It is fall in NM and here are some scenes of the drive around Taos and Santa Fe. There is a place here called Ghost Ranch. The area is where Georgia O'Keefe painted many scenes. The pictures are all from Ghost Ranch.
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I can never get pics in the order I want. The top pic is one of an outdoor oven for baking bread. These can be seen all over the NM. They are used even today. It is called an "horno" The "h" is silent. This particular horno is on the grounds of Ghost Ranch.
The 2nd pic is a print of one of O'Keefe's painting at Ghost Ranch. It is a painting of the mountain in the last pic. O'Keefe once said that God told her that if she painted the mountain often enough, it was hers.
In the 3rd pic is a cow skull. O'Keefe featured the cow skull and cow pelvic bones in several of her paintings.
There is a wonderful O'Keefe museum in Santa Fe. I try to visit whenever there.
I love the colors of NM. The colors have grown on me over the years. I love the pinkish browns and yellows and reds of the earth here that are copied in much of the architecture. I also love the color turquoise. In Santa Fe there are many zoning restrictions that have preserved the natural appearance of the area - you won't see tall bldgs in Santa Fe or large signs. I think this is one reason Santa Fe has become popular with many people- there has been preservation of the natural beauty.
above is a great link to the area where I took these pictures. The name of the area/town is Abiquiu - It is now linked mainly with Georgia O'Keefe.
The name of the mountain that O'Keefe painted is the Pedernal. The pic of mountain I posted is NOT the Pedernal. I posted the wrong mountain pic. Oh well. If you go into the link I provided there is a pic of the Pedernal.
Carol, my headache is back. I woke up in agony this morning. I think I know where it is coming from. I was on the computer a long time this morning. Now, my muscles on the right side of my neck are in spasms. My right shoulder is where I carry heavy bags too. I am typing this now from the bar that goes through to the dining room. I can stand and don't have to bend my neck to type from here. I need to watch how I do everything now to try and ease this neck muscle pain.
Jan, I love the pics. I've always liked the adobe style houses and buildings. Are they easy to heat and cool?
Did you take the pictures today?
When you get those kinks in your neck they are difficult to get rid of. I found that the neck muscles are the most difficult to relax, almost impossible. Low back pain was never as bad as neck pain. Can you get John to give you a massage?
I'm planning on watching Sarah Palin's Alaska tonight. The previews look interesting. She would be smart to just play up her celebrity and stay away from politics but I guess it was politics that made her a celebrity.
I was pondering this morning, when I woke up cold and it was only in the 40s, how in the heck do they keep their houses warm in Alaska when it can get 60 below??
Carol, I took the pictures on the trip in May. I wasn't sure if I had posted them before or not.
True adobe houses are easy to heat and cool because the walls are so thick and made essentially of mud and straw. Most houses here are made of concrete blocks and covered with stucco. These are not much different to heat than brick houses. True adobe houses are very expensive. The adobe bricks are usually hand made.
John massaged my neck a sat. and I did not have to take as much anti-inflammatory that day. The anti inflams work really well for this. I just hate to take too many. I am only taking one 500 mg tylenol 2 -3 times a day. How long can I do this? Am I taking a chance on damaging my liver? Every so often I take an ibuprofen (200 mg) to keep from taking so much tylenol. It is hard to believe but the low doses work just fine for me- always have.
I may watch Sarah tonight too.
Ibuprofen is better than Tylenol for muscle pain. Need to break that pain-tension-spasm cycle. Take it with food so it won't bother your stomach. At the joint we use tons of Ibuprofen.
Jan, thanks for such enjoyable pics...
New Mexico has such a distinct architectural
style & the mountains as backdrop add to the
Sorry about your continuing headaches...hope
you get some relief....
Well, I enjoyed Sarah's Alaska. She was brave to do that rock climbing adventure. You wouldn't catch me up there.
Coreen, pleased you like the pictures. I must admit the first time I was in NM, when I was about 21, I was not impressed. It was too different for me then. I needed trees and grass. When I came back the 2nd time when I was 39 I liked it better, but still missed trees and brick and wood buildings. The 3rd time I returned, it was " my" choice to be here, and now I wouldn't live anywhere else. I love the colors of the landscape and the climate.
Carol, I taped the Palin thing. Will watch tomorrow. Tonight we watched the movie "...A Dog's Tale" It was a Hallmark movie with Richard Gere. It was a good movie, but a tear-jerker.
Interesting article by Deepak Chopra. Do you think there is any possibility he would bow out? I do think he blew his chance. The people who supported him last time are just not there anymore.
One Term Obama: Should He Bow Out?
Jan, I can't handle any doggie movies if anything bad happens to the doggie.
The article by Chopra is very interesting. One thing that is helping Obama, I believe, is George Bush's book and his interviews. He is proving himself to have been the most inept president we have had in my lifetime. Yes, Obama has not come across as strong in some respects, however he has appointed 2 strong people (women) to the Supreme Court. I believe they will provide balance to the court. Obama has managed to pass a health care bill that has been needed, despite some of its problems. He has also seen us through a terrible recession. People are not recognizing that he has only been in office for 2 years and yet these are major accomplishments. The fact that we are so unpopular across the world is due to the Bush presidency, not Obama's fault. People want a politician and a saviour. Give me a break.
Carol, maybe you better not watch the dog movie. John and I were both crying at the end. I am not sure if it was the movie or reminders of Lobie.
Our animal companions are so very dear to us. John has been counselling a woman at the church whose cat died (of natural causes). She has been so distraught as to consider suicide.
Fair or unfair, I think Obama
lost much of his base. I think he didn't fight hard enough. Doubt he could
win an election if it were held today. Will see what the future brings. I'm happy with his Supreme court picks.
I just finished doing online courses for the University. one was on ethics, another on sexual harrassment. I am exhausted. They are required.
I have to do these several times a year. I don't like them. I preferred the real ones where you get together in a classroom and then take a small exam - like CPR does. It took me about 2 hours to do 3 of these.
Do you have to do any thing like this Carol?
Yes Jan, I do some online CEUs and I hate it. It's harder than going to a conference
Brisol really did well and looked good tonight. I have to give her credit for coming so far.
