I love sunsets. Here are some pictures from our recent trip through TX & OK. The sunset pictures are in Weatherford OK taken over about one hour. We were in a motel across from the hospital. It rained in OK for the next 4 to 5 days. There is one picture of cars half-buried just west of Amarillo. Another picture is a huge cross in a small OK town.
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Spectacular Sunset
I love sunsets. Here are some pictures from our recent trip through TX & OK. The sunset pictures are in Weatherford OK taken over about one hour. We were in a motel across from the hospital. It rained in OK for the next 4 to 5 days. There is one picture of cars half-buried just west of Amarillo. Another picture is a huge cross in a small OK town.
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The pic of the cross didn't make it.
She's just been retarded for a short while now and look at that girl go!
Hooray Jan. Thanks for the beautiful pics. Those skies are a gift from God...as long as there's no tornados popping down.
You are so right Carol - the pics are a gift from God. I just point, shoot and pray the pics will portray a little of what God intends. I just had a lesson at the Apple store and I have already forgotten 1/2 of what they told me. I did take some notes so for that part, I am good.
Oddly enough, the pictures are in the order I took them. I can't believe I waited so long to get a digital camera. I just taking love pictures now. I take about a million of Abigail when I see her.
Really nice going Jan...
You caught the majesty of Mother Nature at
sunset....Love the cloud formation & the deep
And a digital camera makes it so very easy to
capture so much...by the way still hoping to
see the 'watermelon' mountains in your neck of the woods....
Do you know the story of why the cars are stuck
in the ground in Texas?....
And by the way, here you rarely get the vast
horizon views that you see in the middle of the
country....We have so much stuff built around
that there are not to many places you can see
for miles...& its rolling hills, not really flat....
Jan, just think of all that you will have the time to do now. Time to find and develop all your creative talents. I can only dream about that. It's also great that all this wonderful technology came about before we kicked off. I'm still so in awe of this new technology.
I sure could use some time to devote at least a couple of weeks to trying to get SF straight. There's so much that needs to be done. At least I have this wonderful bookkeeper. She has done so much, much more than what you would expect someone in that position to do. I absolutely love her.
I found out today that SF is not wearing his HIFACGU braclet. I told him yesterday he had better wear it. He didn't have it on today and when I told his sitter to get him to put it on, he said no, he didn't need it. I got on the phone and gave him what for.
When I told him he needed it so he could be safe, he said that maybe he wanted to die. I said that is fine but you had better do it with that damn braclet on. I told him I would get in trouble if it wasn't on. He is so impossible.
Also I think I may have gotten him on Meals on Wheels today. I used everything I had in my arsenal of power to get him on the program. They are suppose to go out and do an interview. I told him about it and he said he didn't want it. Again, I had to give him the "what for". I'm trying to take care of this man and he is kicking and screaming, trying to fight me.
I think he thought he had to pay for the MOWs. I told him that is what our tax dollars and donations to United Way go for and that for once, I'd like someone I know to benefit from one of those programs. He was furious with me by the time I got off the phone. I needed drugs when I got off.
It's a full time job taking care of an old person, even from a distance. It's a full time job on the phone. It's a full time job making lists so I don't forget what to do or who to call.
I just called SF again to ask if he was still mad at me. He said no, he didn't know how I got that idea. Maybe his loud grumpy voice or his hanging up on me?? Jees.
Coreen, I'm sorry about your BB team's owner.
Now for something serious. Do any of you have any thoughts re: Mel Gibson?? Need Chloe here. She's usually up on Page 6.
Even C2C, from Sunday, was talking about him. They played some of Mel's recorded tirade. They always start their nightly program with some current events.
Ivy, we want you to keep us up on how your pup is doing. I'll keep pup in my prayers.
And how you and Hubs are handling the transition.
Heard it was the 50 year anniversary of To Kill a Mockingbird. If anyone sees it listed to play anywhere, please let me know. I think that if you have a TiVo you might be able to ask. My DVR is dumb.
Just got in from watering and can hardly type because I'm too busy scratching my legs. If the heat doesn't get ya around here, the mosquitos will, especially just before dark.
We have these little Asian Tiger mosquitos. They are so small that they are barely visible but their bite carries a wallop. They make a whelp on me and itch like crazy. The itch goes away after I've clawed myself almost raw for about 20 minutes.
Carol, your SF is going to be a real doozy to do anything for. He sounds so much like my dad a few years before he died.
...Mockingbird has been on here a few times. It usually is on TCM. Do you get a movie guide in one of your papers. We get one here on sat mornings for the whole week. I will check mine and let you know if I see it here.
Coreen, I have no idea about the buried cars outside Amarillo. I lived here in the early 80's and they were there then.
I will try to get some good pics of the sandia mtns here when it is sunset. that is when they turn purplish pink.
The sunset from OK is about the best I have ever seen.
Coreen, I found a link with pictures of the "Cadillac Ranch" outside of Amarillo. The description says the buried cars have been there since 1974.
And Ivy, my porch spider(PS), is getting bigger and bigger.(bet ya didn't know that was what PS stood for?) Must be some good catchings out there at night. Hope it includes some of those mosQs that have been biting me.
Also her web is getting bigger. She's smartened up and waits until I have taken the Magster out for the night to build it. I kinda miss that little, I hope I don't have that ugly spider on me, dance I've practiced so often.
If that spider gets any bigger, I'll probably be out on the porch and she'll be taking over the camp.
I've tried to take some pics but they don't come out that well.
Jan, I can't wait to see some Sandia mtn pics.
Got no takers with my Mel Gibson question so I'll give you my 2 cents on it. First of all, I couldn't hear a lot of the conversation because there was so much bleeping going on.
Second of all, I do assume the recorded conversation was verbally vicious but recording someone and broadcasting that all over the world in order to ruin a person's career and life also falls into the pretty vicious category.
I made an observation a good while back. This observation really surprised me. My observation was that there are some people who bring out the devil and evil in others, when they are around them. On first observation, it looks as if the vicious appearing person is the bad guy, but if you really watch carefully, that other, more innocent appearing person is orchestrating the entire scene.
The first time I noticed this was with a friend of mine. I observed the way she treated another friend who I didn't know at all. I knew my friend very well and I couldn't understand why she would talk to her friend that way. After I was around and got to know this other person better, I noticed I wanted to say mean things to her also. It shocked me. I worried me so much that really tried to study that phenomena.
Years later something very similar happened. It was then that I started to wonder if it is always the people who appear to be abusers who are at fault in abusive relationships.
The moral of this story is....when you find that there are people who bring out the very worst in you, you might want to stay the heck away from them! Unfortunately, often times, these people are members of our own family.
Also I always try to realize that, people who expressing extreme anger, are also experiencing extreme grief. Anger is part of the grief process. It is the second step. If we realize this, that it is grief, it will allow us to be a little more sympathetic to those people expressing this anger.
Nurses are frequently the victims of anger in the health care setting. This is not so much for you Jan, in the maternal health setting. That is usually a happy place. A new life has come on board and everyone is happy, most of the time.
In the medical surgical setting there are not too many happy times. The patient is going thru grief, the family is going thru grief, other nurses going thru grief, and often the doctor is going thru grief. Guess who gets the grief? Yep, it's the nurse.
