Captain's Cove Seaport, a small marina & restaurant in Bridgeport harbor...
We were there a couple of weeks ago on a beautiful Saturday....There are small
trinket shops on the dock & you can eat on the dock as well...Nights there is
music/dancing upstairs....& you can sit out on the veranda overlooking the Harbor....
And the Cove is the gathering point for some charity events, as noted on the sign...St. Vincent's is one of the hospitals in town & they sponsor a Swim across
the sound as a charitable event for cancer research...
1 – 200 of 201 Newer› Newest»Captain's Cove...a little gem in the heart of Bridgeport, in the harbor, in the seedy part of the city....but it's a nice place to go
for some good seafood....they have really good
fried whole belly clams ...(can't get them most places, only clam strips)...& yes I know
fried foods aren't healthy, but these clams
are soo good...lobster rolls and shrimp as well...
Sitting at the picnic table on the dock, you usually get a nice breeze, (summertime only) once the fall comes...a bit of a bite to it...
the little colorful buildings are trinket shops, (but a tough way to try to make a living) there wasn't much traffic the day we
were there...
This weekend should be an annual bluefish tournament held there, but it may be postponed
due to Irene...The Cove gets a lot of business
when that tournament is held...I have friends
that have fished it in the past & that is where
the weigh in is held...
Have no idea why there is a buoy in the parking lot, but its there...
Very cool pics Coreen. I was so tired I fell asleep on the couch. I just woke up to go to bed.
Is that harbor off the sound? I assume so.
That buoy might need to be secured. It may be in water soon. I'm not sure what kind of surge y'all can expect but if that hurricane goes in a little usually means a worse surge. Have to think about that counter clockwise motion of a hurricane. If it's west of pushes water toward ya.
It's nice that it's kinda cool there. We never have that luxury after a hurricane. When our power goes's usually close to 100 degrees outside..even in early Oct. The heat is one of the worst things to deal with for me when the power goes out.
I know they are trying to scare you guys but even doing that..people don't always take these things very seriously. And where they hit makes all the difference in what kind of trouble that is coming. Miles one way or the other can make a big difference. Could be little problems to devastating.
When we got Rita we had gone close to 50 years without any serious hits in my neck of the woods. I wasn't even here when the earlier one hit. Mom had taken us up to Oregon to visit our grandma. All I remember about that one is that daddy paid us a penny for every roofing nail we picked up out of the yard.
Watching all the devastation from Katrina is what made us take Rita seriously. I watched on TV all the suffering from Katrina and cried for those people. It was just a month later that we got Rita.
I didn't really know what to expect with Rita. It wasn't the hurricane itself that did most of the damage in was all the flooding. At first they thought they missed the bullet..remember that? Then the levies broke and that wall of water hit them.
Some people stayed in their homes when Rita hit. If I didn't have to stay in town..I wouldn't have. Even being in that solid jail structure didn't feel safe. The sounds of that wind were awful. Rain was coming thru the walls and down the halls.
I wasn't sure what kind of surge we would have so I brought a 4 man blow up raft I had and left it in my truck. Hey..I didn't know.
We are about 50 miles from the Gulf... as the crow flies.. but there is water everywhere around here. There was an over 10 ft surge here at the was worse for Ike that didn't even hit just passed by in the Gulf and hit Galveston.
People who did stay in their homes said they wouldn't do that again. They watched their walls move in and out.
I know you are concerned about your trees Coreen. Sometimes they cause damage and sometimes they protect ya from the wind. I had considerable amount of tree damage but they didn't do any damage to anything I had. I kinda think they protected me. When they came down..they miraculously fell in the only places they could fall to miss structures. I loved them and they seemed to love me back.
Jan..I've been keeping a watch on where you are and with the current seems you will be OK. You might get a nice north breeze. When we have hurricanes go in a ways to the seems it gives us a nice cooler north wind.
How is your training going?
I hope people who get generators read the directions. Sometimes when there are these weather's other things that kill people. Misuse of generators is one of those things. People put them in a enclosed garage or the house..and die of carbon monoxide poisoning.
And this is beautiful....not a
leaf moving, no skies, puffy clouds...& not hot, a little on the humid side, but a great start to the day...
Only know one person with a generator & her
son in law is an electrical contractor, so it
is wired to work automatically, no idea how
that works...
Like your blog post title....the calm before the storm. We pray that continues for everyone.
Coreen, you didn't tell us that your boys had a historic three grand slams yesterday. You must be preoccupied? I assume you are.
Actually got to see all 3 grand slams...the game started so late it was still on when I got home....
Other than moving a few plants into the garage tomorrow there is just nothing I can do...we always have food, flashlights, portable radios & even hard wired phones so barring trees hitting the house &/or losing electricity can
only wait & see how it develops...
Oh & the friend with a generator that works
automatically on power loss it is fueled by natural gas...their house is heated by natural
gas so it makes it decide what
the generator is going to power, like fridge, freezer, lights, some does not light up the entire is not inexpensive to
install such a unit, & it must be serviced
regularly, though it may not be needed for a long time...
Yes, I've seen those generators advertised on TV. I just looked and they aren't as expensive as I would have guessed, well, at least not for just buying the unit. They cost about 5-6 thou but then it has to be wired into you electric box and have gas running to it.
For me, it wouldn't be worth it for how often we lose power. My little generator cost $500+, runs on gasoline which is a pain and it did run a little TV, a tiny AC, and some lights. The wiring was a heavy duty electric cord run in thru my window.
Coreen, do you have any potential for flooding at your place? I wonder what kind of surge would move thru the sound if it hit a little west of you? You do have a creek behind your house. What does it drain into?
I just found this surge potential map:
Looks like it indicates a potential of up to a 6 ft surge into the sound??
Carol, it is highly unlikely that a surge from the sound could make it to my house...Easton's
elevation is about 400' above sea level...and
the sound is 10-15 miles down hill from here...
There is a reservoir on each side of me, but about a mile or so away...these 2 reservoirs are the fresh water that supplies the surrounding towns/cities, our town is a watershed town the local water company owns like 40% of the land in Easton (but not me, since believe it or not there are no water mains laid in the northern part of our town, we all have wells)....there will not be any water mains laid here in my lifetime, there are not enough households for the water company to invest the $$$ to extend the mains here...
