A beautiful day here in Asheville. We drove to the downtown area and had lunch in a small outdoor cafe across the street from a small downtown park. This is a lovely city. The building is St. Lawrence Basilica. The cardboard box is at the back of our hotel. I suspect some employees are feeding a cat. We did see a black and white kitty beside the box this morning.
Friday, May 27, 2011
Asheville in May
A beautiful day here in Asheville. We drove to the downtown area and had lunch in a small outdoor cafe across the street from a small downtown park. This is a lovely city. The building is St. Lawrence Basilica. The cardboard box is at the back of our hotel. I suspect some employees are feeding a cat. We did see a black and white kitty beside the box this morning.
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The middle pic is of an artist's booth in an art and craft mall downtown. I took a pic of it because this is one of the themes in the spirituality/dream conference we are attending this weekend - The Sacred Feminine. Jung talks a lot about this topic. I will talk more about it later if you want to hear it.
If you will notice the box for the kitty has a little towel in it. Someone is really taking care of the kitty(s).
Carol, I think the Casey Anthony trial is most interesting. I heard one reporter say, that if it is true that Casey's dad did find the baby drowned in the pool, he has "thrown his daughter under the bus."
Yes, you will need to tell us more about the sacred feminine.
I love your pics, Jan. There's a strange cloud over the left side of the loft thing on the church.
I love the little hobo cat motel/diner.
To give Casey's dad a little break, I hadn't heard the fact that they pulled a bag of garbage out of the trunk. He could have written off the smell due to it even though the smell of garbage and dead body aren't the same. We are all familiar with garbage since we all have a can in our yards. It's not the same as dead body.
But did he ever report the two missing before or after finding the impounded vehicle regardless of whether the smell disturbed him? They say he hadn't heard from them in three weeks. I'm not real up to date on the evidence. But I'll get there.
Those sexual abuse allegations are worrisome. They are easy to make but difficult to defend.
Casey has been described by some as being such a wonderful loving mother but then she's out partying without a care in the world while her child is missing. Is she a multiple personality?? I know it's rare.
Yes, that is a strange little cloud in the left corner of the basilica.
And Jan, I don't see any food on that table. I had my fork and knife ready and nada. Got to get that before pic.
A seriously disturbing story:
"The bill would no longer classify wild horses and burros as “wildlife.” Champions of mustangs worry this language sets the stage to strip the animals of their rights to drink water on public land".
Nevada wild horse water bill debated in Senate Panel Hearing
Coreen, sounds like you are having a big weekend gardening. I admire you and Carol for your gardening skills. I am looking forward to pics of you beautiful flowers.
Yes Coreen, we want some pics of your gardening weekend. Thanks Jan, I missed that post of Coreen's. Had to go back to catch it.
Everything OK Chloe? It's been 6 days since we heard from you and you didn't mention being out of pocket. You know, I worry.
I think I'm going to upgrade my Iphone to a 4. It has a better camera and a video camera. Some of those videos of the tornados were recorded from Iphones. My Iphone 3 is over 1 1/2 years old.
I added some pictures of the kitties in the back of the hotel. Two of the household staff were back there sitting at an outdoor table and said they were the ones feeding the kitties.
If you blow up the 3rd pic you can see the black and white kitty in the bushes.
Coreen, you do need a break from all your planting.
Chloe, I am missing you.
we are going out to scout where the conference will be. We are to check in between 4-5 tomorrow afternoon. Check out time here at the hotel is 11 am - so at that time we can go downtown and walk around, have lunch and hang out there until time to drive to the conference.
We are going to buy a bag of kitty food and leave with the household staff here.
I want a new phone also, and think I want an i phone.
Good morning...enjoying sharing your trip Jan...& pleasantly surprised to see the extra
pics of the kitties...
Carol...go for it...get the white Iphone...
Yes, I also enjoyed the kittie pics. Seems kitty in pic #1 is guarding the diner. It looks just like Fiddler except a little smaller.
Coreen, the white and black Iphone 4 are the same except for color. That's what I read. Once they are put in the Otter Box, to protect it, the color won't be visible. I need that box for protection. I often drop my phone.
Carol...just a matter of style...I rarely choose black as a color of anything...never a black car, (my cars have always been either white or blue) have few black clothes...its my least favorite color...but I do have a black
cat, but she found me...
Carol...just a matter of style...I rarely choose black as a color of anything...never a black car, (my cars have always been either white or blue) have few black clothes...its my least favorite color...but I do have a black
cat, but she found me...
