John and I take a lot of road trips. I enjoy scoping out the passing cars license plates to see what states they are from. Whenever we cross a state line we sing a song for the state we are entering. For Texas, it is "The eyes of Texas which BTW is UT Austin's school song - hook em horns. When entering OK - of course we sing the song from the Broadway musical and Movie "Oklahoma" and so on. We sang the Tennessee Waltz for Tenn and we had one for NC too - just can't remember it. I decided to take pics of the state signs as we entered. I missed a few - but got Tenn. Ark. and NM. Also a pic of CeCe.
Friday, June 17, 2011
Road Trip June 2011
John and I take a lot of road trips. I enjoy scoping out the passing cars license plates to see what states they are from. Whenever we cross a state line we sing a song for the state we are entering. For Texas, it is "The eyes of Texas which BTW is UT Austin's school song - hook em horns. When entering OK - of course we sing the song from the Broadway musical and Movie "Oklahoma" and so on. We sang the Tennessee Waltz for Tenn and we had one for NC too - just can't remember it. I decided to take pics of the state signs as we entered. I missed a few - but got Tenn. Ark. and NM. Also a pic of CeCe.
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I had to get in the lic plate that we saw in NC at the Dream Conference. I want one of those. I cropped the pic of CeCe - the room was pretty messy.
The Ark sign is coming over the bridge from Memphis.
The great thing about this trip is that is I 40 almost all the way.
Great pics Jan. I fell asleep waiting for your pics last night and...again..left Lappy on all night. Last time I did that she was infected the next morning. Good thing she's OK this morning.
Little CeCe is very darling. How old did you say she was? She looks pretty settled.
I haven't been talking about SF lately but it isn't because no news is good news. I just just couldn't even write about it anymore..too distressful.
I told ya'll that SF was moved to the memory ward at the AL facility.. it is a locked unit because in the evenings and sometimes during the day..he was getting confused and several times they said they found him wondering close to the road. I never saw any of that. He was sent out to this hospital 40 miles down the road..three times.. because of that behavior.
After he got to the memory got worse..he turned violent. He waited until someone went thru the locked door on the unit and then he charged it.He's a strong guy. I was there one Saturday visiting when that happened or I'm not sure I would have believed it. He seemed to actually get pleasure from his behavior.
The AL place was very fancy and there were lots of things provided for entertainment but SF has no interests except flirting and causing trouble. Neither were included in that entertainment.
Some of the other peeps in SF's life were telling him that they would rescue him but I would have them arrested. I was the bad guy.
You guys know that I rescued SF from the mental unit of another hospital last summer and tried to set up things at his home for him. And you know that didn't work out. I was being called all day at work with crises. Finally I set up things to get him into AL but that didn't work out. I was still getting called all day with crises but at least I knew that his physical well being was being managed even if that was because they had to send him back to the hospital over and over.
He was back in the hospital again and up until this week I had the understanding that his Doc said that the only option was to send him home. I told them that that wasn't an option. It would be more expensive than he can afford and no one there would be able to control him either. I told them that I couldn't be involved in that again..count me out!
I finally heard from the attorney late last week that they moved up his interdiction hearing to Tuesday. Three attorneys did get together and after investigating the facts..they decided that keeping him at home would cost over 10 grand and his safety couldn't be assured. Only thing is...where can his safety be assured???
I have old people in my joint with similar problems. My nightmare is.. that might end up happening with SF if he choses to continue his behavior. Then he's not only in an awful environment for an old person...he's back in my lap.
Can he control his behavior?? On one of his mini mental exams..that's a psych tests of memory and other mental activities..they said he passed 100%. What does that mean??
I've been thinking back alot lately and SF always worked...sun up to sun down. He never had any down time or real interests besides work and going to church. He worked..ate..and went to bed. Went to church most mornings and on Saturday or Sunday..religiously. He only took off from work for short periods.. for a surgery of some kind and then he was back to work before most people would return to work after surgery.
Years ago..shortly after I first met SF..he told me that "idol time is the devil's workshop". I just thought that he had a very strong work ethic. I just remembered that again this morning. There have been some issues over the years and they did come up when he was in his limited down time.
It was when SF physically couldn't work any longer that things really started to deterioate. He also couldn't get to church much.
I haven't seen SF in about two weeks now. It seemed to me that his behavior got worse when I came around. I am going to the hospital today to see him. I want to talk with him before that hearing. I don't know what I am going to say.
That might be one reason that I have become so obsessed with the Anthony case. I've always found that thinking about someone else's nightmare was preferable to thinking about my own.
Sorry to hear that your difficulties with SF
Is the hearing to determine that he does need
continuing institutional care...
Question...the violent behavior that he or don't they
use sedating medications to keep patients
subdued when they are violent...
Jan, the puppy is adorable...
The road trip pics...what I find interesting
in all of them...there is so little traffic
on the mentioned they were I40, which I suspect is an interstate highway...were
you traveling early in the a.m. when traffic
hadn't started...
Believe me in the northeast, I can not imagine any time of the day when the highways
are not filled with traffic...
Like it or not America lives by its system of roads...& because of it, the issues of energy
in particular fuel to keep Americans moving...has no practical remedy in the forseeable future...
And all those cars/vehicles...mostly are occupied by one person...
Coreen, this AL facility assured me that there was nothing except tubing feeding that they couldn't do for SF at their facility, that could be done at a nursing home. I even asked about if they could care for him if he broke a hip and they said "yes".
The two women who I dealt with at that facilty were very misleading. Now I have come to realize that they just wanted to fill a room and get the money. I just let them know last week how dissatisfied I was with them.
Recently I tried to call the manager there on several occasions. She wasn't there and did not return any of my calls. SF wasn't there at the time. Of course he was paying for the room. He's spent almost as much time in the hospital as he has spent there.
I did call..right after he acted out that weekend when I visited. I asked about their being able to give him some sort of sedation. I even talked with the nurse, who used to work there and who now works at the hospital where he is now. She told me that they have no one to give prn (as needed) meds. They had to have the doc call a pharmacy for a med, then have the pharmacy deliver it to give it. That's when I first realized that they couldn't do what nursing homes can do.
He will need a facility that can give medications to help manage his behavior. That is our only hope..that he can be chemically managed and that will still require some cooperation on his part.
SF's nephew called the other day to tell me that he went to the AL facility at about 7p, thinking SF was there, not sure if he was or not, and he couldn't find a single soul in the place to ask for help. He rang the bell at the locked unit and no one came to answer it. He finally left and documented that on the sign out sheet.
Now, back to my distraction. Jose Biaz just got in trouble for trying to pull a fast one on the prosecution. He's facing possible contempt.
I've been feeling for a while that Jose may also be a sociopath. It would probably help when someone has to defend a person who is obviously guilty.
I'll just bet Nancy Grace is having the big "O" over this incident. I'd like to be a fly on her wall right now.
I think all this forensic testimony seems to be a lot of smoke and mirrors. The flies, maggots, etc to me is kinda a moot point.
Also I think these forensic experts seem to be decreasing the credibility of their science with this circus action.
