To contrast with the lovely flora of the southeast, I am posting, for our pleasure, some spring flowers in the southwest. These are all flowers I have been enjoying on my early morning walk.
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"The Swamp" A Place To Ponder
Ok, here it is. I had edited the title and both got put up as new posts. Now I have deleted the one with no pictures. Hope you find the right one - right here.
Ok, where are you guys!
Hi Jan, glad to see these flowers, makes for a pleasant walk...
I think I know the 3rd & 4th pics are of columbine,but no idea about the others...
Tree pollen here is driving everyone nuts...there is a green powder on everything...supposed to rain this weekend, so
should tamp it down some...
Jan, do you find that when you stop to take
pics along the way, if anyone's around they
stop & look at what you are taking pics of...
I have found that to happen often...
I have not noticed if any one is watching me take pictures. I will have to pay attention to that.
Fantastic Jan. Do you know the names of the flowers. I don't see anything like that here. I bet we can't grow them with our humidity.
Coreen, you are a better flower-identifier than me. I have no idea what they are. The last picture is a picture of the same ones in the picture above it. The 2nd picture is definitely a desert bloom. It requires practically no water. It is yellow in spring and turns gradually beige and brown toward fall.
Coreen, when Jan is focused on what's she's doing, she focused.
I remember back when we were at the state mental hospital, not patients. Things were flying all around her and guys were masterbating and she was focused on her interview with her client.
Our allergy season for spring is clearing some. Sorry about your pollen Coreen.
I thought it might be the pollen Coreen. You would really benefit from that steroid nasal spray. If you would have started it before the pollen started flying, you might have saved yourself some serious misery.
Ya'll need to listen to nurse Ratched.
Give us a hint Carol - about nurse Ratched?
Carol, John used to get p***** at me - said I didn't "listen" to him. If the TV is on or I am reading something, I am not tuned into what else is going on. He is finally getting used to me.
A couple of times I tried to grow some flowers that grow all over in the Pacific NW. They lasted a few days and they keeled over dead.
I do remember that in desert climates, you only
get the chance for 'color' in the springtime...
Carol, unfortunately pretty sure I have just a plain old cold...first sore throat, now congested...but at least my ears stopped being plugged...I do think the pollen may prolong the cold, I don't have any watery eyes or nose though...
I think I still have some Nasonex which is prescription spray...
I will try and find the names of the flowers. All are pretty common here.
Jan, I think she means she is nurse ratched...
And right now, Yankees are behind the Red Sox
2 - 0 in the 5th...I am not pleased...
I was talking about me Jan. Nurse Ratched was that nasty nurse on One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
Thank you, Russell Martin just tied the game with a 2 run homer, Georgie was on base...
Nasonex is one of those steroid nasal sprays I'm talking about. You should have hit that when the symptoms first started. You might have cut that cold off.
I think it probably did start as an allergic reaction. You can get sick with allergies or they can turn into a viral infection.
A sore throat is very common with allergies. It's all that post nasal drip running down the back of your throat irritating it. Do warm liquids seem to help??
Yes, Carol, I just had hot tea & also orange juice helps...right now I don't have a sore throat, that was the first 24 hours...could not swallow...
I still sound like a frog though...
This is how I splain it to my patient/peeps at work...Your nasal passages and sinuses are the war grounds. You have enemy soldierS(pollen) invading your nasal passages and sinuses. Your army, the antibodies, are fighting those foreign invaders. And like with any war there is a lot of collateral damage ie, inflammation, pain and suffering.
It can then turn into pharyngitis, laryngitis, bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, etc etc etc.
I was kinda wondering if all our comments brought down the entire blogosphere. Just kidding but you really don't see many blogs with the number of comments we have unless it is a DWTS or Idol Blog.
OK, Chloe said she would be back by the end of the week. I'm tapping my foot here, waiting.
About that rapture thing...pretty sad, this guy
using all this money for ads....
Local guy spends $140,000 on ads about
judgment day on May 21
Maybe it just means we talk to much...
I wonder why that guy feels the need to spend all his money warning others. Is he afraid he won't have any company on the trip up or is it like those tours, where if you get a group together, you get a free ticket??
Are the Red Socks R Renee's team?
Yes, she likes all Boston teams...& the Red Sox just went ahead 3-2...annoying...
And Joba just gave up a 2 run homer & Boston leads 5-2...
Pressures on Coreen. Last chance for your boys to catch up!
This might be a good time for Granderson to pull out one of his home runs.
Well one RBI, better than nada.
One last find for you tonite...on Yahoo...
Good nite...& I know you are happy the swamp
is alive & well...
AI season 10's most robbed
Since I never watched before, the only ones I recognized were the two from this season.
Nite Coreen. It's nice to be home. I'm going to try to catch James on Leno. I set my DVT to record.