I used to teach my students, and was also trying to teach myself at the same time, that when comfronted by anger, always stop and try to figure out exactly what loss is that individual, expressing the anger, is experiencing. If you do that, you may not be so quick to react back with anger. It is not an easy thing to do. You have to be prepared and well rested.
My patients, in the joint, are up to their eyeballs in loss and grief, and many are pretty angry. It's worse when they first come in. I have to have a serious talk with myself every morning so I don't jump out of my seat when they try to push my buttons. I'm not always successful but I do try.
And another phenomena that I have observed over the years is.....people seldom ever really benefit from the shared experiences and perceptions of others. They have to experience and study something similar for themselves for it to really have any meaning for them. So I'm really just flapping my fingers here but it does qualify for a ponder this morning.
Another observation. If you ever watch Morning Joe on MSNBC.... I ask for you to watch for those little pics, after the commercials, of Joe and Mika, sitting or standing together. Most, if not all, show Joe in a very dominant, superior posture and Mika in a mousey, subservient posture. It's like she is yielding to his superiority and she doesn't seem to mind it. This is not an accident. I feel like it is a message from MSM, at least MSNBC, to the public, you women stay in your place. Gosh, we've sure have come a long way baby!
I have not been watching news too much lately, so need to catch up on the Mel Gibson stuff. He has not been someone I have cared about in recent years. I can't remember all he has been up to but my intuition tells me it has not been good. I will try to catch up.
OUr local news has been in the forefront the past 2 days. One of the big employers in Alb. had a bad incident on Monday. A man after his girlfriend walked into the business and shot 6 people and killed himself. 2 of the people died.. His girlfriend is in critical condition. They had 2 children together but had been separated for a year. there was a custody dispute. She had been telling co workers for some time that she was afraid of him,
I was almost a victim of this kind of situation in my early 20's. I was married for a brief period (10 months) to a man like this. I think I told you about it Carol. He physically abused me for the entire length of our 10 month marriage. It did not begin until we married. I divorced him and later met Bob and we were planning to marry - Earl found out I was marrying again.He came into the Doctor's office where I was working with a gun. I was in the office area alone - but we had a waiting room full of maternity patients. He pulled the gun out and pointed it at me. I grabbed the gun and pointed it away from me. He tried to get me to let go and threw me around the room on the end of it and I began to scream. The 2 doctors came into the room - fortunately they were young and strong. One got Earl around the chest and the other took the gun away from him. The nurse called the police and they came and took him to jail. Bob and I left for Argentina 2 weeks later. Earl stalked me. He would call my friends and family trying to find me. He called my home 17 years later. I hung up on him. We sold our house and moved. Since we were in Argentina for 3 years, I don't know how much jail time he served. I never found out. Everyone thinks this kind of thing happens to only low-income people, but Earl had a responsible and high paying position with a large company. No one he worked with knew he was abusive. Whenever this kind of incident hits the news, I start having dreams again of the abusive situation I was in. It takes some time before I am able to get back to normal again.
While living in Montana about 15 years later I worked with a local group to get a safe home for battered women. We started a hot line for women who were abused. I also counselled women who were abused. I did this for 2 years. It helped me work through my own experience. My experience happened in 1965. It seems we have made a little progress but not much. Some people still blame the victim. When Early hit or beat me it was always for something like "leaving the keys in the car" or "not writing to his mother" I left him 2-3 times but would go back because he would promise to never do it again. He even started sessions with a therapist - of couse that did not last. I finally had to realize that there was no hope of him changing. He was from Mississippi so I had only known him about 1 1/2 years before we married. He had been married before and had 3 children who lived with his late wife's parents in Miss. He told me his wife had died in childbirth. I found out later from his mother that she had bled to death during the pregnancy. I always wondered if he had beaten her and that is why she died.
I hope you all will forgive all of this. I needed to talk about it since the incident that happened here Monday. Just when I think I am completely over this, something in the news triggers the feelings all over again. The wonderful therapist I had in Little Rock often told me - "our issues are always our issues" I guess this is one of mine. So thanks for letting me get it off my chest.
Carol, yes - I do think some people bring out the best in us or the worst in us. I can only be responsible for myself and my actions. If I am around someone who I think brings out those kinds of things in me, I try to avoid that person. There is someone I work with who can be a bully sometimes and when I first began working with her, she became very caustic a couple of times with me. She caught me off guard the first time and I just went off by myself and "licked my wounds" But the next time she did this (both times on the telephone- never in person) I told her "I did not intend to listen when she addressed me in this way" and I hung up on her. She called me back and apologized and never talked to me this way again.
"Joe in a very dominant, superior posture and Mika in a mousey, subservient posture. It's like she is yielding to his superiority and she doesn't seem to mind it. "
Carol, you should e-mail MSNBC and point this out.
I grew up in a time when it was "women's role to be subservient" and I watched my mother be subservient to my dad and so was I. I suppose this is why I have always admired women who stood up to men and did not allow themselves to be put in this role. I love watching Whoopie Goldberg on The View. She plays a dominant role on that show - with women and men. She can be sort of "domineering" with it sometimes but I still admire her.
I like Hillary for this reason too. I think that is why some men hate her b/c she is not subservient to any man. The reason Bill was able to get by with all his antics was b/c she has been so in love with him. I think despite all he has done, she still is in love with him.
I have made up for all the time I didn't say anything. I will sign off now and give someone else a chance LOL.
"I started to wonder if it is always the people who appear to be abusers who are at fault in abusive relationships. "
I think maybe that's where the term 'co-dependent' comes from Carol.
Mel's problem is that he's a repeat offender, and that he is famous (as we all know, fame comes with a high price). He did say some awfully mean, misogynistic things, like 'I own you', etc. (... one of the etc.'s was repeatedly telling her how stupid she is).
I don't think we should be recorded either. (But maybe it's not such a bad idea to live our lives as though we are... hmmm (?) I cringe at the thought though, thinking of some of the things I may have been caught saying in anger. Thankfully, my bark has always been a lot worse than my bite.
Jan, I think it's good you haven't been watching the news too much. I've heard 'very little' of what Mel said. Not listening to much of it is intentional - I just heard enough to get the flavor of what he was saying. There are so many people that think like him in the world, that it stopped surprising me more years ago than I can remember.
Carol, It's beginning to look like Mel is representative of those men... the one you witnessed on Halloween so many years ago. One of the bad guys.
your revelations about the spousal abuse you endured sent a chill through me...I can not
in any way relate to such behavior...am happy
that you seem for the most part to have been
able to get beyond the treatment...sorry that
current events have brought back the memories...
As far as Mel Gibson's drunken? tirades...celebs seem to get a pass on much offensive behavior...in the end, it will come back to impact what they value most their celebrity & their pocketbook...beyond that I have no interest in hearing more of the snippets that have been circulating this week...he is proving to be just another loser/abuser, who deserves not one shred of
sympathy/explanation/excuse whatever for his
The Cadillac Ranch...pretty neat....'americana'
at its finest....guess the artists created it
'just because they could'....liked the route
66 link showing the cows hanging about the
cadillacs....glad you took the time to find it...
Coreen, I took it especially for you as you have an interest in cars. I have passed it so many times. I had never before taken a picture. Next time we go through Amarillo I am going to take some time to go and take some pics up close. I too liked the site and the picture with the cow. Amarillo is real cattle and ranch country. There is a big stockyards about 10 miles from Amarillo that you can smell as you get closer to it. There is a steak place in Amarillo that advertises a free 72 oz steak if you can eat the whole thing. We have never stopped there. Those that have tell us the steaks are good there. We rarely eat beef. I don't like beef and John watches his cholesteral intake.
