Well, I didn't get those Easter basket pics of
because she tore through it so quickly, before I was out of my morning fog. Things got hectic and didn't go as planned. As you all know, I'm not a frequent picture taker. I've tried to change, but change (really) is hard (at least for me). Sorry if I let you down, Carol.
But I did have a kinda funny one
Also some outside the balcony where we ate our Easter meal, which was delicious, by the way. It was a buffet, and there was very little food they did not have. Of course, the best part for me was the luscious desert table they had set up. My favorite was the carrot cake. Carrot cake is nearly always delicious, but this one may have been the best we've ever had.
We had a good day, and I hope all the rest of you did too.
I'm so short on time today (so what's new!).
I saw this a day or two ago at TM, posted by Corey over there, and I have to admit -- it did make me giggle:
"I saw this on a bumper sticker this morning:
Sarah Palin 2012...The World Is Going To End Then Anyway."
I'm just about ready to head out.
Have a great day all.
Chloe, these pictures are adorable. Emma is a beautiful little girl. The top picture is great. That one could win a photo contest. You captured the most adorable expression on her face. And those blue eyes are amazing. It is so funny how little kids put glasses on upside down.
Carol, thanks for putting up the link to the Eliz Warren discussion on Jon's show.
Those pics are great Chloe and you couldn't have gotten any better ones. She does look like she's a blast to be around. But I do understand that that also comes with the need for high energy expenditure. Bless you girl.
At my age, I sometime have trouble just climbing the stairs out here. I'm sure you're in better shape because you get Emma aerobics every day and you can't say, Oh I'm just too pooped today to do it.
When we went over 200 last night, I tried to post a comment and it didn't show up. I repeated myself 3 times and then realized what was happening, we were over 200. That's why I had 3 of the same comment on the over 200 area.
I was trying to post a new little Lizbeth post this morning to have a new place to comment. I tried to post that post and google wouldn't take it. Not sure why. Wonder if google was censoring me or maybe the Universe knew something better was coming and thanks to Chloe, it was.
Jan, I think the Daily Show website may have a longer interview with Elizabeth. Have you seen it? She has a cute new haircut and always has good things to say. Jon Stewart wants her story told and I do also. Check out his show on the reruns today. He also had other good things to say. I love the way he points out just how dumb our political leaders are.
And Coreen, I double dog dare you to check it out also. No, let me make that double cat dare ya.
Well, I heard Obama finally pulled out the old BC. Good. Now they can put that one to bed. I think he did the right thing.
Chloe, she is such a cutie...& she looks so happy...keep up the excellent job of raising a beauty who will surely be a heartbreaker one day...
Carol, Warren is an oldtimer for those of us who work in the bankruptcy law area...she was
a champion of women in particular in 2004-5, when the congress changed the laws making it more difficult for debtors to file...
Yes, Obama released the BC, & Trump is taking claim for it happening after just 2 weeks of talking about it...I love it!!!
taking credit for it, that should say...
We have the high winds again today. And our temp is only getting to 68 today. We walked to the pool this am and it was 50 degrees. I got all my cold weather clothes out again. It was 38 degrees at 6:30 am. There was snow in the mountains this past week.
I actually like the cooler temps but could do without the wind.
I have an entire day with no work today (work for the univ, that is). my plan is to do some cleaning out of the garage. Since John and I both have e- readers, I am taking a bunch of books to Good Will. That really helps the storage issues.
I do like my e-reader. I think it helps my allergies too. I do believe I have an allergy to paper products and dust that collects in old books.
Folk song of the day dedicated to all swamp people:
Get Together
1969...the year I met you Jan! It was a very good year.
Hope Ivy's down in the man cave. Tornados over her way. Stay safe Ivy.
Bad tornado hit Birmingham and darn it, we can't even find out if Ivy is OK.
Said my prayers for Ivy. She'll be OK. I feel it.
Do ra me fa so la te do. Ok, I'm warmed up.
Tonight it's Carole King songs. Back to my college days.
Have a favorite CK song? I'm trying to think of which on I liked best. I liked most of them. And James Taylor.
Warmed up...you should be, if you are in the hi 80s...
we are humid again...I hate humidity...foggy night...supposed to get some of the storms
tomorrow...then pleasant for the weekend...
Aren't you watching AI tonight...
One of my favorites is "You Got a Friend" She wrote it but James Taylor made is famous.
You've Got A Friend
It hit 92 today Coreen. That was a record. Suppose to be cooler tomorrow with lower humidity.
Oh, I'm watching Coreen.
I didn't recognize Jacob's song.
I like the songs she wrote/co-wrote for other
singers more than those she sang & not a big
James Taylor fan...
You make me feel like a Natural Woman...
One fine day...you're gonna want me for your girl...great song to sing along with...
& how about....come on, come on do the Locomotion with me...
Coreen, I let Idol off the hook because Pia is doing OK and they do plan to change the way they do the voting. I bet they checked in here and decided to take our suggestion. Just like Obama checked in here last night and decided it was time to cough up that birth certificate. It had nothing to do with Trump.
Nothing like a little display of delusion of grandeur, huh. A healthy delusion every now and again is good for a psyche.
Ha, ha...now you are really making me laugh....