I guess you realized it was Friday the 13th and it didn't go by totally without incident. I had one inmate hurl a couple of
FUs at me along with a threat to do something but I didn't catch the details since my secretary/security was running him out. He didn't get what he ordered.
James is on Leno and for a kid with Asbergers, he does great on front of a crowd.
Ut oh we broke it again. Can't get on from computer.
I wonder how little Iphony gets thru?? Weird.
Just getting going this a.m. Let's see if mine
gets through...
I hate when we're down and I'm gnawing on a ponder. Iphony is a bitch to type on for older folkes. I know those kids can thumb it fast but not me.
I have an idea and I will try doing it .
This morning I woke up to a beautiful morning, all clear and cool. I know a cool morning is usual for most of you guys but not us down here in the real swamp. I'm trying to stay optimist, not my usual mode, even when I'm see so many awful environmental events going on all around. It's more common for me to think... when we will it be our turn. Jon Stewart would call thinking like that as Catholic or Jewish. I'm neither. Even River Rat Randal, the eternal optimist, was saying that we were overdue for a flood. I told him to hush his mouth. He's the guy that goes into a hurricane with no homeowners or flood insurance and still doesn't worry. And strangely enough, he's about the only one out here who didn't have much hurricane damage after Rita. Weird.
I'm going to continue to be thankful for our very pleasant weather and believe that it will continue. We have a little drought going but that's nothing, I have a hose and if that water runs out, I can always bucket it from the river.
I just typed this in a email to myself. Opened
It on iPhone, copied it and pasted it here. Where there is a will, there is a way.
Sorry for all the typos
I still can't get in from computer
Carol, I admire your tenacity to continue using iphoney for getting on here.
I pretty much forgot it was fri the 13th yesterday too. I consider 13th my lucky day so no problem.
Coreen, can you still get in? I can't sign in or log out from my computer.
I didn't tape the Leno show. I think part of reason I like James Durbin so much is that he has the tics and he refuses to let it define who he is. Plus I think he has great stage presence and he loves entertaining. He is so at home on stage and is not afraid to let his emotions show.
Jan. Are u using an Apple computer?
Coreen, I feel bad for you but sounds like you are on the road to recovery. I hate colds. My colds always start with this god-awful sore throat. That is how I know I have a cold, and it is not allergies. I sometimes wake up with allergy-related sore throat but as soon as I drink some water or tea, it clears up.
Still working Carol...waiting for someone to
do some work so I'll try again when he is finished...
I think think this is an Internet Explorer issue.
Yes, Jan the sore throat to me is the key...
Likewise the pollen/allergy raspy throat is
calmed down when you drink something soothing...but not the cold sore throat...that
one hurts to try to swallow...but most of the time it only lasts a day for me, then the head
Carol, so far its working here...
A sore throat with a cold - feels like my throat is "burned"
Coreen, I find that taking a teaspoon of honey every so often helps the sore throat. Dr. Oz says not to put lemon in your drinks with a sore throat as the acid worsens the pain.
I only use my apple computer on the blog. The loaner comp. from work I use only for my work e-mail address. I don't use it for getting on here.
I am not having any trouble with the blog now. It looks just like before.
Coreen, we actually do have some blooming flowers/bushes in summer and fall here - just not as much color as in you guys have.
What browser are u using Coreen?
I need Chloe's help. I think my internet Explorer is having issues with Blogger. Its the only thing that would explain this. I read where others have had
this same issue in the past.
Google has it's own browser and might be pressuring
me to try it.
Carol, don't really the top of the screen it does say Carol's Southern Spice - Internet Explorer provided by Dell...but sometimes update things pop up about upgrading it & I never do it...I have to wait for the
'guy'...I haven't even upgraded from vista to 7...
Chloe, if u get here but can't get in, please email me
Jan, just now, the guy came to spray a hornet's
next in the attic & he said wow you sound bad...& he suggested honey with it works for him, he has sinus/allergy problems....he also said try inhaling apple cider vinegar added to water, boil it & inhale the steam...
I'd think this was the universe saying get outta here and enjoy the day but I hate it when I have a problem I can't fix.
I wonder if I should change my browser. It seems
kinda radical but using the phone won't do.
Well, I went to Internet Options and cleared stuff and now I'm in again. There's a poltergist in the swamp.
Now I can settle down and go do my chores while it's beautiful outside.
Coreen, if you sound so bad, you have that laryngitis option. Usually viral or just inflammation. You can sound awful but not feel terribly bad. Just rest your voice and indulge yourself.
Indulging is very therapuetic.
Hi guys, I did try to log in yesterday morning -- but like everyone else, couldn't post - I figured it would last longer. I did catch up on posts and comments, although the blogger 'down' message said they they had deleted some of them.
Love all the beautiful pictures pictures of Spring in Louisiana, Carol.
