Recently NOAA released research where they found that clouds communicate. I thought, it they can communicate, I'm going to try to talk to them. The other
day I tried to get a little cloud cover and a nice shower to cool things down. Anything for some relief from this heat. I did get a nice cloud cover to show up but the rain didn't come until the next day.
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I added a link to my post but it didn't show up. Here is the link.
Watts Up with That?
I know I already talked about this on the other post but I did stand outside talking and shooting pics of the clouds. Since they talked back, I thought that they deserved a post.
Pretty peaceful looking...glad you decided
to snap a few...
as far as those communicating clouds...well why not...
My clouds have been good to me again today. A nice cloud cover and a gentle drizzle.
And this morning I stepped outside to catch that moment of color that comes just as the sun is coming up over the horizon. You have to be quick to catch it. Be in the right place at exactly the right time.
And the clouds provide the canvas for the sun to paint on.
Carol, absolutely beautiful!
Ya know, Obama was a good concept, along with the concept of change, but that didn't turn out to be the case. We got the same thing we had before but in a more sophisticated package. We intuitives here knew that. We wanted the girl. We knew that he is what he always was, just alot of talk and that talk has gotten him into a lot of trouble. I guess it's not possible to get the girl back, is it?
The clouds thank you Jan.
I often ponder whether Hillary would have been significantly different. Did the power people go after her because they didn't think she could win or because they were afraid she could and afraid of what she might do if she did? I certainly chose to believe the latter.
I just heard that Dr. Laura is going to retire her radio show at the end of the year. Good riddance. For those years that I had to spend quite a bit of time driving to work, I wanted to listen to talk radio.
I tried to listen to all of those who were available, down here, on those radio talk shows. I couldn't handle any of them. I still don't understand why only the radical right has radio talk shows, at least shows that most of us across the country can listen to.
If you think about it, anger is one of the central themes of most of those radio shows. Whether you agree with what they are saying or not, you are assured to get angry. I wonder how many pharmaceutical companies help to finance those shows. If you manage to listen to them for any period of time, you will need some form of pharmaceutical afterwards, at least an antihypertenive and/or antidepressant. Most of the hosts need a antipsychotic.
I too am happy that Dr. Laura is gone. That was so stupid for her to do what she did. Did she think she could get away with that?
Carol, so glad you are taking and posting pictures. Your pictures of your river and your place are so amazing. We also love here the pictures of your food you make.
My little digital camera has changed my life. I just love pictures of most anything. I have so many pictures I have taken over the years. There have been periods in my life that I did not take pictures and I am sorry about that, because now when I look at any of my pictures it brings back memories of the time I took the picture and I can spend time thinking of those happy times.
Carol, when you posted the pic of all of us together that summer, I remembered all the happy times we spent together.
Carol, those pictures are beautiful - and the red one with the sun coming up over the horizon is particularly striking (as they all are).
Love the title of your post - reminded me of one of my favorite songs from way back, that I haven't thought about for years. Thanks for quoting it.
I'm going to download it onto my ipod, and listen to it over and over when I'm driving. Emma loves music too, and I think that this will be a fave for her. She surprised me by having favorite songs I wouldn't think she'd like. We've got a version of an old Fats Waller song that I downloaded, and her and I sometimes play it in the car during our jaunts around town. Whenever it comes on, she gets a big smile on her face (and this song is before we were even born) I´m gonna sit right down and write myself a letter
Actually meant to link the song from your title first. They have some live versions of Joni Mitchell singing it on you tube (which I probably should have chosen, since she wrote it), but this is Judy Collins version (because it's the one I was used to hearing way back then). Both sides now
"Did the power people go after her because they didn't think she could win or because they were afraid she could and afraid of what she might do if she did?"
The decision was made long before the election even started (remember, Rev. Wright said they groomed him for years). He played ball with the big guys - and they knew Hillary was a leader, not a follower. So the decision was simple for the powers that be. They needed a front man, and they got one.
"Most of the hosts need a antipsychotic."
LOL! By George, I think you're right!!
Jan, Sure am glad you started using that little digital camera of yours. Have really enjoyed the pics you have shared with us.
Keep it up!
... All of you!