Even though, Bristol still should be the next to go. With the odds, Vegas has Kyle next to go and I'm sure that's how it will be. I still gave him all my votes and had another friend give him all hers. Gotta counter the mama grissly factor.
You know my thoughts, but here they are any way...Jennifer is the class of the field...& Patrick Swayze would surely be smiling big time...Baby has grown up...
Regardless of who may win, she is a fabulous
dancer, a pleasure to watch & Derek just choregraphs the most fantastic
exquisite couple together...
And yes Bristol has grown very much...But...
But since her mother's show premiered to a huge
audience for that channel (I did not watch it)...won't be surprised if she is in the finals...
Jennifer and Derek's dancing tonight was exquisite. They deserved the perfect scores they got. I didn't care for Brandy and Macks first dance, but loved their Argentine Tango. I loved both of Kyle's dances. Bristol has improved but she should be the one to go. I think the judges have been kinder to her than any other 'star' in all of the seasons.
Carol, I taped the "Sarah" show and we watched it this afternoon. I loved seeing Alaska. I don't care for her so much. I think the rock climbing was scary. I do want to go back to Alaska. What a beautiful place - but so cold in the winter.
I am concerned about Palin's reality show and Bristol's stint on DWTS - These make Palin so much more human and likable to the viewing audience. She is entertaining and more personable as a result of these shows. I can see other women identifying with her as she has a "special needs" child and teenagers and a son in the armed services. She is dealing with some of the same issues that other parents deal with. This can certainly improve her popularity and hence electability. It is SCARY!
I did not take any NSAIDs yesterday and was pretty comfortable. I also was careful not to carry a bag on my shoulder and sleeping. I did do 2 hours on the computer to complete those required online courses. That much online time in one stint often gives me a headache and sure enough I woke up this morning with a headache. So, I am not staying on here very long today.
Just made plane reservations for a trip we are taking in January. Did it online and made a mistake and made the reservation for February instead of Jan. Had to call the airlines and get it changed. I was so upset but the airline reservationist talked me through it and got it changed. From now on, I will just call for reservations. I did that once with a hotel reservation (travelocity) and they would not change it for me, but the hotel honored my request.
I can't do my computer today either. I have a stabbing pain from the side of my chest to my right shoulder blade. Can't raise my arm to type. I can handle being propped up on the couch with Iphony, barely. I did manage work today with much difficulty. 60 ain't for sissies and lately I am.
Pure Dancing web thinks it could
be Kyle or Brandy who leaves because of Bristols fan base.
And just because Sarah may be popular I don't think many think she would be presidential material.
Carol, sorry you are having pain. Hope you are better soon. I agree about age and "sissies" Where did the golden go - as in golden years?
Carol and Coreen, Wish we had the same time zone so we could watch DWTS together.
Hope everyone's aches & pains get better soon...
Carol, your stabbing pain does not sound good
Jan, about carrying heavy pocket book
weighs a ton...I keep looking in it to see why,
but never find anything I can remove!....& I do believe that causes my back & shoulder to hurt as well...
Can I add my wrist pain complaint to the list of computer injuries...& the neck too...
And to add to the aches & pains..I cleaned 11 windows this weekend, only 20 to was
a great weekend here, so I tried to get some
fall cleaning done...& we closed the porch up
too...(but I don't do that, one of my friends
does that)...
what's the saying about getting's a
b****h...but then again what's the alternative...
Well, I guess my 10 votes for
the Kylester kept him alive. I think he is popular
with the youngsters who are
more likely to vote. Many of the better judges just don't vote.
I hope the right one
I think the weather changes stir up some of our old war wounds.
Ut oh, I was afraid
of that outcome.
Looks like we are on opposite sides again...but nothing new there...
Which brings me to this question you can ponder...& one that I have no answer for...
what is it that allows Sarah Palin to command
such loyalty from her flock....I don't get it
at all...
Today someone I know actually said she's 'brilliant'...not meaning intellect wise,
but rather that she has so adroitly managed to
use her selection as a vp candidate to such
enormous financial benefit....he doesn't think
she will run for pres...why should she...she's
getting rich doing whatever she does...
I honestly have no idea what the Sarah phenom
is about...but I do know I find her voice so very very annoying...
OMG, Brandy is going home and Bristol stays. Will wonders never cease. I would not have believed this 5-6 weeks ago.
Coreen, so sorry to hear about your aches and pains too. You can certainly add your wrist and shoulder pain. Every day, I evaluate what I am carrying in my bag.
I saw on one news program that Palin is in trouble with the game commission (or some organ. in Alaska) for getting so close to the bears in her 1s5 reality show.
I also saw in another news bite that Willow Palin (the 2nd teen daughter) is posting anti gay slurs on her facebook posts.
Coreen, wow, if I had cleaned all those windows I would on my rear for several days. Good for you.
Carol, I don't know - Kyle is the most entertaining of all the stars. It is anybody's guess who should win this.
I meant, who....will win this.
Coreen, I don't think Sarah has enough time to learn everything she would
need to know to manage a presidency. So much smarter
people are effing it up. She is smart enough to exploit her popularity.
Bush Jr wasn't that smart and that didn't work out. But if she does run we can run Jon Stewart up against her and have a good laugh during
the campaign.
Jan, it's the voting that makes the difference. The Repubs are better at
voting. Many who like the better dancers don't vote.
People who care about outcomes need
to get off their asses.
Brandy was on Jimmy Kimmel last night. I recorded it.
Back to the president...I have gotten the feeling that the president is just a figure head anyway with a power group pulling the strings. Some of that group seems to me are the same for both sides and it is not the people's interest they care about.
Jan, did y'all check out the
elbow material? Seems stress and maybe
seasonal changes are doing a number on our bodies. Stress is definitely my problem.
Hi Carol, John and I both checked the elbow material. The main thing I got from the material was to be sure there is no infection. His elbow is not red or painful - except when he leans on it. We are both pretty sure it is from putting pressure on it. He leans on that elbow a lot when on the computer. He like playing the computer games as well as checking news and e-mails, etc. He just has to change his lifestyle. He swims so I told him he needs to swim more often as the swimming motion of his arms should really increase circulation. the increased circ should help resolve the fluid in the elbow more quickly.