I don't have a 'running' water stream, just
wetlands which fill at certain times of the year & then dry up....right now the wetlands
are virtually dry...with heavy rainfall they will fill up, but so far have never flowed over into the yard itself...
That good news Coreen. You guys do have experience with those noreaters. Isn't that a little like a tropical storm but cold?
I was looking at your weather for Sunday and it predicts up to gusts of 85 mph. Ever had that kind of wind before?
Do you think those New Yorkers are taking this seriously? The local government seems to be.
Hard to say Carol...Sustained winds of any amount are a problem wherever there are lots of town is full of them...looks like we are going to find out...
New Yorkers are well New Yorkers...the question
remains as to whether the warnings by all the
politicians mayors, governors, will be paid attention to...the fact that NY is shuting down mass transit tomorrow buses, trains, in & out, is pretty scary...never done before, they even shut the Atlantic City Casinos today!!! Malloy CT is considering closing the Merritt Parkway tomorrow because it has many trees on the sides & in the center medians (a scenic road) not like I95....that should prove to be interesting if he does....the Merritt goes from NY up to Hartford...I use that instead of I95....the Merritt is 4 miles south of my house...
I heard Koch on the news this morning. They asked him what he was most worried about. He said.."the New Yorker". He said "you can alway tell a New Yorker, but you can't tell them much. They don't listen."
I haven't watched AC360 in a while but he's usually in the thick of crisis when there is one. I guess he'll be hanging out in New York this time. Have you heard?
Oh my gosh Coreen. I sure hope Irene manages to pass you all by. We have been in classes and groups all day. We don't have TV up here and too busy to check into computers - so just now getting the news. This is so scary. So many people up there in NY and your state, etc. We will say our prayers for you all down here.
Our training here is going so well. This is so much the place for us. We are loving it. We are in a group of outer "newbies" like us. There are 3 other groups who are ahead of us. It is sort of like 4 semesters of work and we are in semester 1. I love the work. It is fun to learn about this and there is homework throughout the 2 year program, but no grades LOL. There is so much more to the dreamwork that I think it can go on for years. In our little group of newbies there are 11 people. One person had to drop out before the training began.
outer newbies means other newbies.
We don't have wifi in our cabins and they are up a hill so we have to walk down to the main lodge at night after all our classes to do our e-mails and stuff. Its ok, we are too addicted to our technology anyway.
Sounds like you are having fun Jan. I'm glad. It's best that you don't have any news. It's not good.
I keep up with all the weather news because I've always been interested in weather and I'm so glad that it's not us having to go thru this again. Once was enough. I don't think I could physically or mentally handle it now.
Coreen, if you're able to be online, I'll hang with ya thru this. You know I understand.
There probably are some people facing this storm who made fun of those in Katrina who didn't want to leave their homes and had to be rescued or died. They might now have more sympathy.
You have a large ice chest Coreen? If not..I'd pick up one tomorrow. If you lose power for will come in handy for that Fema ice you'll be standing in line for. Those Fema supply lines were the highlight of my days for about 3 weeks. We had no grocery stores open here for at least that long. It was months before our stores were back to normal. I don't think it will be like that there. No one was even allowed to return to town for at least three weeks.
Besides an ice chest..I found a little two burner caned butane burner really useful to heat food and make coffee. Got to have a coffee maker that works on a stove. Don't forget a hand crank can opener.
And don't use any thing that produces CO fumes in the house.
There are a lot of things about hurricanes that people don't think about ahead of time. One the direct path of the storm..most of your emergency resources are not available during the peak of the storm.
Wow Carol, hearing you talk about this really brings it home the difficulties these storms can bring,
have not heard from you Coreen. Hope you are ok. The pictures are great.
Already over a million without power. Hope everyone has some camping experience. It will take lots of time to get that power up again.
Some people will be going weeks without power. Helps if you live next to a station or hospital. They are a priority for power.
Did Coreen make a run for it? What is this about a landslide alert in Connecticut? Where is that?
There are a lot of fools out there having fun playing out in the weather.
So far not much happening is really
humid & rainy, not downpours yet, no wind the trees are so still it's like they are fake...
Seems that they keep changing the timing & the
extent of it...maybe now a tropical storm 50+ sustained winds & higher gusts...which will still cause major electrical outages all around...the rain maybe 6-12"....
It's just a wait & see at this point...
Coreen, I've been keeping my eye on the going ons up your way and on the rest of the east coast. I have your weather up on Weather Underground.
And there is good news...your ozone level is good. That's about it.
I don't remember ever seeing such a slow moving storm. I keep thinking my computer has frozen.
I took a break from the storm watching for mowing, clothes washing and Walmarting.
When I was standing in line at Walmart I noticed this guy in the back of the line who looked familiar. I couldn't remember where I knew him from. As I was leaving he saw me and hugged me saying "hi Ms Carol, glad to see you out here." I was afraid that was probably where I knew him from. He did say he didn't plan on ever coming back.
I often tell my inmates when they are leaving that I don't want to ever see them again unless it is at Walmart and that is where I do see many of them. I wasn't too crazy about getting a big hug from him and I did hug him back, not knowing where I knew him from. I don't think he was a perv and if he was really a bad guy, he'd still be in the joint.
How funny Carol, seeing the guy in the Walmart.
Glad to see you here Coreen and know you are ok.
We are glad to be in western NC. Pretty bad on outer banks. We have been in classes or eating for 2 days. Tonight went to a horse farm close by and had a bbq and hay ride. My first hay ride. The horses were great. They were all behind fences. One came up to fence where I was standing and started chewing on my orange pullover I had tied over my shoulder. Someone thought the horse might have mistaken it for a carrot. LOL. I love horses. They are amazing creatures. I want to rent the horse whisperer sometime.
I saw on TM that Craig reported that he was having massive roof leaks.
Connecticut just announced that they have 600+ crews waiting to fix power outages. Wow! Wonder why it took me 3 weeks to get power back. Our hurricane didn't affect as many as this one is.