Yesterday, the defense had on a bug expert who conducted an experiment in Nebraska where he put a pig in a trunk and let it decompose. This was done in the fall in Nebraska, not in the summer in Florida.
The prosecution, after pointing out the many inconsistancies with the environment involved with this case, asked the witness if he put that pig in a blanket?? It was one moment of levity sandwiched in horrible situation.
Coreen, if Jose's actions result in a mistrial for this very expensive trial, could he lose his license to practice law?? I feel certain he would face contempt charges.
This trial has become so riveting that I can't even leave my TV to go do my chores. Well, my washer/dryer and Walmart ain't going anywhere and they are all open all night.
Carol, what a lot you have to deal with for SF. What would happen if you were not there?
CeCe is about 3 years old, I think. They have had her 2 years and I think she was 1 year when they got her. She is well-loved. She sleeps with Terry and his wife. I have her in a bed in the bathroom with her water. She can't sleep in our bedroom. I am concerned John's asthma would start up again. we both are having more allergy attacks with her here.
It is most interesting the public interest in the case. I saw on tv the fight people got into trying to get seats in the trial. OMG that was a show in itself.
Coreen, there is not nearly as much traffic in Ark. , OK and Texas. There was huge traffic in Tennessee and the western end of NC. The one pic of Tennessee was unusual. Of course there was a lot more traffic when we were going through Nashville and Knoxville.
John remarked on the way back "I am appreciating the west more because there is so much less traffic."
We have lots more truck traffic in the west than individual car traffic - on the interstates.
Jan, I don't know. For the last week, I have not called the hospital to check on SF. I did call the AL facility a couple of days ago and couldn't reach either of the women I referred to earlier.
I did talk with SF's nephew who will be taking the role as curator of SF after he is interdicted and to the lawyer who called about the hearing next week. I was available for anyone who would call me but I didn't initiate any calls. I just had to take a break.
SF's nephew was expecting me to continue to deal with everything except the business end of SF's care. I told him that under these circumstances I couldn't continue to do that. SF's nephew was only making business decisions. I don't have the expertise to make those business decisions and don't have any more emotional capacity to continue making all the other decisions when what they were recommending for his care was something that I felt would be a total disaster.
I have a limited capacity to deal with crises/turmoil and that is all used up by my job. Now if we can find a suitable safe place for SF, I will continue to help making decisions. I will be appointed the under curator. I don't think that gives me any decision making rights but I can monitor what goes on.
I just bet that every prosecutor and defense attorney in this country and others who deal with murder are fixated on this trial.
This prosecutor, Jeff Ashton, is hot shot.
This pathologist, who has quite an impressive reputation re his credentials, is making a total fool of himself. Now he's actually accusing someone in the medical examiners office or somewhere else of tampering with evidence.
This guy couldn't even remember all the TV appearances he made regarding this case. Couldn't recall being on national TV. I think he needs to have a mini mental exam done. I just wonder if he will ever be asked to testify in another case.
Jan..when I pull up the blog..and see little CeCe's puts a smile on my face. She is so sweet looking.
If you guys would have slept with a dog/cat when you were very probably wouldn't have the pup allergy. At least that's what they are reporting now..kid's exposed to these animals when they are babies have less animal allergies.
Are you still being exposed to that smoke for those forest fires?? Seems that might be causeing some of your problems.
I need to weedeat and at 7a it's 82 with a 82% humidity. Just taking Maggie out was almost unbearable.
Sorry about that Carol...Seems the heat & humidity is hanging on to the South...
Just got in from weedeating and I'm soaked. With this heat..humidity and acclimatization a person can lose up to 1.5-2 liters of fluid an hour. (Guyton's Medical Physilogy)
No pets in the house when I was growing up. John did have pets but I don't know how much contact he had with them. I had allergies even as a little kid. No asthma. Even in my 1st grade pic - I had these dark circles under my eyes.
I empathize with you - re your humidity. When traveling home - the early mornings in NC and then TN when we stayed overnight, I went out for a walk early morn and it felt like the middle of the day feels here. So sorry!
I still am not convinced Casey murdered her daughter. There is some doubt that the duct tape was placed on her face before death.
I still think the evidence is strongly circumstantial.
Little cece is a sweetie, but just had a big coughing fit. She likes to sit right next to me here on the couch. I think she has ESP. I got up to clear my throat and get a drink of water. She got up too and now she is on the other side of the couch.
I think poodles are the least likely to stimulate allergies and cece is part poodle, but her hair carries in pollen and stuff from outside - and when she gets up close to me, I start getting sneeezy, coughy and my eys get wattery.
I need to go to store and get John a Fathers day card and some flowers. I will later go and buy him some new shorts. He is not my father, but his kids call him but never send him anything. He is at church this morning. My DILs here always bring him cards and gifts for b'days and dads day. That is why I chose to live here. They look after us.
Jan, I would guess that most murder cases are circumstancial cases. Most people don't video their killings. And, as for this circumstancial case, I've never seen so much evidence against an individual.
I'm not certain the duct tape was the cause of death, it could have been from an overdose of chloroform. Can't really figure a good explanation for putting it on after death. Why?
As for the testimony that the duct tape was placed way after the child was's not reasonable. Dr. Spitz's testimony was awful yesterday, the prosecutor made him look like an idiot. It was reported that even some members of the jury was smirking, trying to conceal laughter, at him. I really felt sorry for him. And the prosecutor, out of respect, did go easy on him.
I'm going to see SF today. I wanted to bring him lunch because today is father's day. He's still in that hospital 40 miles down the road. I called to talk to a nurse this morning and she wouldn't let me bring lunch. They said I could bring him a little treat. I'll get him some ice cream.
Ya know, even when DNA is found it can be circumstantial. If someone has been raped and murdered and they find a guy's DNA in the semen in her, that doesn't prove that the guy raped or that he murdered the person. I think that without a confession or a video, it's all circumstantial.
But it is OK for you to believe she is innocent Jan.
From what I understand, there is no DNA from Casey in this situation. I don't think she is entirely innocent. I just am not convinced she murdered her.
Carol, hope your day goes well with SF. Ice cream is a good idea. I have never known an older guy who does not like ice cream.
I am missing my brother today too. I just saw on facebook a posting by my brother's oldest son's wife. Nephew is Mike. Mike's wife just posted that Mike not feeling well today. I bet he is missing his dad (my brother). We called my brother, Buddy. He died on May 30 1989. Mike was in college then.
Direct evidence...a witness would testify that he/she saw the defendant with a gun shoot the
victim...generally not the way the real world works...
most crimes are proved by a collection of evidence presented so that the jury can 'connect the dots' and infer that the crime
was commited by the defendant...
Jan, seems you might be the juror the defense in the anthony trial would be grateful for, since it seems you have determined that there is not adequate evidence to prove
each element of the crimes charged...& you would therefore, not necesaarily vote to convict her of the charges or at least the murder one charge...
Having a hard time posting w/typepad...more often than not it says error & the post is wiped out...
Circumstantial....the witness testifies he/she
saw the defendant with a gun, enter a premises,
heard a shot, saw the defendant exit, a victim is found...the facts taken together allow the jury to 'infer' 'imply' that the defendant
commited the crime, without any witness saying
he/she saw the defendant commit it...
