Anticipating the autumnal equinox, went into my library of pics to greet the first day of autumn or fall (whichever you prefer) which begins tomorrow at 5:04 a.m EST...
It will be about 2 to 3 more weeks before our trees start to change color (which is not a guarantee this year because of TS Irene) but
Mother Nature may still work her magic...just have to wait & see...
These are all from around town...
The first pic is from the first hole of the golf course in Bpt where I used to play...on a clear day its
elevation allows you to see all the way past Bpt, across Long Island Sound to Long Island, New York...
If you can enlarge it, in the center the horizon line (the darker greyish/blue) is really Long Island, and the box like object in the center are smokestacks near Port Jefferson, NY that are like a landmark when crossing the sound from CT to NY...
Great pictures Coreen. Very appropriate now.
and congratulations on your yankees' achievements.
The love bugs sound terrible Carol. We often have a moth invasion in the spring, but not this past spring. I suspect it had to do with our very low amount of rain this past spring.
Carol, just made a home visit with a couple of twins (boy and girl). I thought about you. They were great examples of individual differences. They are 13 months old - one is walking great but not talking yet. The other is talking but not walking.
Thanks Jan, thought it was time to greet the fall season, even though this week has been
rainy, humid & not fall like yet...
Florida had those lovebugs...all I remember
was they made a mess of your car's windshield,
& the car itself when they smooshed against it...nothing like that here, at least not so far...
What kind of tree is that with the big pink flowers? I've seen something down the road here that looks a lot like that tree but don't know if something that would grow up there would grow down here and I've only seen one.
Oops, one of my comments didn't post. Great fall pics Coreen. Love the colors of fall.
We saw some of those love bugs in North Carolina. I have not seen any of them here in NM.
Those lovebugs are disgusting but fortunately it is a short season and it seems to be petering out. Yesterday a blizzard and today just a light sprinkle.
I was just sitting outside on the deck looking at the river and I noticed a couple of lovebugs that were crawling around alone. How sad when they only have a couple of weeks to live and their entire existance is to hook up to procreate. I picked up one lone bug and put it next to another single bug but it didn't work out. I guess ya can't force love....bugs.
Jan, did you enjoy Modern Family. I'm watching it again tonight. No real pant's peeing moments but still very cute.
The Middle was a bust. There was only one cute moment at the end when a bear came into their campground. The daughter in the family had just started her period for the first time and the mom mentioned bears being attracted to that odor.
The only reason I found that scene funny is because of the time when two of my friends and I were camping in the Smokies. All three of us were having our periods at the same time. We stayed up late playing cards and eating. Not into reading signs, we didn't lock up our food.
In the middle of the night a big black bear came into our camping site. That very thought, of our all having our periods, crossed my mind.
It seems the bear was more interested in the ice chest that we left out. He slammed that thing on the ground about 50 times until it popped open and then he ate a pound of bacon, a pound of butter, a carton of eggs and took the half gallon of milk for the road.
I just Googled the guestion of, do female's menstrating attract bears and Yahoo answers reported research that indicated that it didn't. They're more interested in food. That was consistant with our bear experience results.
The moral of that story is...if you are in bear country and on your period...bring breakfast.
Just heard a loud noise up and in the corner of the room. Can't find anything that made the noise. Maggie was on the other side of the room. Maybe I just got hit with some falling space junk. Time for that is rapidly approaching. Keep you head down.
A friend just called and she is also rewatched Modern Family. I missed several of the quiet one liners last night. She did also.
My friend didn't start watching MF until after it had been on for a while even though I tried hard to talk her into trying it. She and I don't usually like the same TV programs but she's now crazy about MF. That show seems to cross over interest barriers. It also gets better when you get to know the different characters.
Carol, I enjoyed your bear story so much I read it to John. He enjoyed it too. He has a daughter so could identify. I have not watched Modern Family yet, but will in a little while. We did not tape the Middle.
I agree about MF but you and I began watching about the same time. I think you told me about it and I got hooked. The writers are the best but of course for 2 years they have taken most of the Emmys in Comedy.
Not to change the subject but we just saw a woman sing on the X Factor who was the best I have ever heard. She is a youngish 20's woman - looks probably African Amer. She sang Beyonce's song "Listen" and it was a tear - starter. I had tears running down my face. She had 3 of the judges standing and the women crying and both men with awe on their faces. She had a lot of emotion in her voice and facially but at the end she did not fall apart like so many do when they get that kind of reaction from the audience and the judges. Lots of composure. She knows she can really sing.
Carol, keep us informed as to your noise.
Coreen, I really love the picture with the house in the background and the wheatty looking grass in the front. That is a gorgeous picture. It really appeals to me. Probably reminds me of Okla.
X Factor is open to contestants 12 and over.
Now I would probably not believe my eyes if I
came upon this scene...these pics are just sooo cute...
Tree climbing goats in Morrocco
Carol, about those flowering trees, not sure but I believe they are indeed a hydrangea tree...by the way this year so far the cream
colored flowers have not turned purplish, they
are tinged brown...
