Tuesday, June 22, 2010



Carol said...

I'll let you come up with your own words here. I came home from work and Harry was on the wharf meditating. I think it's a good omen. I need a good omen. Thank You God!

Ivy Green said...

Is Harry named for Harry Connick, Jr.? He recorded an old classic, "My Blue Heron" ...er, "Heaven", "My Blue Heaven," no Heron...whatever. lol

jan said...

Carol, love the pictures.

Ivy, My Blue Heron - perfect.

Carol said...

You got it Ivy.

Coreen said...

Now this is really worth the price of admission....

Delightful...Now please tell me what Harry is...a heron? a crane?...

Nice touch, Ivy....

jan said...

My caption for the picture.
"Now let me see, Mom said, always look both ways before crossing the river. First right and then left. Ok, there are no boats or barges coming. Now I can go. Wow! see me fly."

Anonymous said...

... jeez Jan, and here I thought she was just enjoying the view - thinking how lucky she was that some kind person built this wharf as a safe zone for those in need.

Kinda like this blog.

Anonymous said...

... by the way, I really just decided to give you guys a break from my incessant blabber. You should be thanking me. :)

Carol said...

Welcome home sister Chloe!

And great caption guys.

It's a Great Blue Heron Coreen.

I'm busy making some stuffed, home grown, bell peppers with an Italian flare. I do make a chore of it.

Mary took the Pa duty tonight. Thank you Mary, my sister.

Carol said...

Usually I have to watch Harry from a distance. It was a treat to have him right here in front of me today.

Coreen said...

Gee it only takes a 'great blue heron' to get everyone back together...not bad, not bad at all...

Chloe, glad to know all is ok...

Carol said...

Only Coreen??? I told you seeing one so close is a rare occurrence.

Coreen said...

Carol, only... in the sense of a singular & rare event...I think its great that you got to
not only see the great blue heron,up close & personal, but that Harry stayed long enough to let you snap the pics & we all get to share them...

jan said...

Chloe, I guess my mental tapes are showing - so many admonishons from my parents. I am the oldest and it is showing. I guess my brain is a great big PARENT :0)

jan said...

Chloe, Welcome back - Glad to see ya!

jan said...

Carol, the colors in your pictures are really cool they way the blues and greens blend into each other.

jan said...

I am off to take John to a late Father's Day supper. He has chosen a buffet - burp!

Carol said...

Hope ya'll enjoyed your buffet tonight Jan. My stuffed peppers were good. Enough for another meal and they are even better the next day after they have had time for the ingredients to marry and have a honeymoon.

Big sis didn't get to do much of anything exciting, just too hot to get outside much, but she did eat well.

I have the next three days off again for more work. Still have my house to finish. Will try to spring Pa tomorrow. Would be inhumane to leave him in for another day. Still don't have everything worked out.

I did get enough info to realize that his fly had it all set up to lock him away and take over. I think we nipped that in the bud and just in the nick of time. It wasn't just intuition but I got one nephew, who I do trust pretty much, to admit to it. They are the ones who had him put in the hospital, with his Shrink's help, in preparation for interdiction. And one nephew's wife, who swooped in to help, said she was a good Christian woman and had his best interest in mind. Yeah, sure. I think she told me that at least 3-4 times. That's always a sure give away. That woman I'll never trust.

jan said...

I too wonder when someone says they are a "good Christian" and just saying several times "she has his best interests at heart"
Someone needs to tell her about another old saying "Actions speak louder than words"

Carol said...

I told that one nephew, who I do trust, that we needed for all to chip in no matter what their motives. We'll see how much they "all" chip in when they can't put him away and take over.

Ivy Green said...

May we have the recipe for your stuffed peppers? Not that I will get peppers. I have a container pepper plant and a tomato plant that so far are all leaves and no fruit. But I'm still hopeful. I love stuffed peppers.

Ivy Green said...

Speaking of stuff, we love yours, so please don't feel like you have to stay away to spare us. Only if you need the break yourself. lol

Ivy Green said...

When they find out they must "chip in," they'll probably "ship out."

Carol said...

And Coreen, seeing Harry was much better than seeing a s----. Glad you don't have any in your neck of the woods, LOL.

Anonymous said...

Thanks everyone!

Carol, I think your Heron may have been telling you to hang on - you're on the right track. I tried to find what they symbolize ('course, it's different for everyone, but) - think this is said well.

Blue Heron - The Meaning:
"According to North American Native tradition, the Blue Heron brings messages of self-determination and self-reliance. They represent an ability to progress and evolve. The long thin legs of the heron reflect that an individual doesn't need great massive pillars to remain stable, but must be able to stand on one's own.

Blue Herons have the innate wisdom of being able to manoeuvre through life and co-create their own circumstances. Blue Herons reflect a need for those with this totem to follow their own unique wisdom and path of self-determination. These individuals know what is best for themselves and need to follow their hearts rather than the promptings of others. Those with the Medicine of the Great Blue Heron may sit until the rest of us loose patience. And, when they follow the promptings of the heart, they are one of the most magnificent when they choose to soar." http://www.blueheronenv.com/meaning.htm

"As a water creature the heron is also a symbol of going with the flow, and working with the elements of Mother nature rather than struggling against her."

Carol said...

WOW Chloe. Did you make that up? I'm really weirded out here! I told my sis that this is not just a blog, I conjured up some angels here. I couldn't go my life alone so I conjured up my own angels and it's never been more apparent to me than it has been just recently. She does believe me.

Our times maybe very tumultuous right now. There is a lot of chaos/crisis but it is also a time for great spirituality, great awakening and great unity. Only the strong survive and we can only do it by pulling together, not apart.