You must have been listening to your msnbc
crew...since they tried really hard to spin
the BC dump into a win for Obama...I couldn't grab the remote fast enough before good ole chris & his co-horts were spinning like tops...while spitting his words out...that is such a pitiful excuse for a tv channel...
I'm sorry, I can't do the spitmyster.
I suspect that some polling was showing that Trump's barrage the last couple of weeks was
having some effect...so time to cut it off as
fast as he could...
Haley and Casey did a duet. Did that count as their songs tonight?
I think it would have been better if Haley did that song by herself. She's got the voice for that song.
And Coreen, don't mess with my delusions.
Trump's been ranting for weeks but we mention it last night and bam, out comes the certificate. OK.
Just like ole Scottie's trying to suck me in by singing my favorite CK song.
You are in good company, since Craig's post today was about releasing the bc...but keep your delusions if it makes you happy...
what did he sing...not watching it...yankees
on bottom of 6th, they are ahead 3 - 1, but after losing both games to one of the worst teams...I am not comfortable...
I bet not Coreen.
Scottie sang You Got a Friend.
James will sing "Tonight your mine". That's another one of my favorites.
I just switched it on...someone is singing
another great song....will you still love metomorrow another great song she co-wrote..but I do not like this singing...
I remember dancing with one of my first boyfriends to that song. It was a neighbor boy and I think he's probably ended up in jail. If not, he missed a good chance to. He was a delinquent.
Are these judges comments for real...no wonder
I could never watch this show...
Can you remember who made that song popular?
you are kidding right...the shirelles of course...
We spent a lot of time cruisin...listening to rock & roll...think American Graffitti...
You're right Coreen. I just found it.
Bringing back some good time Coreen?
Our generation had some of the best music.
Did you wear penny loafers?
I loved the Bass Weejuns. It hasn't been that long that I quit wearing them. They always hurt my feet. The leather was hard to break in.
No didn't ever have any penny loafers...never had a poodle skirt...have to think how I would
describe us way back then..
But I do know a bit about old rock & roll music...
Casey has an old soul. He's doesn't cater to the teeny boppers. And he is very talented.
I think he is way over the judge's heads.
I still really like Haley.
what they didn't like him...what did he sing...
there's a young woman singing now...have no idea what she is singing...
Randy's full of it! Haley's got it.
i never realized what all CK wrote.
I like that one also. Something tells me...
1960's shoes...sling backs, flat ballet shoes w/the little tie,& boots...remember these boots
were made for walking...miniskirts, skinny jeans, then later bell bottoms...
I liked that duet.
Game over...Yankees win 3 - 1....
TG Coreen.
I just went and voted. It's a bitch to vote for AI. Hope those kids appreciate my effort.
You can vote up to 50 times and you have to type in that those little letters/numbers each time you vote.
It's a test for dementia and it probably eliminates many of us older folk.
Casey is a very talented musician/singer even though he's not particularly my cup of tea.
Happy voting Carol, you'll have to wait for Jan
to get the rundown on your singers...
time to read for awhile...need to finish the Lincoln Lawyer...
and remember...let's be real careful out there...
Hi ya'all. I just finished watching Idol. My favorites tonight in the following order: james, Lauren, Scottie, Casey, Haley, Jacob. I think James is my favorite. I am sorry it is not a girl Carol, but that is just the way the cookie crumbled. LOL.
I now want James to win. I agree with the judges, he is consistent. I don't like the hard or metallic rock he does. I liked what Scottie did tonight. He really plays to the camera. I think Lauren did the best of the 2 girls.
The people who died in Vilonia AR were mostly in mobile homes.One couple got out of an 18 wheeler and got into a trailer and they didn't make it. So very sad. Having lived in so many areas where there are tornados or high winds, the worst place to be is in a mobile home, a car or out in the open.
I agree that Casey is a very talented musician, and yet he is not my fav either. I think he is John's favorite. John likes James also.
I bet Ivy is ok. They probably have a pretty strong home based on what she has said.
Of course, a strong home did not matter in that tornado that hit around OKla City a few years ago. That thing was a monster. Very little survived in its wake.
Carol, I remember you wore those Bass Weejuns. I had forgotten that.
Yes, it was 1069 when we met. I remember meeting you the first time in Nutrition class.
We had a nursing course that semester too. It is interesting how nursing is different now. We did not have to apply to the nursing program and most BSN programs now require you take your pre reqs and then apply to the program.
Jan, you don't have to apologize for having your own and a different opinion. You like who you like and I think you are more consistent with the mailstream. I'm the goofy one but what's new.
I don't particularly like the girls on AI more. I like all of them now. I've given the girls a few more votes only because I feel like I'm countering some of the teeny bopper girl vote. I'm also giving Jacob and Casey more also. I don't think they will be that popular with the masses but are both very talented.
I think they each have their unique qualities. I think they all have a music career, we found that out with Pia.
I think your favorite, James, will be the one to win. He might fit the American Idol definition the best. His kind of music might be more AIy.
Jan, my first clear memory of you was riding down Lake Street, you were in the front seat, I was in the back seat and someone else was driving. That could have been Katie. I think you were telling us something about your life, something personal, but don't remember what that was but I felt priviledged that you shared it.
I don't even remember that nutrition class but I've been interested in the subject ever since. Nutrition was so much a part of our nursing education. I think that was good thing. I think it is one of the things that separates nursing from medicine. Nursing was always more holistic.
