This timid turtle strolled out of the wetlands last month...have not seen any turtles in the yard for several years...
And this year we have an abundance of chipmunks...they dart in & out of the rocks to get some birdseed too...
"The Swamp" A Place To Ponder
Thought we needed a change of scenery & since summer is now marching right along, some of the critters that wander through my yard...
Great wildlife pics Coreen. Cute little Fox. I think I saw an s.... behind that tree. Better go look.
I'm headed out for the evening. I'm getting away from my poison TV and the evil it contains. And I can't watch one more minute of anything to do with Casey either. I record most of the news or the news shows I watch so I can FF when anything with her comes on.
Today it rained and was overcast. The temp was more tolerable but that won't last. I sure wish I could get outside to play but I can barely make it from the house to my vehicle without getting a heat stroke.
Coreen, the pictures are wonderful. It is great to see some wildlife and beautiful green stuff. I would love to spend time in a place like yours and see all the critters who come around. I love going back to some of the areas in Ark where we see some great wild life.
Carol and Coreen, I apologize for the "yelling" of the verdict. I should have known better. I was so hyped up and feeling very emotional about the whole trial. And also feeling overpowered here on the blog. I thought I had explained my views about why I felt she was not guilty of murder. I don't respond well to anything like that. I avoid conflict as much as possible. I watched enough of the trial and avoided much of the media's interpretation of stuff to make my own decision. Everyone was sending CA to Hell because she did not report the child missing for 31 days and because of her actions during that time. In my estimation none of those actions made her a murderer. I also believed the woman who said George told her that Caylee drowned.
At any rate, had I been a juror, I would have voted for not guilty.
Carol, I am aware you see a lot of people come through your area of work who are manipulative and know how to work the system.
For most of my career and education I have worked with many young women like Casey. I was a very young mother myself and my sister was even younger. I have also worked with young children who are hospitalized. Children can be in pain and you would never know it when they go to the playroom. Children and adolescents use "distraction" to deal with their pain. And I think that is what Casey was doing during those 31 days.
I think it is important that we are able to agree to disagree - especially in this case. I respect what you think about this issue, but I would like to know that I am treated the same.
It's totally OK to disagree and I really disagree with you Jan. I hope you are OK with that also. I guess I think this case is serious serious.. that people should come to their conclusions based on facts. I'm sure many across the country are also basing their opinions..both pro and con.. after only hearing half of the facts.
I knew you were on vacation..away from any TV.. for some of this trial. And Ms Holloway never testified that George told her the child drowned. She said he said it was an accident that snowballed out of control. Jose threw in the drowning theory.
One of the best shrinks I heard re this case.. said that whatever the cause of death..Casey totally detached from that child prior to the child's death. She never showed the first bit of saddness.. according to everyone who testified..talked or visited with her.
It's my opinion that if you went and examined all the might not feel the same way. But I'm sure you do have much better things to do with your time.
And what gets me even more to my core is that Casey and her attorneys are now going to try to overturn her convictions for lying. The lies she was convicted on are well documented for the world to see and her attorney even called her a lying slut but they are still going to try to overturn that conviction. They are making a total mockery of our criminal justice system. I think that is one of the important lessons from all of shows just how flawed our criminal justice system is.
And Casey is far from your typical young mother. They don't steal from their mothers..fathers..grandparents..and best friends..with no remorse. Casey is not a typical young women...thank God.
One great piece of news is the success of our female soccer team. I'm not a soccer fan but I'm going to watch the World Cup Final tomorrow.
Carol, I am well aware that you watched much more of this trial than I did. You cannot however dispute the facts in terms of evidence - there was no DNA or fingerprints connecting Casey to the death. Despite the fact that one pathologist said it was a homicide, they could not establish a cause of death. The issue withe the duct tape was controversial. You are right in that I did not know specifically what the woman testified that George told her. However, she did testify under oath that George told her Caylee's death was accidental. I did watch George's testimony and I did not trust his testimony.