Jan, that is a barn that is part of property that the owners have where they grow herbs for
a business they have in a neighboring town...
the property is across the road from my street...
x-factor, saw a few auditions...in addition to
the woman who sang natural woman there was a
blonde woman rugby player who wowed everyone...
the local ny tv news this am said that there will be 8 singers for each of the 4 judges who will then work with them each before the final
competition...goal to win $5 million contract...
I was wondering what the game rules were for that X Factor. You gave me a little of an idea what they are.
This morning I went to youtube to look up the singer that Jan wrote about last night. I found her. She was good. I wish the show wasn't at the same time as my fav comedy.
As for the tree climbing goats...when I saw that first pic, I was sure it must have been photoshopped. Some of those goats are standing on spindly branches and how could they balance like that. Then I saw the rest of the pics. I'm still a little skeptical.
I have become apathetic about what's going on in this country/world. That's not in my nature to be apathetic but slowly they are winning. Many of those who had passion are losing it and burying that passion under comedies, sitcoms, murder mysteries, music programs...We feel powerless. When I go against my nature, it weakens me and I have felt weak for a while now.
They're plotting to break us all. Who are they? I don't know but they are in charge of everything and they are effing it up big time.
I might start tuning into Countdown again.
Keith Olbermann, Michael Moore Criticize Media For Ignoring 'Occupy Wall Street'
Interesting article and video from the Rachel Show found on Huff Post re the Georgia man recently executed. I think the man did have a purpose and I hope his death wasn't all for naught.
We should terminate the death penalty. We, America, are better than that. Well, we should be.
Frank Rich To Rachel Maddow On Troy Davis: 'This Is On America's Soul' (VIDEO)
"Maddow brought up a letter that former wardens who had carried out executions had written to the Georgia Department of Corrections. In the letter, the wardens said that the doubt surrounding Davis' guilt would haunt the people who carried out his execution, as the doubt around some people they had executed had haunted them."
Carol, I have a really hard time with capital punishment. My dad once told me that he had been in favor of capital punishment until he heard a lecture (I don't know where) in which the speaker said almost all people on death row had been represented by court appointed defenders. He changed his mind after that and he was pretty conservative on most issues. He was a democrat all of this life however.
John is watching the Ark/Alabama game. He is so sad as Ark is losing badly.
Carol, I need some professional advice. My right arm has been hurting for a month or more. It is up in the shoulder area. It hurts more at night than in the daytime. I was in the habit of sleeping with it up over my head and I would wake up with it aching. I have stopped that now but it still hurts. I need to contact my doc as it is keeping me from sleeping. The pain feels like it is in the front area of my shoulder.
Carol, are you watching the LSU/W. Virg game?
I think I have a tendonitis in my right arm. I have had it before, but usually in my lower arm. I think I know when it started too. When we were traveling the last few months I have been lifting the bags with my right arm and I am not in that good a shape. I am going to get me a sling and wear it to keep from overusing my right arm.
Hello, I was on a break this weekend. Saturday I had a little set back with my colon. I tried to eat normal food and stirred up something. It was better by yesterday evening, yeah, in time for work today. Well, I guess that was good because I'd still have to go to work.
Jan, your pain does sound like tendonitis. That's an irritating pain. Need to give that arm a rest. Even carrying a purse on that shoulder all the time can stir that up. I find that icing the point of pain can help. Try 10 to 15 on and then off.
I have a hard time typing on my computer when my guts are hurting.
I just layed around Saturday. I did watch some of the Arkansas game. I was pulling for them. Sorry.
I also watched most of the LSU game. That turned out better. I did fall asleep before it was over but they won anyway.
Yesterday I sweated thru the Saint's game. I was very surprised they won. The Texans were playing better. They just had trouble in the redzone.
I even caught a little of the Yankees/Red Socks last night. They were even when I fell asleep but see they did end up losing. I guess that didn't really matter too much to the Yanks since they already won their division.
Now DWTS. Hope was off on her timing, way out of synch.
She's got the power but not the precision.
Lyn was generous.
wish I could watch the DWTS with you.
Carol, I wondered if you were sick or what. Sorry your intestines acting up again but glad you are feeling better now.
I hate it when I get aches and pains. Reminds me that my body is growing older - but I still think of myself as pretty young. I have been resting my arm. It started out as generally my shoulder hurting and I couldn't pin it down to arthritis or I thought maybe I had torn a tendon or an injury to the rotator cuff. Now it has localized to a pain between the top of my shoulder (closer to my chest) all the way to the inner aspect of my elbow - yup, it is tendonitis all right. It started right after I got back from our last airline trip. I was lugging a heavy bag around.
I am glad it is not arthritis or torn rotator cuff or a torn anything. Tendonitis hurts but I know it will heal eventually.
getting hungry.
Yes Jan, when you have excess and prolonged tension on those tendons, that happens. I used to get it in that tendon medial to my right scapula when I was younger. It started at a very early age because I never had any real muscle mass but tried to work like I did. I'd overdo for a while and then the pain would just hit me suddenly and then I couldn't move.
Lately my age has hit me like a ton of bricks. It wasn't gradual. I'm sure it is all the stress my work heaps on me. These inmates coming in have so many mental and physical problems that I can't see how they can manage to get into trouble.