Coreen, you keep you eyes on the weather today. That bad stuff is headed your way.
There were a large number killed by those tornados yesterday, many in Alabama. Weather channel reports 128 in Alabama alone. Good thing Ivy has a basement, at least I think she does. We have no basements down here. If we did, they would be indoor swimming pools.
The tornado that hit Alabama might have been on the ground longer than any ever recorded. Maybe 200 to even 300 miles on the ground. They say that is unheard of.
We have a beautiful day scheduled for today. Sunny with mild temps.
Carol, I remember being beneficially affected by the nutrition class I took way back then too. I also think it's interesting to hear that nurses are trained in a more holistic way than doctors necessarily are.
It made me think - to this day, I've never personally had a woman doctor. I don't know why - probably just because there were so few of them around many years ago, and I've never gone to the doctor much in the last few decades. I guess I just never have seeked one out.
Carol and Coreen, Did you see the link over at TM to Lard's last post? It sure is sad.
Jan, I know you don't read Trail Mix, but Lard is the name of a commenter who used to post there, and a friend of Craig Crawford's. He now has brain cancer, and was doing well until now.
Thanks for the nice comments everyone, but please feel free to put up a new post.
I'm anxious to see the pics that you took at your Easter gathering, Jan. And Carol, you need to try to put your Elizabeth Warren post back up. It was probably a temporary glitch in the system.
Ha! You know how many glitches we can run into here at Blogspot. Can't complain though, it's made 'The Swamp' possible.
Am envious of the rain you had the other day, Carol. We haven't had any where we live in a long while. I've noticed many of the small lakes that some people have on their property in the path I frequently travel are very low. Doesn't seem to have affected us personally that much, but I know that the area in general is in need of a good downpour.
I'm grateful that we're not in the tornado ally path. We've never seen one since we've lived here, but there (rarely) have been some smaller ones within about 10 miles. You could see some damage they caused, but never have injured anyone that I've heard up.
I'll have to look it up, but I think the tornado path starts someplace in north-east Texas. This state is so huge, it's more like four states. All the different area's have a personality of their own.
This is the link to Lard's blog that I mentioned earlier: http://seanholton.wordpress.com/
... I felt like I knew him, after spending so much time at TM during the election. So I am very sorry for what he is going through, and touched by the way he has shared his feelings so generously with everyone. This one seems to have thrown him for a loop though. I couldn't even comment, because I just don't know what to say that doesn't sound meaningless, in the face of what he must be going through right now. Sometimes, there just aren't words to fit the situation - and this is one of them (for me).
... luckily, he has a lot of love in his life.
Oh, just one more link: DNA tests link Southern leprosy cases to armadillo (AP)
I found this to be very interesting. It was the first thing I read this morning.
I rarely see one thank goodness - and never one on our property. Probably too many large dogs in the neighborhood.
... didn't realize they were pre-historic.
Well, Gabby is signing off.
Have a great day everyone.
Carol, don't remember the car ride you are talking about. I remember most our nursing classes out at Chennault base. There is a lot that I have forgotten. I remember most our study sessions and our summer in Pineville, and our rides to Houston for MS study.
Chloe, so sorry to hear about your friend at the other blog.
I do wish Ivy would check in here. Does she ever write over at the other place you all visit?
The tornados in Ala and other states are terrible. John's ex lives in Huntsville and John's daughter has posted a lot of stuff on facebook about the tornados there. Fortunately John's ex was visiting his daughter in Virginia when the tornados were happening. All their family is ok.
Chloe, yes I read Sean's postings...he has so much courage to be facing what he has & continue with such a positive attitude & to write such moving posts about it...
He must truly be a fine person...
And looks like we have lucked out...the storms
that brought such devastation to the southern
states has become just heavy rains for the most part...& thankfully no significant winds...anticipated to be through the area
early this evening...clearing to a beautiful
Thank God Coreen. We've all been very lucky this week. We have an absolutely beautiful day today. Cool by our standards and dry.
I'm saying prayer for Sean. Prayer is powerful medicine and has no side effects. Pretty cheap also. I invite anyone visiting to join us in that therapy.
Carol, the images coming from Alabama are
stunning...all manner of dwellings seem to have
been reduced to ruble, not just the usual
images of mobile homes, that always seemed most vulnerable...
So yes, here we are very fortunate & it seems
as though you guys were also spared the wrath of those storms...
I heard a weatherperson here say that
the storms rapidly decreased intensity because of the marine effect which caused it to fall apart as it approached the Atlantic Coast...
I'm not going to be happy with any of these kids going home tonight.
I knew that was who was going to leave tonight. It's because he is not mainstream but probably more overall musically talented than any of the others.
And Jacob may be the next to go. Last night when I was listening to the James and Jacob duet, and again today online, and comparing voice to voice, I thought that Jacob had a better voice than James. Just my opinion. But James is a much better performer and overall more Idolish.
When I voted last night, besides the girls, I also voted for both Casey and Jacob. I knew they would be in jeoparty. They aren't mainstream but neither am I.
And actually Casey doesn't do my type of music either but I do appreciate his talent.
And Coreen, your Yanks are kicking it tonight. Well...so far.