Again, 2/3 of people think she is guilty based upon her actions not on what we have come to count on as "true" biological evidence or an eyewitness that she was seen killing or abusing her daughter.
What you are describing is the CSI effect. It's now having a significant influence on jurors. No crime.
We do have many areas of agreement Jan. I agree that the State overcharged and that was a big mistake in this case. No proof of 1st degree and not enough on aggravated child abuse. Probably enough evidence for manslaughter.
I had trouble with the drowning scenario because why not just tell?? Even other accidents.. why not just tell? Why not call 911? Children can often be saved from drowning or other accidents. Maybe she didn't want to save her child. Is that OK? Is it a crime to NOT try to save your child from an accidental death?
Casey was given several opportunities to report drowning later and she blew them off. Two were documented in audio and video evidence and presented in court.
If Jose knew of this drowning early..why would he allow his client to go thru a 1st degree murder trial and risk that? I can't believe Jose didn't tell her that if her baby drowned and she just freaked..he could get her off from that. Drowning..they the number one cause of accidental death in Florida. The medical examiner said that in her vast experience..accidents are reported 100% of the time because there's alway the possibility of saving the child.
Before the body was found..Jose denied the police and others access to Casey to get more info. He didn't even want the family to grill her. He didn't want the bounty hunter or the woman babysitting her while out on bail to grill her. I think he wanted that body well decomposed before it was found.
Carol, yes we are in agreement on many of the aspects. I don't watch the CSI or other police shows. I did watch Bones for a season or so. I think the police are often pressured to find someone to nail the crime on to get the public off their backs. I am not saying that is what happened here.
I too like soccer. We just bought a soccer ball for our 10 y/o GD for her B'day. They are having her party tomorrow. She loves to play soccer and has been on a team for 2 years now. She likes to play goalie and is pretty good at it.
Here's an example of a 26 year old young mother and an accidental death of her 2 year old. She left an oxycodone pill on the nightstand. The child who was just tall enough, got it off the table, took it and died. That happened in Florida last January. The woman looks like Casey and her child was named Kaylynn Bella. Kinda spooky.
Mom did report the death but initially denied knowing how the child got the pill. Later she admitted it. No info on whether she had a prescription but likely she didn't. She is being charged with manslaughter. I hope she ends up with just some probation if she has no prior bad behavior. No one is screaming and hollering about this case. It was an accident.
This woman didn't bag her kid, throw her out in the swamp, fail to report the death or go rent a couple movies to watch with her boyfriend a few hours later with her dead child in the trunk. Maybe the forensics on the decomp smell was a little kooky but I definitely believe the 7 people and the dogs that noted it.
One thing that stresses me the most about the Anthony case is that Casey is fertile and has expressed the desire for more children.
Most of the young women who are in my joint have more children than they average young women, 3+times more children, even though most are not in their custody. And I have a number who come to jail every time they are pregnant. We seem to house enough pregnant women to open our own maternity ward.
Jan, I bet your gd is going to watch that World Cup. Maybe she will dream that one day that will be her. Could happen. It starts with a dream.
The woman in Florida whose child died after taking the pain pill - was careless however, should not be charged for manslaughter.
Tonight, while watching Dr Drew interview this kooky forensic psychologist/werewolf who examined Casey for the court, I realized something. All we really know is the Casey 2008 and earlier. No one, maybe not even her family, knows the Casey 2011. Everything out there is from 2008/maybe 2009 and earlier. I don't think her family has even visited with her in three years. She may not even be the same person today. Do you think that 3 years in solitary can change a person???
Even saying that Casey may have changed..I will not watch any interviews with her where she profits from this tragedy, even if only my TV will know I did it. Since I have a satelitte, my TV knows what I watch.
And my experience with cold blooded murders who spent considerable amount of time in solitary has been...that they are very likeable. Got along better with them than many other inmates. Always pleasant and polite and happy. I had to force myself to remember that they were cold blooded killers.