Their problems need an entire team of medical and psych professions to deal with them and it's just little old me. I really don't even have much, if any, support outside of little old me anymore because of how the economy has hit the public health care system.
Each patient comes in and sticks a straw in me and sucks out some energy. By the end of the day, I can barely muster the energy to crawl out of the building.
When I ask my patients why they haven't done anything about their complex medical issues they say..I was just on my way to the doc or hospital when I was arrested. For some, that's BS but for some I think they are telling the truth. I think they now run wants and warrants when they get to the hospital, if they have any outstanding warrants, they're arrested and then I'm stuck having to deal with all their issues. I come close everyday to just throwing my pen up in the air and saying...UNCLE!
I liked David Arquette's jive and the judges clobbered him in their critique.
Elizabetta is not an easy girl to like. She did better than last week.
I didn't see what the judges saw in Rob Kardasian.
I like Ricki Lake.
Poor Chaz has just too much weight for his bad knees.
Carol, you do have the most stressful job imaginable. when I knew you, you put everything into whatever you were doing -whether teaching, or canoeing or skiing - or debating an issue LOL. I wish you could do something about your job to decrease your stress.
I am not having much fun with my job. I enjoyed it more last year (most of the time). I like the work and although it is supposed to be 15 hours - it seems I am thinking about it or on the telephone or e-mailing stuff so it works out to be lots more than 15 hours/week. I will do this until the end of my contract and re eval if I want to do it another year. I don't like all the paperwork and e-mails and tele calls and seems like there is more of that than actual work with kids.
Oh well, can't do any quilting with this tendonitis. Any sewing makes me hurt more at night.
I am pulling for Hope so far.
Sorry your still feeling under the weather Carol & you too Jan...
Saw some of the DWTS....missed the 1/2 hr when
2-1/2 men was on...& he Yankee game (they are behind 4-2, which really doesn't help the Rays...I was not happy when they lost the 2nd
game against the Red Sox last night...hate that it allows them to make the playoffs...you know how I feel about the sox...
Back to DWTS....I like the women so far...Chynna Phillips is my fav,(even if she is married to a Baldwin brother) then Kristin?...enjoyed David Arquette, not the Kardashian kid so much...nor did I really like Hope Solo or George Clooney's ex...not sure who I missed...
Just saw Nancy Grace...gotta give her credit for just dancing...
Elizabetta does not have much personality.
John liked David Arquette's dance.
Hi Coreen, I too liked Kristen. We are taping 2.5 men. See what the 2nd show will be like. Just saw Rob Kardashian. Not impressed. John liked it though. He tends to like the guys - what is the matter with him? I guess I usually like the girls' dances - so I think he is trying to balance me out.
JR already has this competition won! He's the man.
Didn't care for Chynna, did like Kristin. I'll give Nancy an A for effort.
Ricki is my new fav. How can anyone go wrong with Derek as a partner?
DWTS makes voting so quick and easy. I can do it in just a few minutes.
I also like Ricki. I gave her and JR the most votes.
How was Men tonight Jan? I didn't record it.
Off for bedtime chores.
Talk about estupidos. We decided to switch channels and watch 2.5 men and come back and watch the taped DWTS afterwards and zip through all the commercials. Duh! we forgot to tape DWTS so missed seeing Nancy Grace and Chynna. We did get to see JR and Chaz however.
I vote for JR and Ricki. My 3rd would be Hope. I thought JR did great despite what Lynn said.
I am going to have to see one more episode of 2.5 men. The writing is not very good.
2.5 men is going to have to get lots better in my book.
The judges were all over the place tonight. Not sure what their agenda is. I think JR slammed the rest of them tonight. Chaz was definitely on the bottom tonight. His knees aren't going to hold out.
Think I'll check out Pur DWTS in the
morning.. if I get up early enough. I've been sleeping up until I have to start getting ready. That Pur DWTS website often does a better job in their evaluation of the dancers.
I gave most of my votes to JR and Ricki.
I didn't think Nancy did that well tonight but no worse than many others. I did vote for her. I want her to hang in there to lose some of her post babies fat. She doesn't seem to be in any pain yet..at least she isn't complaining. Chaz is already limping and hanging in there could take out both of his knees.
Jan..do you think it is possible that Men could ask Charlie back? I think they way they killed him off does leave some room for that.
Charlie was sick.. IMO and I think he has made some progress in his recovery. Will it last???
Carol, I think anything is possible. Charley was sure acting humble at the Emmy's.
I am sorry to have missed Nancy's dance - on the other hand, we will see it again tonight. I think Chaz will be one of next to go. I feel sorry for him. John and I were talking last night and we have no problem seeing him as a man. I wonder what it was like having a super star for a mom?
I think JR will be in the finals. He can really dance. He has a great personality and I think we are all drawn to someone who has overcome such difficulties in life.
Have you all watched The Big Bang Theory. I got hooked on it last season. It is not as funny to me as Modern Family but it is pretty pretty funny. It is about 4 guys who are brilliant and nerdy. The main character, Sheldon, seems to me like he has some form of autism (the character - not the actor).
Well, who will go tonight? Don't care for Elizabette's personality but she danced better last night. Don't care for Rob's personality and he's kinda flat on his feet and I think he lacks rhythm.