Bedtime Lappy 1 now has a virus in addition to her seizure disorder. I fell asleep with her online. Next morning something turned off virus program and Windows was acting wacky. Just talked to my geek and he said it was a virus going around. Hasn't hit Windows 7 yet. He will clean her and get me a new used keyboard. She might end up good as new. Hope so. For now no
Bedtime Lappy. I'm not moving and risking dropping Lappy 2.
If you have older Windows programs be aware. Geek has seen several computers with same problem.
Just coming onto the Swamp for 1st time tonight. Sorry I missed everyone. I thought it would be either Jacob or Casey who left tonight. I agree Carol, that Casey is probably the most talented musician there. He definitely has a career in music.
At this point, there are no surprises. They are all pretty equal. I don't know why but I just prefer James now. Of the 2 girls I prefer Lauren. I guess we each have our favs now. I was happy that neither of the girls went home tonight. It is more of an equal playing Or is it "singing" field now - gender wise at least.
Needed to do a little ironing before bed. Like you Carol, I still have clothes I iron. John has a couple of shirts I iron also. I don't mind it. I set up the ironing board in the living room where I can watch tv whilst I do it.
I see where the producers of the show 2 1/2 men are looking for someone to replace Charlie Sheen. Personally, I think the show has run its course and they should let it go.
Chloe, interesting thing about leprosy and the Armadillo.
Coreen, congratulations on your Yankees win. Oh, maybe that was last night.
Speaking about the nutrition course, I think It has been the most beneficial course I have had. It has made it so much easier to evaluate diets and how they affect us.
Good night. If I stay up much longer, I might as well watch the Royal wedding LOL.
It was awful nice of Will and Kate to wait for me to get up to say their vows. Very convenient. I know I said I wasn't into all this loopla.
I was pondering this morning that it has to be a good thing that millions around the world are focusing on love..holy union...something good and wonderful instead of the usually crap.
The Princess could use a little meat on her bones. I wonder if she'll chow down at the reception.
Good thing they didn't send me an invite, I didn't have a hat to wear.
I hope they don't have to kneel for long, that could be hell on bony knee caps.
I think the British taxpayers are forking out for this gig. Some of them didn't sound too cool with the idea.
I hope Di is getting to watch over this affair. She would be so proud. I bet someone will have a royal orb in their pics.
Is Queenie cool with Kate? She's smiling.
Carol, The Princess may be like a lot of us, and lost weight under all the stress. 'Course, (don't know if I've ever mentioned it, but) I'm from that mind set that one cannot be too thin (not talking anorexic here, however). I didn't see the wedding pics, but I think she looks like the perfect weight in the pics I've seen her previously.
Ha! As for skinny knees, I don't think they feel much pain at that age. However, it's been so long, it's hard for me to remember.
Coreen, it's so good to hear that storm tamed down so much before reaching you. Hope you enjoy your beautiful Friday.
... and Jan,
Glad to hear that John's family made it through all the dangerous weather OK.
It's 49 here this morning (almost unheard of, because it's been so warm). But it won't last over a couple hours, then we'll be overly warm again. But that's what I like best about summer, not having to wear all those layers of clothes.
Oh, and Carol,
Sorry to hear that Lappy 1 is back in the hospital, but it sounds like she has a good prognosis. Sounds like she should be just like new when she comes home.
... and an after thought, if Queenie weren't cool with Kate, I don't think that wedding would have ever happened. (...just sayin'.)
Morning Chloe. I guess I'll miss the royal kiss live. Have to tear myself away to go to not so royal work. Rats.
I don't see any royal porta potties. Hope no one drank too much tea this morning.
Glad I came back - to drop off a link to the Royal wedding pictures. They have some nice closeups - what a beautiful church!
USA TODAY's royal wedding photo albums
I only had time to look at a few, but this particular photographer got some beautiful close-up. Must be one that they hired to take wedding pictures.
Ooops... That link went to the wrong set of pictures. You have to click the bottom left hand arrow to get to the right set that shows only the bride and groom.
I think this one will work: http://mediagallery.usatoday.com/The+Royal+Wedding/A9016
I'm still here waiting for the royal kiss. That was hardly worth it. Was that just a warm up?? That was just a peck.
Did see some of the 'royal wedding' this a.m.
how could you not...they were riding in the carriage after the ceremony to the palace by the time I turned tv on...
Kate or Katherine is a very pretty woman...& they did look genuinely happy...
The gown looked lovely...elegant, & very 'princess' like...
Carol, if you missed the kiss, pretty sure you will see it again and again...& if you did miss it, they kissed a second time....
For pageantry, can't beat the Brits...
Apparently the media had lipreaders to find out
what they were saying...not sure what that may have been...
Liked the jet flyover, but always am impressed
when you get the chance to see jets roar overhead...have seen the blue angels & thunderbirds, not recently & they would fly low
over the beach where my family had a cottage years ago, before the show...& they were awesome...
And the day after the storms here...starting out really nice...the humidity is gone...the temps low 60s, blue sky & sunny...
Chloe, thanks for posting the link to the Royal wedding pics. Kate's sister is also beautiful, but I think Wills got the pick of the litter. Mom is a looker too. I think Kate got the best of both parents. She seems like a very nice person too. Good for Wills. Both boys deserve nice women. They had a loving mother. You could see that in the ways she related to them. It is hard to hide that kind of caring from the camera.