LIke I said on the phone you are better than any doc I know. I really appreciate you. John does too. :D
Stress is my problem too. My headaches are much better. I didn't take any med last night and no headache this morn. I had a stressful time with admin at the school last week over my schedule. ONe admin who has been a friend of mine for years was under the impression she could assign groups of clinical students to me but my contract is not with the college of nurs, it is with the agency I do health screenings for. I had reviewed the contract and notified her of this. She was really upset because now she has to find another faculty to take the group of students. She seemed upset with "me" so that was causing me some stress. I get very stressed when I think someone is unhappy with me - at least someone I care about. I am ok now. John has helped in talking me through it. That is just ME. I probably can't change the way I respond to others' ways of responding to me - or at least my impressions. John helps a lot. He is a good "therapist." I
We don't always vote for our favorite person on DWTS. You can bet next week, we will. We are going to vote for Jennifer. I agree with you that Repubs are better at voting.
Point well taken Carol. We are getting off our ass's or assess next week and vote. LOL> hmmm interesting how the words- asses and assess are so similar.
How do you spell ass in plural? is it asses or ass's?
Carol and Coreen, Hope you both have a good day and and are in no pain.
Beautiful pictures Jan. Both these, and the ones of your grandson and great grandson. You are so blessed to have such a great family - and they're lucky to have you too!
Remember, six 0 is just a number (you, yourself, told me that a few months back). The only power it has over you is that which 'you' give it.
... think about it. Many things are better now than they were when we were younger. It's just a trade off, like everything else.
(sorry I wasn't here to wish you a happy birthday)
.. I've even heard 60: Aged to perfection.
You have to admit we're wise (sometimes)!
... Oh, and as for the weather (seasons) affecting our moods (and they definitely do), lets just be glad we live some place where in the winter, we still get warm, sunny days like today. These days make the cold ones much more bearable. Also this year, down here I think we're going to have a mild winter this year.
I think that goes for New Mexico too, Jan (although I know you like colder weather anyway).
I often have neck problems like you do also Jan, but not lately. I think they're caused by arthritis (I can hear mine make crunchy noises if I'm in a 'very' quiet room, and slowly turn my head back and forth), but it is 'aggravated' by stress, among other things. Also, check your pillow. When mine gets too flat, I always start having more neck problems.
Speaking of stress, Emma's entered the terrible two's (sometimes) a little early - enough for me to get a good sampling of what's to come at least. I'm now looking up ways to deal with (and cope) with the inevitable drama.
I looked it up on a terrible two's calculator online, filled in the info. they asked for, and it said I only have '423 days - 11 hours - 14 minutes - and 24 seconds' to go, before she's out of them. They start early, and end late, as a general rule.
Let the countdown begin!
[This blog post has been updated with news about man shooting his TV after Bristol Palin's "Dancing" performances Monday night. Seriously.]
"Judging from the final moments of Tuesday night's elimination episode, things could get tense next week when the winner is named for this edition of ABC's dance competition series, "Dancing with the Stars.
This tenseness in the studio during the live results show came just hours after a SWAT team had to talk a 67-year-old rural Wisconsin man out of his home when he blasted his television with a shotgun in response to Bristol's dance routines on Monday night's shows..... "
Tuesday morning, the Web site Jezebel linked to comments on conservative Web site HillBuzz, in which people discussed having figured out a way to game ABC's email-voting feature, due to a technical glitch on the site.
"Here's a hint: They don't have to be VALID email addresses to register them with, there is apparently no validation process," said one commenter. "They just have to be formatted like a valid email address, and you must use a valid zip code and a birthdate that makes you old enough to vote. No, it doesn't have to be a valid email address - I had one of my anonymous ones that I used, and then just did the sign-up process all over again with and it worked."
"Lord have mercy, I voted for 3 hours online! I got 300 in," said another commenter. ""
... if you read that article, it goes on to say that the guy went on to point the gun on his wife, which is the reason for the swat team.
Evidently, he wasn't a Republican either.
Solar, You'd better stock up quick!
Chicago maker of Four Loko to remove caffeine
November 17, 2010 9:33 AM
The Chicago-based maker of Four Loko, the caffeinated alcoholic drink that has come under scrutiny by the Food and Drug Administration, said it is removing caffeine and two other ingredients from its products.
Jan, did you find the ass answer?
Two of the sharp pains in my right chest area are pretty much gone. Just have one in my scapulae area. I'm sure it's a
tendonitis related to computer use and stress. I wonder if Ivy ever got over her shoulder pain. I'm giving my computer a rest.
Someone on C2C was talking about all the electromagnetic exposure we get from all our computers and cell phones and what it can so to us. It was
time for me to take a break
Chloe, didn't see you slip in. Will now catch up.
Did you hear there is a website telling Palin fans
how to vote?
Welcome home Chloe. We missed you. I certainly felt an empty spot in my heart
Chloe, thanks for the link to the Washington Post article. I read it to John and we both got a big kick from it.
Glad to see you girl. The fact that Emma is going through the "terrible twos' just means she is growing up. A lot of child development people compare them to the adolescent years. You both will survive. She is asserting her new-found independence.
Thank you Chloe for the kind words about my family. I love them dearly, but we all experience our ups and downs with each other.
Gary, the young man in uniform had a bad bout with the terrible twos. He is the most amazing young man now. He is kind, considerate and a great dad. I think he is a good husband too, but I must leave that assessment to his wife.
I don't stay on my computer for long. I know long periods of time on it cause me some various kinds of pain. I spent 2 straight hours on it yesterday doing those mandatory units we have to do at the Univ every 6 months. It was 3 sections, I should have broken them up.
And Coreen, I only voted Kyle
because I was sure he was
the one Palin would bump out. Never figured it
would be Brandy. Next week I'll vote for the best, promise. May even cheat
if the pain resolves.
Oh, brandy wants Kyle
Pur Dancing website had some interesting video interviews. Even Mark, Bristol's pro mentioned that many who
watch and bitch don't vote. Voting online
is quick and easy.
Chloe, bout time to post a new pic
of the little sassy no-myster. We missed
her Halloween costume this
year. Not too late.
Modern family did not disappoint tonight. The scene with the little old man trying to get "Helens" attention so reminded me of my dad. That was too funny.
Chloe, I too would love to see some pics of little Em.