Didn't see you slip in Jan. Glad your weather is nice. It's probably better over where you are because it pulls wind from the north.
Sounds like you had a fun evening.
I'm glad that Irene is petering out and glad she hasn't turned out as bad as predicted even though it has caused some considerable damage in flooding. It seems like she has been more of a bad flood event than a hurricane.
If she would have been worse..there would have been many fools who would be dead. People were out playing in that storm like she was sent there for their entertainment. Some who died and who still might have or will die of terminal stupid and I now understand why Jersey Shore is so popular. Snookie and her gang are probably role models for brilliance compared to some of those people.
I saw this guy and his young son who plan on staying on his nice boat in the harbor in Newport RI. That father should be arrested for child abuse. If he wants to be an idiot that's OK but to involve his young son is abuse..much worse than hot sauce mom.
Right now...still have electricity but all the
towns along the sound are out, so I will likely be out soon...hoping somehow mine does not go out...reports are 300,000 statewide, 50,000 with United Illuminating, which is my
electric utility....
So far, only 1 tree down in the backyard, very
large, but it fell along side the house, it looks like it broke at the base, was not pulled
out of the ground....
It's aboout 73 outside, very humid, windy, heavy rain....
I filled 2 bathtubs with water, just in case,
remember I have a well, so no water if the power goes out...the wonders of living outside
the city....
It is raining hard, lots of leaves, branches
all around that I can see, have no idea about
the driveway, since I can not see out there yet...won't know unitl I can walk outside...
I have no electrical wires on my property, all
are underground, but there are wires on the streets, so at least I don't have to worry about downed lines on my property...
TV says there was a 56 mile wind gust in Bpt
& a 40 in Danbury, both cities that are south & north of my town...
High tide is about 11 am in Stamford, which will determine if there is extensive flooding in the shore towns & toward NYC....
The eye is estimated to cross LI & then CT
somewhere between Bpt & Stamford around noon-1 pm...
Mr. Scotiman on his blog this morning writes about how well our dogs can read us. I've always been impressed and amused by that also. The Magster knows every move I make or might make and often before I even do.
I'll be sitting on my couch thinking about going somewhere and maybe bringing Maggie with me and I'll scan the room for her and she'll have this drilling stare on me knowing that I'm trying to make that decision. When my eyes meet her's..her tail will start to wag enthusiatically..hoping I make the right decision.
On weekdays I have a routine for when I move from the living room to my bedroom and if I'm late..she will be sitting by the exit from the living room waiting for me. On weekends..I don't have a schedule so she listens for cues to determine when I'll be making the move. She might be in one of her hiding places but when she hears that little musical note my laptop makes when I turn it off.. she's out of her shelter and beats me to the door.
I was going to ask how you fared Coreen and see you posted while I was writing. I hope you don't lose power. They just said that they weren't expecting too much more from Irene. You may have missed the bullet but don't take any chances.
This thing turned out to be more of a summer noreaster.
Yes, Carol, that is a good description...a summer nor'easter....
but a local TV weather guy
said the pressure is going down, not a good sign, since we are about 3 hours away from when the storm is going to hit...& naturally
possible tornado warnings will also be made...
eye is now 40 miles south of NYC...
about 4-5" of rain so far, but they are saying
not a lots more rain...the wind just got stronger here...I hate that...the window screens are so covered with rain, can't see out well....
they say that there is not much after the storm
hits, so the worst should be over, except for
any flooding in the areas that flood..
and wind gusting through this afternoon...
Stay inside Coreen. Don't want to get hit by a tree branch falling.
My boat is parked by the wharf because the water level was too low to get it back on it's platform. A little design flaw. Since it is so available and it's actually cooler now in the morning even though hotter than hell in the afternoon..I am going to head out to cast for bass. Just until it gets warm again.
Well..that was a good little fishing trip. Better than any in the recent past. I was using my favorite top water chug bait and lost one bass..caught one of those darn Ladyfish..then caught three bass..back to back. I caught two within a couple of minutes. I was smiling.
I have them in the freezer to numb them up before I fillet them. I might be having some fresh fish for supper.
Do you still have power Coreen. I see that 1/2 million are out in Connecticut.
I use to be able to check the outage map for your electric co but their site is upgrading. I know you use United Illuminating Co. Is that correct? I good while back..when you had no power..I checked on the status. Member that?
How's that crick in your yard?
Unless something happens in the aftermath, still have power...but towns around do not...
hard to understand...
Walked out the driveway, lots of small branches, tons of leaves, but I can get out if I have too...but the wind is still blowing pretty good, so I came right back in...
My neighbor called & they had a tree fall on their roof, but she said it did not go through, its resting on it until tomorrow when a tree service comes to cut it away...they just had a beautiful new wood shake roof put on last year....will try to walk over
later when the winds die down & take a look...
But I'm told there are lots of trees down on all the roads nearby, & some wires as well, so
not sure how soon I will venture out...
It will stay windy for a while but it sounds like you missed the bullet as far as your electicity goes. That's a miracle and just what we were requesting.
Coreen, glad to hear you have power.
Carol, fishin - one of your fav pasttimes. How was the bass?
Jan, I just finished talking to Coreen. I called to check on her because she hadn't posted since this AM and I was worried that she may have lost electricity. I read that almost 800,000 were out of power in Conn. Fortunately she wasn't one of far. We'll all keep a good thought there.
It will take some time for those who are out to get it back unless they live next to an essential service. It's one of the worst things about those pesky hurricanes. Does make you appreciate electricity.
Jan, I fileted my fish and cooked all of the filets. It was probably enough for at least two people. My eyes were bigger than my stomach. Back in the day..I could have eaten it all. Of course..back in the day I was younger and had a hyperactive thyroid. It was quite yummy though. Nuttin better than fresh caught fish. Bass is good eating.
It's the morning after the storm...and naturally it is a beautiful day...
Still lots of people w/o electricity as well
as those flooded out...some roads here in town
are blocked off, lots of trees down, but hopefully each day it will get much better for everyone here...
