What a wonderful day. We got off about 7:30 this morning. The boat cranked right up but as soon as I gave it a little throttle, it died. We were drifting down the river, dead in the water. Normally this would be the time when I would get really nervous but I had a feeling everything would turn out fine. I worked with the motor for a while and finally got it running again. Must have had some moisture in the line. That's what I get for not running it for several weeks.
As soon as we were up and running again we headed for a few places I wanted to try out. I don't have any recent experience with white perch fishing so today was just going to be a learning day. If we didn't catch any fish it wouldn't be a total waste because it was an absolutely gorgeous day. Even had to start out with a light jacket and that is rare here in early Sep
Susan, my fishing partner, is from Long Island, New York. She is one of the nurses who works at the jail. She hasn't done much fishing but she loves it. It was even her idea that I take off today so we could go.
We tried a few spots that I thought might be good and had no luck. About an hour after we were out, my river rat neighbor called to check on us because he heard from one of our other neighbors that I was having some problems with the motor. I told him everything was OK. He told us a friend of his was catching white perch rig
ht across the river from my camp but had to leave because he ran out of minnows. We headed back toward that area.
We fished for several hours in that little honey hole and pulled in quite a few. Since I haven't fished for white perch in years, I forgot how tricky they are to catch. The bobber would barely move and there would be a fish on the line. And you have to pull it in quick before it got away. We lost more than we caught. All in all we had a pretty good day but I need another day off tomorrow to rest up from it.
Susan took the fish home for her husband to clean. That makes it a perfect day.
Nice catch Carol. Looks like you had fun.
Carol, Thanks for sending me that invitation again. Now that I signed in using my google id, and accepted the invitation, I have a 'new post' at the top of the page. I wasn't seeing it before, because I needed to accept the invitation first.
Hey Chloe, when you want to post just start by clicking on Pew post and follow the directions. I have to grope my way through it each time. It just takes doing it a few times and it gets easier.
One thing that I don't like is that I can't copy and paste. I tried writing on MS Word so I could edit and then paste it to the post. It wouldn't let me paste. If you figure out a way to do it, let me know.
that is suppose to be New Post. My hands are tired from all that fishing, then had to come home and do chores. I'm pooped.
I enjoyed all your comments today. Ivy, we have many mentally ill people in jail and their crimes are due to their mental illness. Jail is not a good place to treat mental illness.
Carol,I don't know how it works for the blog, but I tried cutting and pasting in the comments down here, and it didn't work either. A lot of times I'll keep notepad open and type onto it, while I'm looking at the post I commenting on.
I got around it by typing one letter in the comment box, then hit preview, then hit edit after you get to preview. Erase that letter and then I can copy and paste what I have written. That make work where you put the daily blog also.
I will try that. Thanks Chloe. Once I tried to do something different and lost everything.
I still have to hit post comment several times before it goes thru. Anyone wanting to comment must be careful because if you don't check to see if your comment went thru and refresh, you may lose it.
Did Ivy see if her spider web pic came out?
Carol, If you may lose it, then that's all the more reason to have it written on word or word pad first. I'd hate to have to start over (and probably wouldn't, too frustrating).
I was hoping she got that picture. I was never here at the same time as Ivy today. I appreciated her filling me in on the mentally ill/prisoner explanation, and should have told her I did.
Ivy, If you're around, I wanted to tell you also that there are no worries getting a google id (it's not like facebook, which I think is safe too though). I think they require an 8 letter password, if I remember correctly, so the main thing is to make sure you remember your login and pw.
Once you get there, you click on Carols link on the invitation she sent us, and it will ask you to sign into google, and then to accept the invitation. After that, you can hit post then, and/or there is a post at the top of Carols blog whenever you sign in, and you can post from there. It's on the top, on the right side, and says 'new post'.
Thanks ya'll for the snipe pic. I'll keep my eyes peeled for one. Did it mention if they like pickle relish? Maybe if I would have just stuck with it I would have caught one.
Well, I am going to try this again. Had written a comment before and then I got "kicked" off. Looks like you had fun. Glad you got your boat going this morn. I guess those are white perch - I don't know what white perch look like. I just remember they are really good coated with corn flour and fried.