Jan, I hope you didn't get the impression, from what I said this morning, that I think that women who are abused, ask for it. I don't think you did and I certainly didn't mean to imply that.
I remember when you told me about your abuse experience, way back when we were in college. That was the first time I felt really close to you. You let me see your vulnerable side. I remember it like it was yesterday.
This morning, I was talking about verbal abuse and just sharing that I have seen times where I witnessed verbal abuse by others and even the temptation to do it myself to the very same people. I don't have a clue exactly what the person did to trigger it. It is weird.
We can't always jump to the conclusion to what seems obvious. There are multiple sides to every story. We must be fair.
People with terribly low self exteems are victims of abuse. Others tend to think of you what you think of yourself. If you think you are worthless, others will often treat you like you are.
Just about all that I pondered this morning I had experiences with today at work. One was, the pushing of my buttons. I had to deal with several button pushers today but I was prepared. It doesn't get to you when you are prepared ahead of time. When I saw it coming I just smiled. That completely disarmed my button pushers.
I also dealt with some women with low self esteems. Most of my women in the joint have that problem. Many are in there because they allowed some man to use them. I would love to get a self esteem program going for the women. I did a short one for one of my female patients today and told her she needed to go back and get a little group together and work on that issue with the others. AA women are often the victim of low self esteem.
I think that I'm a pretty sharp person but I have a little problem with people taking advantage of me all the time, especially those I hire to do work for me. (Actually by just about everyone) Look at my work situation.
I hired many people, over the years, to do work for me who have screwed me. The next time I needed something done, I would double my effort to prevent that. Then I would get double screwed. I can negotiate for someone else and be kick ass and then when I negotiate for myself, I'm a wimp. It is definitely my problem. I am doing better. I'm not sure exactly what I did to change it.
Coreen, I'm impressed that you remembered that Halloween story I told you a while back.
Does anyone here watch Morning Joe? And did you see those pics of Joe and Mika? I'm not sure how many they use and if they all show those same postures but the two that I saw recently, both did.
One pic is with Joe sitting, boldly upright, with his legs spread wide. Mika is all hunched over sitting next to him. The other is with Joe, appearing to be strutting down the street with Mika a few steps behind, looking rather pityful. I wonder if she realizes the message those pics are sending out. She may have a low self esteem.
Oh, and I've never been a big fan of Mel Gibson.
Sorry, that was you Chloe who remember the Halloween story. And welcome home girl!
oops just lost another post....trying again, that is what happened earlier when 2 showed up...
I may have missed something Carol...what did
you think I said that reminded you of a Halloween story...
I do not watch Morning Joe any longer, nor do I
watch MSNBC other than for sometimes a few minutes of your Dylan if I get here before its over....but not any of the rest of their shows....for that matter, have soured
on all the cable talkfests, cnn & fox, though
on ocassion I get a chuckle from good old billo...I'd rather watch reruns of just about anything at this point....
When I did watch Morning Joe, I often wondered
what the relationship was between them...
she always deferred to Joe, but no idea if it
is insecurity, low self-esteem or something else...but found her entire persona unappealing on many levels...
And Jan, I think the Dixie Chicks had a song for your Earl. Do you remember it? Did you write it?
Good thing I didn't know you back in or this would have been us....
Goodbye Earl
U pinks be careful: Watching morning Joe can be harmful to your health, or rot your brain...I haven't watched any nbc programing for a cpl of years now...they as well as all of the other shows are just tabloids now...nothing but gossip.!! I do watch the Rick Sanchez show when I get the chance...so far so good, hope that he doesn't get to big for his britches....just like the others have.....
I do like the Sunday am cnn line up tho...all of it very good. The coming up of the new Christiane Amanpour show should be worth watching...I think that she is one of the best out there.....I taped her 3 hr show about the soldiers of god..one hr per...Christians, mu slims, and Jewish...the most professional informative on the subject that I have seen....
Hi Solarman. Missed ya buddy!
Carol, and Jan,
A big 10-4 to the both of you.!
I have a beutiful looking sister in law, that can bring out the devil in anyone that she comes in contact with....she always comes out looking like the innocent one....
When I first married...I told her in front on my older brother that I did not want to hear any shit from her about my self, or family...she's known me since I was a kid....we were the only ones spared by her need to incite the evil in others.....Mel gibson...is just an Ahole.......nothing more...just a super dumb shit......
I know what its like to be in an abusive family situation.....keep up the inner growing....and the humor....that is what saves us....I think.!
Im so sorry for not bieng able to get together for lunch with you....and it is not b/c you would bit me...( that was the part that sounded good....) there are multible reasons that I will go into later...
Hi Carol,
Thats what Tony calls me...Solarman...kinda like it.......
Sorry about all of your SF troubles....but like I said...you were the only one to take it on...thats what people like U do.....can't help it.
All materials for decks (wooden porches) have drawbacks....I try to install masonry ones, or steel....a masonry one will last a very long time without maintenance....but should get a sealer sprayed just before winter to keep it looking nice.....a steel one...is a great way also.....needs very little maintenance and attractive....
Hi Chloe gal.....love u and Emma...what is she up to now...ok, got the age now...now for the month, and the day...around march 13th.......ps I always like older women....and don't take any offense..you are not old....Im guessing about (real physical age) 50 years old...having that little farm of yours...keeps you young...
I think that is true about all of you :-))
If not why not.!!!.....Can all of the new pinks around here say uncle solarman yet??
Solarman, things are starting to fall into place with SF, that is, with the help of a bull dozer. Running one three ring circus gave me good preparation for running another one.
It still amazes me that SF says thank you, to me, at least once a day. That's not in his nature anyone's efforts in his behalf and in his current circumstances, I wouldn't think he would even recognize anything but his own needs.
Nice pictures of the Sunsets....Im a Sun rising person....I still go to the beach sometimes...just as the Sun is coming up over Lake M.......sometimes this would be the place that I would take a first date....an all day date, starting in the am, to watch the sun coming up...then the Museums...go to the Aquarium ...
Watching the sun come up in the am....and then the restful setting of the sun.....that is all the spiritualism that I need.....no written word can surpass these visuals....
Sorry, I'm leaving out a few words in my sentences. Just fill in the blanks.
....thought about that...I think that he is thanking you for the past, more than for now...it seems to me, that he is very appreciative for the time that you spent with him early on....I know that I would, if I had a daughter that shared some of the times out on the range........sorry hahahaaa
Weddings and Graduations.........one a week for a while....wish one of them was for my son Tom....going to have to use a shot gun on him or something.....should have made one of those arranged marriages??? see u all a little later...will catch up and see what all the talk was about.!
Solarman, you will just have to leave Tom to decide his own life. If you want some grandkids, go to one of those Big brothers organizations and pick out one to do things with. I bet they'd be right happy to have you to do some things with. Many don't have a dad who they know of. You have a lot of wisdom to pass down to a youngster. Those kids could use that.
Just kidding, maybe not, about Tom. Half raising some nephews as it is now.....
Ivy, PS is so interesting. There was no sign of her web when I took the Magster out. After I brought Mag back in I kept a lookout. Soon, PS was building her web again. She waits until I have made my last trip out to start it. This has to mean that spiders can problem solve. I will never take bugs for granted again at least not Arachnids.
