trying to picture you as Yosemite Sam.
Solar, what cartoon character would you identify with?
Carol, It is almost impossible to see your own doc here - mine is a faculty at UNM and only works 25% time in practice. I think this one I saw today is pretty good- he spent more than 10 minutes with me (usual time). I think this has been brewing for some time. I have not really recovered from the other 2 colds I had - so I think stuff has been accumulating.
Chloe, John has developed asthma since we have been here - he was used to Ark which has pretty high humidity. We may just have to move when I retire.
We are flying to LA on C-mas day. I really want to get on that boat - and they do have docs on the boat. If we get into trouble, John's S-I-L is Part of the Consulate in Mexico- stationed in Tiajuana.
Carol, The more I think about it, the more I'm worried about Jan.
Jan, please let us know how you're doing. And go see a doctor you know you can trust. My experience with doctors has been that you don't get anything you don't ask for. It came as a shock to me. But the other side of that is that you get anything you 'do' ask for.
Carol, once you said to think of a doctor as more of a consultant. And I always think of it that way, since you said that. It's our job to demand what we think we need, and they usually agree with us.
My mom developed asthma at around 60. I'm quite sure hers was the result of reflux. She loved to eat and drink milk before going to bed and she ate lunch and took a nap every day. I think she was aspirating her stomach contents.
Some coughing at night is the result of reflux. I'm not saying that is what Jan's problem is. Her's more likely secondary to allergies or flu.
"We may just have to move when I retire."
Jan, It won't take you long to figure out if the humidity helps you both. Like I said, I was immediately better when I got here.
Also, you've been under a tremendous amount of stress. You lost your friend, it's the end of the semester and you've go a retirement coming up. I think you need to get on that boat also. You need to get away from it all, and regroup your thinking.
My favorite female character on TV was Elaine on Seinfeld. She was funny and sometimes a little goofy - especially dancing. I loved her wit.
I think Lucy fit the times she lived in. In that era women were expected to ask their husbands if they could buy something or do something or go somewhere - so women had to "finagle" whatever they wanted. Finagle is the word I heard my mother use - prob misspelled.
Yes, and Jan mentioned to me a while back that they did have problems relating to the dry climate. I had major problems in the desert, and never felt really good. I don't know if their problems are the same, but it's worth considering and testing it out.
Carol, I do have reflux so I take all the necessary precautions with that - eat small amounts, never lie down until 2 hrs after eating, etc. I think this is a secondary infection - and has probably been around for a while.
Carol, I think John's asthma is result of reflux. He realized it too and now takes Prilosec every day but also uses inhalers every day too. He has also cut out a lot of food and has lost 20 lbs. It helped some.
Did you get a chest x-ray?
And what antibiotic?
Jan, I had reflux, but a year or so ago, I started taking 150 mg. Zantac in the morning and night (per doctors instructions) and I have no problems since.
Chloe, I don't want you to worry. If this is not better by Thurs I am going back and demand an X-ray.
Losing weight always helps everything Jan, so I'm not surprised it helped John.
Carol, I got a Z-pack. Do you think that is enough?
Why wait Jan. Go tomorrow. Take control.
"I had major problems in the desert, and never felt really good"
Chloe, makes me wonder if we should not get too far from a climate we grew up in. Did you grow up in a humid climate. Interesting that you had no more problems when you left the desert.
Carol, I did not get an X-ray. Now I wonder if I should have asked for one?
I don't think chest congestion would be affected by a plane, would it? Pretty painful if your sinuses are blocked though. Hope you get feeling better. Would prayers help?
My favorite comedy team, William Powell and Myrna Loy in the Thin Man series. That's what you two sound like to me.
Looks like I might have an interview in Tampa coming up. It'll be me and a few dozen cats in and old garden like Peter Ustinov in Logan's Run. As serious as I sound here, that's me in real life, a silly old man.
Carol & Chloe, thanks for all your great recommendations. I am going to see how this all goes tomorrow and wed.
Don, I never turn down a prayer.
Sounds like a very interesting job in Tampa. Let us know how that goes.
Jan, I grew up in California. Just not the desert part. I wish I'd known to move to a more humid climate years earlier. I always had allergies, all my life. But rarely since we move here.
"William Powell and Myrna Loy in the Thin Man series."
Don, I loved that series! And they were equals.
Good luck on that interview Don.