Ivy is right about the mentally ill. She sounds like she knows a lot more about it than I do.
I do my best to take care of them. We have one mental health professional on our staff. The pastoral service helps out a lot. We do have a Psychiatrist who comes every two weeks and see the more severely ill inmates.
When the inmate, who is mentally ill, serves his/her time, they go back to the streets and it starts all over. It's a very sad situation.
Some communities now have this thing called mental health court. The court tries to intervene with other options before they go to jail. Our community is working on developing this.
Hi Jan. These contraptions can be a little complicated for those of us who had to use slide rules to calculate things when we were young. I didn't know how to use one of those either.
White perch are also called crappie.
The river seems to be healthier than it has ever been. The fishing has been really good. Rita did a real number on it. It killed just about all fish in this area and for a good ways up north of here. It took a long time for the fish to come back but they did and are better than ever.
What surprised me is that even though we had a bigger salt water surge last year with one of those hurricanes that hit Galveston, it didn't do much damage to the river.
Carol, I never thought about how hurricanes and (I imagine) other things, as well, affect your river. Glad to hear it's getting healthier. Glad to see Jan made her way back here too.
I'm tired. Will come back and catch up tomorrow.
I think I'm a google now. Progress? I have to sit with it a bit.
I like that commercial with the guy who says, "We put the NO in innovation."
Ivy, you did it? Got your google sign in?
As far as dealing with mental patients, I spent 25 years working in Human Resources. Only difference was I didn't get to wear the white coat.
Yes, these are google posts. Before, I was using openid.
No white coat, but I did wear a pin that said, "Let's put the 'Fun' back in Dysfunctional."
That's a good one Ivy.
Just got a brainstorm to go out and see if the spider was working again, and she IS! The web is about 24 inches in diameter...she starts on the perimeter and works her way to the inside... a work in progress.
I'm assuming it's a "she..."
...I'm not making any sexist jokes or comments, tempted as I am.
Do you think that is part of a spider work out program? Seems like a lot of work having to do it and undo it every day. Did you look at your pic yet.
I guess she doesn't have to worry about losing her girly figure eating what she catches every night.
Two pix came out okay. I will see if I can post them, or maybe e-mail them to you and you can post them.
I sent my spider pix off to my friend "The Girl Scientist and Naturalist" (aka, She-Who-Lives-With-Bears). If anybody can tell me about "Charlotte" and her web, it's her.
I think Charlotte is here to teach me something about perseverance.
In the meantime, I will experiment with linking a wiki under this new-fangled googly identity. Openid didn't let me do that...
I still don't see it as a hyper-link...does it require a copy-cut-and-paste maneuver?
That did work, so I guess that's the ticket.
she who walks with bears...I love scientist. get her to talk to us here at the swamp; please. I have a little piece to go up after yours Ivy, but don't want anyone to laugh....
Carol, Where are you?
You must really be tired.
Solar, We won't laugh. Put it up.... I'm not sure Ivy is ready yet.
Solar --
You go for it. I'm waiting for more information. So far, Bear Woman is silent.
I keep checking outside to see if Charlotte has begun her nightly task. Nothing yet. Maybe it wasn't a good fishing hole for her, and she's moved on...
Evening folkes. The weather has been so nice I just can't come inside. Looks like we have some rain coming though.
I'm getting excited about some posts coming. Can't wait.
Have you identified your spider yet Ivy?
I was perusing the Trail to see if ya'll solved any of the world's problems yet.
Solar, accept the invite I sent and just grope your way through it. You'll figure it out. I did.
After you have posted once, I think, you don't need the invite anymore. Just go up to the upper right and look for New Post. Click on it and it will give you a comment box. Write your post in that box. You can add a pic by clicking on that pic symbol and downloading from wherever. .
I went over to Doot's blog and invited him over to see what La fishing is all about.
All the way to where is says follow the blog, etc. or where it says archives?
Start Solar by accepting the invite and it takes you to a post page. You can post from that page. Once you have posted, I think you should see New Post at the top right of the page where it says sign out.