I feel sorry for Chaz but he's not in any condition to be competing in such a physical test that requires precision and endurance. I don't think it's even fair to invite people who are not physically up to it to compete.
If I could knock 30 years and 8 fractures out of my history, I'll still want to have months of conditioning before even attempting what these people are doing. Too bad they didn't wait until later to go for the quick step and jive. Many of them needed more time to work up to those dances.
Did y'all hear that Nancy had a wardrobe malfunction last night? A little too much of one of her girls slipped out and they had to cut away.
Her little partner is so cute.
I still want Nancy to hang in there longer. I think this experience will smooth out some of her rougher edges.
I like Carson even though he's not much of a dancer. He is entertaining and... he lives to dance again. He worked hard last week, that ought to count for something.
Weird results.... Only one I wanted in the bottom two.
Well, it was one I wanted to go.
Chaz does have a large fan base.
I had no problem with Elizabetta leaving. She was kind of a dud. I am wanting Chaz to leave next. He just looks uncomfortable.
I would like to see Nancy stay around a while. I like Carson. He is entertaining.
It is only 9 pm here and I am going to bed. Have a new John Grisham novel I am reading so will spend a little time with it.
watching X factor.
just saw a 31 year old guy sing "AT Last" He brought the house down. One of few times Simon has smiled big. I like the fact that older people can get on the show and singing groups too.
Carol, are you not feeling good?
Watching Modern Family. Love the dog
I'm OK Jan..jut didn't have anything to say yesterday. Of course that hasn't stopped me before.
I was also kinda busy after getting home. I got more calls from work than usual. I was also trying to watch stuff on TV that I found interesting.
I accidently caught some of the MJ trial. It's not a trial that I am interested in keeping up with. I've already heard more about it than I wanted to hear.
IMO..the Doc was definitely quilty of malpractice and it's hard for me to understand why that Doc didn't have more safety equipment if he was going to be so wreckless. I don't think that Doc was the sharpest tack in the box.
I also believe that MJ would have found someone else to do the deed if that Doc wouldn't have. It seemed to be his destiny.
Dr Phil had a program on FLDS Monday and Tuesday. I am glad they are keeping that in the news. The people trapped in that nightmare need help and not for society to forget about them again.
I did catch Modern Family and it was fun.
I had to send my lawnmower into the mower hospital Monday. It had been taking me three times as long to get it started as it did to mow and I barely had the energy just to mow. Hopefully they can get it back to working normal again.
I did end my evening watching some BB. I was hoping Atlanta could stay in it but they had to win last night and they didn't. They were playing the best team in their division.
Coreen..I guess you are happy that Boston blew it also.
Heart warming mama story
Love the ...Mama story. I showed it to John too. We both loved it. Funny but the rest of the pride did not try to help. It wasn't their baby down there. You do have to admire this mama's love for her baby.
I went in and looked at the comments on some 2.5 men on some internet thing. Few people like the new show. Many are saying " bring Charley back."
Coreen, missing seeing you here. I hope you are doing ok.
My arm is getting better. The tendonitis is slowly leaving. I don't wake up as much with it now during the night. Now I am having headaches. I know exactly what is causing them- a HA begins every tues after a meeting. We are in this cramped little room and you can cut the tension with a knife. I have got to figure out how I can attend the meetings and let the tension roll off me.
Does anyone watch Gray's Anatomy? I have watched it since it began. It is one of those shows I would like to break off from, but cannot seem to do it.
Jan, when you can see the captions that go with each photo, it says that the other pride members did attempt to help but the ravine was too steep. Mom just went for it. She did have difficulty getting back up. Did you see the pics of the three lions hanging over the edge?
I used to get a headache every time I had to attend a faculty meeting. Couldn't stand those meeting.
And I rarely watch any medical shows on TV. That's not entertaining for me. I get enough of that in my real reality show.
Glad your tendonitis is better. Take it easy for a while or it will be back. No real way to take the tension off those shoulder tendons like you can with the elbow tendons. For the elbow you can use those arm straps wrapped tightly below the elbow. I had to wear them when I first started playing golf. I had bilateral golf elbow. Called lateral epicondylitis or tennis elbow but golf caused mine. Those straps made a big difference.
Coreen, I heard someone on my sports talk radio say that your team probably purposely threw their game last night to keep Boston out of the playoffs. If the Yanks would have beaten Tampa Bay last night, wouldn't TB had to have a playoff with Boston for the wildcard position?
Still occasionally checking into the MJ trial. My fascination with the law and trials gets the best of me.
People on HLN are agast that that Doc didn't know how to do CPR correctly. That doesn't surprise me at all. Most often it isn't Docs doing CPR in emergency situations. It's EMTs, nurses, resp therapists. Most Docs have the least experience with that hands on procedure.
When I worked ICU/CCU, I had to push Docs, who responded to a Code, out of the way. They were screwing things up. Now an anesthesiologist/Doc can put in a endotracheal tube and bag. They're experts at that.
If it's me or anyone I know who has cardiac arrest, I'd prefer a good CCU or ER nurse doing CPR on me rather than most physicians.
Carol, I did read the captions of the lions. I went through it several times so I didn't miss anything. I did see the pride leaning over the ravine but only mom went down.