I grew up in Colorado, which was very dry. I didn't even know I had allergies until I moved across the street from citrus groves in Turkey. I'm horribly allergic to them, though I love the smell while I can. I've had a navel orange tree in my back yard, and really miss that tree ripened sweetness this time of year.
I hate to be more than 100 miles from a coast now. I had a humidifier running all the time I was in Phoenix. Wonder if a humidifier with some eucalyptus would help?
Don't wait until it's time to leave to check it out Jan. I would probably choose a bigger gun than a Z pack.
About time that you showed up.! Watch out, they are a little _____y tonight.!!
Night everyone.
... not nice Solar.
How would you like it if I called you a ______d.
funny, quirky, silly, squiggly?
Squiggly? A very nice word. Cute.
But it is one of the listed antibiotics of choice Jan.
feisty, funny...all of the good y's
What are you interviewing for Don?
oh, one last thing:
Coreen, I hope you have those other pictures you were talking about handy. This thread is going fast!
A nerd?
Feisty. Good 'save' Solar. I like that one :)
I'd never call you a nerd Solar.
'Course, I'd never call you a ______d either. Remember that.
Glad that you and M laughed a little tonight...
Don, hope the interview goes your way, didn't you say you wanted to head to sunny Florida
for awhile.
Love the thin man series, but still see lucy/desi team....
Nite Chloe. I could put up some pics of the
little birds I found, maybe you & Ivy can
figure out what they are.
But tomorrow's another day.
I would never say bitchy ( don't talk like that) about anyone here..that would be too dumb of me..but there are a lot of words that end with Y that i like..
Oooh, yes Coreen. But Carol is the good one with naming birds, as well as Ivy. But I love the pictures, whether I know what they're called or not. Sounds like a good one.
And Solar & Chloe....a standing ovation for
letting us all smile a bit tonite....
Hey Coreen, I have my National Geographic Field Guide to the Birds of North America handy also.
I don't think that I ever saw the thin man series...
web sites Carol. That's what I do. I used to work on the boxes that connected the Interne, but there were only about 5 cities in the US where I could find work. Everybody wants a web site now.
I want to get down to Crystal Cove this year and swim with the manatees. I'd like to get some photos, they're wonderful creatures.
"there are a lot of words that end with Y that i like.."
I'll buy that. (I sure do talk a lot when I'm not here. Now I mean it.
Thanks for posting those beautiful pictures of your place with all the snow. I hope one of these days I can spend a Christmas where it's white.
I can't believe all the birds that are around in all that cold. Thank goodness they have someone like you who feeds them.
Coreen, You had something to do with it also..and I was being serious...You wanted funny? next time...
You could come over here Don and swim with something. Still don't know what "IT" is yet. Might be a manatee or.....
"Glad that you and M laughed a little tonight..."
Not a little - a lot.
Is that thin man series something from way back?
Yes, Carol, maybe from the 40's, B&W movies
about a sophisticated couple, the husband is
a detective Nick & Nora Charles, and you would
just love Asta, their dog, but I forgot what
kind he was...
I'm wondering if it's not a large bird Carol. Herons and other big birds can hit the water really hard.
Way back. TCM back. But I love the patter in the script, they're wonderful together.
Like way back and did it have Peter Lawford in it?
wire-hair fox terrier.
I'm impressed you remembered his name Coreen. Asta even has his own imdb page. I see he was in a Topper movie too.
They just don't write scripts like that any more.
I love the old B&W movies. And the thin man
series was always a fav.
Topper, you may confuse everyone. ghosts
george & marion kirby drive topper crazy on a regular basis, not the tv series.....
My no.1 all time favorite movie, the one & only
Am working on a new thread with some not so
clear bird pics.. be back soon
I'm watching a little excerpt from the Thin Man over at Youtube. It was a very long time ago and I was only about 9 unless I saw it later as a rerun, but I do remember that series. Wiki says it ran from 1957-1959.
The Thin Man is a movie from 1934 Carol. Topper is a movie with Cary Grant, and is from 1937.
I've never heard of a Topper tv series.
I see that the series you guys are talking about was way, way back.
I see Don. I went to Amazon and checked it out.
I did the same thing....I remember them...the thin man series...the ones that I liked were the Mickey Rooney ones ( one of them) when he was a school goof...he just cracked me up,always tried to impress the pinks...some things don't change...
Ok, I put up a new post with pics of the birds,
you will have to look close, since they are
all taken from far away.
But the little ones are in there.
Come on over everybody....Times are changing...
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