Yes Jan, Modern Family was a good laugh again. Watching it is one of the highlights of my week. That's sad. I kept telling a friend how good it was and she finally started watching it. She calls during every show, laughing, to tell me how funny it is.
I keep hearing that at some time they will offer people a one way trip to Mars. Hmmmm, I'll be real generous and suggest that I think that offer should go to the audience of Limbaugh, Beck and Hannity.
Happy birthday Carol,!! Sorry that i missed it...was on the road. Sometimes i work at nights, at am's and in the afternoon...plays hell with the sleeping pattern that I never worse.
Glad to see U again Chloe, and glad that you are more than capable to handle just one little ol 2 yr old hard can that be?
Coreen, Jan, sorry to hear that just like Carol you all are in some physical pain....."Walk it off".
I have so much of it now that Im driving a trk for long hrs, that I have started to sleep on the floor for a cpl of hrs....some yoga stretches and then get a few hrs sleep...
I also have an mri ( I canceled one last week) on the 2nd of Dec.....I think that I might go back to cortisone shots....I forget to take my gabapenten sometimes.....and it catches up to me.....makes me soooo tired....
The good news is that we are in the final stages of getting some homes started next spring........another Whoooopeeee.!!
We have architectual drawings like I ( the layouts) wanted them to look like....will submit a cpl of changes again...but im told that what we have should be enough to get the financing..and the people in place to move into them.....still ......been slapped around so much....that im still in the prove it mold....."show me the $".....that will a the biggest WHOOOOOPEEEE for me......later.....
Great news Solar. I sure hope it pans out for you.
Enjoy seeing you in your WHOOOOOPEEEE mood. It's contagious.
Keep up the good work. It's always the best feeling to be moving forward.
"... glad that you are more than capable to handle just one little ol 2 yr old hard can that be?"
Oh, and ha, ha, ha, on this one Solar. Let me tell you, it's the hardest job I've ever had.
My main problem has always been that I care too much. It drives me to constantly reevaluate things over and over. It's a trait that can drive you nuts, or at least make you feel like a constant failure -- maybe both.
Jan, glad to hear you're setting some job limits for the school, and gaining back some of the control (that probably is part of the reason you originally decided to retire).
There's no worse frustration, than to feel things getting out of our control. It's important to get a handle on things - at least the things we can - one thing at a time. Things get confusing (even overwhelming) if we don't.
Baby steps.
Carol, Thanks.
I felt an empty spot in my heart too.
... almost forgot to drop this off. I'm sure everyone probably heard it before me though, but the entertainment just never ends.
It's getting embarrassing, knowing that other countries are watching us and our political circus. It's actually starting to get scary. Everyone seems to be running in different directions.
Wish I didn't know now what I didn't know then.
Donald Trump may run for President against Sarah Palin ..."Would he represent the Democrats or Republicans? Trump tells Good Morning America that he is Republican and he would run as a part of the GOP.
What should happen if Sarah Palin is on the ballot against him in the preliminary elections? “She's very interesting. Don't underestimate her," he said. “If I ran I would have no choice [to run against her]. I'd take her on. I like her, but I'd take her on."
Chloe, you guys are my friends. I might not be able to give you a hug or get one when we each need one or look into your eyes when we talk(don't even know what color they are) but you are still my friend. I feel grief when I don't hear from you.
The Internet has created another way to make friends. A way to make friends that is actually easier than trying to find someone I share things in common with where I live. Can't really put an ad in the paper. I also don't have to stress if the house is a wreck and I want to visit. I don't need a lot of your time but I do like to hear from you and know how things are going. And, of course, occasionally bitch about what's going on in the world.
I do enjoy sharing your kids experiences also. I think that my not having any makes me feel old. Having kids and grandkids keeps a person young.
Jan, I'm also glad you set limits with your job. I thought that they would try to take advantage of you. It's so typical with part time people in academia. If you let it happen just once, you'll have to quit to stop it.
I still miss Ivy also. I would love to discuss that Cam Newton gossip with her. I bet she knows some stuff about it.
I told y'all a while back that I started listening to sports talk radio in my vehicle because I like talk radio and it's the only tolerable option for it. I'm not even much of a sports fan except for the few teams that I follow and y'all know those teams. There are some really fun guys on some of the programs.
The Cam Newton story is a very hot topic in sport's news. He's the phenomenal quarterback for Auburn, one of Alabama's arch rivals. And being that Alabama is Ivy's team, I bet she knows a little about the story.
And the best of luck with your project Solar. Hope things work out like you dream they will.
Hope that what you have concieved and believe you will achieve.
John and I are celebrating 20 years together. We met 20 years ago today. We were going out to dinner, but Arkansas is playing Miss. State and we are getting the game, and I want to work on a quilt. So we are staying home and treating ourselves to some Bluebell Ice cream. Good Times!
Chloe, You are so right, there is no tougher job than raising a child, whatever age. I cannot stop thinking about what you said about raising one in your 20's, one in your 40's and now one in your 60's. You are so courageous. You should write a book about the different experiences of raising a child at such different ages and stages in your own life.
Carol, how is the pain in your scapulae? I hope you are doing better. I have not seen you on here for a couple of days. I hope you are simply resting your body.
I bet Mon and Tues night will be the biggest nights that DWTS has ever had with all the publicity about Bristol. The sad thing is that her mom is getting all kinds of free publicity. I have her reality show taped for sun nite.
Solar, so glad to hear you are going to be building some houses. Congratulations.
Coreen, I miss you. What is going on there?
Happy Aniversary Jan and John! Well that celebration sounds interesting. Hope you get a real one later.
Who won the game? I just found it. Congrats!
I watched the LSU vs Old Miss game and it was a real nail bitter. LSU was supposed to win by 16 but it was touch and go. I'm glad it was because there is no thrill to watching a blow out. I wasn't that big a fan of LSU but I've become one. I think we play Arkansas next?? Football this year seems to keep the surprises coming.
Jes Jan, the pain is still there. I actually pulled something about a week ago wrestling the heavy covers I had on me in bed. I was trying to pull up a place for Maggie to get up under them. It's sad that I can injure myself in bed. That's when you realize you are really getting old.