I watched a little of Anderson's thing on the FLDS group. It just makes me nauseous to watch that. Gray's anatomy is less about medicine and more of a soap opera.
I wonder why these meetings are giving me a headache. what is that about? I don't get a headache with other aspects of my work. We were having our meetings in a large room. The last 2 meetings have been in this smaller room. When the meetings were in the larger room, I was not getting headaches.
Just trying to figure this out.
Carol, most people who are not in medicine do not realize that docs don't do all these things like - CPR. We have a doc (pediatrician) who helps out with immunization clinics. He jumps right in there and gives kids immunizations. He writes a column in the paper too on kids' illnesses. He is an unusual doc. He also treats nurses like peers too. Like I said, "unusual."
You're right Jan. It really depends on whether the healthcare professional chose to or had to preform certain duties. If they never had to do it..they didn't learn how very well.
I thought of another explanation for Dr Murray's appearance of not knowing what to do...it may be because he knew MJ was way past dead and he was more concerned with covering his tracks.
Jan...our physical and emotional symptoms are trying to tell us something. I think even accidents have significance. I keep trying to read mine but I can't always figure out exactly what they're trying to tell me.
I got my lawnmower back yesterday. That was the fastest repair I've ever had. Now I have more work to do.
I just found an email from Coreen stating that she can't post anything on the blog. Don't know why. I've noticed when I post now..it says redirecting but the comment does show up.
I get the same message, but have had no problems posting.
I had a tooth filled yesterday. Still have a little bit of a headache. Not as bad as recent days. I did sleep pretty well. The arm woke me up when I would turn over. I really do not mind growing older but hate the pain and discomfort that goes with it. I had a tooth filled yesterday at noon. So had that pain yesterday too. I did sleep most of afternoon after the dentist visit. So glad to have ibuprofen and tylenol.
John's son is coming in tomorrow afternoon. He is a 49 y/o confirmed bachelor. Never married (sorry for redundancy). I plan to let the guys do their thing and we will all get together for meals. John, bless him, does not expect me to cook.
Balloon Fiesta started this morning. Will continue thru the week and end in 10 days (Sun). Don't know if Johnny (son) will want to go. You have to get up by 5 am and Johnny is not an early riser. He often sleeps until noon.
I am taking most of day off.
So Carol, I guess you will be mowing this weekend.
Coreen, sorry you cannot get on here. I miss hearing from you.
X Factor finished their auditions last night. I hope you both will be watching it. I think its better with Simon. I think he has been a little gentler than before but still brutally honest. I usually agree with him.
Coreen, I can't imagine what the problem is. Have you tried clearing your stuff under Internet Options and then trying again? I quit saving my signin because I had trouble when I used to do that.
Maybe Google is trying to terminate us.
I have the Yanks game on. My friend is pulling for Detroit and I'm pulling for the Yankees. She's one of those who hates the Yankees just because. You know the type. Kinda like you feel about Boston.
I was thinking I'd get a arguement from you when I mentioned that the Yanks might have thrown the game the other night to keep Boston our of the playoffs. May not have been exactly on purpose.
I had an awful afternoon today which is unusual for a Friday afternoon. My morning clinic was nice and easy and then after lunch I go to the other clinic and it was a nightmare. It was one pityful specimen after another.
My first patient this afternoon had a long list of diagnoses. He just got in yesterday afternoon after I had left for the day. He was sent over from a smaller jail that didn't want to have to deal with all his medical issues. He'd already been sent out to ER last night and they didn't even know what to do with him so they sent him back for me, thank you very much!
Oh, and he wasn't doing crap for himself at home, too busy drinking himself silly. And his family is calling to make sure we take care of him properly like he just checked into a spa. They could bond him out but they wouldn't dare do that. They don't want him back at home.
It went downhill from there. Crises followed me out the back door and I was on the phone for hours after I left.
Coreen, you said in your email that when you enter your name it erases your comment. I sign in by clicking up in the upper right corner of the blog. Then I put in my email and password. I then don't have to enter my name again when posting. I just write my comment and hit post comment. Sounds like you are doing something different.
Jan, I went to youtube and listened to that guy you mentioned who sang At Last. He was good. When you hear other goods ones keep mentioning them. It's a easy way to get to hear the good stuff without watching to show.
I could record that show but Fox wants too much money to put in on Dish's local options so I can. I only watch programs on that Network if there's nothing on any other channel or if my Saints are playing. Then I have to flip it to the rabbit ears.
Wow Carol, your TV viewing sounds complicated.
Coreen, Wish I had some information I could share to help you in getting on here. I have google as my access to the blog. I have not had too much problem with it.
Carol, your sharing of the issues there in your job helps me in understanding why the costs of incarceration are so high. Because of you the people incarcerated there are getting higher quality care. I am sure it is not that high quality in other places.
I remember when Bob and I moved to Albuquerque years ago, a man he worked with had a son who was in prison for killing his girlfriends 2 y/o son. While in prison (I guess) he contracted HIV which led to AIDS - that was in early to middle 1980's. He was in prison and dying from AIDS and the prison told his parents to come and get him. The father (the guy that Bob worked with didn't want anything to do with him (he was separated and had a girlfriend) so the wife had to go get him. On the way to pick up her son at the prison she ran off the road into a deep ravine and was killed. No one ever said it was suicide, but I suspected it. Her life had turned to s***.