Tonight, PS moved her web into another position and is making it much bigger. Instead of having it coming down from the outer edge of the porch roof, she's got in more up under the ceiling of the roof. Not sure what her objective is but I feel pretty sure she has one.
Alert: BP is in the process of trying to close off that disaster they created. Please pray for success. We need God's help now.
I can't believe that no one but BP, that includes our government, according to Anderson Cooper, knows exactly what's going on. Can you believe that an oil company can have that kind of power over our own government?
That oil company can destroy our environment, they can put millions of people and our wildlife at risk but they don't have to tell anyone exactly what's going on. We just have to wait and pray.
I wonder if PS knows anything?
Good to see you back again.
Chloe, Welcome back.
Carol, I always wondered about who wrote that song. Since the Dixie chicks are from the same part of the country that Earl was from - I wondered if he beat up some girl down there. In the song the girls kill him. I liked to think that was him.
I had a sewing lesson tonight. John bought me a Bernina sewing machine about 8 years ago. It is a complicated machine. I went to the local Bernina store and signed up for lessons on how to take care of it and use it properly. It was a 2 1/2 hr class. I took this class about 8 months ago and then did not sew so I forgot everything I learned. Now I can get back to making GD's t-shirt quilt.
Carol, on my way to my sewing lesson, I got to thinking about what you said about abused people and low self esteem. What exactly is low self-esteem? Does it have anything to do with chemical imbalance like depression? Can one get over low self esteem? Do people who are socio pathic have low or high self-esteem? Can low self esteem be cured? One of the things I learned doing research is that concepts such as self-esteem are very difficult to measure because they are so abstract. There are instruments that measure self-esteem but they tend to not be valid such as instruments that measure concepts like weight and height and temperature - concepts that are more concrete.
Other questions I have about self-esteem are: Is self esteem relative - for instance do I have higher self esteem when I am with some people and lower self esteem with other people or does self esteem vary depending on the situation one is in?
Well, that is enough for tonight.
Hey Jan, Do I get to make up the answers to all of your self esteem questions or do you know the answers and this is just a test? LOL, Whatever, it will be fun.
And actually who really knows the answers?? We could come up with our version of the truth and who’s to say we aren't right?? (Check the rule book Solarman)
I just got up so I'm almost fresh, so let’s see if I can tune into the collective consciousness of the Universe and conjure up some answers here. If this is a test, you let me know how I scored.
You guys get to do the same. Chloe, I know you got some thoughts on all this. You love psychology. I don't want to know what those experts think, I want to know what you guys think. You are my experts.
Let's take on this one first:
"for instance do I have higher self esteem when I am with some people and lower self esteem with other people or does self esteem vary depending on the situation one is in?"
I'm feeling a YES here. In my personal perception and experience, when I'm around some people I feel much better about myself than when I'm around others. Like we both said, some people bring out our best and some bring out our worst. The problems comes in when we choose to hang with people who bring out our worst. Sometimes we just plain stuck with them. Lately, I try hard to avoid those people who make me feel like crap.
"Do people who are socio pathic have low or high self-esteem?"
As far as sociopaths go, their self esteems do vary according to whether they are out in the "world" causing havoc, controlling others or whether they are stuck in jail or sitting in my office.
I might have a little tendency to try to knock a few knotches off the self esteem of someone I think of as a sociopath. Ya got to be careful because they come in smiling, complimenting and ya could be fooled into thinking they are really nice wonderful people. Anyone, in jail, with that kind of behavior, instantly sets off my alarms. The hair on the back of my neck stands up.
Being around a sociopath has a tendency to bring out a little evil in me. I'm a Scorpio, it's that grey lizard portion of Scorpio. Sociopaths are full of defense mechanisms and using them to the max to avoid any blame for what has happened to them. I have had the occasion to try to saw off the legs of their denial and projection. I am close enough to watch the pupils of their eyes dilate with displeasure.
If you are around a dangerous animal, watch the pupils. Dilation of the pupils is one sign of sympathetic nervous system stimulation (fight or flight). It will precede an attack, every time. (Just watch your kitty cat when it goes to jump at you or something it is playing with)
When you see someone's pupils dilate, you had better duck or run! Unfortunately, I'm getting slow at doing both.
Sorry, I'm out of time for any more answers. Darn.
My final thoughts on Mel...it seems he chose to be around a woman who is known for using rich, powerful people. His rant demonstrated extreme anger at both, her and himself for being a sucker. He ended up punishing both.
Interesting. Last night this huge, blue dragonfly knocked on my door. Actually it was flapping it's wings at the door. I opened the door and it flew in. It looks almost exactly like my avatar, the one I drew. I couldn't get it out last night but I did just catch it and release it this morning.
What does that mean????? Any thoughts?
Go back to Solar...solarman is ok, but...
I have always felt better when around some people that were smarter then me..I like hanging with older people...learned a lot from them. They seemed to share knowledge, while a cpl of young smart people that I hung with....only imparted it in order to show the other guy up....me....
I sat and listened an awful lot...but I knew who was whom...whom was who....whom was whom....who was who....i knew them suckers pretty damn good.....and knew their facial expressions very well....helped a lot when we played poker....hardly ever lost.....
That was in answer to your question about feeling superior...
And about the rule book....we just can't drag it out any ole time that we want to....it will be misinterpreted, and we wouldn't want that, would we?
That is why only one person at a time....can have this special "Book of Winkle".....yes that right....I don't make the rules as I keep telling you......and don't ask me for how long does the person holding the rule book has it for......I don't know, is the short answer...but the book will tell me...when its time....
I see that im still having trouble with my internet..going on and off...
Good morning! Well Carol I think we have wrung out that self esteem stuff until it is dry LOL. We seem to have run everyone else off except Solarman.
Whilst sitting on our front porch this morning we were entertained by a truck picking up one of those PODS from across the street. PODS are big boxes that are delivered to homes and businesses and people pack their stuff in them and then a truck comes to pick up the POD when it is full. It was a fascinating experience. Our "across the street" neighbors are moving to COLO.
Jan, we can talk about whatever, whenever. Shouldn't
have to censor what we
say. Some may not be interested. I guess if that runs anyone
off then it is back to me talking to myself again. I'm certainly not trying to offend anyone.
Self esteem issues are a pretty serious
problem in the world. I deal with them
all day every day. I see
evidence of them here. Really can't solve
them here but nothing wrong with discussing
Those pods are pretty interesting.
On Iphony. Jan , this blog is well past
it's estimated life expectancy. We're already a
phenomena. If it dies, it sure was fun while it lasted.
Carol, Did you have a light on? Insects love flying into light. I figure it was either that, or she wanted to get into an air conditioned room. :)
Oh, and Carol, I agree with what Solar said. SF is thanking you because you've been there for him for a big part of your life (and his). It's required you to forgive him for some things, and I think he knows that too.
And Solar, thanks. Love you too - it's good to see you here.
Jan, I don't know why I didn't mention how much I like your post yesterday. The sunsets are beautiful, and it is so thoughtful of you to share a part of your trip with us.
... I would think that the way low self esteem is affected by those situations you mentioned would depend on the individual you're talking about. But as far as our basic view of our self worth, I think it's foundation was laid starting from when we first entered this world (the delivery room, on... ). We are, after all, an accumulation of 'everything' that has ever happened to us, so that partly explains why changing can take time - if it's even possible. Then you add into that - we all react differently to the same situation, and it gets even more complicated. But keeping in mind that we're talking about low 'self-worth', and that we all judge ourselves in different ways, I don't think it's possible to explain everyone with the same explanation.