Coreen, how often do you think that there is anything other than circumstantial evidence available in a case of murder?
There was a juror, I think juror #4, who said during her voir dire that she didn't think she should or could judge another person. I think they also said she was very "religious". They said the defense fought hard to keep her on the jury.
Here are the profiles of the jurors I just found:
Juror 4 — The Church Lady: Black female, 40s, no children, lives alone. Unknown occupation. Plays “Farmville” on Facebook. “Most of the time, I play my computer games” she notes. Quiet, unassuming, does not like to judge people by what other people say about them.
Of the 12, one's a retired nurse, another, a nursing student and a third, a retire nurse's aid.
Carol, don't have any idea...
would think more often cases are decided by circumstantial evidence & that goes either way
guilty or not guilty...
I just got back from visiting SF. He was happy to see me. I brought him a card and a candy bar. In the card, I listed some my fond memories of our farming days together. I read it to him and he got a chuckle out of it.
I talked with SF's nephew and he didn't know anything about the lawyers moving the interdiction court date up to this Tuesday and the hospital didn't either. It seems I'm the only one who knows and I checked my cell phone to make sure I didn't dream it. I didn't.
I was thinking that maybe they plan to make me look like the incompetent person. I did tell SF that I thought there was going to be a hearing to put his nephew in charge of his business affairs. He said.."whatever".
SF was very pleasant today. He seems to do well in an environment where he gets lots of attention and redirection.
SF was drinking coffee today. He never drank coffee in his life and I asked when he started drinking it. He said..well, it's something to do.
There are actually some people on blogs, not me Jan, who think that Casey may have pondered killing her parents instead of Caylee.
The evidence does reveal that she did research neck breaking, internal injuries, self defense among other things on the Net. She did tell her friend Amy that her parents were moving out, signing their house over to her and they could soon move in and take over the mortgage payments. Later she said that plan was off.
This is not rumor it is evidence available in that timeline.
If you just listen to what the news media reports on this case, you will be seriously mislead. That may be why some may think that Casey is innocent. You have to listen to all the testimony. Good thing the jurors have to.
ie. they are reporting some the the direct testimony that Dr. Spitz gave yesterday but not reporting what happened on cross examination. That is often what happens when we hear the news everyday. If you didn't see it happen, it's not likely you will get an accurate understanding of what happened from listening to the news.
Ok, nothing to do with the trial...a minor dustup which just popped up on my yahoo page...
Do you really think the person who edited out the words did it w/o an agenda?...
My answer: when pigs fly...
As for the lame explanation by the host Dan Hicks...a classic non apology apology...
This is in not a religious argument...the Pledge as it is written now was passed as a federal law, like it or if nbc used it, it should have been as it is stated, otherwise don't use it...not some 'creative editing' to present a personal opinion...
Just so you know...I get really tired of all the p.c. crowd nonsense directed at the use of the word 'God' in anything...
And by the way for all the patriotic spin intended in the Irish kid is about to win the U.S. Open & he had a pretty big lead for the last 3 not sure why the promo was going for 'patriotic' when an American isn't even in the running...
NBC apologizes (sort of) for omitting 'under God' from Pledge
in promo at the beginning of the U.S.Open
NBC apologizes (sort of) for omitting under Go from Pledge
before US Open
Coreen. I am a big fan of God. To the few who might be offended...I say..get over it. And until we vote to edit the Pledge, it should be said the way it was written. And do you think those who truely don't believe in any God are really offended?? I kinda doubt that many are.
One of those feel goods stories...Homeless guy inheritance will get him a new life...or maybe not...if he doesn't want anything to do with his family...
Homeless man strikes it rich
Hey Carol...something we totally agree on...
Great story about the homeless man Carol. wonder what he will do.
I read in the news that Bristol Palin has moved in with the kid and his brother who danced the season she did. At this moment can't remember his name. He was one of my favorites. Great personality. Bristol also had jaw surgery - said recommended by orthodontist she had. Wonder what her mom thinks about her moving in with the 2 brothers.
I really don't care if the words "under God" are used or not in the Pledge. I think they were added some years after the original Pledge was written.
Jan, that was Coreen's story about the homeless man.
Is the chunky Disney guy we both liked so much Jan?
I just looked it up Jan and under God was just added in 1954. Thanks for sharing that.
Then, I might have to change my opinion on that. No offense intended God.
If anyone likes those Jesse Stone Mysteries, there's a marathon on HMC tonight..three in a row.
I think that is the Halmark Channel
Coreen, thanks for posting the link about the homeless guy coming into an inheritance. Sorry I didn't credit it to you. I think I scan more than I read details. That works for me in some things and not in others.
Bristol is moving in with Kyle Massey and his brother. She is putting up her house in Arizona for sale or rent and moving to the other L.A. to do a reality show with Kyle. Amazing!
Yes Carol, the chunky Disney guy is Kyle. The news report said he and Bristol have become good friends. She has written a book. Said she was drunk when she got pregnant.
Jan, is she dating Kyle? What kind of reality show?
Are you glad you had boys instead of girls Jan? Seems like girls are a lot more to worry about.
On a wftv channel 9 in Orlando there is a Casey Anthony Trial page on the Net. At the end of each day..Bill Sheaffer does a legal analysis of the day's testimony. His background is criminal defense so if he had a bias..I would assume it is toward the defense.
He is decribed as:
"William J. Sheaffer is a zealous advocate for his clients. As a criminal defense attorney, Sheaffer’s philosophy is that “every person accused deserves the most aggressive, vigorous and thorough defense, regardless of the nature of the accusation.” He staunchly believes that “a defense lawyer’s duty and loyalty is to his client. Period.”
The link is here and on the right side of the page you can find each day's analysis:
Casey on Trial
Carol, from what I have read, Bristol and Kyle are good friends. Nothing about a romance.
I think girls just have a rougher time in this world. Boys and men look at the world as made for them. I think girls and women have to work much harder in their schooling and in their careers than men do in the same jobs. I will always be a feminist - despite having sons. I am proud of my sons mainly for the fact that they all have good work ethics and treat women well. They view women as equals. They are kind and nurturing fathers. Of course, I am biased.
The Great Scots blog is a must-read. He is back from Figi and his vision quest. I want to go back and read again and again.
Jan, I read Great Scot every Sunday morning. It's the first thing I read when I turn on my computer on Sundays. It starts my Sunday morning pondering.
After seeing your comments regarding the pledge of allegiance...
regardless of whether you care about the words under God or not... the fact remains that those
words are part of the offical pledge...
Carol, what difference does it make if those
words were not in the original version from the
19th century, when in fact the Congress added
them in 1954...codified at Title 4 U.S. Code Section section 1, et seq.
If it is going to be recited at all that is how it should be said...not edited for any person's particular agenda...
Well Coreen, my original argument just wouldn't hold water anymore. I thought it was how it was originally written.
No court again today. It seems that Baez shares some of the personality flaws of his client. He's very devious. He's pressing his luck. I think da judge will hit him with the book when this is over. He may end up selling bikinis again.