Two I knew for over 4 years and I remember very well. I came back to town on an appeal. He was on death row at a state prison. He killed three people here in town, execution style. His victims included two fairly young people. It was a drug related crime. The other guy was a hit man who killed some foreign Jewish guy in the Walmart parking lot here.
And why do I say werewolf in reference to the shrink..he looked like someone better have him changed to a tree if it is after dark. He was one scary dude. Name is Dr Krop, krap might have been more like it.
And Coreen, with what I have seen of the psychologist talking about this case, your opinion of them is well justified.
Jan, I suspect that there will probably be a Grand jury who will decided if and what to charge that woman of.
I told you about that woman we had who killed her boyfriend while having gun sex. They used a loaded gun while having sex and when she pulled the trigger she killed him. The Grand Jury returned a no bill. His kids testified to that jury that he was kinky and liked to do those kind of things. She certainly could have been charged with manslaughter or negligent homicide but wasn't.
I think it was a Grand Jury who came up with the charges for Casey. Don't know for sure.
that was suppose to read "no true bill"
I once had to testify to a Grand Jury in a cocaine death case. I was working as a house supervisor for one of our local hospitals at the time. It was my summertime, make enough money so I could afford to teach for a living, job.
Besides house super, I was also precepting new nursing grads in ICU at that time. My preceptees went to take State Boards that day so they gave me an assignment of patients. Usually when I did any moonlighting at the hospital, they gave me the toughest assignment on the unit.
Most of the nurses who I worked with when I was moonlighting were my past students so I'm not sure if they gave me those tough assignments because they thought I could handle it or if it was revenge. I lean toward believing the latter.
On this particular occasion, they gave me two patients, that was usually a max number in ICU. One was a young woman in cardiogenic blood pressure and bleeding from every orifice.
The other was bleeding to death from the anus and suppose to be headed to surgery. I needed to be 4 people that day.
The first patient was in irreversible kidney failure, renal failure and disseninated intravascular coagulation. She had used some cocaine the night before. She had a number of different specialists on the case and they were stumped. They thought the cocaine might have been laced with something. Her boyfriend
brought in the cocaine and I took possession of it and that is how I became involved.
The next night I worked house super and spent a considerable amount of time with the Index Medicus and found her problem in one of the medical journals. It was something that had been seen in ERs in Miami. It was a case of rhabdomyolysis secondary to cocaine use. Nothing to do with any toxins in the cocaine. Cocaine can cause rhabdo which can cause renal failure or kidney failure or DIC. With her, she had all three. I brought the article to the Doc the next morning. Didn't matter that we knew what it was, there was nothing that could be done to save her. It was overwhelming.
Must have been sleepy last night when I was writing that last comment. Rhabdo can cause renal failure or liver failure and DIC. I said renal and kidney failure. That was redundant.
I wonder if Mr Scottyman quit his blog or if he is having technical difficulties. There isn't a new blog post and wasn't one last weekend.
Oops, I spoke too soon. Scottyman's blog is now up.
Carol, the cocaine drug case you are describing sounds like something on the show House. House is one of the shows I watch. The case studies presented are pretty complicated.
I was happy to see that the only station that the CA release from jain was the HLN station. I have come to dislike Jane Velez with a passion. People were stationed outside the jail with little kids. Now I call that child abuse. Reminds me of my childhood when my mother took us to church 5 nights a week and the preacher made these outrageous statements. What I have seen of preachers is that they are often the most flawed of human beings. You all may not see my analogy between the children being dragged to this jail release and my nights in church but I see them both as abusive. These people outside the jail are vitriolic and it is not healthy for children to witness this first-hand.
I'm taking a break from mowing. And I've been pondering also. It goes well with mowing. It's amazing how much sense a lawnmower can shake in me.
I was rethinking about the other young women with the dead child. She might just need some serious consequences. It's most likely she had a drug that she wasn't prescribed or it would have been in a child proof bottle. She then left it in easy reach of her unsupervised child who died due to her actions. We can no longer assume that losing her child is bad enough. For some, it's a reason to par-tay.