A feeling of low self worth can't just go away - ever (in my opinion - although it may improve somewhat).
I don't think we can (or should) calculate sociopaths into the definition, ever. They're crazy, and therefore it doesn't much matter what they think. Can't (and shouldn't) look for 'logic' in a crazy person. Frankly, who cares what sociopaths think of themselves. Leave evil to the 'evil'. There's no way to justify what they do, that's for sure - and therefore, the why (that they do what they do) doesn't matter either. I do know what you were getting at though. Does their valuing themselves count as high self-esteem. Since they have no conscience - no, I'm going to stop there. They're crazy!!
... you know, I just had to come back to clarify something that I believe. If your feelings of self worth depend on others making you feel a certain way - then I'd have to believe that is a characteristic of 'low' self-esteem.
So since your question was, can your self esteem go up around certain people, or under certain circumstances - I'd say no. That person may temporarily feel better, but their valuing of 'themself' shouldn't be controlled by those situations (or people) to begin with.
It feels a little 'lonely' here right now, with that great big number '1' (who's among us) at the top.
We are a small group - but a very 'select' one!
-- we shall survive!!
Great comments Chloe. I always love your input. You're so right about sociopaths. It's interesting that I had one in my office today and he came in all sweetness and smiles and when he didn't get what he came for.....he turned into a monster. He left screaming and cursing at both me and my secretary/security guard. We wrote him up for everything we could find in the rule book, that applied. I wasn't close enough, when he went off, to see his pupils but I'm sure they were dilated.
Coreen, every watched you cats at play, just before they jump on their little toys??
And Chloe, I was requesting your metaphysical explanation for my avatar's arrival last night. I know you can find one. None of that, lights on, explanation will do.
And Chloe, don't feel lonely, there's usually a big "0" when I'm on the blog. I think I can even hear doors slamming when I come on.
And I fear that one day I will come on and the only star that will be left is someone from BFE peddling their porn. If that is the case, I might even buy some.
Here is a link to something that will make you smile out loud.
After watching those tapes of Mel Gibson, I needed something to make me smile. Go ahead - I double dare you to watch the above.
Here kitty kitty kitty. Where is Coreen, the cat lady?
Jan, do you know the story behind that dancing video you linked? I would have preferred if it would have used something a little more peppy for the music, maybe even some Michael Jackson.
Thank you God. The oil leak has stopped, at least at the well head. I would like to see them funnel that oil onto a ship so there is not a build up of pressure at the site.
BP may not want to do that because they will then have data as to how much has been spewing into the Gulf for all this time. That means dollars to BP, dollars for fines...huge fines.
Sure hope that fix holds....
Meantime, this may not make you happy....
Seems that Little Timmy G. does not support
Elizabeth Warren to head the new consumer
agency that is included in the just passed
financial reform law....
So does Obama appoint her or not....
Geithner opposes Warren nomination
Chloe, I've gone thru 1/2 a package of those chocolate covered grahams. My bathroom scale noticed. Could have also been those Lays wavy potato chips, ya can't eat just one...
Coreen, that doesn't surprise me. I wouldn't expect TG to like anyone who is smart and honest. Warren is the only one I trust, and I bet the only one, anyone who knows anything about what is going on, trusts. I trust Warren far more than I trust Obama and that will go double if he picks anyone else for the job but her.
We need to contact our representatives.
Coreen, did you look at the comments after that article. Warren is pretty darn popular.
My opinion of the big O took a deeper nose dive when he picked TG for the SOT job.
Did ya put on your binoculars and check out those pupils yet?
Your reps....are any of them dems?...Landreu
the senator but do you have any dem reps...
And that is the problem, the liberal contingent
likes her so she may be doomed....it will be
another 'test' for Obama...are his words worth
anything...so far for me not so much...my pet peeve is still his not pushing to pass a law
that would allow bankruptcy judges to modify
mortgages....he talks a good game but...that's it...
And stop eating all those 'goodies' already.....
Hey Coreen, I'm working on my, I don't want to live until I'm 80, diet plan.
No, the cats are all sleeping in different rooms...I'll take your word for it that thier
pupils get bigger before they pounce....
There was a good program on nutritional supplements on C2C last night. I think. I fell asleep just as it was getting good. Let me run go get my veta vita vegamins right now.
I lost a omega fish oil capsule on the floor but haven't had enough of my vit A to find it.
Carol, I don't know the story but different musical and dancing groups are doing this kind of thing in malls in the U.S. and other countries. Don't know the purpose. Somebody sent the link to John.
I bet someone is doing some Michael Jackson music somewhere.
I fell asleep when this guy was saying that the omega fish oil can cut your chance of a heart attack by 50%. I was going to get up and take one because I hadn't done that but I was afraid I would be aspirating that oil all night. It was a toss up, heart attack or fish oil induced pneumonia. I opted for the heart attack risk.
Yes Jan. I saw several of those dances, with MJ music, right after he died. One was done by a group of prisoners. It was pretty cool.
Hope the oil gusher has stopped for good.
I just stepped outside and PS is already building her web. When she saw me, she stopped dead in her web and I could swear I heard her say.."the bitch is back". At least she has moved it so it is away from my beaten path.
SWLa representative, Repub, Charles Boustany.
Senators: Mary Landreu, D and David Vitter, R
Carol other than Mary Landreu aren't they both
repubs...if Elizabeth should be nominated & needs senate confirmation (don't know if that wouldbe needed) pretty sure that no repubs. will vote for her....just a hunch....
Oh, & remember, stay calm tomorrow...you are
getting lots done for your SF....try to enjoy
at least a little bit of your day....
Coreen, that article about TG and Warren was posted at 6p today and already has 2124 comments. All that I read were pro Warren. Obama could boost his popularity by choosing her.
Don't think so Carol, the posters at Huffpo
for the most part are O supporters already...
but again it will be interesting to see if he
does name her to the agency....
Seems Obama's popularity is going down dramatically amoung independents, not sure he
can gain them back...but everyone is fickle so
time will tell....
getting tired...guess its pumpkin time....see ya...
Those comments didn't reflect a lot of popularity for O. Some wanted Warren for President.
George, on C2C, has David Keesler, an expert on death and dying on the program I am listening to tonight. It is the second half of the program on nutritional supplements. Program starts with what you need for life and ends with experiences of dying. Both are very educational and entertaining.
I was familiar with Mr. Keesler because I read a neat little book a while back titled, Life Lessons by both he and Elisabeth Kübler-Ross.
Everyone facing the death of a loved one needs to read some of their books.
He has a new book out titled, Visions, Trips, and Crowded Rooms: Who and What You See Before You Die. Really interesting program. Totally worth that 29.95 for 6 mos.
The program was so good that I couldn't go to sleep. It's a good thing I didn't because while listening to the show, I remembered that I had the meat for my Maggie food thawing out in the microwave. Maggie is out of her home cooked food and I would be pretty aggravated when I get up tomorrow, actually today, and realize that I don't have anything for her breakfast. Duh.
Visions, Trips, and Crowded Rooms: Who and What You See Before You Die
Oh, I almost forgot, because it's been such a wild and wooly week, that I got this young guy in jail this week with chronic severe kidney disease. This is not his first rodeo, he's a frequent flier at our establishment.
