The New Haven Green, an historic landmark.... looking from College Street toward Church Street, toward the business district...The green covers a lot of area in the center of New Haven...

Walking toward the business district....

In the center you can see a glass building with an orange sculpture, that is the Giamo Federal
Building, where the bankruptcy hearings are held.....

This is the Federal Courthouse...

This is one of the State of Connecticut Superior Courts....there is another court in one of the
high rise buildings in the background as well.....

This is the Connecticut Financial Center, which
houses the Bankruptcy Court....

This is the Center Church on the Greeen, one of the oldest churches in New Haven....there are
three churches on the Green...

The Trinity Episcopal Church on the Green....
This is the New Haven Green, I ride around it
whenever I go to New Haven...Today, I parked the car on College Street & walked around &
here is the result...I will do a separate post
of the photos of Yale buildings....
You can read a little about the history of the
Green here...remember us little tiny states here on the East Coast were the ones who
sparked the American Revolution & led to all of us being part of the good ole U.S.A...& we are proud to have played a part...
The New Haven Green
Very nice pics Coreen. It was nice to be able to take a little trip up north to a historic site tonight. And nice to know you will be close if the second coming comes along in our lifetime.... unless you show up late and happen to be number 100,001.
And being that it is estimated that between 5,000 and 10,000 people remain buried there, under those grounds, I wonder if you could catch some orbs if you took some pics there at night??
Connecticut is beautiful Coreen, and you took some wonderful photographs of it. I really love the architecture.
Looking forward to the coming photos too.
Batten down the hatches today Coreen and hope you have cable for your TV. Your winds may be gusty and you can't afford to lose your TV reception for the big event tonight.
I dropped a bomb on TM this morning and ran for cover. Something I used to do in the good old days.
Coreen, Beautiful pictures of your city. I sometimes yearn to see "green" and now when I have the yearning I can just click on your pics. I will share these with John as he will like seeing the one of the Episcopal church. Thank you for taking the time and the walk to get these. As Chloe said, you have some marvelous architecture in your city. Connecticut is a state I have not visited, but will put on my "bucket" list.
Chloe, I wish you would share here what the "bomb" was that you dropped at TM. I don't go there. Or you could cut and paste and send to my email address since all the rest of you visit TM.
Coreen, Is the orange sculpture you are talking about in the 5th pic? It is funny that the "orange hand" on the stop light is so clear in the 5th pic.
Carol, I had another dream about you last night. You and Mary were both in the dream - and you looked like you did when I lived there. You were both in your home in the dream - I came to visit you and you both stayed in the bedroom you shared and did not come out to see me. I went into your house and knocked on your bedroom door and you yelled for me to come in. I opened the door and you were sitting on your beds. Your beds had purple chenille bedspreads and one wall behind your beds was covered in purple chenille that matched your bedspreads. In the dream I was upset with you both that you did not come out and talk with me so I left. Again, this was a dream. I dream a lot about houses. This is the second dream I have had that you are in it - this past year.
Jungian folks would say that every person in my dream was part of me. So I have to figure out which part of me that you and Mary represent. I would guess that there is a part of me (that you represent) that I am not paying enough attention to. Now I just have to figure out who you represent in me. I will wait until John wakes up. He usually can help me figure that out.
It is a beautiful morning here. I am sitting on my front porch with my tea. The temp is in the low 50's so I have a jacket on and covered up with a little quilt. It was dark when I first came out but is not light. This is my favorite part of the day. I don't have any appts until 1 pm and so I will walk over to the pool and swim this morning. A perfect morning.
It was me who dropped the bomb Jan. Just being fiesty today. Will explain myself when I can type faster. On
Iphony now.
You are so right Carol. It was you who dropped the bomb.
What I love about walking (by myself) and swimming is that unconsciously I work out problems and issues. On my walk over to the pool, it came to me what my dream meant. One of the things I have always admired about you Carol is that you confront your issues and problems "head on" This is something I don't do especially when it involves my family. The reason I dreamed about you and Mary is that you are sisters. My biggest stress lately has been an issue between my sister and me. I have not been able to confront her about something that has happened between us that needed to be dealt with. The issue has cost me money and much stress. In the meeting we had with the lawyer Monday, he asked her some questions I have not been able to ask her. I think the purple color in the dream represents some deep-seated feelings I have that I have not been confronting in myself.
That was a profound insight for you Jan. I do remember that you had a tendency to hold things in. Not a good thing except, I guess, in certain situations where we have to because of job or patient related situations.
One of the things I like the best about working at the jail is I can tell my inmates what they need to know even if they don't want to hear it. I don't have to play games because they are paying the bill and may find another health care practitioner to go to. You have to put up with a lot of BS in a private health care setting to keep the business.
In personal situations when you hold things it's like a splinter than needs to come out. The longer it stays in the more it festers and soon you have a huge boil. When that blows, it can erupt like a volcano. (Sorry, I deal with lots of abscesses at work, the literal ones)
Hey, one of the neat things about getting older sister, is that we do have a tendency to be more outspoken as we age. You better hurry up and take advantage of your senority before you get to the age where you start forgetting what it is that you wanted to bitch about.
Or before 5pm on Friday, the deadline Coreen gives us to stop bitching before the weekend starts. Now I don't remember her saying which time zone we were suppose to use. Maybe each our respective time zones.