SF's court hearing for tomorrow is off. I told y'all that I seemed to be the only one who knew about it. The lawyer, who I have never thought had a lick of sense called me last week and told me to clear my schedule for Tuesday.
I talked with other involved and no one else knew about the hearing and everyone would need to be there. I left a msg on his office machine yesterday and then called this morning and he finally called me back. He said it was called off because they needed to dot all the i's. Well I guess so. They have to notify everyone by certified letter.
I wanted to lay into him for not letting me know but I'd already had bad day. I told him that next time, let me be the last one he calls but make sure it is in time for me to plan.
It's not bad enough that I have to deal with SF's behavior, I have to deal with a AL facility that seems to just want his money, a shrink who seems to be scamming Medicare, and a lawyer who is an idiot. I think that maybe SF is smarter than the rest of them.
And Coreen, I don't particularly want to take "under God" out of the Pledge, but my argument that we don't need to change the pledge kinda fell apart when I learned it was changed after it was written.
Carol, I hate it when people don't consider my time when making plans such as the lawyer you mention above who did not consider your time.
I guess my only peeve about the "under God" in the Pledge is that so many people in the U.S. think we are the only ones God should be protecting. It reminds me of a saying I used to hear when I was growing up. If we saw someone who had a disability or was poor - adults would say "There, but for the grace of God, ...." the last is "go I" Not sure that is grammatically correct - but that is the saying. As an adult, I have thought a great deal about that statement and I feel it shows a great deal of arrogance. I don't think it is the Grace of God that I am not physically disabled (or else I am in denial). I don't think God had anything to do with it. It is simply genes, or luck or whatever.
I don't usually remember the Great Scot's blog until mon or later in the week. I do enjoy his posts. I have really felt some identity with him about his "vision quest" At this time in my life I often ponder what I want to do with the rest of my life. I guess the dream conference was part of that for me.I can see where this would be important after you suffer a loss in your life. He is a courageous man.
I think I told you I have one of those e-readers now. I bought Jane Eyre and have been reading it the past week before going to sleep. I had read a couple of pages and the battery went dead. I jumped up and got the plug in thingee and a long extension cord as I didn't have an outlet close by my side of the bed. There was not enough juice to bring up the book so just gave up and read something else. So now it is fully charged and I am anxious to get back to the book. I am really enjoying it. Sometimes it is slow going as the writing at times is difficult. But still a good read.
Good night and sweet dreams.
Hey Jan..the buck has to stop somewhere and ya can't get any higher than God.
Carol, you are so right.
Carol, Karl Marx said "Religion is the opiate for the masses" I don't know if that has anything to do with God. It is an interesting quote though. I should read some of his writings to see what the context of the quote.
Carol, I felt closer to God when I lived alone. My mother felt alone most of her life - and she talked about God a lot. She prayed every morning. I have never been that close to God. I did a lot more praying and going to church when I was living alone. I do like living with people. When I was in Austin I shared apartments and houses with other doctoral students, mainly because I didn't have much money - but I liked that. Going to school encourages sharing space with others, I think. When I went back to work, I lived on my own for 4 years. I never did adapt to living alone. I always felt lonely.
I had a good friend, Beverly in Austin - also a student. She had never married and she always found cheap apts - so she could live alone. I believe we get used to either living alone or living with another person - whether married or not and it is just a matter of what we get used to doing. Over time, as we get older, it is harder to make those big changes in our lives.
There is a hurricane, Beatrice, off the pacific coast. I hope we get some rain from that.
Jan, up until mom died I wasn't used to living alone. I've had many different house mates over the years. I didn't make much money over those years so sharing expenses was a must. It was also nice to have someone to share house and yardwork with. I've always enjoyed cooking for more than just myself. I still find cooking for just me a drag.
While mom was so sick I was stuck at her place, in the middle of a three ring dysfunctional circus, with 5 people and their respective dogs. That lasted over a year and after she died and I finally moved back home, alone. The peace and quite was a really nice break, a necessary break.
When I recovered my sanity I was lonely and it took a while to get used to living alone. There are advantages to both. Now, I think I would have trouble living with another person because I've become set in my ways.
One thing that most worries me is if I would have some kind of accident and be stuck for a long period without anyone knowing or any help. I've even pondered getting one of those medi alerts systems. I do try to remember to keep my cell phone on me but I don't always. I guess that is as good as the medi-alert system.
We finally broke our serious drought this week. Got an inch and a half of rain today and it's suppose to rain some each day up until the weekend. I can hear the grass growing. I haven't cut the grass at my house for over a month and that's usually a every week activity.
Carol, I lived alone in Dallas/Arlington and had no family or good friends there - I think that had a lot to do with my adapting to living alone. I lived alone in Little Rock for about a year, but another faculty who became a friend lived down the street and I did not feel alone there. Then after about 6 months there I met John and he lived in another town but came to LR often and stayed with his brother. I never felt alone after that. Oh yes, and Steve moved to LR too about the same time I met John and Steve lived with me for a while.
I don't know how I would do living alone now. I have lots of family here and that makes a huge difference - so I think I would be ok. John went back to ARK 5 years ago and was there 3 months. I was just fine.
I am getting very set in my ways too so it would be difficult adjusting to living with a different person. I am used to John and he is used to living with me too. It did take us a couple of years to adapt to living together. It was tough too. He will tell you the same thing.
Welcome to summer folkes. Today's the summer solstice, the first and longest day of the year. It was the first fairly comfortable day here in a while.
My pool guy got the cover off my pool yesterday and it's going to rain every day this week. That's OK, I'm sure I'll have plenty of time left to swim this summer.
That was suppose to read the first day of summer and longest day of the year.
I'm afraid that today, Casey's attorney, old Jose, may have had to go home and hit the sauce. Most of the forensic witnesses turned into better prosecution witnesses. And that judge is as sharp as a tac. The prosecutor, Ashton is a pretty smart cookie also.
Happy first day of summer.
Another 70% chance of rain day. Both my area and SE Texas really needed this rain. I bet Nemo is happy.
I really missed those occasional dark stormy days. work..I had a hankering to come home..load up on my couch and watch a movie.
I'm ready for this trial to be over. I still try to watch most of the testimony but I leave off as much commentary as I can.
I think in this Casey Anthony case..the death penalty should be taken off the table. This article shows why..,0,7797385.column
I agree with you on this Carol.
I woke up in middle of night with an allergy attack. Took 30 min for antiihistamine to take effect. I was awake by that time. Read my book for about an hour and finally back to sleep. Had a work related meeting from 9-11 then home for a good nap. Feeling better now.
Jan, maybe your allergy attack was just your missing little CeCe. From just looking at her sweet pic, I would be missing her.
My day was wild and crazy and because this is a public site, I can't share it. It started at 5a and I came close to deciding I was ready to retire this year. I've been pondering doing it next year. I still love my job but I don't think physically or mentally I can keep up this pace or level of stress. It's taking it's toll on me.
If anyone is interested in the truth about the CA trial don't listen to Nancy Grace. She starts with headlines that are totally misleading. I guess if you listen to the rest of her program very carefully, you might find out what really happened but I don't think so. I only now hear the beginning of her program if I can't turn it off fast enought.