Again, so glad you have power Coreen. We used to get power losses in Little Rock every time it stormed. Sorry to hear of loss of trees. But so glad the hurricane was not too bad.
Carol, your fish sounds good.
We are sitting in Asheville airport waiting on a delayed plane from Atlanta. We have missed our connection we were to make in Atlanta. We just hope we can make the next one. We do have our computers and cell phones. And there is food and restrooms in the airport so we will be fine. We do look forward to getting home.
Jan, even though that hurricane didn't pack the punch that the hurricanes that hit the south do, it did a lot of damage. You've been away from your TV. It was so slow moving, covered lots of territory and dumped tons of rain. Even places that you wouldn't expect problems were devastated ie Vermont.
Seeing those historic covered bridges was on my bucket list and now many have been destroyed.
Yesterday there were 4 million structures without power and I don't think they'll get it back very soon.
As of 4 pm Conn L&P still had over 600,000 out. I don't know about UI who had over 100,000.
Coreen was very blessed and I hope she stays that way.
Hope you have a safe trip home.
This bloated looking, terminally ugly dad and step mom deprived their child of water while subjecting him to extreme heat for 5 days until he died. His little twin brother was forced to watch. There are more and more stories like this in the news every day. I've pondered the death penalty for these parents but that's too easy. I'd rather something more cruel and unusual as a punishment.
They are only charging them with injury to a child but it does carry up to a 99 year sentence. I guess the State has learned a lesson from the CA case. Better to get a conviction from that charge than lose a first degree murder charge.
Jan, let us know when you get home and Coreen, let us know that you still have power.
Just read that Nancy Grace is going to be on DWTS. I can't see that. I guess she'll put that feistiness on the dance floor. It ought to be interesting.
Hot sauce mom recieved her sentence:
"Thirty-six-year-old Jessica Beagley was given three years of probation, a 180-day suspended jail sentence and a $2,500 fine — also suspended"
I think that was appropriate and I'm pretty sure she did learn that her discipline was inappropriate and abusive.
Forgot to add my lazy link to that last story:
Hey guys thanks for all those good vibes sent long distance, they worked...
One of my friends electric went on this evening in Shelton...but still other friends
It was a fantastic day here in the 70s, tonite
it is windows still open night...
And the Yankees just won 3-2 over the orioles...they now go to Boston...& Carol, you know how I feel about that...
Yes Coreen..I do. When does that series start?
You were really blessed to keep your electricity considering how many are out. I think it was Mary..the Virgin. I asked her to watch over you.
Did your friend with that expensive gas powered automatic generator ever get it working. I would have been royally pissed.
And what about the friend or was it family who had power then lost it? Did she get it back right away or is she still out? Sometimes they have to turn it off temporarily to put someone else back online.
Coreen..thanks for checking in to let us know you still have power.
Only thing with your windows open are more comfortable than me with the AC blowing on me.
Tomorrow in Boston...
Don't know yet about my friend with the generator, couldn't reach her today...
And no my cousin who had it then lost it was
still out tonite, & she lives in Shelton, the
same town that my other friend finally got her's back...
And yes I love fresh air rather than ac...
Just closing most of the windows now...this am
it felt like early fall...crisp & cool...but I know summer is not over...
and did you notice they are already mentioning
another storm coming from Africa, Katia, that
could be a major storm....
Yes..I know Coreen. August is just the peak of the season. Not over until Nov. I pull up the tropical map everyday..several times a day.
I guess now many more on the east coast can join me in the PTSD club. You aren't a full fledged member yet Coreen and thank God you aren't. It's not a club you want to join.
That storm is predicted to be a cat 3 hurricane by Sun and where she'll go is still up in the air. Time to start praying.
Some of the ensemble models have this one curving up north and missing land. That's a good plan! Yes!
Fema is almost out of money. Some of the people who are the most effected will need some Fema help. It's interesting how important the government becomes when you're in a serious bind.
One thing I noticed after Rita was how many Republicans I know.. had their hands out..and didn't need or deserve the help. They were already double dipping with their insurance. They used the extra money to buy more toys. Disgusting.
I has some significant losses but didn't pursue any Fema money and didn't get any.
Who will be on DWTS this season?
Carson Kressley
Chas Bono
Chynna Phillips
David Arquette
Elisabetta Canalis
Hope Solo
J.R. Martinez
Kristin Cavallari
Nancy Grace
Ricki Lake
Rob Kardashian
Ron Artest
You are so right Carol, I did not have much news of Irene. I did not realize until we got home a few hours ago how much loss of life and damage there has been. So very sad for those who are victims of Irene.
We got home about noon today. Spent the night in a motel across the street from the airport. Delta Air gave us a voucher for the hotel. I spent the time from 3:30 to 5:30 in the bathroom this morn. The old tummy just can't take the stress any longer. I am ok now - I think. So good to be home.
Looks like DWTS might provide some fun entertainment this season.
Jan, glad you are home. Was all the travel congestion the reason it took a while to get home?
It's horrible just how much damage that storm did and continues to do. It breaks my heart to see what's happening in Vermont and what's happened in so many other areas. I've dreamed of going up to the northeast for a vacation. Seeing all that destruction hurts.
Mother Nature isn't happy with us. I still don't think many understand that we need to pay more attention to what's happening to our planet home.
Jan, be careful speeding in your state because if you get caught you can get screwed.
There was a pic on Huff Post of a NM State Trooper porking some woman on the hood of a full daylight, in uniform with his gun belt on. The photo was taken from security footage at the Santa Fe Canyon Ranch. You'll probably hear something about it on your news.
I wonder if that lady got out of the ticket. State Troopers have no comment..yet.
Carol, that was in our local news 2-3 weeks ago. That trooper is in deep doodoo. I have to LOL at your concern. What trooper in his right mind is going to "pork" a 70 year old woman. My understanding of this particular incident is that it was consensual.
Delta told us that "our" plane had mechanical problems. I never know if they are telling us the truth. One guy there said there were only 12 people scheduled for that particular flight and that was not enough to send a plane from Atlanta. Only Delta and God knows.
Carol, you should still plan on going to see Vermont. I visited a friend there in 1987 for a week. We traveled all over Vermont. It is gorgeous. The entire state is like a picture postcard. I went in fall - the best time to visit.