Just cleaned out the refrig and freezer. A job I dislike very much. I can remember when we used to have to clean and defrost the freezer. Are you to young to remember those days. That was a full day's job. We have a side by side fridge and freezer. We have talked about getting a separate freezer as this one does not hold much. But we have gone this long without one. I wonder if we really need one.
I am watching the Balloon Fiesta on TV. I just don't have the energy to get up at 4 am to go to it. They have buses leaving from several sites but don't have the "get up and go" to do it this year.
Corren, your novel sounds good. The one I am reading by Grisham is ok but not that entertaining.
Carol, there have been several young teenagers on the X factor who are doing hip hop or rap and the audience goes wild for them. I just don't get that music. Just too old I guess.
John's son is flying in at noon. John got him a room at the Marriott. They (John and son) decided this would be better for him (son). He is 49 and likes to sleep late. Our house is not that big and we get up early so the two of them thought this would be better.
Memory-a spoof by Pam Peterson on utube
If you can pull this up on youtube - it is too funny.
I have my secretary from work over cleaning. She's a workhorse. I just can't do it anymore. I did get up early and start in the kitchen and she's been in there for about three hours going over where I thought I had cleaned.
She came and cleaned about 6 months ago and that was the last time it was really clean. I hope she doesn't run out of steam before she can get outside. I did the grass but there's a lot more to clean up like my dead plants etc.
She's been here since about 9:30 and only finished 2 rooms but she's really cleaning..walls..windows and everything.
Big sis is coming this Tuesday so I wanted things clean for her. I'm excited. She just decided a couple of weeks ago to come down.
The weather will be nice for her..lows in the 50s and highs in the low to mid 80s..at least that is for next week. That will be a nice change for her since they really didn't have much of a summer in Seattle. It was cold and rainy up that way. Glad it won't be in the 90s here.. at least not next week.
I just saw the end of the Arkansas/Tx A&M game. That was a good one and y'all won! They came from way behind to do it. LSU stomped Kentucky..which was expected..so that wasn't much to watch.
Jan..I get very frustrated with some of my inmates..the ones who come in having done nothing to take care of themselves and expect we will make them well again..and for the most part..we do. Some don't have much choice since what they might need isn't available in the community and they don't have the resources to travel to go after help.
I have several HIV patients..who have wonderful care available.. for free in this community but they are too busy doing drugs and committing crimes to get the help that is available. They come in half dead..stay long enough to start looking good again..leave and then they are back months later looking half dead again. This happens over and over and over.
I can't just say..go lay down and die because you don't deserve the help anymore but it has crossed my mind for a moment. And I do bitch them out. Listening to my bitching about what great care.. that is available.. at great expense to the taxpayers..that they don't bother to get.. is one small price they do have to pay.
As far as our hypertension and diabetes management..I think the time and money we spend is usually worth it. Some come in with management plans that they couldn't possibly manage. I'll say it's half their fault and half the fault of whoever was providing their healthcare. And we do have the advantage of having these people as a captive audience.
Coreen, it's a fine time for you to be incommunicato when your Yanks are in the playoffs and I have questions. For one..why didn't CC come back to pitch today.
I was wondering when your big sis might be coming to visit. Glad to hear it.
I have a young woman who has her own business who cleans for me once every 2 weeks. She and the others who work with her are hispanic. They are very nice young women and do a great job. It is the one luxury I give myself. I would rather do that than get a massage.
John watched some of the Arkansas game. I was very excited that AR won. I don't like the Aggies. They are big rivals of U of TX. the only time I went to football games- and liked it- was when I was a student in TX. A bunch of us would go to all the home games.
I cannot do the cleaning any longer either. I did do some a couple of weeks ago and I think that is when my tendonitis began.
John's son showed interest in going to the Balloon Fiesta this morning so John and I got up at 4:45 am - dressed and went to pick him up. He wussed out. I was so happy. I came home, had my tea and then went back to bed. Slept 3 more hours. Now feel much better. At 5 am my arm was hurting and had a headache. Much less pain now after sleep and an x str tylenol and my big cup of tea.
It was last night that Johnny was interested in going to BF - it is amazing how one can change when it is 5 am.
Carol, here is an interesting article in NYT.
When the Nurse Wants to Be Called ‘Doctor’
You will have to post in google - still cannot add the blue coloring so can just click for the link.
Yes Jan..there are a lot of things that sound interesting until it's time to get up at 5a on a holiday or day off.
Also there are a lot of things that may sound interesting after a few drinks that don't sound so interesting the morning after having a few drinks the night before.
LOL - "sounds interesting"
John just asked me if I want to go with him and Johnny to Santa Fe. I said "no" I have had enough fun for the weekend. I want to rest and take a little swim and then have a quiet dinner with them if that will work for the 2 of them.
John was just on Facebook and his daughter posted that John's ex and her husband just ran a 5 K in 35 min. Now he feels depressed because he has not done that and does not think he can. I just remembered something my nephew posted on FAcebook a few weeks ago "The good thing about Facebook is that you know what your family is doing. The bad thing about facebook is that you know what your family is doing."