What kind of message are we sending these young mothers??
Carol, you have such a good memory...
you are correct....
I have no use for psychologists/psychiatrists..
& the entire cottage-industry of analyzing every aspect of one's life...
Its another beautiful day to add to our summer, though this week it is going
to edge into the 90s & the 3 Hs will be here, for a little while, but it is summer...
I too went to the Great Scots blog and enjoyed his ponders. When Lobie was alive, John did most of the petting of Lobie. I have not been one who especially likes stroking and petting an animal. However, while spending several days with my sis this past week, I found myself cuddling and petting her little dog, Riley much of the time. Riley is the cutest and sweetest little girl-dog. She is a toy maltese. She is white really tiny. She only has one eye. She had an eye infection when she was a tiny puppy and the vet had to remove it. Riley and their cat, Boo, played together every day. Boo would initiate the play and Boo also would be the one to terminate play. They would chase each other around the recliner my sis or I often would sit in. Boo and Riley are close to the same size , with Boo a little bigger. Riley has this little soft but deep bark.
I do a lot of pondering on my morning walk. I walk the same route every day so I just go into thought mode and by the time I finish, I have been so lost in thought that I often don't remember where I have been. It is very calming. I guess it is my form of meditation. Swimming laps has the same effect.
I do agree with you about dragging kids to that event. Who knows what they understand or will learn from it
Ive left that other case behind and pray the proper Karma will take care of it. Like I've mentioned before, karma seems to have a pretty fast turn around theses days.
BacK to mowing. It's hot.
ONe of our city run head start child care centers had a crisis last week - made the front page of the paper. Somehow children had discovered a box of stuff that had been donated and there were syringes with needles in the box. The children had them out playing with them and several had stuck themselves and each other. The box of stuff had been donated and teachers had not gone through the box as yet.
When I go to our child care centers I leave my purse in the car and only take in my billfold as it is so easy for children to get in purses and take meds. I always carry antihistamines and tylenol in my purse. We had a situation where a teacher had a narcotic that had been prescibed for her in her purse and a child got hold of the narcotics. I think the child got hold of the bottle but did not get the cap open. The teacher was fired.
When people are around children we cannot be too careful.
Carol, I agree with you about the Karma. Karma finally took care of OJ.
Carol, be careful out there. Glad you are doing your mowing in the morning.
I like to watch cats but cannot get too close as my eyes start itching and watering. Poor John has a terrible allergy to cats. He stayed in a motel while we were in Tulsa. Just having them in the same room, he got terribly congested.
Jan, please explain why the cats were in your room.
Just finished mowing. Didn't wait for the dew to dry. Sixty percent chance of rain. Getting ready to get in my pool. Mowed both yards this morning.
Carol, I stayed with my sis while in Tulsa. She has the cat and dog at her house. The cat was in house during day, except when john would come over, then sis would put cat in garage. Cat also stayed in garage at night. Cat doesn't get my allergies going unless I would touch it. Cat loved John - as soon as he would come over, he would get in John's lap. then his eyes would get red and swell up. So after that, sis would put cat in garage when he would come to visit. He was staying in motel. He stayed in motel because he could not work on computer at her house. Like I said before, they have wifi but her husb only knew access and password and he told us but we could not get it to work. John can't function without his computer - so he got himself a motel room. He was happier that way.
We have had very little rain here. Enjoy your pool. Sounds great. We are going to party this afternoon, but coming home early so I can go to YMCA to swim. It closes at 4:45. OUr univ pool no longer open on weekends due to Univ budget cuts - bummer for me.
Jan, I wouldn't want my children to see any part of that CA circus, a circus that involves the death of a precious child.
If I had kids around, I would have only watched the coverage of that trial on TV at night, in my bedroom. I wouldn't want any children to see that evil things go unpunished. Or that our criminal justice system is a big game of who can outsmart or out-devious the other guy. Or that a person, with the help of their defense attorney can market that evil to the highest bidder. Children can't process those things. Who can predict what they are learning.