It's almost like many of the talking heads are more interested in just hearing themselves shout and aren't even paying real attention to the testimony.
And the defense has had no real bomb shells so far. I just hope the jury isn't snoozing.
That Vasco Thompson, the convicted kidnapper, who the defense put on their witness list allegedly didn't even have the cell phone number when George was supposed to have called him. He hasn't testified yet.
Another side show is a strange looking woman who is allegedly had an affair with George. She is saying that George told her that what happened to Caylee was an accident that snowballed out of control. Could be. If George did have an affair with this woman, it's another example of a really stupid guy decision.
This woman has been on the news but hasn't been called to testify.
I caught another inch of rain today so that totals 2 1/2 for the last two day. I'll be mowing this weekend.
Looks pretty clear and HOT for you Jan.
And wet for you Coreen.
Carol, I want some of your rain. If we had not had rain on our trip, I would have seen very little this year. I have to keep reminding myself "this is the desert."
Yes, it is clear and hot in the afternoon. Mornings are lovely.
Actually I have read that women that married men have affairs with are not necessarily better looking than their wives. I am not talking about men in entertainment and politics - but ordinary guys. Often men are just looking for something "strange" if fact that is what they call it.
She certainly meets the definition of strange. George would need a body condom to touch that woman..IMO. From what I gather..this woman was involved in the Caylee search. George has..thru his lawyer..denied the affair?? I wouldn't be surprised though.. that he might have needed a distraction at that time. Probably there was lots of tension between he and his wife at the time. Both probably needed some personal attention from someone else but probably not something a woman would often do..except Casey. She was screwing..boozing..and tattooing.
I have a question...wouldn't just not contacting the police after someone kidnapped your daughter then going out to party hardy be considered a form of aggravated child abuse?? Who knows what a kidnapper will do with a child?? Those facts are in evidence and she said she didn't contact the police because she thought she could find her daughter on her own.
Jan..your high predicted for tomorrow is 101!
Tonight Joy Behar had on this woman who spent 18 years in prison for killing her abusive father. They were discussing what it might be like for Casey in prison. She said she would most likely be victim of assaults. She said that women who kill or sexually abuse their children are the pirahs in prison.
We do have some women on women fights in my joint but I can't remember any serious injuries from them. It's another story with the men. Their fight club injuries can get quite serious. Lots of black eyes..broken jaws..lacerations.
Carol, you are right - that is what TV and my computer say too. The first 7 years we lived here, the temps never made it to 100 in ALb. Down south is another story. They have been having temps in 100s for a month now.
Happy Birthday Terry. It is hard to believe my 2nd child is 50 today. His wife is having a celebration for him on Sat. His dad is coming in from Little Rock for the party. He was born about 7 am in OK. I went into labor about midnight. He weighed 7 lbs 6 oz. I had what was called a saddle block and had a horrible headache for about 3 days after. I had a fairly easy birth with him and no one told me I should not raise my head for several hours after the block. I was not a nurse then.
John and I applied for and have been accepted into the Dream Training in Kanuga, NC. It is a 2 year program. It is almost like a master's degree program except it is not affiliated with an educ institution so just get a certificate at the end. It will be fun. Lots of reading. Have to go to Kanuga 3 times a year for 2 years. Each trip is 4 days of intense training and study. In between read lots of books. 1st year have to be in therapy with a jungian therapist. 2nd year must start a dream group and have a mentor. Have to write book reports on the readings. It will be fun, but work too.
Went for my walk before sun was entirely up. 57 degrees - so very pleasant. I don't walk after 8 am in summer. Despite temps, house stays cool without ac until about 1-2 in the afternoon.
What do you all think of the Southwest pilot's on-th-mik off the cuff monologue.
It is mucho hotto here.
No big surprise to me Jan. I'm curious about what that turkey, who was talking, looks like.
It was amusing that those other pilots came on and said that wasn't me, that wasn't us.
If anyone finds that turkey's pic, leave a link.
And it will be mucho hotto for the rest of the week there Jan.
Rain total here, my place, is up to 3 1/2 inches. I say that because each neighborhood here was a different amount.
I think tomorrow it's back to normal. It was a nice change.
Jan, I really don't make much of that guy's comments because he didn't know he was live, on air, dummy. I don't think we'd really want to know what guys say to each other in their little conversations or would we want them to know what we say to each other in ours.
Guess we are beating you guys in rain too...I had 3" in a bucket just this afternoon...rained
yesterday too...right now only about 67....
Sorry its so hot Jan...I am hoping that we have
a cool summer & no 90s at all...wishful thinking I know, but that would please me...
As far as the surprises there...boy's club & all that...don't like it
at all, but no matter how much pc behavior is
touted by the 'enlightened'...not going to change the frat boy it or not...& also not surprised that all the others
are yelling not me, not me...well at least
they didn't get caught on a live feed...
My standadrd way of Louie in Casablanca... I'm shocked, shocked...there's gambling here, as he is handed his winnings by the croupier...
OK Carol...your our expert...what about today's surprises delivered by way of Cindy...
Heard some of the comments about it...
So is she lying in order to save her daughter
from the death penalty?...
I did catch one of the jury consultants on the Jane? show...saying Cindy is absolutely lying...
Jan, about your dream the goal for you & John to be able to understand & interpret dreams for others...or just for self-improvement/enlightenment...
And the 1 yr required therapy sessions...what is that intended for...
What does the certificate do for you
then counsel others, is it a professional tool
for you or John to utilize...
And if you don't mind, where/how did you hear of this institute is it from a religious group,
an educational institution, or some other publications...
Curious since it sounds like a very intense long term commitment,& costly I suspect, but not quite sure what the goal might be...
Coreen, I've heard Cindy's testimony but not all of those after hers. One of the computer forensic investigators is on now, well I'm listening to him on my recording from earlier today.
Not sure what to think yet. She said she was searching Chlorphill, because her little Yorkie's were sluggish, and she came to chloroform. That's a stretch but when I put in chorophil in a search, at the bottom of the page it did list choroform as one related option. Now why would she have done it 84 times?? Didn't get that question yet. And denied she to make chloroform.
She was listed at work as working on the two days the searches were made but she said that she wasn't or thinks she might have been off those days. The prosecution said she changed her testimony regarding that and several of the other issues. The prosecution was a little peaved.
I'm sure they will be back to this issue later, after some more investigation. She hasn't worked at that job since that summer, 2008, so will they be able to find out whether she was there if she says she wasn't. She was signed in.
As of this moment, I'll have to score one for Baez and the defense. They need a little score.
I'm also curious Jan about this new project. Sounds interesting. I'd be interested in learning more about my dreams but very rarely remember them. Not sure I sleep enough to have any.
It's a nice evening outside right now. I keep watching these schools of bait fish swim by and something really big go tearing thru them. The bait fish jump out of the water trying to get away. Can't tell what either are.
I jump up, go out to my wharf and pitch my top water lure but it seems they are just out of my casting reach. I did have one strike but I missed it. Don't know why I seem to be able to catch myself so easily but not a fish.
Last summer I had to pull the three barbs of the treble hooks out of the back of my hand. That was in addition to that nasty, stinky catfish hook I had extracted from my little finger.