I've been having problems with SF again. Well they are actually ongoing. Every time I think things are going OK, something happens. When I go see him on Saturday, he seems fine but causes problems during the week. It's interesting that yesterday someone called me from the nursing home he was to go in to see how things were going.
Yes Chloe has had quite an interesting mission in her life. Difficult. Each time she had/has a child to raise she is wiser but older. There is a reason that our fertile years are when you are young, you don't know enough to worry and young enough to have the energy to keep up with those youngsters.
I've heard people with grandkids remark that it's nice that they can see the grandkids, spoil them, give advise and then let them go home to their parents for the really hard work.
I enjoyed the game between Ark and Miss State last night. It was a good game that tied at the end and went into double overtime. Its fun just to watch with John - he gets so excited.
I have never cared much for watching sports events on TV, but am getting more interested in football. My 2 oldest boys are sports hounds. They are both Univ of OK fans since they were born in OK and our families are from there. They drove to the OU game last Sat. in Norman , OK and sat with some of their 1st cousins at the game. Of course, John is an Ark fan.
When I was in school in Austin, I went to football games with some friends. That was a lot of fun - so I am a TX fan.
Carol, I am so sorry about your injury. I hope you are getting better soon.
I am more affected by stress than anything else. My headache is gone now. That meeting with my supervisors I think was the main thing to blame. The new nurse we have at the agency is great to work with. She and I get along great. We did some hearing screening of some of the children in the agency on Fri and we work well as a team.
Carol, It sounds like things will not change with your SF. He just may be getting bored during the week and likes to stir things up. Of course, there has to be some cognitive changes going on with him.
I was very involved with my grandchildren when I was younger, but not so much anymore. My youngest is 9 and once in a while her parents ask me to keep her in the evening if they want to go out alone but they don't ask often. They used to go out of town for a weekend or a week (when we first moved here) and we kept her. The first of this year they had to go to Phoenix for 10 days. I kept her on the 2 weekends and her other grandmother stayed at their house and took her and picked her up at school and kept her in evenings. It was hard because she missed her parents and was really unhappy the last weekend. I was so happy when they got home. I was working full time then and I was exhausted.
I am having all the family that live here for Thanksgiving . I think we will have 14 as one of DIL's parents are coming too. We will eat at 4 pm as one of my sons and his wife are serving at one of the places in town at noon. I started making "to do" lists this morning for every day from now until Thurs. I am a big list maker. I have to do that. Never did until a few years ago.
Jan, the producer of DWTS said there was no conspiracy by any party to vote for Bristol. It's just that people are voting for her because they think she is sorta innocent, came a long way and they like her. I can see that in addition to the fact that more of her fans actually vote.
Jan, it sounds like you are going to have a lot to do for Thanksgiving and will be thankful when all the work is over. Mary and I have SF to feed this year and I'm not cooking this year. With 3, it's easier to find somewhere out to eat. SF wouldn't care if it is fancy or if he gets a burger.
I wonder if we can believe the producer. How do they know that? It is true that she is sorta innocent. Plus, her mom is known by more people than any of the other "stars" I didn't know who any of them were except for Jennifer Grey.
Yes Carol, you are so right, I will be the MOST thankful when it is done. I think you will enjoy Thanksgiving more than me. It has not been spoken, but one of the DIL's here does the Easter dinner. The other DIL usually does the Christmas dinner. We are not always here for Thanksgiving, but when we are, I am the one who does it. The others are bringing dishes however. We all jump in and help out no matter who hosts.
I got out and cleaned up the front porch and front yard. I hope I didn't overdo it. Took some tylenol when I finished.
Carol, The Saints are playing the Dallas Cowboys Thanksgiving Day. My sons and John are all Cowboy fans. I know who you will be rootin for. I think I will just watch the game. A lot of people don't like the Cowboys for some reason. I don't know why.
Hi Chloe, Coreen, Solar, Would love to hear what your plans are for TG.
Went shopping today. Other than groceries, that doesn't happen often. I found several things I needed at bargain prices. I also couldn't find the shoes I needed in my size so I found them online.
Jan, I've never liked Dallas. Last year they were the first team to break the Saints winning streak. I bet your boys loved that. Don't know what will happen this year. They haven't done well but their luck changed after changing coaches. Hope there's not a rerun of last year with my team.
I have had a busy day. Cleaned the front porch, cleared some weeds (we have lots of weeds here). Cleaned out the fridge and freezer. We don't have an extra freezer, just the side by side in the kitchen. So I had to throw out some stuff and making soup from the rest. I bought the turkey this afternoon - it will begin thawing in the fridge. It will take 3 days to thaw. John and I are having soup tonight. It is called "clean out the fridge and freezer soup" It smells good. Hope it is edible.
Sorry about that ( Dallas and Saints last year).
I have never bought any clothes online. I seldom buy anything online. I have to try on shoes and clothes I am hard to fit. My rear end is one size and rest of me another LOL.
Are they work shoes?
Jan, I wear khakis to work in. That's my uniform. One of the things I like most about where I work, I don't have to dress up.
I have always had a hard time finding pants that are long enough. You should remember that from when we shopped together. You would always come home with an arm full of stuff and I had nada.
When I was young, I'd look at the rack of pants for a pair that hung below the rest. If I was lucky that day and found one, that's the pair I was stuck with. It was worse when I was skinny. At the nice stores I can never find pants long enough. I do better at the factory outlets where they sell irregulars cuz that's what I am. I'm not that tall but my height is all in my legs. Osteoporosis is crunching the rest of me down but not my legs....yet. In a few more years I will be a pancake on stilts.
I find a brand and style I like and then after a while they stop carrying them. I need pants that come to the waist and now most are below the waist. I prefer those with a pleat in the front and now most are flat panel.
I also like these stone colored Keds shoes called Spirit. They are super comfy. I go thru a pair in a few months. When they have my size, I buy a couple of pairs.
Coreen, ya think Jeter is going to stay with the Yankees?
Reading that Pur DWTS website and others complaining about the possibility of Bristol winning DWTS is kinda funny. It's just a TV show and really no big deal. Everyone still can judge for themselves who they thought was the best. It's not like the winner will be running our country for the next 4 years. The voters haven't always made the best decisions for that important job either.
Many voters just aren't capable of judging the real talent and skills needed for a position. Come on now, voting for someone for president because he is the one who you would most like to have a beer with???