I like Asheville NC. Such a pretty area. The only thing is people talked a lot about copperhead snakes. One woman told me about getting bitten by one in her garage. She went to hosp and had anti snake venom. She does not have any lasting damage. She said they even climb trees. I went back to our room and checked everywhere before going to bed.
Jan, have you seen the pics of Vermont? The floods have torn that state up. I think I'll wait a few years.
I've been watching this show on the Science channel about how low intensity hurricanes can cause so much damage to the Atlantic coastal states due to the rainfall. I think it was first aired in 2004 but it could have been a documentary on what just happened.
Did that trooper have any consequences for his behavior? He should have at least taken off his uniform. Maybe it was just some couple acting out their fantasy.
We have copperheads here but I've never seen one. I've been told that when you see one, there is always a second one close by.
The snakes I usually see are either water snakes or King snakes. Only seen one snake this year and it was a King snake. King snakes are good snakes. They will eat other snakes. Both of these snakes are non-poisonous.
I'm having a hard time picturing Nancy Grace dancing. Mud wrestling maybe.. but dancing??
The trooper who was doing it on the hood of the car - being investigated. I will let you know if I hear something.
Good news here is that an undocumented person from Mexico chased down a guy who had kidnapped a little girl a couple of weeks agol Probably saved that little girl's life. So some good things happen here. I understand an attorney has taken his case to try and get him "documented."
It happened two to three weeks ago and they haven't finished investigating? Hmmm, doesn't sound like they're really trying. Also seems like that officer would know where the security cameras are.
Irene turning out to be one of costliest storms in history.
Coreen, I suppose you are seeing damage more directly.
Jan, I think Coreen had angels watching over her hood. I saw some pics today of the East Haven area, a beach front area, that was pretty torn up.
There is a tropical disturbance in the Gulf. I don't know if it has the potential for any serious development but it could be a significant rain event for the Gulf coast. We need rain but I don't want a deluge.
I found the Yankee on ESPN. They got their first run just after I tuned in. I saw that they won their game last night. I think that makes them only 1/2 game behind Boston now.
Last night's game was 4 hrs, but the guys won, tonight this is like watching paint dry...My yankee anouncer just said the espn feed has
only ex red sox calling plays nomar & shilling
(who I despise)....
The damage is extensive, but not in my immediate path of travel...the Cosey beach
in East Haven, just the other side of New Haven
took a hit...a friend who lives in East Haven
(not at the beach) was out until yesterday...
the beach in Fairfield also took a big hit...
You can not wander around those areas...only residents get in (well except the newspeople)...there are still 48,000 UI customers out of electricity & 200,000 CT Light & Power....
Carol, my tiny town has 2913 houses that UI
lights & at the peak the outages were 2,203, so yes an entire squadron of angels must have
hung over my neighborhood...
each day is getting a little better, & again
the weather has been not really hot or humid...
the nights in the hi 50s...
Coreen, I've been stalking your hood everyday. I keep an eye on the power outages in your area. I check with UI every day to see their progress, praying you won't lose power like your friend did. They all have made pretty good progress considering.
And you were very blessed, thank you St.Mary, the virgin. You are Catholic, aren't you? Mary's my go to girl when troubles brewing.
Now UI has a power outage list up. They list the number of people in each area that are still out of power.
And from what I read Coreen, if you would have lost power, you meet the criteria for one of the last people to get it back. Priorities are those who live around vital services and those in neighborhoods with lots of people. You would have been learning to camp out.
Yankees need to get on the stick!
Nice little HR would be nice right now.
He he he. Almost as good.
Yes, Carol, I'm catholic, we call Mary, Blessed Mother...
There have been 2 UI crews on the main road
I have to use daily each day so far...that stretch I drive is 4 miles...I'm sure there are more crews in other parts of town...
My cousin in shelton, got her electric back this p.m., 2 friends in Fairfield, this a.m.,
its slow but gaining on it...a nightmare that
has been handled quite well by all those effected...
And a typical Yankee/Red Sox game...glad the guys just took the lead, but this is far from over...
With the BB, you just never know what will happen. Nerve racking. Things can change in a minute. I realize that it's up in the air until the last minute of the last inning.
I've never have been a baseball fan. I'm still new to this game.
Phil Hughes needed to shut them down & not give up anything & he walked the batter, that almost always causes trouble, then the ball took a weird bounce & now the sox are ahead...
Dang, I got on the phone with someone who is interested in buying some property we have and Boston took the lead while I was talking.
With only one out left in the 9th, it doesn't look good.
I was reading some of the things people said about Dick Cheney's book. I wouldn't even touch that piece of trash might burn my hand. When I see Cheney's pic..I think I'm seeing the Devil himself.
Sorry about that last's early. I changed a sentence but left in an extra word.
And do we have to start watching your gulf that tropical storm coming your way this weekend....
Coreen, I'm watching. You can count on that. Not a tropical storm yet and I don't think it will develop into a hurricane but it looks like we're going to be in for lots of rain..somewhere close by or right here. We need some rain but I don't want any flooding. I'm on a river.
I heard some news about Cheney's book. Seems he disagreed with W's accounts of what happened during 9/11. Wow the 10th anniversary of 9/11 is coming up. Hard to believe 10 years has passed.
I am not buying cheney's book either. I don't want to contribute to him.
We are finally getting some much-needed rain.
Carol, did you see the video of the officer in NM having sex on the hood of his car? I just saw it in the Huffington Post.
Carol, apparently the NM officer who had sex on hood of his car will not be charged with criminal activity . I found this in Reuter's
Police officer who had sex on duty won't face charges
Jan..I saw the still pic that came from a video. I googled it yesterday to see if there was any resolution and nada.
Maybe the fact that no one saw him and it was just caught on a security camera might be why he wasn't charged. If it would have been a non-cop..I think they might have been charged with something.
He should have some sanctions on the job for using such poor judgement.
Jan..I heard on HLN yesterday about some cop who was charge with raping a woman while on duty in Philadelphia. Don't know much about it because I was not really paying close attention at the time. I heard them also mention the NM trooper. These stories don't make women want to ask a cop for help anymore.