Coreen, news reports today that the Anthony parent's attorney said that Cindy and George think that Casey isn't innocent but they will work hard to protect her from the death penalty.
I do think that Casey's parents have been studying the facts in this case along with the rest of us. Maybe for the first time?? The facts are pretty damning. And they might not be too cool with her blaming everything on George.
Sometimes were are in serious denial about things we just don't wnat to accept. I've found the same thing when it comes to SF.
news today of the alleged involvement of one of our
emeriti faculty with an online prostitution operation has
come as a severe blow to the University family. Chris
Garcia has been affiliated with UNM for 41 years and
served for one of those years as its president. The
information revealed by the Albuquerque Police Department
investigation is shocking, distressing and deeply
disturbing. We are all just coming to grips with the
gravity and severity of this situation. It is our
understanding that the investigation is ongoing. The
University is and will continue to cooperate fully with
law enforcement.
Above was in an e-mail to all UNM people from UNM President Schmidley.
I am sure there will something soon on national news. Another faculty from another state involved too. Can't remember who that was. Think he might be from Pennsylvania.
The dream group training is associated with the Episcopal Church. The Haden Institute in NC is the Organization and Bob Haden is an Epis priest in NC. The faculty are from all over the country and one is Jeremy Taylor from Calif. a psychologist who has been using dreams in his therapy and in other ways for 40 years. The concept and principles are primarily based on Karl Jung's writings. There are many books associated with the dream work concept.
John has been involved in the movement for 30 years. I was introduced to dream work when I was in therapy in Little Rock. Dream work is a huge movement in Little Rock and in North Carolina and Georgia.
More later....
Dinner is ready.
And what was that professor's area of expertise Jan?
Just found the answer to my question Jan. He's was a "Distinguished Professor Emeritus in UNM’s political science department.."
Oh boy, here we go again. Politics has gotten to be quite a smelly afair.
Now, we don't want to find out later that you were one of his girls Jan.
Ya know Coreen, this entire issue of Cindy's searching about chlorophil as a substance that would make her dogs sick is a little on the hard to swallow side. Cindy was a nurse. What nurse would be concerned about chlorophil, something that is in almost all plants, as a substance that could make a dog sick???
I always connected chlorophil with health.
LOL Carol, Never been paid for it.
Nor have I paid anyone else for it.
I don't know the professor. When I lived here in the early 1980's. We lived across the street from a married couple who were both faculty in the Political Science Dept.
Back to Dreams.
The idea behind dream groups is that we learn more about our dreams in the company of others who are also recording and sharing their dreams. The Idea of dream group leaders is not to be therapists or to "interpret" someone else's dreams.
In the dream groups we were in while in NC - about 8 people plus a leader is an ideal number. The group lasted about 2 hours each session. one person will share a dream he/she has recorded and tell all the aspects remembered in the dream. The "dreamer" will allow the other group members to share in what the dream would say to them if they had had the dream. An important principle is that the dream always belongs to the dreamer no matter how others in the group project their ideas on the dream.
An important aspect is that all members of the group commit to confidentiality and anonymity of the dreams and ideas that are shared in the process.
The process as to how the group works is hard to explain here. If you really want to know more about it, I can try to explain later.
I plan to become a dream group leader maybe for non-credit courses. John wants to lead dream groups in the church. He does do "pastoral counseling" in relation to his work as a priest. He wants to use the dream training ins this work. We neither one are interested in charging any money other than what it would take to provide for printing for groups. I have been on dream group retreats in Little Rock and the person charged for these. I am not going to even pretend to be a therapist.
"We lived across the street from a married couple who were both faculty in the Political Science Dept."
The plot thickens....
Carol, what would chloryphl be used for - for Yorkies?
Jan, was going to ask you earlier about the former president of the Univ of NM...but wasn't sure if that was the one you are at...
but it was in the NYC tabloids because the first guy arrested allegedly ran the prostitution ring...though he had some lame excuse as to why he was a professor at Farley Dickinson Un & lives in NYC...
Former university president busted in
prostitution ring
Carol, in addition to the chlorophyll chloroform testimony & taking credit for the
computer searches about them...they also said something about her testifying that a spot in the trunk was there when they purchased the car years ago..
& something about her remembering what she
testified to in a deposition verbatim from several years ago...though the presentation of
all these pieces is such a mish mash, that
it is difficult to get a true picture...
what the tv shows seem to be projecting however
is that Cindy is absolutely lying to destroy the state's case & save her daughter though they infer she knows that her daughter killed
her grandchild...
their attorney's statement about them not believing their daughter is innocent also was
being subjected to analysis, so much so that the atty tried to clarify it with very little success...he likely should have not made any
statements to the media at all...& now the parents look more suspicious (at least Cindy does after her testimony)...
Dream Discussion Groups Are the New Book Clubs -
This article explains the dream group movement much better than I did.
So the analyzing of dreams through group sessions is for one's own self-enlightenment...
Yes, many are used for one's own self-enlightenment Coreen - I would be terrible as a witness - I digress too much. LOL.
However, there are Jungian analysts who use dreams as one method in their work with patients.
I read the NYT article Jan...
Can't even remember when I had a dream...or if I had a sounds like you are really excited about it so that's a good thing...
Jan..just went to look up Cindy's testimony again from today. She said she did the search because her Yorkie's were having some issues where they were extremely more than the other. They were eating some bamboo shoots so she looked up chlorophyll. Her explanation of how she got to chlorophyll and then to chloroform were a little crazy and not believable. I think I now understand where Casey got her ability to lie??
After a little pondering this evening..I'm thinking that maybe grandma was suspicious of some of Casey's activities. Maybe even tracing some of what she was up to. You got to think that she had lots of reasons to be suspicious of her daughter's activities. If I were that girl's mom..I would be tracking her also. Or maybe she is trying to cover for her. I don't know??
The prosecution did not ask Cindy if and why she erased all that search material?? It was erased. I'm sure that is coming on rebuttal.
The chloroform searches were done right before and after someone was popping in and out of My Space and Facebook. Cindy has already testified that she had no idea how to do either at that time. She learned later on. That wasn't delved into today either.
There are indications of much tension between this mother and daughter even if it hasn't been presented to the jury yet. It is evident in the timeline material.
Even that last 911 call that Cindy made when she first found out that little Caylee had been missing for a month rang out that Cindy was having a revelation. You can almost read it between the lines of what she says and how she says it.
Because of the rules of cross examination..I don't think the prosecution could go after
Cindy on some of the issues and also they were given new facts.. in opposition to what they had understood to be the facts. When they're fully prepared..they'll come after her in can bet your sweet bippy.
There is so much ambivalence in those grandparents feelings toward their daughter. I think we can all empathize there.
Ever heard anything about that maybe dreams are another level of existance Jan?
In my dreams..I'm living in a house that is like nothing like anything I've ever been in but it is so vivid.
Coreen..everyone is getting so wrapped up in that media attention that it overrides their better judgement. And what's coming out re the grandparents just demonstrates their ambivalence.
I'm finished with the testimony and getting ready to watch Dr. Drew. I like his commentary the best. I'm so over Nancy and Jane. They seem to take some sadistic pleasure in going after Casey.