Jan, your pictures spring in New Mexico are so gorgeous too. What a great walk, and such a beautiful time of the year. I wish the seasons didn't feel like they pass so quickly nowadays. Well, except winter -- that couldn't go to fast for me.
I bet Blogger sent me a STFU cookie. Humf. It didn't work, I cleared it.
.... and Jan, I was so surprised to hear what powers of concentration you have. I envy you. I can't filter out 'anything -- can't tell you what a problem that is. I'm 'always' completely aware of everything that's going on around me (and it's a constant bombardment). That's why my quiet time is so important to me.
I also want you to know how much I enjoyed your dedication to Lobie, although it did make feel bad thinking about him not being with you any longer. You're abraver woman than I -- I cant focus much about the pets I've lost without feeling really horrible -- even one's from many years ago.
Carol, I hate Internet Explorer - have used Firefox for years.
If you do decide to use another browser, you may want to try it:
You asked a question in one of your older post (this is a copy of it):
"I was telling a friend about what happened today and she said...stop, I'm getting little shocks down my back. little shocks down my back.
Something similar happens to me when I come up to a auto wreck and have to go check to see if anyone needs my help. When I don't know what I might run into, I get this shocking sensation in my thighs. An electrical sensation. My friend said hers goes down her back.
I was wondering if anyone else has a similar sensation when seeing or hearing" about something kinda gross? "
For me, 'everything' stressful, sad, dreadful (etc.) always goes right to my stomach. The worse it is, the worse the pain or even nausea. Avoidance is a way of life for me. I've learned the hard way that there's 'nothing' beneficial about caring 'too much' -- no good can come from it. (of course, I often fail).
Welcome home Chloe. Did you get a chance to have any fun on your hiatus?? I hope it wasn't all work and no play.
I fixed my problem here...well..for now.
Jan, that Idol Net blog suggested that James might do a duet with Steven Tyler next week as part of the entertainment. Steven had mentioned it once.
Jan, l enjoyed your dedication to Lobie, although it did make feel bad thinking about him not being with you any longer. You're a braver woman than I -- I cant focus much about the pets I've lost without feeling really horrible -- even one's from many years ago.
... and Jan, I was so surprised to hear what powers of concentration you have. I envy you. I can't filter out 'anything -- can't tell you what a problem that is. I'm 'always' completely aware of everything that's going on around me (and it's a constant bombardment). That's why my quiet time is so important to me.
Thanks Carol, it was mostly work. Did get a lot of evening time to catch up on movies though. I'm enjoy Netflix.
And Chloe, my stress also goes to my gut. What I was talking about is an immediate response to a anticipated encounter with observing something physically stressful. Same sensation happened when I watched surgery and they were slicing into intact flesh with a scapel. Little shock waves down my thigh. Not a pleasant sensation.
I saw a period movie from 391 AD the other day, and those people looked more advanced in their lifestyle in some ways, than the people from some of the countries we're occupying look to this day. They still weren't respectful to women, but no worse to them than they are in many of those countries now. Watching that movie from so long ago, I felt shocked at how little progress has been made in much of the world.
I'm just grateful for the progress that's been made in so many other places though.
Every time you say that thing about shock waves down your leg, I can't help but think about Mathews during the Obama speech, where he got a chill down his leg.
I've never had the sensation you talk about. No matter what it is, it's either my stomach or an intense feeling of fear or dread.
Yes Jan did have that knack of being able to tune unnecessary things out. I'm not sure if she still can. I sure wish I could do that. If there is any noise or even movement in my peripherl's got my attention.
I'm going over to read Scottie in a minute. First, Emma calls though.
Thank you God for this beautiful weather, keep it coming.
I wonder how long Mr. Scottie will be in Figi getting all spiritual. Will probably be some interesting posts in the future when he shares his insights.
And Chloe, this sensation ain't the same as Mr. Spittle's.
I thank Haley for reminding me of this song when she sang it as her inspirational song. It is inspirational.
I can't believe those judges made such a big deal about it. She did sing it with passion and this song needs to be sung with passion. Shame on you Randy and JLo. Shame, shame!
Earth Song
Micheal is also screaming at the end. Sounds about the same as Haley.
I read comments that neither Randy nor JLo can sing or have much of a voice. They did get some well deserved flack for their comments.
I miss Michael Jackson..I think he was an angel and that rare person that most people couldn't understand. He was a child of the earth.
The world always takes down really special people because they are different. And I don't believe he was a perv!
And I've had lots of experiences with pervs.
Haley doing Earth Song
This may piss off some but I believe that many males of our species do have the potential for pervness, my word there. It's kept in check by their higher moral development. Failure of that development or organic pathology of the brain, even from certain vascular diseases, can break down those checks and then there's trouble.
Men were the most critical of Michael because deep down inside they know this.
And the same could apply to some women but due to our hormones differences, not as often.
But we are seeing it more often in women. Not sure why.