Oh..I did read yesterday that the NM trooper was on leave...with pay. In the world of good old boy's just probably raised his status.
And if they say that no one was watching that trooper...check that pic again..there was a squirrel or praire dog that was paying close attention to what was going on.
Coreen..I found the Yankees on ESPN again last night. I had checked earlier and didn't see it scheduled. They must have put it on after one of the football games finished.
I tuned in right at the top of the 7th inning and I caught the best part of the game. I fell asleep shortly after the Yanks took the lead and checked this morning and was pleased to see that's how the game ended also.
Obama was forced to move his job's speech from Wed to Thurs so it would conflict with a Repug debate.
Now it conflicts with the Saints/Green Bay game. Which do you think more people are interested in viewing? I don't think it is the speech and the debate wouldn't even be on my list.
Carol, that was a little Chiwawa (mispelled). There has been some chatter on facebook about it.
The reason for not charging the officer was "he was not on official duty at the time."
Is that Chihuahua you're trying to spell? I have to google it to spell it. I bet that pup was thinking stupid are those humans or...maybe wondering if that woman was in heat and he also got a turn. Take your pic.
I'm still keeping my eye on our tropical system. So far it seems to be more of a threat east of here. Not good for New Orleans but I don't want the main thrust of it here either. Texas could use the rain.
The temps are down right now and the wind is blowing, both kinda pleasant. I've been waiting to get my boat back on it's little ramp but couldn't because the water was too low. With the wind blowing the water level up, it's high enough now to get it back. I'll try to put it up after work today.
Jan, we had a woman in jail related to some sex crimes and one of them involved a chihuahua. We couldn't imagine what it was and I didn't ask.
That tropical disturbance did turn into a storm but it still seems to be bearing down on New Orleans. All we've had here is wind. Right now it's only gusting to about 31 but they said that might pick up later.
Did y'all hear about that pretty woman, girlfriend of that rich pharmaceutical guy in California who was found with her hands bound behind her back, feet bound, nude and hanging from the balcony outside the house.
They ruled it a suicide. I don't buy it but someone may have paid well for that conclusion. I can't see a woman hanging herself or doing it nude much less binding her hands and feet before doing it. Nope, I don't buy it. Her family doesn't either.
I don't buy it either Carol. How the heck can they rule a hanging a suicide when her hands and feet are bound?
Thanks for spelling Chihuahua for me. I just didn't want to look it up - so fell back on phonics. Looks like babawawa.
Chihuahua's are very popular in this part of the country.
So glad its Friday. Been working full time since getting home. I have missed a lot of work with the trips. I forgot what it was like to work full time. I don't like it very much.
Maybe they're popular because they bark in Spanish.
Jan, sometimes I can't even spell my own name. I write fast and sloppy at work and realized a while back why Docs always had such a bad handwriting. It's because some of the words they had to spell.
I see quite a few people with hidradenitis suppurativa. That's those abscesses in the axilla. Seems like they could have come up with an easier word to spell.
I see quite a lot of that HS in my inmates because of the heat and humidity in the joint. That's just one example of some of the crap I have to spell every day. If I scribble it really fast, no one knows whether I spelled it correctly or not.
I think Coreen should be happy tonight. Her Yanks won their game and Boston lost so her boys should be a half game up. Is that correct Coreen?
It's blowing pretty good outside. I just took Maggie out and had to rush her because I was afraid a branch might blow out of one of the trees and fall on our heads. She hangs out under protection when she's in the house but isn't worried when there is actually a possibility of something falling on her head.
Carol, hope your storm is not too bad. Yes, stay out from under those trees. That seems to be what kills lots of people in bad weather - trees falling on them.
Coreen, congrats on your yanks winning their game.
The major headline in our Alb paper this morning is "Cop's sex on a car goes viral" The biggest part of the news of it is the little chihuahua. We still don't know what will be done with him.
They guy was off duty- so I wonder why he was wearing all his on-duty gear around his waist.
They'll probably arrest the chihuahua for being a peeking pet. Trooper will get some atta boys.
Weather is getting a little scary out here at the camp. I have a good view of it from my couch. The wind gusts get pretty bad and it's interesting watching the river surf.
I'm praying that I don't lose electricity. Lots of trees by the powerlines. I already have a big branch down in the front yard and I ran to the house this morning and when I came back, there was a good chunk of a tree over most of my road out here with just enough room for me to get around it.
OMG Carol, stay safe. I am thinking good thoughts of you.
We went to Cracker Barrel to meet a couple I knew in Austin - I had not seen her in 24 years. So interesting. Then I think of you Carol, and I have not seen you in about the same length of time.
She has married since I last saw her and her hubby's name is also John. We had a nice lunch and some catch up. I was with her when she met her hubby - in a hotel bar. He is a nice guy and they have been married 23 years. The two Johns enjoyed talking too. Her John is retired from USAF. He flew some big planes - he and my John talked about aircraft. My John loves airplanes. He knows most of the aircraft that has been around since before he was born. We visited DC a couple of years ago and went through an air and space museum that was amazing - they have the Enola Gay (carried the bomb) and many other air and space craft. This is John's fav museum.
Our temps have dropped. 90 is hi today and in hi 80's next few days.
Talked to my sis few minutes ago. She found a small box that my BIL kept his nail grooming stuff and there were a bunch of his nail clippings in it - she got tearful - I amost barfed.
I'm with you about those nail clippings. What would anyone want to save those for? Yuk.
I've had about 4 inches of rain so far this morning. I don't think much of it hit the rain gauge because the rain was blowing it sideways. I'm over this storm already.
After looking at the radar here and in the New Orleans area, I think we're getting more rain than they are. The big rain bands wrap around the NO area. We just got a little break and I ran back to the house to feed the kitties and check on things there.
I left a large umbrella up, not open, and the wind opened it and bent it over. It pulled the table with it and threw a chair into the pool. The pool is going over it's border.
I'm waiting for the LSU-Oregon game tonight. It's on ABC. Oregon is #3 and LSU #4. We just lost our #1 QB, Jordan Jefferson. He was involved in a bar fight and suspended. Don't know how that will effect us.