Besides his kidney problems, he also has a serious cardiac problem and had 2 cardiac arrests several months back. I had his hospital records. The cardiac problem is a new development for him since I last took care of him. Yep, I have to deal with this in jail. It's not unusual for my patients in the joint. My place could qualify for a major medical center, well, that is with the kind of patients I get. The staff is more like a first aid station.
And why am I mentioning this....it's because I asked him about his death experiences. I really didn't have much time for a thoughtful chat but I just couldn't pass up the opportunity.
We were rushed, due to the line I had in the hall waiting to be seen, but he did tell me a little about a, going to the light, experience. He was a bit reluctant to talk about it.
More on my agenda that day was, trying to talk to him about his refusal to take his very important, life saving medications. He hadn't taken them in a couple of days.
I did a lot of begging and pleading for him to take his meds, did throw in the fact that, after his having died twice before, I didn't think that three times was a charm. At least I wouldn't find it to be charming. I checked with the nurse in his area this morning and, so far, he is back to taking his meds. Whew! He didn't take them at home either so that is not a new development.
Well, Maggie food is done so nite, nite.
Morning folkes. As you can see, I was up a little late, I mean early this morning but Maggie has some very fresh food to eat for breakfast. Yep, I'm still feeding her that home cooked food. I did add some Science diet, t/d, tarter control formula, chew buscuits to her meal plan to keep those little pearly whites, pearly white.
Coreen, headline on Huff Post is that Warren vs Geithner. I'm putting my money on Warren.
Comment are up to over 6000. LOL.
Haven't seen a comment on his side yet. Love some of the comments.
She ought to link up with the Hillster. I think they could be a winning ticket! What ya think?
Ya think that two women could do the housecleaning that is needed in Washington DC? That is our job, isn't it??
" checked with the nurse in his area this morning and, so far, he is back to taking his meds. "
Carol, You showed an interest in him by listening to him despite having several other folks waiting in line to see you. I think that is what made a difference and possibly why he took his meds.
While John was recovering from his cataract surgery and having a tooth pulled he had to take additional meds and put eye drops in. He also takes a statin drug and meds for his asthma. A couple of times he said " I am just so tired of taking all these meds. I think I will just stop." When he said that I knew he was a little depressed and needed a little extra attention.
Now isn't this special:
Hillary Clinton for President
Jan, you know how those teenagers are, they think they are invincible. He isn't exactly a teenager, but, as I told ya before, all my peeps are stuck in their adolescence.
Isn't it interesting that Crystal and Levi are back together. I guess his 15 minutes of fame were running out and he needed to have some way to renew it. Jees!
And Crystal will be the perfect role model for young women....how to be abused, used, and take the bastard back. How would you rate her self esteem?
So many women, down in my neck of the woods, rate their own importance by whether they have a man by their side. It doesn't even matter what kind of man it is, just something with a penis. I don't even think it has to work and the man sporting it doesn't have to work either.
This video is worth listening to, if you haven't already heard it - it takes into consideration that the Mel Gibson video's may have been tampered with: http://abcnews.go.com/Entertainment/wireStory?id=11174758
... just so happens child custody hearings are coming up.
Carol, I don't dare buy chocolate grahams, because I'm an everything or nothing person with some things. There are times when we need those comfort foods too - and no one else knows that, except us!
I lost the weight I wanted to lose, and now am just working on maintaining that loss. I'm someone who should never bring sweets into the house, unless it's something for Emma or a special occasion. I'm feeling a lot better (energetic), since I added a little more protein to what I eat. Just trying to practice moderation (a very important word for me!) to everything I do. I really do LOVE eating, and spend a good amount of time every day doing just that - just giving my choices a little extra thought, is all. Habit!! It's 'all' about habit!
... Ha.. all that was brought on my your comment "bet you can't eat just one".
Jan, Loved the video you linked - you were right, it was a good antidote to Mel and all the rest of the stuff. Thanks, it was very uplifting.
Ya know Chloe, those grahams weren't as good as I thought I remembered them being. Really! I'm not going to get any more, and I still have some left.
I do like my healthy food choices. I wasn't eating anything that I didn't like. I fried up some of that cubed steak I like so much on Sunday. Most of it is still in the frig. I'll be throwing it out. That didn't even taste good.
"I was requesting your metaphysical explanation for my avatar's arrival last night. I know you can find one."
LOL Carol - I was avoiding that!
I remember well that dragon flies represent either death or spirits (both?) to you - so I was careful not to touch that one.
However, in light of your request, I did find this: Symbolism of Dragonflies
"As a creature of the wind, the dragonlfy represents change. It's iridescent wings are incredibly sensitive to the slightest breeze, and so we are reminded to heed where the proverbial wind blows - lest we run into stormy weather.
Dragonflies are also creatures of the water, and any creature whose habitat is in, or around water carries symbolism relative the the subconscious, or "dreaming" mind and thoughts.
.... in the animal world, water is symbolic of the subconscious mind ("deeper mind," "dreaming mind") and relates to the thoughts we have in relaxed/meditative/sleeping/subconscious states."
.... I'm thinking the part about representing change may apply to what you're going through now, and like it says: 'heed where the wind blows'..... (don't fight change, instead, welcome it).
Thanks so much Chloe. I knew you could do it. If there is any death involved in the symbolism, it might be that it represents that some of my family and/or friends, who have passed, have dropped in to give me some support. Remember, I first became attracted to dragonflies after my mom died. I think she has been dropping by to offer her support and appreciation.
... I think your connection with dragonflies seems to be (usually) around the time you are being tested, when you're being forced to change (whether you want to or not).
And don't forget: YOU, Carol, are also a "creature whose habitat is in, or around water" - and you are definitely a 'ponderer'. Pondering almost always leads to some kind of change, no matter how small. Change is the nature of the Universe - so never fight it.
Go with the flow.
Well, it's time to start my adventure. I hope SF enjoys his field trip today. I'm kinda looking forward to it, but only if he is also.
", it might be that it represents that some of my family and/or friends, who have passed, have dropped in to give me some support."
I completely agree!
The heart goes on..... they never leave you Carol, unless you request it.
Have a great day!
Hey drive by.....where U going?
I was just able to get on line now.....will wait for a cpl of e-mails, and faxes...then im off again....Have a wedding to go to tomorrow....My late Sister Maria's husband AL, is getting married to a cousin of ours.....all, or most of the family (the older ones...the young ones are always on board with what makes one happy is ok) are against it....I will be standing up with his three sons.....I was the best man at his and Maria's wedding....going to be a tear jerker for me....Maria was my best friend.....she is the one that taught me how to respect women...by her actions mostly....she taught me how to dance.....when she and Al were dating....my job was to chaperon for them..... I saw a business opportunity here, and arranged for a small "Get Lost Fee" Haaaaa.......
Sorry to hear that this wedding is bringing up painful memories Paul - but glad to see it is bringing up some of the good memories too. It is so great that you are standing up with his three sons - you, my man, are always doing the right things.
Please let us know how it goes.
Carol, I missed that cubed steak comment when I was here earlier (did it possibly fall from sky a little later?).