We are seeing more and more people doing more and more crazy things these days just to get their 15 minutes of fame.
It's parents who have the most to learn from this awful experience, not their kids. They need to learn not to enable their children when they do bad things. Love is making sure children have to face consequences for their bad behavior or decisions but doing it in a loving way. Yeah, I know, I didn't have any kids and Maggie certainly doesn't face any consequence.
But, I just bet Cindy learned a few things from this experience but unfortunately way too late. I'm also sure she's beating herself up over it everyday. She admitted to that lady the bounty hunter sent to watch Casey that much of what happened was, in some way, her fault.
Cindy also told a coworker that it was recommended by an Employee assistant councelor that she throw Casey out of the house and adopt Caylee but Cindy didn't think she could financially afford to do that or had the time to do it. Understandable. Her idea for dealing with Casey's problems was to put up with what she was doing but tell her how awful she was for doing those things. She also told Casey's friends how awful Casey was.
There was a big Cindy/Casey fight the night before Caylee died. That didn't come out in court. It may very well have been the motive for Casey's doing whatever. The fight was likely over Casey's stealing from her grandpa's nursing home account. Casey's grandmother wanted to have her arrested but Cindy threatened her not to. That probably escalated into a mother-daughter war that night. I think Jesse Grund said they had a fight and Cindy was choking Casey.
I don't know why they didn't present this in court. One reason is that Cindy might not have been very cooperative in admitting to any of it and if she said it didn't happen then they would be up the creek without a paddle. It could actually have been a motive for Casey to go bonkers and kill her child to punish her mother. There was a lot of evidence that didn't make it into court.
Hey Carol, any interest in stopping at Craig's
new site & voting in Jamie's favorite love song get 3 votes....
I nominated 2 Anita Baker songs "No One in the World" & "Just Because" and Natalie & Nat King Cole's "Unforgettable"...
Solar did put up "Suavecito" by Malo, though
so far not sure that Jamie got it into the final list...
Craig Crawford
Went to B'day party and just got home. Too late to swim.
Coreen, I've only been over that way a couple of times lately.
I just love your little birdie and turtie and foxie pics.
Our girls lost...girls. So sad.
It was a good game. I am not too sad we lost. Japan needed some good news. Reminds me of when the Saints won the Super Bowl. NO needed it then.
The woodpecker is so pretty. When we lived in Ark - our bed upstairs looked out on a big tree and we had a woodpecker that looked like yours with the red head. He was fun to watch.
Thinking about that helps Jan. Especially since I'm not that big a soccer fan. I wouldn't try that excuse on a big soccer fan.
I agree. My oldest son and his wife and kids are huge soccer fans and they didn't say a word when I repeated what I said to them earlier. LOL
Carol, did you get your mowing done?
Coreen, I would vote for "unforgettable" if I could.
Went to buy little GD a CD for her collection. She likes Selena Gomez ( a girl singer all the little kids like - she is a teenager dating Justin Bieber.
So I was looking through CDs and found several I would like to have - The Beatles, The BeeGees and ABBA. I couldn't figure which one I wanted most so didn't get myself any. John has TV on most of time so I don't think to play any CD's anyway.
Jan, you need a pair of those sound canceling earphones that you can plug into your computer and play your CDs on your laptop. It will shut off the sound from the TV and you can immerse yourself in the music.
I started mowing early this morning and had it all done by the time I got into the pool. I did my yard here first then loaded my mower and went to the house. The yard isn't big here but I have about an acre at the house. The grass was wet with dew but I mowed anyway.
Am writing an autobio for my dream group training. Have to have it finished by July 31. I have been putting it off. Feel like I am back in school. So started it tonight. How hard can it be to write about myself LOL. It is to be 7-10 dbl spaced pages. I wrote 5 pages. Now am tired. I have a page that describes how it is to be written. Guess I should look at the directions now that I have written 1/2 of it.
I have thought about some headphones, but I don't like anything on my head or over my ears. I would rather get John some to wear for the TV.