Yes Carol, the weather really is beautiful!
I always thought well of Michael, and his phenomenal talent also -- I never thought badly of him. I do think he was in a great deal of pain though. Those children he loved may have been his only relief. Them and his music. (and animals too -- a very kind person.
And... oh wow -- reading this quote on the Scottie blog was really a wow moment for me (nothing all that new, but still a much needed reminder).
You guys probably read it, but I didn't see it mentioned -- he said he's been trying to learn to let go and allow Life to surprise him -- that he's on a vision quest (don't we all have control issues?). The following is the quote he ended with:
“And yet life is transformation: all that is good is transformation and all that is bad as well. For this reason he is in the right who encounters everything as something that will not return. It does not matter whether he then forgets or remembers, as long as he had been fully present only for its duration and been the site, the atmosphere, the world for what happened, as long as it happened within him, in his center, whatever is good and what is bad–then he really has nothing else to fear because something else of renewed significance is always about to happen next. The possibility of intensifying things so that they reveal their essence depends so much on our participation. When things sense our avid interest, they pull themselves together without delay and are all that they can be, and in everything new the old is then whole, only different and vastly heightened” (Rainer Maria Rilke, The Wisdom of Rilke).
.... the last 2 sentences said it all for me: "The possibility of intensifying things so that they reveal their essence depends so much on our participation. When things sense our avid interest, they pull themselves together without delay and are all that they can be, and in everything new the old is then whole, only different and vastly heightened"
It sounds like he's going to be gone for a while. But like you said, I bet he'll have plenty to say when he gets back. What an opportunity for him.
Hope everyone enjoys this glorious day!
Just checked in here. So much great reading to do. I want to comment on some stuff you all have written.
I too think Michael J. was a genius. I did not know whether or not to believe the stories about him and kids. I do agree with you all that he was disturbed. He had a horrid dad. Men are so influenced by their dads. The poor guy did not have a childhood, so was trying to construct one as an adult.
Most people that really knew MJ loved him deeply - so there had to be something good there.
Coreen, That guy sounds like he gave you good advice. I may try the honey and cinn myself and the water and vinegar inhalar. If you try any of this, let us know how it turns out. I believe in old family remedies.
Chloe, I love the writings of the Great Scot. I sometimes go back and read something he wrote again. He has some wisdom in his writings.
Folks, I have been belly aching about having to work hard, Well, you all are going to think I am nuts!
The person in our office who does advanced observations of kids who have a growth or developmental risk will not be returning in July. She is on contract from year to year. I am applying for the position. The director of the agency is encouraging me to do this. I am applying as a "free" agent apart from the Univ. It is a 10-15 hour/wk job.
The 10 hour position I have now requires me to take one clinical group of 8 students for 7 weeks - once a year. This is the part of that job I don't want to do any longer.
So, if I get this contract position, I may cut back my % with the univ so I don't have to do this student group once a year.
I worked on my letter of interest and CV/resume last night and this morn and just sent it to the director of the agency. I didn't think I would ever apply for another job - HAH!
"I believe that many males of our species do have the potential for pervness"
Carol, in some ways I agree with you. I think what "turns on" this potential is some sort of traumatic event such as the person being abused (especially sexually abused) in childhood. Or the person just does not believe social and legal rules of the culture/society do not apply to him/her. Maybe I analyze this too much. But the research sort of bears out the first one. Incest seems to occur over and over in some families. When a father abuses his sons or daughters - they in turn go on to abuse their own children - that is unless there is some kind of help or interference in this process.
do not apply - should be "apply to him/her."
I got over Lobie's death quicker than John. He would bring it up often over the past year. When the anniversary date got closer, I found I grieved all over again. Work, for me, probably is a distractor. John does not have work to distract him.
Jan, I don't think you are nuts about taking that position. It sounds right up your alley. Much better than a clinical rotation with students. You've been there and done that enough already.
That's what I was talking about when I told you there were so many things you could do with your credentials other than teaching or going back to school for more education.
You know when something is right, it just presents itself to you. Sychronicity!
And Jan, because you were working, John had more time to bond with Lobie. She was his only companion when you were gone to work. They were a team. It makes a lot of sense why the loss was felt more by him.
"She was his only companion when you were gone to work. They were a team."
Well said, Carol.
I hadn't thought of it that way.
Jan, Good luck on that application for the private contractor job. Of course, Carols right about the 'Synchronicity' too. I remember her telling you a while back that you could do so many things with your impressive credentials/experience. I hope it all goes well for you. And I'm sure there will be many more opportunities also.
"When a father abuses his sons or daughters - they in turn go on to abuse their own children - that is unless there is some kind of help or interference in this process."
I need to say that this (above) sometimes happens. People who are abused do not always abuse others - but when a person abuses others- if we look into their background, they were very likely abused themselves.
Thanks for the encouragement you guys. This is the part of the job that keeps me working.