The Brits are known for not showing passion in public. I hope they have a happy marriage. They have known each other long enough to know what they want. I wonder how long it will be before she is pregnant. You know everyone in Britain is waiting for that.
I too liked her dress. It was elegant and tasteful - which seems to be a reflection on Kate.
She has the perfect name for a British Royal Princess - Catherine Elizabeth. Wonder if her parents planned all this?
Seems that it's not weddings that I'm not interested in, it's getting dressed up to go to one that I'm not crazy about. Sitting in my jammies, sipping coffee and watching a wedding is pretty darn cool. Even got a little choked up during the exchange of vows.
I taped it all and will go thru it to watch what I want to see. They started the most important part just after I got up. In keeping with my passion for delusions...I'm sure they planned that Coreen.
I was a little disappointed in the kiss but I guess they wanted to be royally appropriate. The first peck looked a little rushed and stiff. I could read in their body language that they wanted to do it a little better the second time.
My reading of this royal couple is that they have a very neat relationship, they really like one another. That's better than just loving one another.
Some of those hats people wore were interesting to say the least. I saw at least one satelitte dish, a canoe and one ornate design that looked like it was ripped off one of the royal fences. The latter was worn by one of Fergie's girls.
I can't trust a thing I say anymore. First I wasn't going to watch AI anymore and then I wasn't interested in the Royal wedding. You couldn't peal me away from either.
Now, I'm not going to be into seeing the same thing over and over but there were a few things I did want to see that I haven't yet. All yesterday evening I was running thru the recording I made yesterday so maybe the news covered some of those things while I was away.
Do you guys know if anyone covered the reception after the wedding or was that off limits to the media. I really wanted to hear the speeches by William and Harry at the after wedding party. Maybe we can find a transcript.
"I can't trust a thing I say anymore"
Ha Carol!
Reminds me of that quote I posted a while back: "How can I know what I think till I see what I say?" E. M. Forster
I looked it up again when I read your comment, but could swear it said something more like 'I don't know what I think until I read what I read'. I like the above quote even better though. The read one worked well regarding blogging, and I don't know where I found that one, but I bet he said both at different times.
I liked reading your critique on the wedding more than anyone else's. 'Course, I haven't read anyone else's, but I know yours is better. It points out all the important things.
Jan, I agree with all the things you said about Kate too.
Dang! Just finished catching up, and Emma is demanding my attention.
Back later....
(that second quote should have said until I read what I wrote)
Yep Chloe, that quote sums it up.
Chloe, my geek will take Lappy 1 home with him on Monday. He will restore her and find a new, used keyboard to put on her. He mentioned upgrading her to Windows 7. I'd have to buy an upgrade.
I'm used to Vista and don't want to put much more money into Lappy 1. I'm afraid she's been internally programmed for self destruction and I really think it is part of a marketing plan. Problems continue to pop up.
I haven't had much time to really evaluate Windows 7 and still can't find how to do things that we easy on Vista. I'm sure there is a way but I can't find it.
Good morning...
Carol, I have not updated from Vista to 7 either...I would have to have the 'guy' come over to do it since I have no idea what would
happen if I tried it...both the home & office
As far as you not being able to get enough of the royal wedding...you weren't alone, if all
the reports are accurate...billions joined you...
Just for you in case you missed this one...(I
saw it on the late news last night)...& this is
the pic above the fold on this a.m. NYT...
Just a newlywed couple leaving the scene, well
except for the Aston Martin...& cute to see
him driving them away...(the pic is on the side of the article)...
Thought her evening dress with the angora shrug
was just exquisite...
A traditional royal wedding, but for the 3 billion witnesses
Carol, I had to LOL reading what you said about NOT going to watch this or that. Me too. I knew I would watch the wedding. I love weddings. One of the perks of being married to a member of the clergy is getting a front row seat at many weddings. I do enjoy them.
Carol, If you like Vista, why change it to 7? They both get viruses.
I personally like Window's 7 better (mostly because it's so much more intelligent, and does more for you) , but would never pay the money to change an old one over to it - especially since Vista works just fine - and you like it. I've heard some bad things about uprgrading them to 7 (on a Vista), but have no first hand experience. You could just stick with the Vista, while getting used to your other 7, then when Lappy 1 dies, get a new on on sale (Best Buy has great sales - just don't ever let them (or pay them) to set it up for you again - your geek can help you).
I forget which free anti-virus he put on there for you last times, but you might question him about it since you keep having viruses slip through. It's true, none of them can work on everything, but some are better than others. Kapersky even has a site where they'll give you a free scan 'and; fix it for free. I'd never install Kapersky, because they're a little cumbersome (and expensive). You might ask him about the free 'Microsoft Security Essentials'.
I prefer that Webroot antivirus I got at WM though. It is $30 and does 3 computers. I know you only have 2, but it's still the cheapest around, and so far it's kept me out of trouble. (If your sister or someone (or your geek) needs an extra antivirus, you could give them the third one, because they're dated from when you start the first one). He may disagree with what I'm saying though.
That restore will do wonders for your computer, and will probably get rid of your problems (along with the new key board - mines working perfectly) - but you're right, eventually they all go, or just become more work than they're worth. You're lucky to have your own personal geek there to help you out.
(BTW, Give Lappy 2 some more time - Windows 7 does a lot more than Vista does for you - and more stuff is automatic. If you have anything you can't figure out, ask him about it -- or' if' I know, I'd be glad to help out too.)