I just don't understand these athletes.
There's a nasty looking red blob on the radar headed this way. Weather guy said it has some 50-60 mph gusts in it. I hope it stays south of me. As it looks, it will be touch and go. I'll know in a few minutes.
OK Jan, your trooper gets off the hook for having sex with a woman on the hood of a car but this guy gets arrested for having sex with the neighbor's swimming pool raft. Is that fair? LOL
Carol, I probably have asked this in the past,
but is there a chance the banks of the river
can overflow & reach you...All reports are for
an extended period of rain...& as we have learned even 50 mph winds can cause plenty of damage...
I know you will keep you & Maggie safe, but be careful please...
There are still quite a lot of people here w/o
Watching/well more like listening with glances
at the tv a really good old movie...Midnight in the Garden of Good & Evil...John Cusack & Kevin Spacey...I've seen it several times & it is still entertaining...
Carol, I guess the reason the guy in Ohio was arrested was b/c he was in a pool that was not his.
I too am concerned for you Carol. Maybe it would be safer for you to stay at your other house until this blows over -literally.
John is watching the LSU game. He watched the Ole Miss game earlier and saw BYU beat them.
I'm still above the water. It's still raining and raining and......The strong north wind that occurs on the west side of these storms helps blow the water out of the river. If there was all the rain and a south wind, I would have already had to evacuate.
My biggest problem is not being able to get the Magster out to potty. We're waiting for a little break but not sure we'll get one tonight.
Coreen, your boys took the lead again. That's nice.
And Jan, are you sure that guy wasn't arrested for raft rape? Say that three times real fast.
Coreen, when this mess leaves us I think it's headed your way.
Still 24 games to play & 3 more against the red sox the last weekend of september...only one day off for them in september...but glad
they are winning...
So a north wind blows the water out of the river toward the gulf? it supposed to continue in that direction...
Yes the remnants of Lee are supposed to make its way to the northeast toward the end of the week, but hopefully by then all will have gottne back to normal here...
I think the wind should continue from the north unless that storm makes some crazy move. I saw some models that actually had it make a circle over me and then back out into the Gulf. Don't want that.
LSU has really kicked it into gear. I was worried about our QB. He's not much of a passer but they have been doing well with a running game.
I really like the Oregon uniforms. They're pretty cool looking.
Hope this morning finds you ok, Carol...radar
looks like maybe you are getting a breather...
Meanwhile, a touching story in a good way, that will likely pull at your heartstrings...remembering the rescue dogs of September 11...
Rescue dogs of 9/11: the drama's unsung heroes
Follow up to your recent comments about the NM
state trooper caught in the act....
Looks like the New Mexico state police decided
it was about time to fire him...just took a few weeks of youtube fame, or infamy as the case may be...
New Mexico fires trooper
Yep Coreen..the doggie story did pull a few tears. Interesting that many lived a long life considering all the awful fumes there were at that site. I wonder if some of what caused so much illness in the rescue workers was the emotional addition to the fumes. I know that kind of PTSD would kill me.
From the story about the trooper..I think there might be some room for him to return to law enforcement when things cool down. All the publicity did make it difficult for them not to give him some sanctions other than a leave with pay. The dumbest move was doing it with his uniform on.
Yes..the wind has died down and only a little drizzle this morning. I don't know how much rain I got but the rain gauge did measure close to 6 inches. I don't think that was accurate since most the rain was blowing sideways.
We needed the rain and it looks like east Texas also got badly needed rain.
I see that next week they have predicted some low 60s or upper 50s for overnight temps for us. That's strange for Sept. but I'm not complaining.
Coreen, thanks for the info on the trooper. I have not seen anything in the local paper yet. I am not nearly as good as you and Carol in keeping up with the news. Its way down on my to do list.
I don't think the trooper knew about the cameras.
The state police admin is quite embarrassed about the whole thing. Having his uniform on was just over the top in my books. Otherwise I don't care what he does in his spare time.
Carol, glad you are getting some rain and yet not too much. Also happy to hear you will be getting some cooler temps.
Jan, the only news I look at these days is the goofy news or crime news on HLN. Don't want any political stuff. I used to love politics and now it turns my stomach. There's absolutely no hope for politics.
Oh, and the weather also. Got to keep an eye on the weather. I don't think it made it to 80 out here today. I'm actually a little chilled right now. Have to keep the AC on just to keep the humidity down but then have to wrap in a blanket.
Didn't you get a little rain yesterday?
We get some rain every so often. I don't think we got any at our house yesterday, but we did the day before. It probably rained somewhere in Alb yesterday. It is supposed to rain here today, but so far not at our house.
It was a beautiful day even if a little windy. The hummers are out in full force. They were performing their arobatic stunts for me but it is so difficult to snap pics of them because they move too fast and those digital cameras always have a pause before they take the pic.
I think I now know why the hummers arrived here early this year. I've had many even before they were due here for the fall. I had a feeling there was some significance for it. Birdies know. It just might be because they knew about the weather events that were coming. They might have come here because it was their best option.
As I mentioned earlier, we have really nice weather for the duration of the nights, not so hot days and sunshine. Perfect. Do you think we'll have a early fall this year? Don't mind that but wouldn't want an early winter also. I love spring and fall and they just don't last long enough.
I see Micheal Jackson't wrongful death trial is soon to start. I'm totally not interested in that. I do think that Doc should lose his license to practice but MJ was going to find someone to do what he wanted and didn't seem to care how terribly dangerous what he wanted would be. I think that he might have been a tad suicidal. It just goes to show ya that having money and everything else doesn't buy happiness.
Did you guys have a nice Labor Day?
Coreen, I see your boys are pulling away from the pack. I do understand that that can change again, fast.
My Saints play Green Bay Thursday night..right after Obama tells us how he can create more jobs. Ha.
The only way they will ever get more jobs here is to bring them back from overseas. I really wish we could have a third party candidate who could offer some things that the majority of the electorate would want, ie, campaign finance reform, eliminating outsourcing, closing tax loopholes, getting out of those costly wars. etc.