You are right about John and Lobie. They were real buddies. Yet, when someone brings up getting another dog, John says "no" without hesitation.
So good to have you back Chloe. I know you are happy warmer weather is here - and Emma will not pick up as many "bugs" at school too.
I do hearing screens as part of my kid-assessments. During the hi- virus months, so many kids had "refer" on one or both hearing tests. Now they are all passing these. Ear infections, past and present, affect their hearing tests. If they have a "refer" I go back and check them again in one-two months.
I want to work on grandson's t-shirt quilt, but just am not "into" it now. With this trip coming up, I just want to get ready to go - meaning I want to get the house ready and do laundry and other chores in preparation. Is anyone else like that? I just don't multitask well any more.
"And I've had lots of experiences with pervs."
Carol, very interesting. Do you get any "vibes" about people you see outside of the jail. Are their any special characteristics that you see?
No Jan, because they fit so well in society. A few have that perv look about them but that is not the norm. Many of the older ones in the joint have that grandfatherly look. Not someone who you would suspect. They are so normal looking that now that I've had this experience, I would have a tendency to always monitor any older men around children.
I think the older guys fall into the category of organic brain changes, dementia, as the etiology. The dementia is not always that obvious. The areas of the brain that affect judgement took a hit.
There are these nice, educated, middle or upper class guys. Often the abuse involves stepchildren. Those really surprise me. Substance abuse can be involved there.
Then there are the young men who got caught up with a underaged girl who looked like she was much older. Those I really feel sorry for. Usually it was mutual and then the girls mom found out and went after the guy. That can ruin the rest of those young guy's lives. Some judges understand but some don't. They might end up having to register as a sex offender for the rest of their lives.
Then some guys are just victims of a vicious separation or divorce. The ex uses it to get him. That's awful also.
We're seeing more women coming in for sexual abuse crimes. Those really floor me.
The forceable rape guys do give me the creeps.
What I find interesting is that men are the most judgemental about all of this. Men were very judgemental about Michael J. They didn't seem to look at all the evidence and circumstances. They just saw him as a perv.
And it was men who were the most judgemental about Bill Clinton. Isn't that interesting? Some of the men I knew, who really dogged Clinton, were men, who I felt, were the most likely to be just like him. I guess that's where they got that saying...the guilty dog always barks first.
When does your vacation start Jan? You'll have to also share your spiritual experience with us.
Jan, Where are you going?
Carol, I agree that the most guilty people are the most suspicious of others.
What you said about more women coming to jail for molestation makes me wonder if some of the women just got away with it before. Remember long ago, if an older woman had sexual contact with an underage teenage boy, it was not usually looked down on in the same way it was when it was an older man abused an underage teenage girl. Now we know they're both equally wrong, so maybe more of the women are being reported.
I agree with you Jan, that most peoples deviate behavior began with some kind of mistreatment in their childhood. And like you say, not all -- but those that are perverts seem to always have something in their past that started it all. It's sad that these things have to be passed on from generation to generation.
That stuff you said about older men's judgment being affected by Alzheimers, Carol, makes a lot of sense too. But it's hard to believe they never had a problem in the past - maybe they just get careless and finally are caught.
I'm with you -- I wouldn't trust any man (or many woman), aside from Emma's grampa, alone with her. We're very protective. It's especially crucial before than can talk well or properly communicate things to you.
I'd hate to come in contact with some of those people in your prison, Carol. Luckily, you can do some of them some good, but I could never do it.
I learn so much from you guys here. It leads me to ponder things I may not ponder otherwise.
Unfortunately, it also points out to me that I am much more opinionated than I ever considered myself to be. I've always looked down on judgmental people (and have tried to work on my tendency to be so), but realize we all are to differing degrees. Writing our thoughts helps us know ourselves so much better.
... and it is also very enlightening that we can disagree and still all be right. That's such a good thing to learn.
Usually Chloe, my peeps aren't much different than most out there in the "free world".
But that guy I had trouble with yesterday is still giving me the creeps. He came in all smiles and when he couldn't control me, he left out very verbally violent. He shouted some kind of threat as he left but I didn't hear anything but "I know what I can do to you...."
I have had similar experiences before, but not often. Usually the next time I see them, they are all contrite.
I'm watching Coreen. nada to nada.
John and I leave next Thurs. We will be gone from home for 3 weeks. We will take 2 days to drive to AR. and be there for 6 days, and then take 2 days to drive to North Carolina. We will be in NC for 6-7 night and then start home.
Chloe, you are very wise with regard to whom you trust with Emma. My mother was raped when she was a child by her step father. Yet, when we were children she took us to Calif to visit her mother and step father for a week or 2 at a time. We were only toddlers. I think about that and hope she was cautious. I don't remember anything about those visits.
Carol, I too feel badly for young men who become victims themselves. I think it is our responsibility as parents to talk often to our sons as well as our daughters about responsible sexual behaviour.