I honestly don't think fried foods are bad for us now and then. I like my chicken fried, and have it that way at least once a week. I'll often share french fries from Jack-in-the-box with Emma, and we both love their teriyaki chicken bowl. But the rest of the day, I eat fruits and vegetables (except for maybe breakfast) - always things I love. The red grapes this year are amazingly good (but I don't think you eat grapes (?).
ps Those chocolate grahams are always delicious to me - that's why I don't buy them.
... oh, and I made up a huge batch of the most delicious trail mix. Love the stuff.
The trail mix, tell me...im always mixing some up....thats what i have for breakfast just before a work out...
Please, and thank you.....forget sometimes
Chloe, I loved the music from The Sound of Music. I have always loved musicals. They send me out of the theatre singing and dancing. I think they are uplifting. My favorites have been the above, Evita (probably b/c I lived in Argentina and knew a little of the history), Cats, and others I can't think of just now. I also liked the newer ones like Dirty Dancing, Grease and Hairspray.
Carol, I think Palin's daughters name is Bristol. She named her kids very different names - Tripp, Trigg. I do like the little girl that kept licking her hand and patting down her little brothers hair during one of her mother's speeches.
Good stuff today guys. Solar, ditto what Chloe said about your BIL. Proud of you but wouldn't expect anything else from you. Hope it turns out to be a beautiful ceremony. I'm sure some of the others are having a hard time because it brings back memories of their loss. If the guy is a good guy, they should be happy to have him remain in the family.
Thanks for sharing all your insight Chloe.
What's in your trail mix? I make mine with unsalted peanuts, salted sunflower seeds, smoked almonds and raisons.
I do like red grapes but everything I read says eat only organic ones since they are loaded with pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, etc. I can't find any organic ones here.
Chloe, really good stuff about dragonflies. The info seems to fit Carol and where she lives.
Weddings always bring up some memories for me - some pleasant and some not. Have fun at the wedding. The person, Maria seems to have meant a great deal to you. I hope you enjoy the wedding.
I have made a big change. I took the loaner computer back to its owners (Univ of NM). I have been using my own computer now for 2 weeks without starting up the loaner. We now have lots of great space on a table we have set up in our office. John and I are sitting across from each other now, him on his computer and me on mine- Dueling computers.
I can't keep sugary stuff around (pies,cakes,cookies,candy) either. I just can't leave it alone if it is around. Neither can John. So we have been eating a lot of fruit, fresh veggies, and yogurt for dessert. It has helped us both. I am losing some wt but soooo slow. John lost 20 lbs and is doing a good job of keeping it off. We have to support each other. If I say to John, "lets get some ice cream" he would be off the couch and into the car and ready to get some before I could count to 10. I am the same way.
Just got back from an all day field trip with Pa. We hit a lot of places and even though we didn't get much completed we got a lot started. It will now depend on our wonderful girl Friday(and Monday thru).
One task is to get insurance for his house and renewal for the truck his hired hand drives. Do you know they were charging him $8000 just for liability on two old diesel pickup trucks? That is highway robbery. This is an agent who has worked with him for many, many years. He does have an awful driving record but come on.
He has no license, his truck is in mothballs, his partner, who uses the other truck, has a good driving record and they still wanted to charge SF $4000 for liability for one pickup truck. I am fixing that. Donating the pickup to his hired hand and paying his expenses. Hah.
I took him to lunch. He said, I'm not hungry. I said well, then you can just watch me eat because I am. We got to one of my fav Dairy Barn's and when he saw this fried shrimp dinner on display, he said I want one of those. I said, I thought you would.
I took him grocery shopping. I put him in the hoverround shopping buggy. That's all he can still drive and I was a little worried about that. I kept several steps ahead of him and directed traffic. He did well.
I got him home and told him to go take a nap and I would unload everything. He did. I went in to say goodbye and he had this aggravated look on his face. I asked what was wrong and he said, you are having to run your fool head off. I said, I voluntered for this duty and all I ask is for you to appreciate it and cooperate with me. He thanked me.
I left and got about 10 miles down the road and realized I left something in my truck that I was suppose to leave there. Drats. I had to drive a good ways further just to turn around to go back. Where is that good karma I'm earning?? I busted it all day and didn't resent doing it for one moment. I came close to actually enjoying it.
Yes Jan, you're right about Palin's daughter. What was I thinking. Probably wasn't. Half the brain cells were still sleeping.
Chloe, I do realize that the raisins are concentrated grapes/poisons but I did find some organic ones at a little organic market in town. I did run out of those and am eating the toxic ones.
Congrats Jan on your computer transition. You can do it girl.
When I was whinning to Tomato Woman about having to go back to SF's to leave off a paper I forgot to leave there, she said I probably avoided being involved in a horrible wreck. I told her, yeah, I can look at it that way.
So you had a pretty good day with SF Carol...
your happiness & sense of accomplishment comes
right through....& I know you would never have
had it any other way....nice going....
And Chloe really sized the dragonfly/you up
pretty well....
And what about the 'grapes'...as if that would
be the only 'toxic' item around!!!.....
I have to plead guilty to goodies....there is
usually something sweet to snack on here...but I do like my 'big salads'.....
I too hope you enjoy the wedding...you show us
in many ways just what a special person you are
& it's pretty clear you are appreciated by your
But whats this...you put on those dancing shoes
over at TM today, without any of us!!....
I was asked to dance...no ordered to more like....what I did do tho, was to make the mistake and selected our, the swamps special song...suvasito...I did not realize it until it was too late......but If you read that U must be wondering to whom I was suffering when i said that all of u pinks here were good dancers except one......
I did say that Ivy was nice and sweet over at TM....does that make up for it?
Carol, I love to read your descriptions of your experiences. I had to LOL when I read about Pa wanting something to eat when he saw yours. That shrimp sounds so good. We got some of that for supper tonight with a salad kit for a china-cabbage salad. I don't want to heat up the house with a stove.
Ps....everyone of U are very special....in many very ways, and not just one.!!
No offense to Tony the Baloney...but U don't know what U are missing.....
I too am always forgetting something. When we left Amarillo a week ago, we had driven 10 miles out of town and I realized I had left my plug in for my computer. John was p..... off. He said "I will buy you another one" I said, "no way, they probably cost $40. So he turned the car around and we went back and sure enough, there it was. I had plugged it in behind a chair - that is why I didn't see it. I am just not used to taking a computer with me. When I went to the Apple store for my last lesson, I asked the replacement price - Guess what $80.00 bucks. It was worth $5.00 worth of gas and about 30 minutes. I won't forget it again. I am going to tape a note on my computer when we go on another trip.
very many....and many very as wellll.!!
Solar, you are one special guy.
"...she said I probably avoided being involved in a horrible wreck."
Carol, I believe these things (forgetting something and going back for it) happen for a reason - and we may never know what that reason is.
I don't know who you were refering to Solar...
won't even hazard a guess as to who you meant...
Hope you have a full dance card at your BILs
Oh thanks for your thoughts about decking material, am leaning toward a wood product, possibly redwood someone suggested mahogony (but that may be very costly though it is a small deck) we are likely going to just replace all the flat surface planks & the splintering railings, not the deck base itself...waiting to here back what type woods available/costs....
dang....suffering= referring to....must try to do one things, or two things at once, once in a while...Im one of those that loves to have a few balls up in the air at the same time....
I used to love doing more than on project going on at once....what a rush...
Chloe, I completely agree with you on the "eating in moderation" bit. We should eat the things we love occasionally, even if they are not too good for us - that fits into the "quality" of life. I just have to have a hot fudge sundae every so often.