All of the above is obviously just my opinion, which I've decided on through trial and error. Your geek, of course, knows a 'lot' more than I even begin to know.
We taped the entire wedding and before and after. Watched it last night. Since the Episcopal church is just an American take off of the Anglican church, we enjoyed watching the entire ceremony. I felt like I was right in church. John enjoyed it too. I thought the sermon was most appropriate. My fav part was the little boys and rest of choir singing. That was beautiful.
Morning to Jan and Coreen too.
I'm going to look at your link while I have a few minutes Coreen.
Jan, regarding weddings, with the size of your family, I bet you've been to a LOT of weddings in your life. :)
I loved it that Prince Harry got to ride with all the little pages and bridesmaids back to Windsor Castle. He looked like he was teaching them how to wave and looked like he was having fun. I think it is great that Wills and Harry are so close. They have been through a lot and seem like very kind young men. I like how Wills and Kate look at each other. I think it is great that they are good friends as well as husb and wife. It is good also that they have both sown some wild oats and hopefully are ready to settle down and take care of their responsibilities in life.
They must have done some heavy duty rehearsing for the wedding to have it come off so perfectly. Little kids are wild cards at weddings so they must have been well rehearsed.
I was sort of surprised that Kate's mom did not smile much during the wedding. She looked so sober. Wonder if she feels she is losing a daughter in this process.
Carol, I too thought some of the hats were pretty wild. The worst one was worn by one of queens granddaughters sitting behind her. What was that one all about? Is that the one you said looked like it came off a fence?
It was interesting that the Prime Minister's wife did not wear a hat. Was that a statement or what?
I am amazed that the queen and her hubby could stand through all the service. Our service in the Epis church is almost identical to the Anglican service in England. It is a lot of standing. I get really tired. Older people get pretty light-headed with all that standing. I think they said Phillip, consort of the queen is 90. WoW- he looks good. She is 85 and looks good too. I guess with all that money and help, one would look good.
John and I had the day off yesterday. I had a lot of fun. I went to Hobby Lobby and fabric shops and a place called Tues Morning. They have lots of interesting stuff. I spent a lot of time in the kitchen dept. In the afternoon we went to see the movie, Water for Elephants. We had read the book. Had a hotdog in the movie and a great time. Then came home and watched the wedding. It was a good day.
Hi Coreen and Chloe,
Yes Chloe, I have been to a few weddings. Some in my family. But mainly I went with John when he did weddings. I just get to be a guest and don't have to do anything unless someone gives me a job to do which I am happy to do. John does great weddings and funerals. He makes them really personal besides being very spiritual. I have been to weddings in New Your, New Orleans, and Palm Desert, CA. The families paid our expenses so it was fun for me. The one in New York was for a daughter of one of the big chicken company owners in Ark. The one in Palm Desert was for an executive with Google. Since John has retired most of his weddings are local ones now.
I will say good bye for now. I have my 2nd class to finish my bag I started last sat. I will probably be working on it all day. Have a great day everyone.
Here with SF, entertaining myself. He's back at AL. Still whining but thanking me for my attention.
Yep Jan, that's the fence I was talking about.
Thanks for advice Chloe. I trust your knowledge and experience.
Did you like movie Jan?
Jan, I was thinking of John when I watched the wedding. I thought that the Church of England might be the mama of his church and probably the one I was raised in also, Methodist. I recognized some of the hymes they sang.
Jan, I just read that the elephant was the biggest star in that movie you saw. Do you agree?
And the Prime Minister's wife did have a tad of a hair decoration in her hair. She probably just couldn't choose between all of those, mostly ugly, options.
I bet some of those women are still trying to get the superglue off their heads/hair.
Arrrgh, there are two idiot men out on the river in a small boat, wearing no lifejackets, drinking beer and pulling these three young girls, without lifejackets, at a high rate of speed and very recklessly. God, please watch over them.
Where are the Wildlife guys when you need them. We have a big festival in town, on our main lake and that's probably where they are, patroling the drunks over there.
Carol, what is the festival in town?
Did you bring SF out to your camp?
I had my 2nd quilt lesson on making this bag. There were only 4 of us in the class and guess who was the slowest one? Moi - or me. The other 3 had a lot of sewing experience. The one sitting by me makes men's suits. I was so behind everyone else and it was humiliating. One of the women brought her mother in law who was visiting from Louisiana. She was sitting across from me and kept looking at me. I kept checking to see if I had spinach in my teeth. I began to get paranoid that she was feeling sorry for me because I was so behind every one else. We didn't get our bags finished. Thank goodness only one person finished her bag. Now we have to finish them on our own. The teacher gave us her phone number to call if we need help. I am not too happy about this. We should have been able to finish.
Carol, some people are just idiots when they get in a boat. I too home the young girls survive this. We used to ski in that river too. It kind of give me goose bumps when I think of all the gators in that river.
The elephant in the movie was amazing. I do like Robert Pattinson and Reese Witherspoon. Interesting, I think Robert is about 25 and Reese is probably 35 or older - great to see a younger guy and his romantic interest in the movie be an "older" woman.
I checked on Google and sure enough Google's "best guess" at their ages is 25 (robert) and 35 (Reese).
BTW, I have seen much better movies.