Nite nite..catch ya on the flip flap.
that was suppose to read.. catch ya on the flip flop. Old CB lingo.
My handle was Snowbird. I drove a little white Mustang at the time.
TGIF..more than ever this week. I just hope that the problems I encountered this week don't follow me all weekend. My nurses really are trying not to bother me on my time off but it's just impossible for them not to. They are LPNs and they just can't practice outside their scope of practice and even though it puts a tremendous burden on me..I respect them for that.
This is an interview that Diane Diamond did with the woman who lived with Casey when she was first out on bond. The bondsman put her in the house to supervise Casey. This was before little Cayless's body was found. It gives you some insight into Casey.
Casey's Roommate Tells All
That SW pilot was identified by the Examiner as Captain James F. Taylor. He's married..surprise surprise. He'll probably be a celebrity in a week.
If that pilot's wife dumps him..he may have to take a second look at those gays..grannies..and grandes.
This one's for you Coreen:
Cat Barks Like Dog Until It Realizes It's Being Filmed (VIDEO)
Carol, love the cat that barks - how strange that as soon as he knows being watched he reverts to meouing. How the H*** do you spell that?
Coreen, everyone dreams but not all people are conscious of what they dream. I have to work at remembering and recording my dreams. Some dreams are vivid like the one Carol just mentioned about the "house"
Carol, when you have a dream that is vivid like the one about the house, write everything you can remember about the dream - like details about the house, who else was in the dream (if anyone), any colors or numbers you remember - everything in the dream is coming from your unconscious. The dream you are having is all information that may help you in your conscious world to deal with issues that you might be dealing with. Dreams are symbolic -not literal. So the house in the dream may represent you in some way. I used to have recurring dreams about finding new rooms in my house. I came to understand that the house represented me and that there were parts of me that were unexplored or that I had yet to learn about.
When John and I met, we found we had the same recurring dreams about houses. In reading the book by Karl Jung - he too had this recurring dream.
The dream groups are a way for people to learn more about themselves in a safe and caring place.
Carol or Coreen, I don't know who wrote this above. But I agree, that what we say when we think no one else is listening could be quite embarrassing (like the pilot). However, when we are in public places - we need to always be conscious of being overheard. I think that pilot was stupid in what he did.
John has told me about the time, while he was hooked up to a wireless mike - forgot to turn it off when he went to the bathroom. So everyone could hear his bathroom noises. What could he do but just make a joke and laugh about it.
I can only hope that the stupid things I have done in my lifetime do not ever get aired on National news.
In referring to the above, since I am not a celebrity or politician and my actions are not of importance to most people in the world, I think I am pretty safe.
Carol, interesting that you liked getting on the CB in "those days." You and John have that in common. He did a lot of driving in the area he lived and was on the CB a lot too. His handle was Black Bart (referring to his last name). He is always telling me stories about conversations he had with truckers.
Carol, you keep "teasing us" about the problems you had this week. Wish you could tell us about them.
I think the pilot, James Taylor better lay low for a while. He has offended a majority of the population when he "dissed" gays, grannies and grandes. The guys may be laughing and identifying with him - except for gays - but grandes and grannies are going to looking for him- he he he.
I think that dreaming is a way of time traveling: I often dream of the past, and relive some game of football, or basketball etc.
There is one dream that I use when I work is when I am on the last mile of running that I use this dream of going around the track at a park that has night is raining very lightly and im not getting a drop on me....not slowing me down.....very pleasant and takes my mind of the running..
All my dreams are of the past, and how things were accruing at the time.....some are unearthly like, most are about not being able to do something against the reality of things.....I do know what they all mean...and it is all about self enlightenment......
But I don't see why everything needs a group of people to realize what you should for your self.....Just another way of people making $ of those that are looking for easy answers....
.....think that tv commercials are dreams...common dreams that merchants take advantage of....and why they work so well, they sell drams....typ o that I will keep, they sell drams of dreams....get it , get it?
Question, why were tv soap operas, tv shows like the Father know best shows were originally made?
Hi Solar, good to see you here.
I sometimes dream of things past also.
People don't have to get into groups to enjoy their dreams. John and I have our own little 2 person dream group many mornings. It helps me to talk about my dreams with someone else.
Many of the dream groups that are forming are not for profit. If there is a charge, it may be only to pay for printing for materials to share or for refreshments during a break. And sometimes, people don't pay anything at all to participate - only pay if they want the written materials provided and everyone shares in cost of refreshements.
Solar, How fortunate that you know what your dreams mean and you are able to use them to your advantage when you want to.
Those groups that U mentioned, are fine in my book....the ones that I don't like, are the for profit ones...specially the AAA....they don't have a very good success rate at all......
Hi Solar..I give..what is the answer to your question about why they make TV soaps..etc?
Jan.. I think your project sounds very interesting. most here..are intellectualy curious. There is going to be something you will throw your energy for learning to and this subject sounds like a winner to me. And a great way to meet people who share an interest in the same subject.
One of my problems with dreams is that I often an watching something on TV when I fall asleep and then my dreams are influenced by what I hear on the TV. There probably is a way to set my TV to turn inself off and I should find it.
This has been a bad habit of mine for most of my life. When I try to turn it off to get total quiet..I either start thinking too much on things I don't want to think about..more often the problem..or start hearing sounds that will worry me.
I now know why we have so many strange stars on our map. I was doing an Internet search this morning on the subject of usefruct and when I asked my question..there were several links to our blog because we had discussed that one day. When we discuss something...that subject goes into a search data.
I did get to see most of the testimony in the trial yesterday. I was too exhausted from my work week to talk to anyone so I didn't. I just couched and caught up with the trial.
They had on Cindy..grandma and It seems to me that both are trying their best to provide some reasonable doubt. I think their motives are to keep Casey from getting the death penalty. I can understand that motive.
They talk about how dysfunction this family is but they do love one another. I'm not including Casey.. I'm not sure she has the real capacity to love anyone but herself.
I think that even if Casey were sentenced to death..she would never see that happen. A federal judge just found Florida's death penalty unconstitutional.
The testimony yesterday was so disjointed and interrupted that it was almost impossible to follow.
The defense is setting up the scenario for the drowning. To buy this you must believe that:
Grampa and Casey were not watching this child for a significant period of time. I don't think grandpa would do that.
That a 2 1/2 year old opened a fairly heavy sliding glass door to get out of the house.
The pool ladder that is usually taken down was left up on this rare occasion.
The child climbed up that ladder. She had only done that with an adult standing behind her and helping her.
Then you have to buy that when she was 911 was called and she was triple bagged as trash and thrown into a trunk and then into the woods.
They call it "reasonable" doubt...
Morning guys...starting the weekend here dreary
just like the week was...did I tell you we had
3" rain in about an hour the other damage but it really poured...but its going to get better all next week (or so they say)...
how quickly time is flying weekend is the 4th of July weekend...just a short time ago I had several feet of snow!!..
Carol, your summary of the defense is concise
to the point, not like the commenters on TV, who dance around, repeating, shouting over each other...they make my head spin trying to
listen, their comments become incoherent, disjointed, a mish-mash of opinions never tieing the actual facts & evidence into a reasonable summary...