Dodn't you recieve an invite in your email?
that was suppose to be..didn't
Do you want me to come over and show you?
On my upper right is say's...banner,or sign in,or flag blog, Below that it had seven friends....
How long would it take for me to get there? About 14 hours or so?
I think you have to accept the invite first and post first and then you will get that option at the top. I get one when I go to C-Bob's blog because I have posted there before.
Chloe has accepted the invite. We'll ask her if she has New Post as an option at the top right of the page.
Don't worry, Solar. We all went through this process. Nobody said it would be easy. If they did, they lied.
Ivy has also because they are both listed as authors. Ivy, do you have New Post as an option at the top of your page?
send over an invite...all i did was to break in on your blog, just in case i didn't get one...then i just used my google acct.
I got "New Post" ...after I went through the hazing ritual.
I will send you another invite Solar.
Im not listed as an author...
Another invite is in the mail Solar. I think they add you to the author list when you accept. Is that what happens, Chloe, Ivy?
In addition, I just noticed I have a little trash can after the date stamp on my comments. I think that wasn't there before...do you all have trash cans, and is it just after your own posts?
I'm going to try to dump my trash...hubs says I am a fanatic about that...drives him nuts.
Once it's dumped, it's dumped. Won't be the first time I've accidentally thrown out something irreplaceable.
Ivy, I like that trash can. it delets your post, if you want it to: wish we had one over at tm.,,,I put out a lot of trash....
Only Craig controls the trash at TM.
Carol, I never got an invite in the first place. I clicked in here from tm. booked it and started to post, from my google acct. and if you just sent one, I didn't receive one.
Solar, Click on the link of the email Carol sends you, where it says to accept invite. Once you do that, it'll take you to the site and ask you to log into your google account. After that, it will ask you to officially accept the invitation. Once you accept it, you will be in like flint. It'll ask you if you want to post. After that, you won't need the invitation anymore (must be lifetime) and whenever you come over here from then on, they'll be a 'new post' on the upper right hand corner of your page, right before sing out.
You'll be able to upload your photos much like you do on facebook.
still no invite, Carol doesn't want me...
Solar, I just sent you an invite thru this blogger.
It will come from the Blogger not me.
What did you delete Ivy?
Actually, Carols invitation will say, To contribute to the blog, visit: and it will give you a hyperlink to click on.
After you click on that, it will have you click: Accept invitation.
Log into google right above the "accept invitation' , then click on it.
Then it will take you to a blue New Post that you click on.
Once you click on that, it's pretty self explanatory.
The only thing that may be tricky is copying the post you've written and pasting it.
Why don't you want me?
what did I do?
Did you check your email Solar?
U wanna hear a dirty joke first-thats what it is huh....
I do want you Solar. I sent you several invites.
I deleted just the word "trash."
No jokes until I get the invite, and then only semi dirty....ok im done....but why don't U want me?
Carol, It does come from you. It has your name in the sender spot.
nothing yet
Can you see me here Solar? I feel like I'm talking to myself here. Hello, hello, hello
LOL Carol.
Solar, relog back into your email
I just sent it again. It said an invite has been resent to Solarcrete.
Charlotte has not come tonight. I miss her. Another part of the lesson she was sent to teach me?
Well I guess that lets me off you fishing hooook haha
Whew! For a minute I thought I was in the twilight zone.
Earth calling Solar.....Earth calling Solar.
Do you read me.
Are you pulling our collective legs Solar. Bet ya are.
Nothing, Chlo, U try and send me the link that Carol sent you...that should work.
This is the twilight zone Carol.
It must be, every time I come here, I get dizzy.
Carol, I might kid around some times, but not at anyones expense...nothing
LOL Solar!
Carol has to send it. You've got me laughing so hard here. Are you drinking?
Who does it come from Chloe. It will not be my email address. It will be from the Blog so don't look for my email address.
Carol, It has your name in the 'from' column. It says it's from you, until you open the email, then it has all the info.
Solar, log back into your email. When she resent mine the other day, it got there immediately.
Ivy, Did you say that there is no web tonight?
I sent it twice Solar.