Was up early myself. I've done some cleaning, clothes washing, brought my mower to the house and mowed that big yard, then came back to work here in the yard. I'm pooped now and ready for a nap. I still have another half day of work still left to do.
Saints are on so I think I'll just close my eyes and listen....zzzzzz.
Didn't catch your last post when I posted earlier. That's cute what you said about Facebook. I never check in on Facebook. Not sure why but I don't.
Does John really want to run a 5K?
He has run 5K's in the past. They are exactly our age (she is 70 and he is 75) and have not been athletic before. I think John thought he had an edge on the athletics stuff. He he.
I have been sewing and the 2 Johns have been watching games. I have not been able to work on Cory's tshirt quilt and I want to finish it. I am working on the final border and then all left is binding.
John could easily do a 5K - but he would need to do some training and I don't think he wants to train.
I keep reminding John that he swims 3 times a week and walks or works out with weights 4-5 times a week so he is doing great. No need to compare himself with what his ex and her hubby are doing.
Tell John he might need to work on that little ego issue. Hehehe.
Yesterday afternoon I didn't get my list of to dos finished. SF's sitter called and needed me to go get him some more warmups. She could have told me that earlier. That wasn't on my schedule and she called just as I was leaving out the door. That required another stop at Walmart and an extra 40 minutes which took out my Sam's Club stop since they close at 6.
Just saw a blurb about your balloon fest on HLN Jan. There were lots of balloons
I just turned on my heat for a few minutes to take the chill out of the room. It stinks. Smells like cooked bugs. There is always a smell when the heat comes on for the first time. Not appetizing.
It's in the low 50 this morning and about 62 in here.
Heard that Tiger has finally fallen out of the top 50 golfers. Hasn't won any tournaments in a while. It's weird how much he went down after his little scandal. Karma? I don't know but golf seems to me to be a game where a person's confidence plays a significant role in success. Maybe a lot of luck also. He seemed to have neither.
Another sport's star who seems to be getting some bad Karma is Vick the QB.
I don't know where the judges are coming from tonight on DWTS. They must be watching a different program from the one I'm watching.
Rob K did better but still mediocre and he got all 8s.
Chynna just moved around stuck her leg out here and there, wrapped herself around her partner. I didn't see much dancing and she got two 9s. Hmmm.
Now Len was flattering to Chaz who is way out of his league in this contest. I think his joining a dance contest is about as ridiculous as if I joined a football team. At least the judges did give him only 6s which was generous.
Kristin, just OK. Was expecting more.
Carson, his dance was fun. At least I enjoyed watching it.
Can't wait for JR. He's an inspiration!
Wasn't disappointed. Cried. He is so elegant and graceful.
JR is a beautiful man!
He should have gotten 10s. The judges are toughest on him and he is so far above the others. Those judges have no cred with me.
Don't know how Nancy will dance tonight but I like her hair.
Well...I liked Nancy's hair.
Rickie is one of my favs.
And Derek is knows how to choreograph a story.
Well..the judges got one right.
Hope did well tonight. She is so athletic that it takes away from her softness but she did better tonight.
I think David looked much better tonight. He wasn't on the bottom tonight, far from it.
Only problem is...I already used all my votes tonight. Most of them went to JR and Rickie, a couple for Hope and one for Carson because he makes me smile and one for Nancy..to knock off a few more pounds. She's got those twins to take care of.
I got an email from Coreen. She still can't get a comment in. Another friend who doesn't usually post comments tried a while back and she couldn't get in either. I guess Blogger doesn't want comments. Maybe the cyberworld wants everyone to move to Facebook. That would keep everyone in a nice neat package where they can keep an eye on everyone.
I watched the last part of the Yank's game last night. Sorry Coreen. I hope they can come back tonight. I think they will.
Big sis will be in tonight. I'm looking forward to her visit.
Geez, I am not having a problem getting comments in.
I only watched a couple of dances last night- the 2 Johns were watching TV and I did a little sewing then we went out to grab a bite. Took Johnny to our favorite New Mex place to eat. I am paying for it. Didn't sleep much. This morning have a stomach problem. I think it is over now. I will be going to work.
They play most of dances over tonight anyway - DWTS is 2 hours long so will watch tonight.
When I looked at the people connected on this site I see an additional person
Carol, your sis comes in today. John's son goes home today. I bet we won't see you on here for a while.
Enjoy your sis.
I will write my comments about DWTS tonight.
Went to one of our child care centers to do an observation with a couple of kids. Most of them have runny noses. The weather has changed. Poor kids and poor teachers. The box of tissues was the most valuable item in the rooms - LOL.
Yes Jan, they replay most of the dancing tonight. I don't watch the first hour on the second night. I guess I won't watch any of it tonight until after I go to bed and then will catch what I recorded.
Sis flies in at 8p so I'll be picking her up when they start the elimination part of the show. I am curious who will get the boot. It really needs to be Chaz but I think he does have a big fan base. Too bad this show has become a popularity contest instead of a dance contest. He did get some low scores so maybe his fan base will have trouble over coming that.
Coreen still can't get in so she communicated by email, the old fashioned way.