And I'll take a shot at Solar's query about the
old tv sitcoms...why were they on the air...
to sell products...great advertising
tv still is...
Carol, admittedly I have not listened to the testimony, only heard the bits on the shows
& those are snipped, repeated & 'interpreted' by the talking heads ad nauseum...But...what I did see of the mother/grandmother & the brother...the tears did not move me at all...did not see anything remotely genuine...
More & more it seems that the family is circling the wagons & trying to undermine the
state's case...Cindy's testimony seems contrived, disengenuous, intentionally misleading...So if as it appears the family is
lieing to save that acceptable on their part....does family loyalty trump getting to the truth....
Question...did you hear why Cindy has been allowed to remain in the courtroom during all
the other witness testimony...when she was scheduled to be a witness herself...the father, brother as well...
the snips of the brother's crying testimony was unconvincing a well...what was he even saying about being angry at everyone... not at the hospital for the child's what, why would he be expected to be bearing on the circumstances surrounding the death of the child...looking for sympathy from the jury to plant a seed of doubt as to casey's behavior...
From all the bits & pieces so far...the astounding fact remains...the child was
missing/uncounted for a month! and no one
in that family really took any affirmative actions to find out the mother just went merrily about having fun...
Coreen, you have cut to the chase on this. As you have said, why was the family not looking for this child the days she was not seem.
I was a young mother at 19 (married) and living in the same small town as my parents, sister and younger brother. If my mother or dad had not seen my child for one or two days, they would have been overturning heaven and earth.
. I did catch the brother's testimony and I thought his emotions and tears (did not see any) came across to me as "contrived."
Coreen, wish you send some of that rain my way. It is so dry here. Sorry you are having so much rain- that too causes problems.
I am following the story of Chris Garcia, the prof and former 1 yr pres of UNM - who has been arrested for the prostitution ring here. The police are trying to tie the case to another big story here. There were 13 women (prostitutes) who were murdered here in 1980's-1990's that were discovered in past 6 years or so. They were discovered (dug up) in the west part of Alb when development of land started. They have not found what they think is a serial killer as yet. In the local paper this morning, Alb PD believe the John who may have killed these women could have been one of the clients of this alleged organization.
I was mistaken, those murders occurred between 2001 -2006. I found the newpaper article on google. I just put in the words "murder of prostitutes in Albuq. "
In one of the articles about Garcia, they said the prostitutes were paid
$2000 to $10,000. Based on the bio's I doubt these prostitutes were paid that much.
Garcia was recruiting some pretty high priced women to come to Alb for the organization. I think most of the women murdered were from Alb.
As you might imagine, this is a big deal around here. Both the Garcia case and the murdered prostitutes.
Hope everyone here has a pleasant weekend. We are going over to Terry's (No. 2 son) house for a B'day party his wife has planned tonight.
Very interesting story Jan. You know how I love a mystery. Keep us posted. And happy to know your specialty is just dreams.
Coreen..I'm glad your rain will be stopping. I'm waiting for my grass to dry and with our dew point/ seems it won't until past high high noon..the warmist hours of the day and this chick ain't getting on her horse at that time. I don't care if the grass is up to my ass.
Ya know guys..for those 31 days that Casey would not let anyone talk with little Caylee..why didn't George use some of his skills to track her down. I think that Cindy had Lee doing some things thru Facebook.
The police may not have done anything because they were talking to Casey and they couldn't list her as a missing person but they could have even hired a private investigator to track her down. And if George had police experience..he should have had some ideas on how to find her. They could have even listed her car as stolen since Casey didn't own the car. I the end..when Casey wouldn't tell Cindy where Caylee was..she did call the cops and report that her daughter took her car. It was too late then.
Cindy did report that..before this.. she seldom went a day without seeing little Caylee. They all should have been very suspicious of Casey's activity. Maybe they are all in on this.
When listening to Cindy testify yesterday..I thought..this lady seems to be incriminating herself.
Just was outside, the grass is still wet here
& its almost 1 pm...sun came out though...not too hot either, at least yet...the ac has not been running most of the week at all...but if the sun stays out it will cycle soon enough...
My grass has not been mowed for more than a week, so it too looks pretty shabby...not to mention it is mostly weed going to try to get the yard re-seeded/topsoiled in the fall & try to get better grass for next year...
here grass seeding is done best in the fall, though I can't tell you why...
The drought conditions are definitely staying in the south...I think I saw that we are about
5" above normal for the year...
back to doing some chores around the house...
Of course..even if they had something sooner..they wouldn't have saved little Caylee since she was dead early in those 31 days.
And re: Lee. Yesterday he said he saw Casey's baby bump one day when she was leaving the bathroom and asked his mom if she was pregnant. His mom said.. leave it alone. He did. He testified that he didn't actually know she was pregnant until the day she had the baby and he didn't go to the hospital because he was so hurt that they left him out.
Both Casey and Lee lived at the family that time. Cindy and Casey had a room all set up in anticipation of the baby and Lee never went into the room. It had been a computer/family room before.
Also..the police or FBI did ask Lee about sexual abuse and he said..this is not the time! That I heard from those talking heads. The FBI did check him as a possible father of Caylee and that was negative.
Interesting that the defense has not yet asked him about any sexual abuse yet. Casey does seem to be closer to Lee than the others. She did mention his inappropriate sexual behavior in one of those jailhouse letters. That occurred when she was young but she also said in the same letter that she saw him more as a friend than a brother.
I don't think any of this info gets Casey off the hook but maybe they should issue a few more arrest warrants.
Carol, I heard someone this morning report on a woman who stayed at the Anthony home during the early part of the investigation to make sure Casey did not leave. She has some very interesting things to also say about Casey's personality and behavior that confirmed what you have been saying. This is all hear-say but one day they were looking at Caylee's baby pis and Casey got out her baby pictures and wanted everyone to look at her's. It sounds like Casey has a narcissistic personality disorder. A lot of teenagers are normally that way. I know Casey is not a teen or was at the time Caylee died, but many early 20's somethings still are very narcissistic. That is why the experts say it is not as great for the kid when teens have babies. Developmentally, teens and young 20 somethings are usually not developmentally able to provide for the needs of a child.
I occasionally visit a school where teens go to school and take their babies/young children with them (they have a child care center too) and they all have lunch together. It is interesting to watch, because many of the young mothers are sitting there with their babies in high chairs beside them, but the young mothers are talking to their classmates and not paying much attention to their babies/little kids. The little kids in this school are 2 weeks to 3 years old. This school does not allow male students. I have worked with teen mothers for years and they are so excited to have their babies but when the kids reach about 1 year and especially 2 years old, the "New" of having a baby wears off and having a child can be a real burden for a few of them. Some of the young mothers do a great job of caring for their children but I have seen a few who would love to get of the responsibility if they could.
get of = get out of the responsibiity
I am putting together a new post.
Yes Jan. I posted a link to that woman's story here yesterday at 3:49 AM..."Casey's Roommate tells All".
Good Jan.. we're almost out of room.
I have to head out for chores..those that aren't too hot.
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