Obama-Big Loser! I knew it. We expected it. Yeah..why nominate someone who the foxes don't want.. to guard the chicken house. Our Elizabeth is out. The man has no balls.
The signs that he was not a good guy..that he was not out for the little guy.. were there all the time..they just hid them behind his AA exterior then dared anyone to mention it.
I'll never vote for that sucker Obama again. I don't care if I have to vote for some third party who is green. I'm not talking about the green party.. I might really like them. I'm talking about someone who is is actually green or purple...Obama has been nothing but a disappointment.. but he never fooled me or us. Never for one minute. You can go back and look in TM archives!
I think that is one reason many of us threw our focus on the Anthony case. We were avoiding watching the other misery in this world and we were sure that there might be some justice somewhere. That one looked like a sure thing.
Well ha..ha..ha..there isn't any! Go stick your head in a hole..grab a handful of antidepressants..wash them down with a strong drink..they are going to win and we will just have to get used to it and find some way to tolerate it.
Do you sense a little anger here?? I have a bag full of antidepressant sample next to my bed. The real expensive ones and a 5 year old bottle of vodka in the kitchen that's probably turned into gasoline by now but I haven't gotten there yet. But I'm prepared when I do.
They haven't won pod hasn't gotten me yet.
Also heard this morning where someone offered Casey big money for an interview but wanted a lie detector involved. Jose said no way..he wanted something dignified. Yeah..why expect a notorious..convicted liar to have to tell the truth for her money??
Coreen..I'm sorry that your little innocent foxes..birdies and turties have to hear this. Put some plugs in their ears. don't have to read any directions if you don't want to..are they grading this assigment? Heck..this is suppose to be fun!
I went to see SF yesterday. He's still being an AH and it's not like he can't control it. He can turn it on and off at will.
He has this sitter now for most of the day. She's overweight and he called her fat ass and fatty. Remember..he's also fat. I told him that was rude and he just laughed. I also told him that I had some Holy water that Mary brought me from Mexico and I planned to bring it and splash it on him. Couldn't hurt.
He was a total jerk when I got there. I turned on the TV to see how team USA was doing so he walked out of the room and went to the front porch. He was as disagreeable as he could be. When I got comfortable outside..he got up and went back in. No communication that was pleasant.
Finally when he went to dinner where he sits with this old guy who just loves and makes over me..butter wouldn't melt in SF's mouth.
And I want to thank God and the Universe for keeping those pesty hurricanes away from the US. Thank you!
Carol, interesting about your visit with SF yesterday. He is trying, in his own way, to punish you. But he doesn't want the other older guy to know what he is doing.
Carol, as for SF calling the woman fatass etc. I view a lot of men as AH's especially the ones who call women names. I think it shows a disrespect for all women and only seeing women as objects not as people.
I make everything into a job even this writing of the autobio. The paper is just a guide. I get compulsive about stuff like this. I actually enjoyed writing the thing.
Must get to work and see what I have in store for the week.
Happy Monday!
I see where the midwest is having the worst heat wave. I can confirm that. It was the hottest in OK that I can remember and there have been few summers that I have not been there for at least a visit.
You have to dig hard for happy news.
Duckie gets some new flippers.
Duck Gets Fitted For Surf Booties
Duckie didn't have any foot problem but his mama didn't want him to burn his feet on the hot sand.
We got a nice thundershower and it's only 77 here. I was thinking I even had you beat Coreen until you got a shower and your temp dropped to 75.
Yes Carol, We had a quick downpour at 5 pm, the sun is back out now & steam is coming up from the reached the hi 80s today, which would be ok, but the humidity is high...steamy for the rest of the week...
And yes you said it so artfully...Obama has 'no balls'...he was never a leader, he has
one agenda the advancement of Obama & Co.
I just add his failure to back Elizabeth's nomination to the list of his failures...He is such a huge disappointment...I hold the dem.
hierarchy responsible for him becoming president...
Argggg, I want some rain too!