New research is indicating that cell phones do microwave your brain. I'm also going to get another bluetooth device so I don't have to hold it close to my head. I have and still do spend a considerable amount of time on a cell phone.
I used to have one of those things but lost it.
I've had many white vehicles also. Now I have a silvery gray.
Since I won't be able to see the color, it won't make any difference. Maybe I can get a white otter box.
You would never want a black vehicle down here in the south. They are horribly hot and show dust and dirt.
Still can't get myself to commit to a new cellphone at all...but if I do succomb to the temptation...it will be a white Iphone...
Yesterday someone showed me their Ipad...that was pretty neat...you just touch the screen
to move about & it only weighed about a 1/2 pound...She had the original Ipad, not the Ipad2, but she said she used it daily, got rid of her laptop, but still has a desktop too...
HLN is covering the trial again today and they have Casey's mom on. Good thing I have a DVR. I'm already addicted to it.
Carol, you will have to fill me in on the trial. I walked this morning and then got into the indoor pool. My back is giving me a little trouble and moving around in the water in the pool and hot tub really heaps it.
Good to see you Coreen. I put up the kitty pics for you and Carol. The kitties here are pretty skittish. I approached them slowly and quietly. They run off quickly but still managed to get some good pics. My favorite is the black and white one. She is really pretty.
We are going now to scout out where the retreat center is.
See ya later.
Well, more papa drama. They moved SF into the locked unit, called memory ward, at the AL facility last night. This was scheduled to happen because of all the things he's pulled. He's been acting an ass all day. I think it may have started after I called him and said I was coming to visit. It seems he's more likely to act out when I come.
He charged the locked door this morning to escape but he just sat up in the front in a rocker while one of the cute young assistants sat with him. When I got there he was back in the unit eating. I sat with him, he was fine. We went back to the room and then he got up and went back to that door and charged it again when someone came thru.
I sat and talked with him on the front porch trying to explain why he couldn't go home. He was being very defiant. After a while, he did agree to go back to his room and laid down for a nap. I left to go do my grocery shopping and getting a bunch of stuff they said he needed in case of a hurricane evacuation
When he got up, he did the same thing. He might have thought that that young woman, who sat with him this AM, would come back to sit with him or that I would go back up there. The young woman had already left for the day and I wasn't going back.
Now he's laying up on one of the couches, refusing to go back to his room. He will have to be taken back to the hospital. He is very aware of what he is doing, isn't confused or disoriented. He's mad. This time he will be taken to the mental unit at one of the local hospitals. He will most likely have to be sedated but when he returns to the AL facility he will at least be in a monitored unit where he can't slip out the back door.
When we visited today, he was very alert. Remembered everything. He was just angry about not being able to go home. He told me his hired hand told him that he couldn't come get him or I would have him arrested. I told SF that his being there wasn't my idea, it was the conclusion of his doctors and elderly protection.
It seems that everyone is telling SF that I'm the bad guy. I'm the one who won't let him leave. They certainly can't take total custody and care of him and meet all his needs and I can't either.
He thinks he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself at home, alone. His angry, defiant behavior does worry me because NO facility can handle a combative patient. He'd end up in jail and we do have several old folkes with dementia, who were dangerous and combative, who are in our facility right now. They have nice families but they can't handle them either.
To some, including family here, he seems so normal but they don't realize that his lack of judgement and his combative behavior, when he can't do what he wants to do, are symptoms of dementia.
I just got a call from the AL facility and he agreed to go back to the place he's already been to, twice now. That's better than the mental ward at the local hospital.
He did mumble today that he was sorry he gave me his POA. I told him that's OK because I gave that to his nephew. While walking back to his room I said..I guess I'm no longer your favorite step daughter. That was something he often said over the years. He said, no, you still are and smiled. He's a crafty old codger and he'll probably outlive me, especially if he keeps this shit up.
What's that old saying....no good deed goes unpunished??
Now where did I put that 6 year old vodka? Oh yeah, that shit make me sick.
I bought a half gallon of Vodka right after I bought the camp. I've made a good many Bloody Mary's for people over the years. There's still over half the bottle left. Does that stuff go bad after 6 years?
One bit of evidence that leads me to believe that SF is being manipulative and more in control than some think is...he uses a different technique for manipulation for each individual he attempts to manipulate and he's pretty astute in his selection. Tears for those who are vulnerable to those and demanding/angry for those who he thinks are more vulnerable to that.