Carol, I just sent you the copy of the invitation you sent me, so you can see what it is we are receiving. You can click through the steps on it, in case anyone new needs your help. You'll have a better idea what they're asking you.
Again, The original says from 'Carol' in our inbox.
One problem Solar's going to have, is pasting it if he's already typed it up. The problem you were talking about the other day.
I got it Chloe. I didn't remember what it looked like since it has been a while since I was sent one from C-Bob.
You can copy and paste in the comment box but I haven't figured out how to do it in the Post box.
And they don't highlight a website address so you can just click on it.
can anyone see me?
Yes I can Solar. And you have on your Star Trek underwear again.
Now I know this is the twilight zone. The other day I couldn't copy and past in the comments, but now I can. weird.
I don't know what your last post means. Theres a hyperlink that you click on, on the invitation, that takes you to where you need to be to post on your site.
Did you get the invitation Solar?
No, I have on my winkle jammies, and further more, i do kid around, but not like that. I have not received any mail
No forward the link that Carol sent you. that should work, Carol dbl check my e-mail address. solarcreteatcomcast.net
Solar, I just forwarded the invitation Carol sent me to your email address. Maybe your email site is slow tonight. That happens. Let us know if you get it.
My blog said that it resent the invitation. It will come. A friend sent me an email yesterday but I didn't get it until today. It may be your email that is having problems or maybe it is in spam mail. Check in your spam mail.
Ok, I just received it from Chlo. Now i will follow the steps.
Check your spam mail. Maybe it put it there.
I just checked the email address I had in there and it was correct. I think your email is rejecting it or putting it somewhere else.
Carol, If your friend sent you an email yesterday, and you got it today, then it's your email that slow. Sometimes these sites do that.
Sometimes Carols mail goes into my junk mail folder.
Hey Solar,
Once you figure this all out, upload us a photo of you in your winkle jammies. Ok?
I wonder if it will let Solar accept your invitation. I think his will come if it hasn't already gone into some other folder.
I want to see those jammies too.
Yeah Carol. That's what I was thinking. He can upload the picture, and write a blog about those pajamas.
That's what I was thinking. It may not let him accept it from my copy.
I just got an email from my friend Linda and she has finally figured out how to read the comments.
Hi Linda.
Get your minds outaaa the gutter, I just made my post NEW THREAD. Ha!
hope that you like it cos that's all i have to say.
MG Carol, Linda's going to think we're crazy, if she's reading this tonight.
Anything can happen with these crazy machines...I'm still having problems even though my computer is supposed to be fixed...
I'm going to turn it off and not tempt fate by turning in early. I need to get back to my book "No Ordinary Time." A real page-turner...can't wait to find out what Fala will get up to next.
No, Chloe. No sign of Charlotte tonight. She's taking the night off I suppose.
one more time, can you see me?
She already knows I am Chloe and she is OK with it.
I am now a contributor, what is this a church?
I am getting dizzy from reading all the posts. I have no idea what I am doing.Do all of you live together? How can you tell if someone has on star trek underwear?
Ivy, maybe Charlotte knows it's going to rain or something. The critters know more than what we do.
I saw you Solar and posted a comment. Didn't
Blog secret Jan
You noticed I was wrong. My ESPN is not working tonight.
They moved to the next blog post Jan. Refresh the blog again and it will bring up Solar's practice run getting ready to make his first post.
If you stay here you will officially be snipe hunting.
Hi Jan, This was an unusually goofy night. No wonder your dizzy, I am too.
We've all three been blogging together on Trail Mix for over a year now, so we know each other pretty well. We all live in different states though.
Stick around, sometimes it makes more sense here.
It's easy to get lost in cyberspace on the Net.
Carol, You can't just refresh, or it keeps you on this one. You need to go back to the original link that got you here in the first place (mines bookmarked).
Solar needs to give us a little more to write about, than just 'I'm here now'.
That's right Carol. And cyberspace has no gravity. Does everyone have on their space suit and gravity boots?
They moved to Solar's post Chloe so Jan must have figured it out. You are now snipe hunting.
just go to the bottom of the page and hit home, to get you back to the latest post, is all
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