Our temps not too bad however - middle 90's. I will take it.
Jan, I'm not sure your area could handle our rain. I got over an inch and a half in about 15 minutes. That might melt some of those mud houses in your hood.
But if you insist, I'll let you have our 60% chance predicted for tomorrow. I'm glad I got my grass cut.
I don't mind the rain as long as it's not an every day thing. But it does wake up those pesty mosquitos. It's like...just add water and they come alive.
Carol, my fav commentator Lionel agrees with you about casey & her lawyer...
Lionel predicts...romance between Casey & her lawyer & he makes the money not her
Coreen, I don't think Casey and Jose are an item even though one of my friends does. I do think he will make the money. Jose is a creep but he's not that dumb.
I won't be surprised if Casey doesn't end up hanging Jose out to dry. Neither of them can trust the other. Casey has no loyalty to anyone. But Jose is the lawyer and will protect himself.
I think it's very possible that Jose is the one who came up with the sexual abuse and drowning theories. In an interview she could very well say that she didn't say that and then Jose could have a little ethical issue for having made it up. She may be sticking to her..someone kidnapped Caylee..maybe even that there's still a Zanny the nanny out there. She's pretty committed to her lies.
And a sociopath can beat a lie detector test.
I predicted that Jose will find a way to protect any of the money made from any future litigation. And by having the money in his paws, Casey might have trouble getting to it but he'll probably have to support her and contend with her until she goes back to jail for something else. Those two may just provide that karma, they both deserve, for each other.
I'm getting ready to hear what Marianne Williamson thinks. Jane has her on. She is a spiritual writer and student of "A Course in Miracles". I've read several of her books.
Wow, Marianne Williamson would have even voted for a conviction!
Darn Jan, so far all I can find who are on your team are the 12 jurors and a couple of kookie guys who needed a date real bad..
Just kiddin!
Just for's a 10 min clip of Sir Paul
at Yankee Stadium Friday night...don't know
anyone who went to it...but looks like it was
a great show...he still has it...& lucky lady
he's marrying another New Yorker..
The clip he does Live & let Die & Hey Jude at the end of the concert...this was on a local
online news site westport now...
Paul McCartney hits homerun
My Internet connection is a little slow tonight. I'll try to check that out later Coreen. It keep stopping.
Well Coreen, I hope Lionel is right about Casey not making any money from this. So far, many of the offers seem to be falling thru. People need to be patient, she'll be having to testify in those litigation cases one day and it will be for free. Who really wants to hear anymore of her lies anyway??
the video only froze at the 3 sec mark for me, then it was pretty good...
Would you believe Tropicana field in St. Petersburg was hit by lightening & the game is on hold til they power up a bank of lights that blew out...meanwhile the Yankees are behind, 4 - 2, top of the 5th,men on base....& we wait....
Coreen, I know you said you weren't interested but do you think that Rupert might be getting some karma? I still say..karma seems to be coming around for many these days.
I caught a little of the Mets/Rays game last night. I think it was last night. A hit ball struck a light and showered glass down on the field.
Florida seems to be getting hit by lots of storms. Orlanda seemed to have a bad one everyday of that trial. I think God was crying down on that city.
The Rays/Red Sox last night Carol...that game went 16 innings & the hated red sox won...they
still lead the Yankees by a game....
The game's back on,the Yankees did not score...
Murdock...karma you say....
then you may like this tidbit...
July 18 (Bloomberg) -- News Corp. may lose its BBB+ corporate debt rating because of risks created by a phone- hacking scandal that led to the arrest of its top U.K. newspaper executive, Standard & Poor’s said.
News Corp., controlled by Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Rupert Murdoch, was placed on credit watch “negative” today by S&P. In a statement, S&P cited potential damage from broadening legal inquiries in the U.K. and an FBI probe into allegations related to phone hacking. The action affects more than $2 billion of News Corp. debt, the statement said
Tell me, really, what is the deal with the
phone tapping scandal? Just what about this
scandal is so very interesting...