Interesting everyone seems to know who Dr. Laura is, though not sure who listens to her...but she is ranked #5 in the Talkers top
100 I guess someone listens...
If she is on in this area, she may be on a station with a really weak signal, can not remember when her show was on any of the NY/local talk radio stations....
There was a Frasier episode that satarized her
schtick though...
It seems that the vast majority of talk radio
aka hate radio is made up of conservative hosts...the failure of liberals other than maybe stephanie miller, schultz & Tom Hartman
(though none of them are broadcast in this area)is mostly because of lack of advertising
$$$ & audience....if a station makes no money
airing those shows, see ya....
Have never really heard a good explanation of why only conservative talk continues to flourish...may be the anger/frustration factor...pretty sure the demo for talk radio is male, somewhere around 60+ years...
Here's the latest list from Talkers...
George Noory is #20 though, some of the sports
talk guys are on the well as Imus...
Talkers Magazine Top 100 for 2010
Chloe, thank you for posting the link to "Both Sides" I had never really listened to the words in the song. I played a version in which I could read the lyrics. What beautiful words.
Oh chloe, I love the song by Fats Waller. I played it and it made me smile too :)). Bless little Emma's heart for inspiring you to put the link here. This smile will be on my face all the rest of the day and evening. My dad was not one to talk when he was driving but he would sing and I could just hear him singing that song when it was playing. Thank you and Emma. I sang along with it too and remembered all the words. It was a song that was popular before I was born too but I know it better than any that were popular during "my day."
Coreen, looking at that list of top radio programs, especially the top 5, just made me realize how effed up this country really is, at least the radio listeners. And Michael Savage, not only does he need multiple antipsychotics but anyone who could listen to him for more than 10 minutes does also.
For my first, post retirement, correctional facility experience I had to drive about 40 miles, one way, to work. It was after 911 and at a time I was obsessed with the news. Talk radio was as close as I could get so I really tired to listen to it. I never could get thru any of those programs for long.
C2C would have a bigger listening audience, and be higher on the list, if George was on at a time when people were awake. I have to subscribe to hear it.
And I do like Kim Kamando, #39. She has a radio show about computer technology and she's actually the one who got me to start this blog. I was headed to Walmart and caught her on Saturday talk radio. She introduced me to Blogger. After hearing that program, I went home and late that night, threw this blog together. Thanks Kim.
They are showing pictures on TV with NBC's Richard Engel leaving along with our last combat troops out of Iraq. Today I was remembering when David Bloom went in with them...How much has happened between those bookends...never should have gone there in the first place...
Wow...Brian William just mentioned David Bloom as I was punching the comment button...
And Chloe, it was Judy Collins I was listening to when I put up my cloud post. Yep, you got it.
I was watching the same thing Ivy. It was so sad about David Bloom. I remember the first days of watching that Shock and Awe on TV. I was hiding behind my coffee table, shuttering, just sure they were going to set off those WMD.
Have you heard from MGS? When do her classes start?
Your right Coreen. With all we have to worry about, we're close to starting a religious civil war over this. Those politicians and the media are effing nuts, or they're trying to take our minds off those more serious problems.
Mosque a long shot to be built
Or this is a brilliant marketing strategy by someone to get that place financed.
Nice find many factors coming idea how it ends, but as always
show me the money...& to date the $100 million
is nowhere in sight...with all the scrutiny,
the very strong feelings of the 911 families, politicians not wanting to be in the position of losing votes & contributions (that
is why Obama making it an issue was a puzzlement) I said, would not be surprised in the least if this never happens...
but it has sure caused a furor...
MGS is good...just got off the "Skype Tour" of the new apartment...I got to see a live parade of 20+ mallard duckies waddling past the window...they come by every day, she
AGT results...
Oh Ivy, tell her to look for Mr and Ms Mallard BBP duck. They went somewhere. Hope it was Oregon and not to ducky heaven.
Is Skype easy to use?
And Chloe, I have a project for you. How do they come up with how many people are listening to those radio programs every day? Are our radios bugged?
Did y'all know that Dr. Laura has her PhD in physiology, not psychology? I wonder how many in her audience know that.