DWTS could do a couple of things to fix the problem of not the best winning. They could judge a little tougher. They could also make their scores count more than the public. Or we can just get used to it that there are a lot of people who vote for all kinds of things that don't have a clue.
And another something that is getting's the anger over the TSA's pat downs.
Enjoying your comments Carol. I too have problems finding clothes that fit. I have an opposite problem. I often have to hem my pants. I like to shop for pants and tops at thrift stores. It is surprising what nice clothing I can find. I always buy new shoes and swimsuits and underwear. I needed some new sweats for walking and found 2 great pair like new at a local thrift store - one pair is Liz Claiborne and the other is LL Bean. Both look like hardly worn. Both need heming but for these I just turn up the bottoms for little cuffs. One thing I love about living here is that you never have to wear nice clothes. I seldom dress up any longer.
I wash all clothing I buy before wearing.
I completely agree with you on DWTS voting - same for Idol voting. I am looking forward to new IDOL shows.
I watched the Sarah Palin reality show last night. Not as much fun as week before. She and Bristol did halibut fishing and preparing. It was grusome. I could become a vegetarian after watching it.
We are flying to New Orleans on Jan 2. I don't have any problem with new security regulations. Of course, I could change my mind after flying in Jan.
Off to swim.
Jan they still have 4 dances left, some
for tonight and some for tomorrow. I guess they will be dancing right
before they pick the winner??? If that is the case the judges scores
may a bigger role in the outcome???
Coreen I promise I will vote
for who I think does the best
job or who is still kicking at
the end. That endurance test may just favor
Kyle since he is both young and has no old
war wounds and his dancing ain't
half bad.
What y'all doing in New Orleans in Jan. Jan?
Wouldn't expect you to change your voting pattern at this point Carol...If you like Kyle
you should continue to support him...
You already know my opinion, unlikely it will
As for Derek....he will continue to be a Yankee...the hype is just noise...
As for Thanksgiving...we usually eat
turkey for me...
Jan, I don't envy you cooking for 14, my best
friend does that every year for as long as I
can remember (& that is a lot of years) always
about 20 people, but her sisters share the cooking/cleaning, but still lots of work....
Tonight I read that the dancers must do redemption dance tonight. Jennifer is doing a redemption paso doble, the dance she screwed up on and a freestyle to a song from Dirty Dancing. Kyle, a redemption fox trot and freestyle and Bristol, a redemption jive and freestyle. If that's wrong blame that Pur DWTS website.
I hope Derek doesn't pick Jennifer up by her neck again. I don't think that helped her last paso.
Tomorrow they also have two dances.
As for the airport scanner dustup...Not sure I
would be comfortable with a for
the body scanner...can't say I have strong feelings either way...seems the entire boarding
procedure is a work in progress & we are the
test subjects...
It appears highly political...Just who is for/against the body scanners/pat downs...
Seems the dems/libs are saying no big deal...while the repubs/sarah palin types are
angry big time...
Tell me, if these scanning devices & pat down
procedures were in effect prior to Obama admin.
would the roles be reversed?....
And Carol, you probably are used to some type
of security in your workplace...we are used to
going through metal detectors in all state/federal courthouses here & I think in
all states...while the machines can set off a
watch, a belt, then they may wand you with the
hand held device, but so far no physical contact....
Before this day is through...a reminder of that
fateful day in 1963....from Clint Hill, secret
service agent assigned to protect Mrs. Kennedy...I still get a chill reading about it...
"I stayed by Mrs. Kennedy for the next four days. The woman who just a few days before had been so happy & exuberant about this trip to Texas was in deep shock. Her eyes reflected the sorrow of the nation and the world---a sorrow we still feel today."
On Mrs. Kennedy's Detail
And I can no longer handle the big dinner or party hosting. Those days are over. I did love it when I had the energy to do it. I'm not doing my Christmas party this year either. I said I'd bring some of the dishes I cook, that is, if someone will come help me carry them to where we are going to do the party.
Coreen, I assume you didn't watch the Sarah in Alaska show last night. They were bludgeoning Halibut last night. Hate to see you to have to cut fish out of your diet also. Actually it probably was the most humane thing they could do. It's not like you can give them Lidocaine first. Bristol got the job of wacking the fish and she didn't care for it.
Bristol really is an OK young lady...but not the best dancer on DWTS, probably is the best in Wasilla. I thought it was cute when Bristol told her mom she should leave her prom hair at home. She wasn't really referring to her hair but the way she was acting. I think. Who knows with teenagers. I don't have much experience with teenagers even though many I have to spend time around act like they are still in their adolescence, including SF.
I did think it was interesting seeing how commercial fishing is done.
Hey, I think I could go for a nice pat down right now. I have a few tense places...on my back, OK.
Just showed a story on the local news about a shrimper who was shrimping close to the oil spill area and pulled up a load of shrimp with a big load of oil chunks also. It's still out there folkes.
No Carol, I didn't watch Sarah's saga...but
the 'news' this a.m. did mention bashing the
fish...& you are absolutely right, the more I
start to think about the killing of fish, chickens, turkeys, the less of the food I will
eat....I am rapidly becoming only a 'big salad'
The fact is there is no doubt...Jennifer is still the ONE.....
Kyle has grown tremendously, but Jennifer is just perfection....
Bristol...she is improved but not enough...& didn't like her smart mouth comment about 'haters'...she is her mother's daughter...she really should not be a finalist..end of story....
I agree with Bruno...she should get all 11s...or for me all 12s...that is one of my favorite numbers...& its a football player
number Carol....think back & you will know who
it is for....
Could it be Joe Namath? And the NY Jets retired the number.
You are soooo smart lady....You got it....
He was the reason I learned about football...
still like the Jets, & hope they win....
Did you like Kyle's free style?...
It was full of energy...but much to rapper for my tastes...
Did you see his layout in Playgirl in panty hose?? I think it was Playgirl.
Whatever magazine it was in, I remember buying the magazine.
So far it's Jennifer, Kyle and then Bristol. I'm not crazy about that type of dance but it was all Kyle and he did it well.
Oh well, I guess that was for all the haters??!! was underwhelming...