Google did change things a while back. Did you notice the new screen when you sign in Jan?
That extra person is my friend. She tried setting up another email and she couldn't get in. I don't know what the problem is. Google gremlins. Maybe they are trying to terminate this blog and maybe it is time.
I'm pooped. After work I had to go by Walmart, then home to feed cats, then back to this home and cleaned a small place in the truck to sit sister when I pick her up, then made a chicken, sausage, okra gumbo and rice, then washed Maggie...
I hope Maggie didn't end up in the gumbo also.
Lately, I can barely make it to the couch to take a nap after work.
Just heard from sis and she was rushing thru Houston AP to make the connection here. She said she didn't have time to eat. I told her I certainly am glad since I have that gumbo simmering in there. It will be a little late for me to eat but should be about the right time for her since there is a two hour time difference where she lives.
Coreen, I hope the Yanks win tonight and the next game also. I heard them say on the radio today that if the Yanks and Phils don't win the audience will be pretty slim for the rest of the games.
Carol, your gumbo sounds yummy. I will let you know who gets the boot tonight.
Carol, are you tired of running this blog? I would really miss it. The only one I check in on is The Great Scots. It seems like more of a monologue - not an interactive blog.
The only thing I have noticed on here that is different is the "redirecting" message. I have not had any serious problems on here - and I am really computer challenged.
Carol, I did go up to the top and there was a thing that I clicked on that said "new interface" I clicked so I could go back to the old one. I signed off and back on and I am back to old interface. I hate it when they make changes when I am used to the old way.
I too am exhausted when I get home. The first thing I do when getting home is to change to my "relaxing" clothes. Then I fix myself a cup of tea and have a small snack. Then I sit and visit with John a bit and see what the news on TV is. After that, we have dinner and watch TV or run errands or I do some sewing or do something around the house. I like to read at least 30 min before bed. Pretty boring, huh?
I am taking off work tomorrow, work Thursday and off Friday. Will play it by ear for next week.
Got a call from one of the big dawgs today to tell me that there was this guy in a hospital up in the northern part of our state. He was involved in a shoot out here. Was shot at least 5 times thru and thru. He was on the vent, had feeding tube, IV lines, urinary catheter, etc. The big dawg said the guy was giving them trouble at the hospital so they were going to extubate him and send the rest of him back here.
I said oh no they won't. We can't deal with that, with no medical staff at night and no infirmary. I called that hospital and told them he couldn't come back here until he is ready to go home. Hospitals don't want to deal with dangerous criminals even if they are full of holes. I don't particularly care for it either, the holes that is. I can handle the criminals.
I had a guy come in today who had been shot earlier this year. They put his leg back together but didn't remove the bullet. That is common but this bullet had started working it's way out and about 1/3 of it was hanging out.
If the bullet slug is close to the surface, they sometimes will start to fester their way out. It was a huge bullet. I numbed him up and pulled the rest of it out. It's the first bullet I ever removed. I didn't have another bullet for him to bite on while I did it.
I usually do my exercising in the morning. Too tired to do any at night.
Jan, tuning in here doesn't take much time out of my day anymore. I'll continue to drop in while sis is here and let you know how many naps we take. Neither of us are a ball of energy any more. I will try to get some walks in both here and there's a new lakeside walking path downtown. I also want to try some of the new eating places in town.
I'm not ready to terminate the Swamp quite yet. It's my bitching hole. It may be just you and me though.
We still have lots of stars on our map so someone must be falling in every now and again. Wish they would drop in to visit. Maybe they can't either. I wish Nemo would come back. I bet if there's a way to get in here, she would know how. She's a computer genius.
Coreen, do you know any computer geeks?
Well, off to the AP.
Hey Carol, so glad to hear this.
Just want to comment on DWTS. 1st of all - Nancy Grace. I have to say that her boobs are much more "under cover" tonight compared to last week. John said he was expecting "Tit for Tat" tonight.
Just watched Ricky and Derek. He is spectacular. I believe what Derek does that is so amazing is that he "seduces" his partners to get the best out of them. Even Lynn congratulated Derek on a great routine. I would rather watch Derek than any other pro. when dancing his body is a well oiled machine. I would dance with him.
Although Derek is my fav dancer, Max is the sexiest male dancer. Wow, his and Hope's dance was the sexiest.
carol, so glad you will continue to drop in here while sis is visiting you. Tell sis I said "hi" I will always remember our fun ski trip. My favorite memory was the mouse in our little dorm room and waking up to hearing him in the paper bag eating our cookies. That was a memorable trip for me. It was one of the most fun trips I have ever taken - and we were women. I think my main fun times have been with women.
I am not impressed with David Arquette's dance. He is just standing around with his shirt off - John said "well he is doing that well."
JR was amazing. I had tears in my eyes after his dance.
My least favorites were Chaz, Nancy, and David
Chaz may have too much of a following to go tonight
My favorites are Ricki, JR & Hope-and oh yes, the funny guy
I am lukewarm towards Chynna, Rob and Kristin
Safe: Ricky, JR and Chaz
Cannot wait until the end. I went on news and found that Kristen Cavalleri is going home.
You are so right Carol, It is a popularity show.
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