This is also interesting:
"Schlessinger's first time on radio was not as a host, but as a caller to the show of shock jock forerunner Bill Ballance in 1974. Impressed by her quick wit and sense of humor, Ballance began featuring her in a weekly segment. Ballance, who was married, also began a two year romantic relationship with her, which came to light many years later"
From Wikipedia
It really didn't take long after listening to her to tell that her background was not psychology.
They now have Eat, Pray, Love body lotion, necklaces, pillow cases, dinner napkins, and you name it. Give me a break!
Current torment from the job front keeps me looking for other dumb stuff to distract me.
Some in the admin. at work are having to deal with something I have had to deal with 365 days/yr. for over 5 years now and they are freakin and tormenting me on top of that. This issue has kept me awake and probably shortened my life expectancy. I just don't understand it. Doesn't make sense. I wish I could swap jobs with them for a week. I might get more respect.
Nice cloud cover with a gentle rain outside but very stormy at work.
At the same time, SF has decided he's bored and looking for trouble. He has no interest in anything except this young toostie who is helping to take care of his brother next door. She's married to a druggie, likes to gamble and is interested in what money she thinks she might be able to get out of SF. It's very possible she was cleaning him out before I got closely involved.
Everyone involved in SF's care is intimidated by him. I'm afraid it won't be long before I have to get him into a nursing home for his own protection and that will not be a pretty job.
I'm having one of those life tests right now. And life doesn't give you these exams one at a time.
You know they had everything carefully documented to put SF safely away. I jumped in to rescue him from that. I recognized that there were some of you here that knew what I was getting myself into and didn't think it was a wise idea. I knew also, but I felt like I had to at least try to give him one more opportunity for living with some dignity. Maybe it was guilt for having pulled away from him for the last couple of years. My job left me no energy to do anything else. Now I'm getting a swift kick in the ass from both. There's a lesson here but I really haven't had time to ponder exactly what it is.
Something interesting. This Mosque issue may be hogging the air ways and driving us all nuts but at least there has been some bypartisan agreement on both sides of the issue, both for and against. We now know that both sides can agree on some things. Whoppee shit.
On Morning Joe, it sounds like Thad Allen has been bought off. He's saying there's only 26% of that oil left in the Gulf. Hmmmm. What about what those Georgia researchers said???? I don't hear them mentioning their info of possibly 79% on the Gulf floor. Hmmmmm. Why can't they send a little sub down there to do a little look see. Inquiring minds want to know.
"There's a lesson here but I really haven't had time to ponder exactly what it is."
Carol, You did what you felt was right at the time, and that's important. You'll always be able to look back on it, and know you gave it your all. If he eventually does need their complete care, then you'll need to have the courage to do that, too. As they say, just take it one day at a time (do we ever really have any other choice?).
I'm sure the radio shows keep track of their listeners in the same way the TV does - random calls to listeners.
"I played a version in which I could read the lyrics."
I'm the same way, Jan, never really heard all the words. I often listen to a version on youtube that prints out the lyrics too, and find I enjoy many songs a lot more when I 'really' think about the lyrics. Make sure you bookmark youtube (if you haven't already). You can find just about any song there.
"Coreen, looking at that list of top radio programs, especially the top 5, just made me realize how effed up this country really is"
LOL Carol!
Do you have any idea how funny you are? I really loved the anti-psychotics drugs comment too. I think the reason these things strike me as funny, is because they're so true (sad - but true, that is
"My dad was not one to talk when he was driving but he would sing and I could just hear him singing that song when it was playing."
Jan, it's so nice that you have so many pleasant memories of your father and your childhood. I always enjoy hearing you reminisce about the happy times in your past.
"Today I was remembering when David Bloom went in with them...How much has happened between those bookends...never should have gone there in the first place..."
Yes Ivy, it's all such a tragedy, and never should have happened. David Bloom was 39 yrs. old, and had such a bright future ahead of him. He's even symbolic, in my mind, of how horrible this war has been.
Carol, whatever you decide to continue to do for your SF, you have gone way beyond what one would do for a "blood" family member. You do not need to feel guilty if you do nothing more for him. You can sleep well at night that you have been very generous with your time, knowledge and experience in helping him try to have a quality life.
Afternoon folkes. Thanks for the support. I'm hoping we don't have to do the nursing home for a little while. That will also mean having to liquidate all his assets to pay for it. That won't be fun.
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