And whatever technique he is employing at the time, immediately halts the moment some pretty young thing walks up. Then it's instant flirt mode.
Coreen, your Yanks are playing late tonight. You gonna stay up to watch it? Must be playing in Seattle.
Jan, Casey's mom testified today. I think I have it all recorded. I've seen a little of it and it is very interesting. I feel sooo sorry for her.
Jan, did you find where you are suppose to go tomorrow? Hope you can check in some during the workshop. Writing about it might help you to retain the material longer. Still want to hear about the sacred feminine.
Our blog is also a good diary.When I forget when I did something. I search here. The other day, I couldn't remember just why I brought my computer to the geek. I did it three on three different occasions and for different reasons. My geek couldn't remember either. I looked back on the blog and found out. It's makes a very good diary.
I told SF that I sure wished we could both go back 20 years. The days when mom was still alive. When I could go spend the night out with them. We could work cows and ride the range.
I told him there's a lot I can't do anymore either. I take a risk just climbing my stairs. Life just ain't what it used to be but we still have our memories.
This is just too sweet
Carol, Sorry to hear SF is still giving you problems.
We did drive to where the retreat is going to be held. It is about a 30 mile drive one-way. It is in Henderson NC at an Episcopal retreat center. The conference is going to be a lot like a nursing conf except it is going to be on spirituality, etc. If I can get on line I will write you about it. I have signed up for several break-out workshops. John has signed up for different ones.
We bought some insect spray today. We are not used to having insects in NM because of the dryness.
We went back downtown for dinner tonight. There were lots of street musicians and in the little park across from the restaurant we like, there was an evangelical minister preaching. He had quite a crowd listening to him. We didn't stick around to listen but he sounded pretty "fire and brimstone"
There were lots of young people (and a few old farts like us) downtown. Lots of outdoor cafes and lots of bars. Many people just walking up and down the streets too.
We bought some kitty food to leave for the cats in back. I will get it to the housekeeping staff in the morning.
I found the guest laundry room this afternoon and did a couple of loads of laundry. We have been on the road for 10 days and running out of clean clothes.
Good night.
Oh yes, I forgot to tell you I loved the mama cat and her kitten. That was so sweet.
I have no idea if vodka goes bad after several years.
Good night once more.
Best Wishes on a wonderfully enlightening retreat Jan and John.
After the last two days of watching that Casey Anthony trial and then watching SF, I've been reminded just how totally complex and often bizarre human behavior is. I really don't think you can pinhole people behavior into any real categories.
People who knew Casey describe her as being a loving and devoted mother. The pics and videos I've seen of the mother and child interacting seem to document that also yet the evidence seems to scream that she either killed or was involved in killing that beautiful child. It just blows my mind.
Throughout the testimony of others the camera focuses on Casey. Sometimes she show some emotion but often, when the the witness is crying and likely everyone listening wants to, she has a cold aloof look on her face.
And I wonder if SF is manifesting some mental illness that aging has exacerbated rather than just dementia. Who knows?
Medicine requires that people's phyical and mental deviations from normal be placed in a neat diagnostic category but those deviations often just don't fit because they are all so unique.
Mr. Scottiman must have left some blog posts to put up while he's on his spiritual quest.
Today he left a quote that I find appropriate for the current times:
“Flowers arouse in us an instinct to protect them, to appreciate them, and to shelter them. This world is too ugly, too violent. There should be something delicate to care about. To do so is to be lifted above the brute and to go toward the refined. When we offer flowers on our altar, we are offering a high gift. Money is too vulgar, food too pedestrian. Only flowers are unsullied. By offering them, we offer purity.” (Deng Ming-Dao)
Hi guys...
Sorry to hear about the on-going SF struggle...
Still the choice to have him cared for at the
AL facility is the right one for both him & you Carol, regardless of anyone suggesting you
have acted badly...
Jan enjoy your conference...the only reference I remember about 'sacred feminine' was in the
da vinci code & the way the catholic church has
viewed women...the Mary/Mary Magdaline disconnect...
Carol, will need more swamp magic...the team
lost 2 to the Mariners...
Coreen, I saw the scores for those games but they were playing at a time when they probably are used to sleeping.