Jan, I think that is why everyone liked the elephant the best.
I just got back from the AL facility. Just as I was getting ready to cook my supper, a filet mignon, they called from over there.
SF was sitting on their porch area with his clothes basket and suitcase. I asked if they took it back in and they said they did, three times. He wanted to go home.
I called him when I was on my way over there and he said he wanted to go home. I told him he couldn't. When I got there he headed out to my truck. I hurried up and got out and locked it.
I met him half way and told him he couldn't go home. I walked him back to his room and talked with him a while. I stressed that he couldn't go home because he couldn't be cared for there. He wasn't confused just stubborn.
I told him that if he continued this behavior that he would go back to the hospital and then to a nursing home. He is going to test this. I told him that I couldn't keep running back up there, it's a 35 mile round trip to get there.
I told the people at the facility that if he tries again to call ambulance to take him to the hospital. If I keep going, this will just reinforce his behavior.
Even though he is not confused, he is acting like a little child. That is the dementia. I told him that I understood how he must feel but that the place is very nice and he has all his needs taken care of with options for entertainment if he choose to participate. He did nothing at home except get up and eat and go back to bed. His life at home was not even close as good.
Jan, SF can't come out here anymore. He can't negotiate all these stairs. There are stairs/steps everywhere. I can't carry him or even hold him up. He's put on lots of weight also. He couldn't even deal with the steps at my house and there aren't as many but enough.
I just finished my nice Greek salad and waiting for my filet to come off the grill. My meal tonight is very South Beach-ish. High pro, low carb. But I think I'll blow that to pieces when I go for my Gold Brick egg/eggs later. He, he, he.
Jan, we all want to see your creation when you're though with it. Don't rush it, you might put a needle thru your finger. Remember, we can't move as fast as we used to. I've had to get used to it.
Oh Jan, the festival is Contraband Days. For two weeks the pirates take over our city. It's a big festival every year. Festival of drunks.
I did go a couple of years ago to see if I could find this neat looking metal sculpture of a Great Blue Heron. One of my neighbors has one that I really like. I didn't find it that year but the vendor is from the Galveston area and I went the year after that hurricane did so much damage to that area.
Jan, we don't have lots of gators in this river. Really don't. I used to never see any. Now I see one every once in a while.
And Jan, I remember ya'll having a boat for a while when you were living down here. I think I might have even skied behind it once. I wasn't really in to putting a foot in the water even back then. I did a lot of it when I was a dumb kid and back in those days the toxins in the water were the most dangerous things.
I remembered something else funny. I was sitting behind Bob in the boat and kept getting this brown stuff on the back of my arm. I mentioned that the water must be really dirty cuz it was staining my arm. He started laughing because those brown stains on my arm was the tobacco that Bob was spitting out and the wind was blowing it on my arm. He was into chewing tobacco back then. Gross.
Carol, I had forgotten about that incident. I did not remember that Bob chewed - I remember he smoked a pipe for a while. When we met he smoked cigs but gave those up at some time but then took up a pipe. It is funny that we were married 21 years and yet I don't have many memories of just him. We did not have much of a couple-life. So much of our time was spent parenting and building careers. In a way it is sad.
Carol, so sorry to hear you are having difficulties with SF again. It sounds like a good decision to have the facility take him to the hospital the next time this happens.
We will see how this bag turns out before I post a pic of it. I used some fabrics from my "stash" to make it. Now I wish I had bought some more current fabrics in some black prints. I do think If I can get this one made I will make another one. In my explorations at different places yesterday I found some really pretty and current fabrics I would like to use for another bag.
Good night all.
Jan, when I was remembering that incident last night, I don't really remember Bob ever having chewed tobacco either that's why the stain on my arm was such a surprise. I think it might have been for just a short while, maybe to quit the other stuff or maybe he just did it that day while we were out skiing.
And you're right about you guys never having had much quality time together. The reason we spent so much time together is that we were either going to school, studying, teaching, writing a nursing curriculum or preparing the courses. And Bob was working and going to school. You guys were relay parents, you handed the parent baton off to one another while you were running. And the kids still got wonderful parenting.
When that all settled down, you guys probably looked at one another and said...who are you?
I read Mr. Scottieman's blog this morning. He has some interesting quotes that I feel have meaning for me but I don't think I fully understand them. It will take some heavy pondering today and maybe some help from my friends.
Patience is involved. Maybe learning that we aren't in control is also. Both are issues that I have lots of problems with, particularly with my current situations at work, and with family. I'm still trying to figure out what my role here is.
Most of my life involves these challenges but no help in the pondering and figuring out how to deal with them. I only get that here at the Swamp.
Jan, That lady in your class that kept staring at you was just plain rude (since she wasn't being friendly). Some people have the worst manners, but don't realize it.
Sounds like the instructor there was rushing people. (?) You're doing what you're doing for pleasure - there's no hurry, right? Stress, you don't need.
Hi, Carol.
I haven't read the Scottie blog yet (will in a while- I only have a few minutes to catch up, then will pop in and out), but you make it sound very interesting.
I think we're all just learning as we go. Like you say, struggling with how to deal with things. Talking about it, writing about it, is a big help. I depend on everyone here a lot too.
I sure agree with the point you made about us not being in control. Once we accept that fact, then the patience probably comes more easily.