Just throwing out a little bait out there. All the gals here are great dancers....but the Magster needs a little bit of lessons...:-))
Another Dang....Im not too good when it comes to excuses....I was wrong to say that Fair ordered the dance...she did say that she wanted to dance....and I was happy too....she is more that a fair person..she is kinda cool like all of U here.....plus I earned it...not very easy coming up with something that she does not know about music....
.......have been following the people that will lose their homes this year....1 mil or more...and getting mad over it all over again.....and I agree, but hope that Carol is the one that is right, about E Warren getting assigned that commission......Obama is very disapointing to me, on so m any levels.....
One more:
I have enjoed that things that you have been saying about things in general...and would have commented on some of them...but it would need a back and forth...and no time...
Hope that U are doing fine in my neck of the woods...and also wish I had the time to see you....about weddings...my younger brother's daughter (his last one or 4, and 1 male) getting married next Friday the 23rd...sorry about not having the time for lunch.....later
Just m ake sure that the boards that are used are beveled/rounded at the ends, and they there is about the width of a nail between them.
This so the rain water runs off of them..which U knew already but....spray with a sealer often..3-4 times per yr...
Solar, every time you say that one of us isn't good at something, I assume you are talking about me. I wonder how many of the others think the same thing. We would appreciate some help with our self esteems here. We do all have to fight over one "blue".
Hey, and Maggie is a little sensitive also. She just asked me to put on some music so she can practice.
Here's an article on Huff Post:
"Obama Admin Praises Elizabeth Warren BUT She's Not A Lock For CFPB"
Haven't read the article yet but the title of it doesn't sound good. After reading many of the comments on the other blog post, I'd think that Obama would realize that he'd better pick Warren. If he doesn't then I think he's just plain nuts.
Here's a petition you can sign in support of Warren. Coreen, is there any reason we shouldn't sign the petition?
PETITION: Let Elizabeth Warren Police Wall Street
Chloe, had salmon, broccoli, and salad for dinner. It was all yummy. Might throw in a cookie later. Probably will. I'm sure I will. Yep, definitely will.
Chloe, there was something screwy about those tapes of Mel's rants. Even the weekend host of C2C pointed that out last weekend. Her voice is so clear and his sounds like it is from a phone. It sounds like some of her conversation is missing and from what she does say, it sounds like she is baiting him the entire time.
She gives me the creeps as much as he does. She's a user and he is realizing he's been had. I can tell he's really mad at himself for being such a fool. It's really very sad and pathetic. She's definitely a "Sue", huh Solar.
But that's what you "blues" get when you go after these young, beautiful blood suckers.
If you go to TMZ, you'll find at least a couple of articles that weren't supportive of Mel's Sue.
Well its a good nite...dramatic win for my Yankees over Tampa....bottom of the 9th, tied
4/4...2 on, Nick Swisher singles to right & the
throw home Granderson is safe...Yankees win!!!
& Nicky gets a pie in his face....new yankee
tradition....good win since before the game
there was a tribute to Mr. Steinbrenner & Bob
Shepard (voice of the Yankees for 50+ years who
died just 2 days before Mr. Steinbrenner)...
Congrats on your Yanks Coreen. Sounds like an exciting game and over early tonight. I guess the Yanks put in a little extra in memory of those who passed. I wonder if they dropped down to watch?
As far as Elizabeth Warren's chances...while
she's one of those being considered...can't forget that the banksters are lined up against her big time...
there are several articles already mentioning
her & others...
David Axlerod apparently mentioned her today, but again that may just be smoke & mirrors to
deflect any flack if Obama doesn't select her...
Short list
to head the Consumer agency emerges
For me, not much of a petition signer...& I do think the more the liberals push something strongly...the more likely that Obama does
something else...
The NYT suggests that if there is a lot of
anti-Warren sentiment & it looks like a long
tough fight to get her confirmed, he would
just say forget it....& pick someone he can
get through fast...the other 2 mentioned are
likely less frightening to the banksters...that is, they can get more from them then from Elizabeth....just my opinion...
Next step is sign a petition to recall King George the 3rd.
Coreen, I too want to get in my congrats on the Yankee's win tonight.
I saw a Yankee game in 1961. It was somewhere around the time that Roger Maris hit a famous home run.
Coreen, Just before moving to Alb this 2nd time, I was Director of a small nursing program in Miami OK, just a few miles down the road from Commerce, OK where Mickey Mantle lived and went to school. Mickey Mantle signs are all over that part of the country. It is very rural.
Good night folks.
Well, I'm up late tonight, or rather up early this morning. I did take a snooze and then the joint called and woke me up. I counted and I had 16 calls today that started at 7a and ended at 11p. Now, how is that for a vacation day. I didn't even have many personal calls today that weren't interrupted by calls from work. My friends are tired of this.
I talked with my boss, the CEO at the hospital and he made a gesture of trying to do what I wanted and then the Doc he was going to pass my call to called me and asked when I would take call. I said I would take all the calls regarding my patients with diabetes since they wouldn't know how to handle them in my type of setting anyway but that I thought that 5 years and 3 months was more than my fair share. The guys that would be on call would be on duty anyway.
Well, as you can see nothing has changed so I decided tonight that today was not a vacation day. It was a work day and I just worked from outside the office. So there!
I actually had only one day off, since I started this job, that I didn't have a call from work, maybe it was only one call. It was so unusual that got worried that my phone was broken or that they evacuated the jail.
Sorry about my whine. Usually I don't drink.
PS started her web tonight at 10p. She made a big, tight circled one tonight. She's sitting proudly, right in the dead center of it. I think they do that because there is some sort of rip cord in the center. If she has to pick up camp in a hurry, she just pulls the cord and zips the entire web up in one swift action. I saw her do that once when I ran into part of it. I saw it just as I was doing my spider dance.
I'm becoming an arachnologist.
Well, I think I'll try to do that sleep thing again.
Well it looks like I turned out the lights early this morning and turned them back on again. Anyone feeling particularly creative today?
We caught a little rain this morning. Stepped outside to a very fresh feeling and about almost a half inch in my rain gauge. We needed that. We were in what our goofy weatherman calls a pressure cooker. He said it was due to break this weekend.
I wouldn't dare take a walk with the Magster in that heat yesterday so I took her for a golf cart ride. Usually the breeze ya get ziping down the road is nice but yesterday, it felt like I was standing in front of a furnace. Our golf cart ride was real short.
Last night I was listening to C2C. It is always a program from a day or two before. They have been starting their nightly show with news updates which includes news about the Gulf oil spill. C2C is always way ahead of the MSM. They are going to tell more of the truth than the MSM.
Some, who are covering the spill, on that program are not as optimistic as the MSM. Of course if you listen very closely to Obama and the MSM, you will detect a hint of concern in what they have been saying. If you don't have your head in the sand, you should have been detecting this all along. The numbers just don't add up people.
That pressure guys is not holding what it should. They are suspecting a fracture in the sea floor in other areas. Go back and listen to what Obama said. He kept hinting at, this is not over. He does know something. I can smell it. They are still hiding info from us and BP is hiding info from them. I do want to be optimistic but I'm not a fool.
New Post
And where is Obama going on vacation? Anywhere near the Gulf??? No, I think it is Maine, about as far as one can get from the Gulf and not fall off the US mainland. He might be safe there.
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