Good morning. Woke up about 1 am with allergy attack. I did not take any antihistamines for a couple of days. Woke up with my face inside of throat itching. Took antihist immediately. I always have them at hand. I never know what causes the allergy attack. I did some ironing of clothes washed yesterday. Had to to it in the bathroom to keep from disturbing john. After that I was still wide awake so took the book I was reading and went down to lobby - finished the book. Finally sleepy, went back to sleep at 4 am. John woke me at almost 9 am this morn.
Coreen, yes, the Di Vinci Code did talk about the Sacred Feminine. Several other authors that talk about spirituality mention this or have as a theme of their book. They are all talking about it in a similar way- the church and several religions have discounted the roles that women have played in religion and in history. The result is (and I believe this too) that putting too much focus on the masculine, society and cultures have lost the richness that the "feminine" brings to life. Also, in so many cultures women have no power in their own lives, families, communities and government.
I must sign off for today. must pack. I hope to be able to connect in this next week. If at all possible I will connect her tonight or tomorrow.
Carol, If I am unable to connect here, I will text you.
Have a great rest of the weekend. Relax, rest and rejuvenate in whatever way works for each of you.
Jan, when you do return....the issue of women
being second class, having no control is something that continues in many instances right here today (forget about the rest of the world)...while advances have occurred, in total
the female is still the subordinate, or as you
state have 'no power' in their own lives, etc...
Whether it is cultural, historical, inherent
in the species, learned behavior, or a personal choice, I have no idea, but it certainly exists...
Carol, you & I, are still outliers in that we
have been the sole/primary responsible party
in just about every aspect of our life/living...but as I say to you, beyond our
own personal circle, we really can not influence/change things that one might consider needs changing...that is why I tend
to not get overly worked up about world events...I can only influence my own surroundings....
Coreen, I understand that we can't control anything beyond our own personal circle and as you can see, I can't even control my own personal circle. My only control is to cut some of that circle loose. And I can observe and study it. It's frustrating.
Carol, see why Derek is such a 'sweetheart'...he takes his sister to see his girlfriend's play & then he slips out the side door of the theatre so as not to take the spotlight away from her...
that's just one of the reasons you have to just love this guy...
That's My Gal
I am so surprised. We can get online out here at church camp. That is precisely what it is - adult church camp. It is a nice camp - not quite the Holiday Inn. The beds are comfortable. John and I each have our own dbl/queen bed- I never know which is which. We have our own little bath and ice. No refrig in our room and no ac. We do have a ceiling fan and can open the window. It is a little warm but we can handle it.
When we arrived, we checked in in the main lobby. It is like checking in at a nursing conference. I can even get CEU's but they are not nursing CEU's. We had a social hour with wine and veggies, fruit and cheese. The faculty all introduced themselves. We had a nice healthy dinner with baked fish, several veggies and a spinach salad. After dinner we 130 participants walked over to the main bldg where we had the intro session. We will have classes day and evening. There is some free time each day for recreation/meditation/etc. It is very interesting and will share some each day. Tonight the presentation was on the history of "dream work." Dream work/analysis/interpretation has been widely accepted by eastern peoples but not so much in the western cultures. Freud did begin the movement and Jung continued it.
The evening session began with an invitation to try to find themes in the dreams people who are attending the conference have had in the past weeks. We were encouraged to share dreams at a microphone but not long drawn out dreams. It is not meant to be therapy but only to find meaning in the dreams. We were each assigned to be in a dream group of 10 people that we will stay with once a day for 2 hrs throughout the conference. This is in addition to the classes/group.
Coreen, I agree that women in this country still have less power than men. I see this every day with the women served by the early head start program I work with. I feel I do have some control over my life because I am financially secure (as much as any one is these days) in my own right. Women are so vulnerable because they often are the ones responsible not only for themselves, but also for children if they have them. An of course as parents age, it is the daughters and daughters in law who care for them if they cannot care for themselves.
women in this country have somewhat more freedom than women in some other countries, especially Africa and the Arab nations. I cannot imagine what it would be like to be a woman in those countries.
Hope everyone has a nice Memorial Day.
I see that you guys are all tucked in, Jan. No AC?? Oh boy. I just looked at your weather and the humidity/heat there is almost as bad as it is here. Well, you can think of the retreat as a spa for your skin. It ought to be happpy. Do the meeting rooms have AC?
You might want to pray for a little thunderstorm during the day. One of our weathermen calls them nature's giant airconditioner. They can drop a temp 20 degrees.
Do they have a swimming pool out there? Hope so.
And I do want to thank our service women and men who have sacrificed to keep the rest of us safe!
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