Getting chores done for the day. Cut John's hair and trimmed his beard. Doing some laundry. Oh yes, forgot to tell you all that last weekend our washer was not draining. Had to call appliance repairman. Turns out that one of Johns little white plastic collars that fits into his black clergy shirts got caught in something and burnt out the washer -pump. I won't tell you how much that cost, but it was not cheap.
Jan, how old were you when your mother told you that she was raped by her stepfather? How old was she when it happened? It amazes me how often family members are in denial about these serious problems.
These things are far more common that people realize. I've been in groups of women at work and asked how many had been victims of some sexual abuse and almost all had by either family members or friends of family. Probably more often than not, it goes unreported.
You were talking about 'pervs'...& here's a perfect example....another priviliged rich white guy...head of the International Monetary Fund pulled off plane after a hotel maid alleges
he cornered her in his room & forced her to
perform oral sex on him, but she broke free
& fled...
Note that previously he was involved in an 'affair' with a subordinate...but he got to
keep his job, while the woman was conveniently
terminated in a 'down sizing'(this part of story may be in the NYT report)....
IMF head arrested in NYC
And Carol I am not a happy camper...the team
is playing just awful, no one is hitting...this
can not continue for too long...
Coreen, I wasn't going to mention that game.
Carol, I was about 12-14 when she first told me about her stepfather. She said she was 12 when he raped her. Interesting that I was the about the same age as her when she told me. I just now realized that.
Chloe, what did you say earlier, about how writing stuff out gives us insight into ourselves.
Getting sleepy. Good night.
Yes Jan, I think this place is better than a journal. It's unusual to find a few people that can be such a good support group.
Your trip sounds good. You'll be in each place long enough to actually settle in a while before you take off again. Like the Scottie guy is doing, you'll be getting away from the day to day 'chore' list -- good for the soul.
Coreen, I saw that story about the IMF guy this morning, and that's the first thing I thought about too. It fit in with the conversation we were having yesterday.
That's scary to be threatened by one of the prisoners, Carol (I wonder if he would have been so quick to threaten you if you'd been a male). When you mentioned something about 'next time you see him' I realized how unsettling that thought must be.
I remember that you told us about one a while back that was so mad that he said he was going to call his mom and tell her that you wouldn't do whatever it was he wanted you to do. Do you remember that?
I watched (but haven't quite finished) the great Cate Blanchett movie 'Elizabeth'. I can't remember if I saw it or not back when it was made. If I did though, I'm have an unforgettable reaction to it this time.
It's nice to see these movies about such strong women -- women that manage to overcome even the worst of circumstances. I don't know why I'm stuck on period movies right now (I never have been in the past), but there seems to be so much to learn from them. I love the difference and manners and values -- but also like seeing how far we've come and how much things have improved (in most ways).
If they could have taught (could teach) history the way some of these movies teach us, it would have been a much more interesting subject. Of course, way back when, history was taught like politics is now -- it was a good part fiction. Just like these movies?
Anyway, I love this movie and can't wait to finish it. It starts out naive and romantic and follows the changes that her unbelievable responsibilities and challenges place on her. I don't think I've ever seen a better acting job. Jeffrey Rush is also marvelous (as usual) in it. The whole cast is outstanding (even the very unlikable ones).
I was just thinking how they all follow the battles that have been fought (forever) over religion. Solar pointed this out man times, and of course we've all known it -- but it's still sad that some things just never changed.
.... people demanding other people to be just like them.
Jan, I've heard of many people not wanting to replace a beloved lost pet, because they've decided they never want to experience that pain of such a great loss again. Besides, you can never 'replace' the one you've lost, anyway.
We are going to a party this afternoon for step GD's hi school grad. She graduates tomorrow. My ex and his wife are in town - staying with my oldest son and family. I dread all these reunions. I am not comfortable around ex and wife. Wish I could get into bed an pull the covers over my head. Have to suck it up and go. Guess what? got a tummy upset - wonder why- hah!
Morning folkes. It's 68 outside and 11:30. I just finished mowing at the house. The mowing part is easy but the prep work is a bitch. Always have to air one of the tires, juice up the battery, hook up the little trailer, load up the mower, and carry it to the house.
This kids was going to do it but since he didn't have a mower, I'd of had to do all the rest. That would hardly be worth it since the mowing is the easiest part. It was so nice outside that I enjoyed it. I do want to hire someone to do it when it gets hot out.
I'm wearing warm ups and there are people out on the river skiing. Go figure.
Sorry about your tummy ache Jan but if you go, tell the Bobster hi for me. I guess you can't sneak a pic so I can see what he looks like after all these years. You haven't changed one bit, you dog.
Well, I just finished weedeating and now I pooped.