I did try to vote just now, but it wouldn't take my email/password, just kept 'processing' I guess I can't vote...
I had the first edition of Viva also. Still do.
Pantyhose, fur coats, & remember take it off, take it all off....for some shave cream...
that was a long time ago...but he was the best...I just loved him...spent many hours screaming when he played...much like you felt
about your Saints last the way, the guy who was in my veteran's day post...was
a big joe willie fan...he taught me about football...
Viva, what was Viva...
Am I remembering that right? Didn't he do a layout where he was a centerfold wearing panty hose?? Maybe it was Burt Reynolds.
Derek better not injure Jennifer before this is over.
No contest....A delightful, fun free better be a lock!!!...or the show loses all credibility...
And glad to see Jennifer go over to her family/friends...Jamie Lee Curtis was there
every show for her...
And did you know her husband played the dufus
x-husband on the new adventures of old christine...that was a little surprise when
I saw him & made the connection...
I think both Joe Namath & Burt Reynolds posed
for playgirl...
"Viva was an adult woman's magazine that premiered in 1973 and ceased publication in 1980. Its full title was Viva, The International Magazine For Women, and it was published by Bob Guccione and his wife, Kathy Keeton. Guccione was the editor of Penthouse, an adult men's magazine, and he wanted to publish a companion title for women. Viva was essentially an erotic magazine for women, containing articles and fiction delving into women’s fantasies, and exploring their sexuality, reviews of the arts, interviews with known personalities, fashion and beauty, etc."
Jan might remember. I bet we looked at it together.
I'll honestly say the dance Jennifer did was dangerous but I don't think it took the same skill that Kyle's did. Derek just threw her around alot. Coreen, I know you won't agree but you are a little on the biased side yourself.
I missed that one Carol...& didn't Guccione
die recently....
Jennifer did kicks, splits but mostly Derek just threw her around and she hung on. I still think Kyle's freestyle, even though not my cup of tea, required more difficult dancing. I can't believe that kid didn't lose more weight. He must have been packing it in every minute he wasn't dancing.
No doubt Carol...I rarely change my opinion
once it is made....from the start Jennifer
was the best dancer in my estimation...that has not changed...the only other one that could have come close was Brandy...
& if anyone other than Jennifer wins, as I said already the show loses all credibility...
Beats me Coreen. I didn't know the guy. Hey, remember, I'm down here in the swamp with the gator people.
Coreen, there are two more dances tomorrow and if Jennifer doesn't fall on her face, I think she will win. People can't vote tomorrow and the judges scores will carry more weight. I assume...
Coreen, are you voting tonight?
I told you I can't, I tried to log in, but it
just kept saying processing...& wouldn't go
beyond that...
What's this ice skating show...wasn't Jan
a skater?...I don't remember this show...
Ut oh, I'm having trouble signing in to vote.
Bob Guccione died recently just over the river & through the Texas Carol...
Said there "is an unexpected hitch"
Haven't been over that river or thru those woods lately Coreen.
Speaking of over the river & through the woods...Christmas is coming fast...have your radio stations switched over to all Christmas 24/7 it started
this weekend...2 of the NYC FM stations switched...& the others will do so probably
Thanksgiving or the weekend...
& the GE Christmas tree has some decorations on it as well as the light grid....
Yes, Jan ice skates. I think she did roller skating as a kid then learned to ice skate. She did a lot when we were in grad school. I bet she will watch that show.
Don't think I can get into the skating show...
Still can't sign in. I bet the site has crashed.
Tiem to watch my 5-0 guys....
I'll try to sign in later, but it must be a
conspiracy...the question is in who's favor.
catch you later...
Read that others are having trouble voting also. I think you can vote until tomorrow at 11 am Eastern. You ought to try early in the morning Coreen if you really like your little Jennifer. I bet the Bristol and Kyle fans will vote if it takes them all night but they will probably be fast asleep early in the AM.
I think I finally got my vote in but it went wacko just as I got my last vote in. After that I couldn't even get to that screen again.
We voted. John did all the work voting and we voted for Jennifer. I was working on the quilt and watching the show at the same time. It was tough to vote. He worked on it for an hour. Jennifer and Derek were amazing. She is a beautiful performer. I do love Kyle too. I thought he did great and made lots of progress.
I thought it was poor sportsmanship of Bristol to refer to "haters" I think she has made much progress. She is showing some personality and more skin tonight than previously.
I don't really care who wins. It is just a TV show for entertainment. I refuse to take it that seriously. Jennifer deserves to win - she is the best dancer - yet Kyle has shown the most progress. He is a sweetheart. I love his smile and giggle. I hope this helps Bristol to become her own person and move out of her mom's shadow.
I plan to check out skating with the stars (SWTS).
Carol, We are flying to NO to take a cruise. We got a great deal on a cruise after the Carnival cruise line had to be towed to San Diego. I think it scared people. We like the Norwegian Cruise Line. John loves the food and I just love the cruise. It is fun to see some different places and the cruise line makes it so comfortable.
Sounds like lots of fun Jan.
Ok, carol, I did get to vote just now...this a.m. it went through instantly...
Jan, I just had friends return from a cruise
to the Panama Canal, she said it was one of the
best cruises they had gone on...they left by
way of Fort Lauderdale & were out during the
time that the ship that had the fire happened...
where is yours heading...
Coreen, I think it is the Western Caribbean - Costa Maya, Belize City, Roatan, Cozumel. I am not familiar with any of these stops. I hope to see some Mayan ruins and some beaches.
I am tired of aches and pains GRRRR. I woke up this morning with tendonitis in my right arm. I am sure that is what it is as I have had it before. I did too much hand sewing yesterday and I was tense too. Oh well, Thank heavens for NSAIDS. As Gilda Radner once said, "its always something"
I went swimming this morning and was able to swim using just my left arm. Only problem was I kept drifting towards the ropes and had to disturb the swim class as I had to go through their lanes to get to the concrete steps. In my lane I usually have to hoist myself out on the deck - but with a bum right arm, could not get myself up there. They do have an electronic chair that the people with disabilities use to get in and out of the pool. I am saving that for another time.
Carol, we could have flown to Miami to take this cruise, but I love NO. We will spend one night there. We are staying in the Sheraton in the Quarter on Canal ST. the night before we sail. It will be fun to have one night there. Why don't you come meet us.