And my AM little rant on TM was in reference to the nasty names we call people and the fact that those nasty names that have negative connotations for women are more readily tolerated than names that have nasty racial connotations. It is society that determines which nasty names are more tolerated. There's certainly not a rule book to consult. And unfortunately it is women who too often tolerate and excuse/rationalize the use of those names directed at other women, especially those we don't like.
I'm not sure everyone got my drift.
My rant did stimulate discussion and C-Bob's response:
A whore's view of politics
Carol, trust me, at TM they got your drift...
As you say, it depends on who is being
'name called'...if you like the person, then
the caller is attacked, if you don't like
the person who is name accept, excuse, agree with the name caller...
What is interesting is that these dustups are
aligned with whatever your political views
are, not the merits of the incident itself, tick, tock, its time to stop, there's always another day, another battle...
It has been extremely windy here all day, but the rain left early...
Are there still high winds expected throughout the evening Coreen or is it over yet?
Are you ready for the game tonight?
Yes, very windy & a cold continue into Saturday....
As ready as can be...just want to get it started...
It's on!
This is intense.
And Jan, I remember that most of us considered you to be a very nice person. You weren't so crazy about that either. Seems like I remember you having a little rant about that once.
Hot diggity dawg. Tied up.
Can you stand it!!....
I have actually been pretty calm...but I want at least one more run...
Again, these Yank's games are exciting.
You almost have to feel a little sorry for the Rangers. Well, you don't Coreen.
Jan, yesterday when I was rereading what I wrote you..."that was good insignt for you", I noticed that that sentence sounded awful the way I wrote it but that was not how it was meant. An extra word or two in a sentence, in the wrong place, can make the entire sentence sound bad but after it's sent, it's gone. I'm not always very good at communicating. I don't want you to think that you don't always have good insignt because you do.
And interesting that you had a dream yesterday that Mary and I wouldn't talk to you and hurt your feelings and somehow, now I think I may have. Hey, it was your dream, not mine.
And maybe that is how I interpreted your dream.. that you feel that I often hurt you in some way. I certainly hope not. Your dream has me paranoid this morning.
Hi Carol, you are up early this morning too.
You have not hurt me in any way. When you are in my dream, you represent some part of me is my understanding of dreams.
You and Mary in this dream represent sisters. Another thing you represent in my dream (I think) is how I perceive you. Something I admire about you and always have is that you confront your issues and problems "head on" which is something I often do not do in my own life. A problem I have been having is that I have not confronted my sister (or at least talked with her about it) about an issue that involves both of us. My not talking to her about something that involves both of us has caused some major legal problems that is costing me money and stress. That is why we need a lawyer now.
I think the dream was just telling me that I need to be able to bring these business issues to the front with my sister (in a positive way) and deal with them up front.
Carol, you have not hurt me in any way. I have hurt myself in ways because I don't like to confront some issues. I would rather they "work themselves out" and now realize I have been "sticking my head in the sand." My sister has always been ill and I avoid talking with her about issues that "I think" might be upsetting to her. In the end, I think I don't want to "upset" myself.
I think the reason that in my dream you and Mary were not taking to me represented the fact that I have not been talking to my sister about important issues.
I apologize for even putting that dream on here. I hope I have not caused you some stress and lack of sleep.
Last night I was fighting sleep to see the end of the Yanks game. I was having a hard time keeping that last eye open but the end of that game was so exciting that it did finally wake me up for a little while after it was over.
I had taped Bill Maher, because I have had that free HBO for 3 months. I had been pissed at Maher since how I perceived him to have treated Hillary back during the presidential primaries so I cancelled HBO back then in protest.
I only got thru the first part of his show last night. It was interesting that Bill asked Rev Sharpton, who he had on during the first part of his show, about the use of the "W" word versus the use of the "N" word. You know that was one of my pet peaves this week and the subject of my little rant on TM yesterday.
I really liked Al's response. He agreed that it is not a good word to use and women should be angry about it and that we ought to all stop using it.
It is interesting that it has been men, who have questioned why we accept the use of that word this week. First Tom Brokaw when he asked the original question, then Chris Matthews and now Bill Maher. Two of those men, I consider to be a tad sexist.
My biggest peave over the entire incident is that I agree that women have been too willing to accept sexism as a norm. It's our fault that we get treated the way we have been treated. I think I'm hearing the guys say here....hey girls, what gives? And we respond....go ahead and kick us, we're used to it and it's OK. IMO, it's why we have Obama and not Hillary for our president right now. The AA, as a minority group, have not allowed the abuse that women have allowed, nor has society. And I don't even think women are a minority anymore. We just act like we are.
Morning Jan. Whew, I was worried. Paranoid is my middle name. And don't give Mary and I any credit for having a healthy relationship. We've been knocking heads since we both raced to get out of the womb.
I find it interesting that there are no words that represent males that are the same as the words "ho" and "bitch" in our language. Even the word "promiscuous" refers to women, not men.
All excellent points that you make Carol.
Good morning....
Carol, weren't you the one who told me that baseball is boring!!!....I'm so glad you have
come over to my 'Yankee world'...but still have to win 3 more games in this series...
It's still windy this a.m. & brisk...yesterday
I had some trees removed along the driveway, it was getting to feel like a jungle driving in/out, & one was dead about 60' (a beech) & another one had fallen last week during
the rainstorm (a hickory down at the side of
the yard, did not hit anything, but was 60' too)...there are still tons left....
Pumpkin post is ready...
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