Of course, I wouldn't know. I talk about how little control we really have (we can only control our perception), but it still doesn't stop me from trying, hopelessly, to control the world around me. Understanding things and doing them are two different things. But I'll certainly not give up on myself. Change is inevitable.
And last night I listened to C2C. It was really interesting. Since Lappy 1 is down, I got behind since she is bedtime Lappy and the Lappy I use to listen to C2C at night.
I hooked up earphone to Iphony to listen. That was much more difficult. It was giving me trouble and I have to wake up, if I've fallen asleep which I usually do, and reset the program every 30 minutes or so.
The program had on:
"In the first half, George Noory was joined by Hollister Rand, a clairvoyant, clairaudient, and clairsentient medium who shared what spirits -- especially those of children -- have revealed to her about the afterlife. Rand said she has been shown how much heaven is beyond anything physical beings with their finite minds can imagine. Those on the other side describe a limitless afterlife filled with bright colors, golden buildings that soar into the sky, and gardens that never need tending, Rand explained. One child in spirit disclosed that heaven is more of a 'state of mind' than an actual place, she added."
I will have to listen to it again when I'm fully awake. It needs another listening.
Jan, When you described your day out with John, it sounded like the perfect day. Especially since it was topped of with a good meal and a movie.
"... heaven is more of a 'state of mind' than an actual place"
Beautifully said.
I guess we could do a little of that here on earth too, huh?
I never mentioned it, but a few weeks ago I had a dream (which I barely remember or understood) that I was being guided by someone holding my hand and walking me off into the ... (whatever it was, but it was very peaceful and perfect). It gave me (in the dream) a feeling I had never had before, and it kinda scared me when I woke up immediately, because I was afraid it might be a dream about dying. But it was so blissful, that it is impossible to remember the feeling, other than there was a totally peaceful, fearless feeling.
I have mixed emotions about that dream now, and have never been able to catch that feeling again (or before).
In case some do not have it on their favorites already, here is the link again to Mr.Scottieman's blog:
Great Scots MacBlog
It's nice of him to provide the Sunday sermon.
Chloe, that lady says we can connect to spirits in our dreams.
"Festival of drunks."
At least your festival is only 2 weeks -- ours is 2 months. It's the Renaissance Fair and several miles from hear, but the traffic is terrible during that time. There's a camp ground there to, and I hear they party all night - another festival of drunks too, from what I understand. The small town near us loves it, because it brings a lot of business to the area. I can never wait 'til it's over. It's most of October and November. And then in February, they have that Rodeo in Houston and we have a huge trail ride (kinda like a wagon train) that goes through our area on the way. They slow down transportation and camp along the way to. For some of them, it's a pretty long journey, and for me (now that the newness has worn off) it's a PITA.
.. and Carol, one gator once in a while is one too many for me to ever consider putting a foot in the water.
".. that lady says we can connect to spirits in our dreams"
Well, if that's what it was, it was a wonderful feeling. I've never felt anything like it, and it wasn't anyone I knew. Just an immensely caring, kind soul.
I just checked our forecast, and it's going to be 91 today, but a high of 67 tomorrow! Unbelievable! Noticed your 65 on Tuesday Carol, so it's going to take an extra day to reach you.
Meantime,t Jan's weather show 28/41 for today - good thing you like cold weather Jan! And Coreen is 67, which is probably down right warm for you, Coreen, Some weird weather, on and off.
All the above was on my Yahoo homepage, but I can't vouch for it being right.
And this was interesting"
"In almost all cases, the spirits that have come to Rand do not express any regrets for having passed on to eternity. They got what they needed from their incarnations, no matter how short the duration, she said. According to Rand, most come with love and view themselves as alive and capable of reconnecting in relationships (albeit in a different way) with the people they've left behind. Spirits also remain involved in guiding and inspiring those on the earth plane, she added. Rand expressed that knowing such things has allowed her to live a life without fear."
C2C program..."Spirits, the Afterlife.."
... gotta go, but must comment on your earlier mention.
"Festival of drunks."
At least your festival is only 2 weeks -- ours is 2 months. It's the Renaissance Fair and several miles from hear, but the traffic is terrible during that time. There's a camp ground there to, and I hear they party all night - another festival of drunks too, from what I understand. The small town near us loves it, because it brings a lot of business to the area. I can never wait 'til it's over. It's most of October and November. And then in February, they have that Rodeo in Houston and we have a huge trail ride (kinda like a wagon train) that goes through our area on the way. They slow down transportation and camp along the way to. For some of them, it's a pretty long journey, and for me (now that the newness has worn off) it's a PITA.
.. and Carol, one gator once in a while is one too many for me to ever consider putting a foot in the water.
And you too Jan: "... great to see a younger guy and his romantic interest in the movie be an "older" woman."
I agree. It's always been the other way around. It's about time.
Carol, thanks for the link (is there anyway to put a permanent link to our favorites on the side of the blog, like you sometimes see other blogs do?).
Thanks for giving me so much to think about today! I'll check back in a little later.
(nice to hear we may be have someone looking over and guiding us - but I almost always have that feeling anyway. That's why I'm always looking for signs)
See you later
I put up another space savor..until Jan gets that purse done. We were rapidly approaching 200!
Read that the correspondent's dinner last night was interesting. Can't wait to see some videos from that. If anyone finds some, please post the link.
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