Someone want to put up a Thanksgiving post. It is time.
Evening folkes. Jan, seeing you for an evening would be too much of a tease. We need to get together for longer than that. We do need to do that before too long.
I just found a crack in the tank of my toilet. Good thing there was a little garbage sitting in that area and it caught the slow leak until I found it. I just had my handyman neighbor over and he will get me a new toilet tomorrow and put it in. Thank God for handyman neighbors!
Well who will be the big winner tonight? Anyone want to venture a guess? I bet they really broke some records with the voting this time. I do hope the judges scores tonight will get that mirror ball into the right hands. I still think they were too easy on Bristol last night and so did many others.
My choice would be Jennifer, Kyle and then Bristol. Bristol is lucky to still be in the running.
Last night Len scored Bristol the same as Kyle. He lost cred with me for that. He never gave Kyle a 10. Last night when he was the only one who gave Kyle a 9 for the freestyle, Bruno cut him some eyes.
One of the really neat things about Kyle is that he never complained or made excuses. Even when his partner fused at him, he was in good humor. He worked very hard and he was a wonderful role model for young people. A Great Disney representative.
Almost missed this about one of my favs...gotta
love her....Cher...
An Ageless Diva of a Certain Age
The process better be vindicated tonight...I do not want to hear any 'you betchas'....
I think if Bristol wins, she should feel embarrassed. I was embarrassed for her when she beat out Audrina and Brandy. When people gasp when you beat out better dancers, it shouldn't create a good feeling. She even had a look of shock on her face each time and I do believe it did make her a little uncomfortable. I could be wrong about that. I would certainly rather people be talking about how much progress I made rather than I won something I didn't deserve.
Bristol must realize she is not the best dancer or even the second best. She is a distant third. Yes she did make a lot of progress and came out of her shell and she should be proud of that.
I just hope that the Jennifer fans actually went to the extra trouble to vote this time. I think they might be the type that either don't vote or might not have worked as hard to get that vote in. I think that is why Bristol got so far.
Ut oh, Jennifer is injured...again. I don't think this contest is worth paralysis.
Unless Jennifer had an MRI before last night and after last night, it would be impossible to know just when she ruptured that disk.
From some of the reading I did re DWTS, it seems that Kyle has a pretty big fan base out there also. Lots of celebrities are pulling for him.
Bristol's face went dead again. She seemed to go backward tonight. I thought she didn't look like she was even trying. The judges are too generous in their comments to her tonight. Mary and I totally agreed on that.
Jennifer looks like she's hurting. There's a stained look on her face. Hang in there sister.
There goes Len with a lower of the three scores for Kyle again.
And he gives the higher of the three scores for Bristol. He can't be serious, he's been bought off. No cred, absolutely no cred.
Do you think the scoring sealed it...& yes the
judges are overly accommodating to Bristol, who
certainly has improved her dance, but there is always that special something missing....
Did anyone notice that Bruno cut Len some eyes again tonight when he gave Kyle a lower score than he and Carrie Ann did. He actually has done that every time.
Coreen, I thought Bristol took several steps backward tonight. She lost her animation and looked awkward.
Someone on a website I read tonight said that Bristol made some comment to Tom that her winning would be a big middle finger. Did you hear that?
Maggie is shaking a leg waiting to go outside to potty. This show is cutting into her schedule and she is not happy.
Well, it worked out as we wanted. Jennifer certainly sacrificed her body for the win. Hooray! Now she can go home a take a pain pill.
Amen!!!....Good night....
All's that ends well. Jennifer should win it with all the pain and injuries she has suffered and still dances like a dream. Kyle definitely deserved 2nd place - much progress, and he is such a good sport and worked so hare. Did you hear that he has lost 8 inches around the middle since the start of this season?
I hear that people are not too interested in Skating WTS's. Me either. Not too many people skate - but lots of people dance or have danced at some time in their lives.
Felt pretty good today. I swam with one arm. It was slow but I did it. the anti inflams are working well.
Good nite to all.
Ya know, I wish they would keep politics out of these entertainment shows. Too much meanness and anger in politics and that's pretty much what ran some of us away from our passion about politics, well at least me.
Two years ago I would have been having fun debating politics and wouldn't have been caught dead watching DWTS. Now I'm afraid keeping up with politics would kill me.
It wasn't really Bristol's fault she made it farther along than she should have. It actually was a little of a curse for her. It took her away from her baby and made her have to work like a dog every day. I really bet there were times she cried about that. But, then again, she may find some career choices she may not have had without her involvement in this show. It's a career booster for all involved.
Then again, it was probably the politics that boosted the rating of the show, sorry to say. They broke the records.
I went back to rewatch the dances last night. Scoring for that first dance was done differently. The judges couldn't give the same score for more than one dancer. They could each only give one 8, 9 or 10. I'm not sure if you noticed that....or really cared to.
Also I don't think any of them really knocked that first dance out of the park. We all had our bias well set by that point. I read where someone mentioned Jennifer and Derek stepped on one another's feet in that dance and they did. That might have been why Jennifer had that stressed look on her face after that dance. She hates it when she messes up.
Now that the dancing is over, we still have some interesting football games coming up this week. That's something else I was never very passionate about. Where did Carol go??
LSU plays Arkansas and Alabama plays Auburn, both should be fun games to watch.
Oh, and the Saints play the Cowboys. Jan, we can shake hands and come out cheering.
Jan, I'm feeling for ya with your arm pain and having to do that big dinner at your home tomorrow. Good luck.
Hoping that you all have a great Thanksgiving.!!
Not much happening. and looks like it just got Im going out to buy a warm winter over-alls....later
Stopping by with an early Happy Thanksgiving
Wishes for your day to be filled with family,
good friends, good food & some happiness...
There is much we all have to be thankful for,
even if at times we forget...
Happy Thanksgiving to you and everyone else who drops by.
I'm very thankful that there was a new toilet sitting on my deck when I got home from work today and my handyman neighbor put it in shortly thereafter. Didn't have to worry about finding a plumber and going get the toilet myself or waiting to have it put in. I'm very very thankful.
A very Happy Thanksgiving to all. I am so thankful for a warm group of friends here at the swamp.
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