I can understand John not being ready for another dog. Actually they are a lot of trouble when you have to travel unless you can take them with you. That doesn't always work. Probably easier if you drive. Maggie is a significant reason that I don't go anywhere. Well, as you guys know, not the only reason. And I do have that new doggy camp lady.
God sent me the Magster when it was time for my Beauregard to beam up. I think that helped to blunt the pain some. Beau was in such awful shape but I wouldn't part with him. He was blind, deaf and had a horrible skin condition but I loved him.
Now Beauregard sounds like a true southern name...What kind of dog was he Carol...& yes
the powers that be do seem to know when the time is right for most things to it or not...the Magster found someone who loves her & pretty sure she feels the same about you...
Jan, hope when you get to the grad. party for your GD, all the stress will go away & you will
enjoy the happy day...
Carol & Jan, think this will make you both even made me appreciate the AI kids...didn't realize that Scotty is only 17, he's got it going for a teen...
Scotty's homecoming concert surprise
Thanks Coreen for sharing that. It was sweet. Yes, he's just a baby. And Lauren is only 16. I think that Haley is 20.
Scotty still backs away from his mic. There are times that you can barely hear him. I think it's a confidence thing. I noticed that it got worse when Josh showed up.
Lady Gaga tried to break him of that when she told him to french kiss his mic like it was his girlfriend. The boys didn't take much of Gaga's advice but the girls did and she had good advice for each of them. I guess it's kinda hard to take someone with face paint on too serious.
Oh, I still prefer that he didn't win the Idol. He's got a careen no matter. Might be better off not being tied down.
And Beauregard was a Schnauzer. He lived to be 14 but had lots of health issues, the worst was with his skin. He scratched constantly. I tried everything and ended up having to give him cortisone shots. I hate cortisone. He developed cataract and chronic ear infections. I think the cortisone contributes to that. Poor baby.
That was suppose to not careen.
I'm sure you remember that when I found Maggie, I still wasn't ready to let Beau go. With my ADD, the "powers" had to give me a shove. That was when I did that triple axle, double twist flight down these two carpeted stairs at my house. I could never figure out how I managed that trick.
Beau would sleep in my bedroom all day but wouldn't go down these two carpeted stairs until I patted him on the butt. He'd just stand at the top of those stairs and cry. One day when I bent down to pat him I did that acrobatic routine and landed on my side slamming my pelvis onto the floor. Ended up with those 4 pelvic fractures and had to use a walker for a month.
I had to carry Beau outside but couldn't do that using a walker. I was having to kinda drag him. A friend came over one day and told me it was time to let Beau go. It was very hard to do but I knew then, it was time.
Coreen, do you think your guys ate their Wheeties today?? They better do something.
Carol, thanks for sharing your memories of Beau...Your caring nature comes out in what you write you know...
Have had to know when it was time to let go
on too many occasions for me, so much so that I didn't want any more cats...then here I am with 3...the powers that be just kind of decided for me...
As for my team...they sure better snap out of it...but the Posada dustup is the lead sports
news still, which may or may not affect the team(like they need any more distraction...they need to start hitting)...& he is not in the lineup again tonite...
And so far it is just a cloudy, misty day, early rain, but not now...
They were talking about that Posada thing last night but said there would be a news conference after the game. Did not catch that, so what's up??
I heard on the Weather Channel that there might be a rain delay with the game. I've only had that channel on today. No news. Anything important happen besides Scotty and that MFer, I mean IMF rapist guy??
We went to the party and had a good time. What is it about the anticipation of something that is worse than the event. Talked to Bob and Jane (wifey) and it was just fine. We had a nice time. I did ask John to beg off staying more than an hour - with an excuse that he had people he needed to visit. Worked just fine.
Carol, I don't remember you talking about Beau before.
I did not read this before I went to party, so did not tell Bob anything. Besides, his wifey does not like any talk of events or stuff while I was married to Him. I will send you a pic of him. I have one from about a year ago.
Beau sounds like he was a sweet dog. What was the name of the dog you had when I visited you many years ago?
Carol, That was a really bad fall you had. Do those fractures give you any problem now? How long ago was that?
I use chairs to climb on to get into higher cabinets. I am very careful though. About 10 years ago I was doing that and fell. Scared the S*** out of me. I have been very careful since then.
Coreen, thanks for posting the link to Scotties homecoming. It was great. These last 3 kids are so young. It fits with who is doing the voting on Idol.
Don't climb on chairs Jan! Don't do it! I am very very careful now.
My pelvic fractures do not bother me at all but my three compression fractures have changed my life. I'll never be the same.
Those pelvic fractures were a serious pain in the ass at the time but the pain stopped after about two months after. This nun who went to SF and Mom's church did some kind of prayer thing for me. It worked. Fortunately it happened after I left that State prison job and before I got my present job.