We could fix this economy but not with who we will have to vote for. I think now would be the perfect time for a third party candidate.
I just saw a little preview of DWTS. Can't tell if it's dancing or Biggest Loser. Nancy Grace and Chaz both have a few pounds to take off and that dancing can do it in a hurry. I never knew Nancy was that pudgy.
ABC has been getting some flack over having Chaz Bono on the show. I certainly don't see any problem with it. Cher has been very supportive of him.
I woke up this morning to hearing Ron Paul saying that entitilements are people taking someone else's money..that someone else is paying for it.
I guess that mean Social Security and Medicare are not entitlement programs. Those of us who worked all our lives.. paid well for that little benefit..more than most people pay for their pensions at their jobs which is usually nada.
They are threatening to close the Postal Service and after cleaning out all the junk mail out of my vehicle..that sounds like it might be a good idea.
I just looked at a wildfire map for Texas and much of east Texas is on fire. I pray that Nemo AKA Chloe is OK. I was hoping she caught some of that rain from Lee and not just the wind.
I too heard about Chaz Bono. How sad. People can choose not to watch if they object to him. I do think it is a pretty conservative group who watch DWTS. I am not sure where I get that.
It is scary that the postal service might shut down. There go a bunch of jobs. Even John is saying he thinks Obama is not going to make it.
Labor day weekend....quiet, nothing exciting...
I'm happy with the Yankees lead, but you are right it can change quickly...tonite the game
with baltimore has not yet been has been raining all day, pretty hard, chilly
only 62 this pm, so have no idea how they think
they can get the game in...they may be playing
these makeups when the season ends...
DWTS...the entire group they selected is a big for Chaz Bono, I have no real
feeling either way, I do see that it may be a negative for many DWTS viewers...unfortunately he is pretty overweight, not sure what stamina/endurance he will have...unless he has
some of his mom's dancing abilities, don't see
how he makes it to far...& therefore, he is probably a poor choice to compete...
Ron Paul..a crazy old coot, who should just go away...& he should take Rick Perry with him...
I like snail mail...use it all the time...would
not like to see it stopped, but likely Saturday mail will be a thing of the past very soon...
I could do w/o all the junk mail, my recycling
now takes that & my bin is getting even heavier
what with the newspapers (yes I still read the
real thing, both the NYTimes & CTPost daily)
as for the postal employees, (who I don't think are particularly overworked in any way) will need to give back some of their benefit packages if they want to keep their jobs...
This article sums up my feelings precisely (& just about everyone I know who has lost electricity)
From today's CT Post...
No power is just no fun...forget about pioneer spirit
Jan, you are remembering that they once reported that DWTS was high on the conservative TV viewing list. I remember the same thing. We even mentioned it on the blog.
I wonder if it is those conservatives who are complaining. If they don't like the show they can watch one of those housewives shows where they pretend to be rich and happy.
Good article Carol. I have not been without power for longer than overnight. I do remember not having telephone and heat as a kid - and of course AC.
One of the joys of living in Alb at this time is we don't have ice storms here. They are frequent in OK and AR. One can count on having power outages in an ice storm.
ONe can never tell about DWTS Carol. You can think this is a ho-hum group now and it can turn out fun and vice versa.
Are you going to watch X factor with Simon Cowell and Paula Abdull?
Coreen, it hasn't been long enough since that storm to top how long I was out of power after Rita. It was a full time job to deal with it. I couldn't even physically handle that now. I was tougher back then. Now, I couldn't carry the 5 gallon container of gas or pull start the generator.
I will watch it. I do miss those 2 - they made Idol more interesting.
It was cool this morning. 57 on my vehicle therm. and 69 in the house. It was still 69 when I got home for lunch today but it did warm up to 77 in here this afternoon. It is suppose to be cool for the next few nights. Beautiful day.
I woke up this morning with low back pain. It's the only part of my back that usually doesn't hurt. I could barely get out of bed. I don't think I did anything to it unless I hurt it yesterday cleaning up the millions of pieces of glass from my pool table at my house yesterday.
I can't remember if I mentioned it but I had a glass top table out by my pool and a week or so ago, I found it in a million pieces. The temp the day before had been very hot and then there was a short burst of cool rain. I think that is what did it. I was hoping the good fairy would clean it up but that dang fairy never showed up so I had to do it.
What's X factor Jan? And the article was linked by Coreen.
One HLN today they added some info about that woman who was found hanging off a balcony with her hands bound behind her back and her feet bound, the one the cops ruled a suicide.
It seems they left out a few details. She also had a t-shirt stuffed in her mouth and a good bruise to the top of her scalp. In block letters on the inside of the door of the room where she last was, was written...she saved him, can you save her?
Yeah, that was definitely a suicide. I wonder if those cops are all on medical marijuanna??
And why were the cops in such a dang hurry to rule that extremely strange death a suicide?? Something stinks.
I really don't see how we could do without a mail service but I could see not having Saturday service.
Maybe they are just trying to privatize that service.
Nancy and Jane are asking where the rich billionaire boyfriend was when the woman was found dead. I certainly wouldn't think a rich boyfriend would kill his girlfriend in such a crazy and bizarre way. It sounds more like someone might have had it in for the rich boyfriend. They need to be looking for his enemies.
If you aren't familiar with this case, the rich boyfriend's son had recently fallen down the stairs at their home and the girlfriend was watching over the child when this accident happened. The child was in critical condition in the hospital at the time and died two days after the girlfriend was found dead. A very weird case.
I'm kinda putting my money on the x-wife, mother of the little boy. She probably thought it was the dead woman's fault her son had the accident and might have wanted to punish the x-husband. She could have paid someone to do it. mentioned no ice storms but does your hood face any serious environmental threats?
Carol, Not sure what you mean.
Afternoon, I've been feeling under the weather lately. The weather is so. May just be old age hitting hard. I've been crawling to work and back and doing little else.
What I meant Jan was that your area doesn't have very many bad weather or environmental insults to worry about. No hurricanes, no floods, no ice storms. Do you have earthquake or volcano threats? You do have drought conditions but not so many trees to make a good forest fire.
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