I know that because its the hated Fox brand that all dems/libs/competing media like nbc & NYTimes is salivating hoping for the mass destruction of his empire...but do you really think that will happen....this to will blow over...they got caught, someone you really think that other media entities are so clean cut they don't do similar things...if so, that pig is flying overhead....
Meanwhile his wife Wendy premiered some chinese
movie in NYC....check out the gossip column by cindy adams...& see some of the 'guests'like the phony hollywood types who show up because its in their best interests, while they hand
over $$$ to the obama campaign...all a bunch
of hypocrites...
Cindy Adams
I don't think it is interesting as much as criminal. I hope all the criminals get caught up with and all their money won't help them. Wasn't it one of those Hollywood types..Hugh Grant.. that outed this scandal? I guess it didn't matter what could happen to him.
Tonight on Joy Behar a catholic priest who is the religious contributor for ABC news and a Rabbi who is an author almost came to fista cuffs over whether Casey should be forgiven. It was interesting.
I guess you can't blame us for having a little scuffle over it.
And your boys pulled it out Coreen. 5-4.
I bet it was the Rabbi who was more into forgiving Casey.
The media are making the news rather than reporting it.
No Jan, it was the Catholic priest who was very loving and forgiving. The Rabbi was very harsh about it all. It was Father Edward Beck and Rabbi Shmuley Boteach. I've heard and seen that Rabbi before on TV but not the Priest. That Priest was a pretty boy, gray hair and beautiful eyes...forgive me Lord for noticing.
Joy has the discussion up on her blog. I'd love to hear what you and John think about it. I was kinda surprised with the response but then thought that the Priest was coming more from a Jesus point of view and the Rabbi from a God point of view. It seems to me, and I ain't no religious scholar, that Jesus was always more tolerant than least from my knowledge of the Bible. Jesus and God are kinda like good cop/bad cop. LOL
Check it out here. It's the first video and let me hear what you guys think. I'll be waiting with baited breath. (Sorry, I had onion rings for lunch):
Unfortunately that video only showed a small portion of the discussion. It left out a good bit of it, especially the part where they got really angry with one another. I've been looking to see if I can find the rest of it.
I can only find 3 minutes of the 9 minute discussion.
"The media are making the news rather than reporting it."
What's new there? That's why if you want to follow anything that you findm is important to you, you better find many different sources. After watching the trial and then listening to those who reported it..I wondered if we were watching the same event.
Carol, I listened to the priest and rabbi - at least the short time it played. The Rabbi was as emotional as some of the women who took their children to the jail waiting for Casey to get out. I keep thinking of the people who are so emotional about gay people and how they say "It is an abomination" and they almost foam at the mouth with their anger. Many times these same people are closet gays themselves. So when someone becomes so emotional such as the Rabbi, I have to wonder what it is in their background or history that they are so vitriolic about a particular issue.
You know I keep thinking of the message from Jesus, "you who have not sinned, throw the first stone."
It reminds me also of the message "if there is someone who really annoys you and you really dislike that person, look into yourself and see what inside yourself is like that person."
This is all vigilante-ism.
I trust the justice system to take care of this - and if some people get by without justice, then as you say, Karma will eventually win out.
Many nazis who escaped lived out their lives in virtual anonymity after killing or causing the death of hundreds, thousands and millions of people.
If you really believe in an afterlife, then God will win out.
There is a place where Joy's show are played in full but it only has up to the July 12th episode. I'd like you to hear the entire thing. I'd say they kinda lost their to speak.
Actually, I didn't agree with either of them.
Well Jan, our justice system shares much in common with our political system and it is very political. Do you trust our political system?
Today a Florida teen killed his parents with a hammer then while they were lying in their bedroom dead he had a big party at his house. He posted an invitation for the party on Facebook and a bunch of people showed up.
I wonder if Jose is available. This one sounds like it would be right up his alley.
Carol, I trust our justice system. Yes, there are flaws but I trust our justice and political systems more than any others in the world.
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