The distance down those stairs was only a little over a foot but it was that acrobatic thing I did that caused me to slam down on the floor. There was cement under that carpet. It was a weird experience. It was like I was thrown down. At the time I thought I broke my hip.
It was an experience trying to live alone and get around with my walker. I used crutches to get to my vehicle and would crutch into Walmart and get one of those little motorized shopping carts. It was tricky getting stuff off the top shelves.
I used to look down on those fat people who use those carts to get around the store. I never have since. Thought it might be my karma.
My dog before Beau was Rocky, a Cocker Spaniel. He lived 15 years. He also had serious allergy/skin problems. Both Beau and Rocky were registered. Those breeds are popular and over bred. They do have a tendency for skin problems.
Thank God Maggie is is healthy. Some LSU Vet told a friend of mine that the pound puppy/mixed breed dogs have less health issues.
Carol, I remember Rocky. He was your dog when I visited. I recognized his name immediately.
Wow! that was quite an injury that you had. I cannot imagine having to do what you did with a walker and crutches. Steve's wife has MS and used a cane, then a walker and finally a wheelchair. She and Steve and their girls have adapted, but it has been so tough for them. She, of course, does not drive and she really gets cabin fever at times. They now have a car with a lift. It has made a huge difference in her life.
You are right, I need to give up my chair to get into cabinets. We have a stepstool, but it is heavy and I keep it in the garage. I will think about this.
When I get another dog, it will be one from the pound or humane society. Probably a small one.
e-mail coming to you with pic of Bob.
Getting hungry. don't feel like cooking so we are going out somewhere. Back later.
That's more like it Yanks. HR. Jones? Is he new?
I read that among the stuff found in Binny's place were Coke and Pepsi, some kind of natural viagra, marijuanna, and porn. And he bitched about the West?? Sounds like he would have fit right in here.
I picked and ate my first cucumber today. Yum. It a burpless cuc and so burps.
I really never noticed that cucs made ya burp.
Jan, listen to Carol about standing on a chair...I have a couple of folding 2-step stair things with a grab/hold-bar that I use when I need to reach high cabinets, change light bulbs in the kitchen light hanging over the table...
They are not that heavy...I also have a 4-step
larger version that I use to clean the ceiling
I like cucs, but they don't like me...they do make you burp & I have no idea why...
Yankees picked Andrew Jones up this year...not sure who he was with, but most of his career
he was an Atlanta Brave...
The Posada dustup...short version...Georgie adjusting to not being the Yankee catcher & only being the DH...Georgie
not hitting at all, dropped to 9th in batting order, went to Girardi & asked to sit out game, Brian Cashman (Yanks GM)goes on tv during game & says no reason he asked to not play, then the media grabbed hold
made a big deal of it...& after game Girardi
played it down nicely...We will see what goes
from now on...
NY media has been constantly hammering at the
'aging' Yankee stars like Derek, Posada, & even any opening they see as a flaw, they
These are a Burpless hybred. Very few seeds.
Why does the NY media pick on their own team?
Not sure, but NY is a tough town to be & stay
on top...Have to always be a winner...or take
the heat...that's why lots of athletes have not
succeeded here in the glare of constant media
Rut rho.
We need a new post Carol...Have any pics...
And Carol, about NY, remember there's more than one team in NY for each,
football, basketball, the competition to be king of the hill is always there...
I got nada Coreen. You have anything?? Chloe?? Jan?? This post went fast.
Considering we were locked out for over a day.
Well, I just solved the mystery of one of my weird sounds. I heard it last night and again tonight. I saw something swim away but again couldn't get to my flashlight fast enough. My porch light doesn't go that far out.
When I did find it, I went back out and out on the wharf and looked over by that tree that had some beaver damage and sure enough, it has a lot more. The sound is a beaver knawing on a tree. I don't think my neighbor can see the damage from his yard. I need to remember to tell him tomorrow. It might be too late to save that tree. .
I'm going to a jail training conference Mon and Tues. It's being held here at one of our casinos. They are pretty interesting. One year, on a break, I went into the casino and won $700 bucks. That was even more interesting. Could I be that lucky again?? Sure!
Jan, I didn't get that email unless it's walking over.
Well, it's bedtime. Still no bedtime lappy. I wonder how long it will be before she returns. Still feel lost without her. If I want to listen to C2C at night, I have to use Iphony. One her it divides each nightly program into 4 parts and after each hour, it turns off. That's probably a good thing since I usually don't last an hour.
Coreen, you boys can't catch a break. I think those Socks want to go home with a 500 record. Is that how you say it?? Winning half their games.
Oh and the Rodster just made a nasty error. Dummy. What's that wad in his mouth?? I've been afraid that he will aspirate whatever it is. I thought it might be sunflower seeds but it looked pink last night.
Yes...this is torture again...
Alex chews bubble gum...sometimes in the dugout
you can see a container that says double bubble...
Pleasant dreams with c2c...I'm up til the end...
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