You guys have been my conscience, my guidance and my strength. Thank you God for this gift! Thank you all for agreeing to provide it!

Carol said...

I can't wait until sis wakes up to read that to her Chloe. Maybe I should go bang some pots and pans together. That might do it.

Carol said...

No, I'll just wait until she wakes up. Patience, that's something I need to work on.

jan said...

Chloe, the meaning of the blue heron is amazing.
Carol, the fact that the blue heron appeared to you and so close has so much significance for you in your life. The description of the meaning of the blue heron sounds so much like you - at least what I know and remember about you.

Carol said...

Ivy, no really special recipe. Sis said those were the best stuffed bell peppers she ever ate. I think that all the work I had to do to make them probably influenced how they tasted. And that I did it after a long hard day at work. Not having a traditional kitchen out here does make cooking more of a challenge.

I start with the usual, chopped onions, garlic, bell peppers. (I'm still wearing that smell). I saute them in some olive oil in my electric stew pot that Mary gave me. Then add my ground chuck and brown. A can of chopped Italian tomatoes and one can of tomato paste. The paste gives it a slightly sweet taste. Then add salt and pepper and Italian seasoning. Cook that until done.

While doing that I had to get out my rice cooker, that Mary gave me, to steam my bell peppers. I cut them in half. After steaming the bell peppers, I use the same appliance to cook my rice.

When the meat sauce and rice are both done, I combine them. I stuffed my peppers high with the stuffing mix, put them in a glass baking dish and cooked them for another 25 minutes in my turkey cooker, got that on sale at Walmart. My little oven, shopping network, is too small for the glass dish I had my peppers in. About the last 6 minutes of baking the peppers, I top with some of that 5 Italian shredded cheese.

PS. Mary did have a little QVC problem in the past. That problem helped fill up my little kitchen.

jan said...

Chloe, you sure were up early and you too Carol. I woke up at 4 am. John has an appt for his cataract surgery at 6:45. I have been sitting on my front porch having tea.

jan said...

Carol, my mouth is watering. your stuffed bell peppers sound wonderful. Wish I liked to cook. or better yet I wish John liked to cook.

Carol said...

Yes Jan, I couldn't provide sis with much entertainment here so I'm trying to make up for it with food. Remember, in our family we don't eat to live, we live to eat.

On one vacation up to see my big sis in the PNW, she was working and I didn't have anyone with me to run around with like I had most of the times before. I was kinda stuck in town so I went to grocery stores for entertainment. Their grocery stores up there are good entertainment for me. I did much of the cooking when I was up there also. I'm real picky about how thing are cooked and most people will gladly move outta my way.

Carol said...

And most people, including sis, will do the dishes. That's one thing I really don't like to do.

Carol said...

Jan, tell John good luck this morning. Has anyone here had cataract surgery yet? They told me, over a year ago, that I was developing them. Well, I don't think I could let anyone near my eyeball while I'm awake and you do have to be awake.

jan said...

Carol, I had cataract surgery on my right eye a year ago. I will tell you about it later, gotta get John to the outpatient surgery place. Talk later.

Coreen said...

Carol, good luck today, hope you are able to
have SF released without to much difficulty &
that your 'village' comes together to help caring for him...

The Blue Heron surely is a good omen, especially after reading Chloe's description of

Jan, hope John's surgery is quick & uneventful...my mom has had both eyes done with
no bad effects...also the secretary to my landlord at my office & her sister had both
eyes done with no problems...here the surgery
is in & out in just a couple of hours, but they
only do one eye at a time...

Ivy, when you stop by, saw you comments about knitting, if you are interested I will get some
yarn sites that offer free patterns & give you
any help I may have to start your project...
I have never felted any items, I believe you must use 100% wool to acheive the effect, since
washing it shrinks it lots...found that out the
hard way a long time ago...

Solar said...

Hope everyone is ok...I have read most of the past posts ( lots of good stuff, and the other stuff is good also) and thinking of all of you.!

jan said...

John is in outpatient surgery about 5 minutes away so I came home. They will call me when he is out of recovery. I had my right eye done last June. They put a metal cup over my eye after the surgery for 24 hrs - routine appt next morning to take off metal cup and check the eye - then another appt one week later for same and then appt one month later.

When I had my cataract done, I had an anxiety attack when they put the sterile drape over my face. I could feel it happening and my heart rate and Bp both went up. They gave me more anesthesia and it put me out.

After the surgery and when I came home, my face itched terribly on the side with the metal cup and my doc called in a prescription for Zanax.

Otherwise it was an easy procedure.

jan said...

One thing our eye doc/surgeon has told us is that wearing good sun glasses when out in the sun might help delay the development of cataracts. My cataract was not bad but was affecting my vision when I read and so I was having headaches.

jan said...

Carol & Coreen, thanks for the good wishes for John. I will tell him when he gets home. I have told him about all of you, so that will please him.

Solar said...

Am glad that you have not let the oil topic rule the conversation all of the time..im just sick of it...i don't need to hear it 98% of the time.!

Just like I said...it was going to be m ore about politics than about anything else....it is a terrible thing to have happened..and will keep up on the latest happenings but it has become the only thing that the news shows talk about.....

I like that the people are going to get some help..help that they need b/c they did not create this problem...and that some help in order for them not to lose their homes is available also....wish that they would have done the same when the banks created their mess, that a lot of people lost their homes......and jobs...I don't see a lot of difference...just that they have put a face on the businesses, and the people losing out b/c of the large corps...they should have had a lot of help for the small const. and other corps..imo...it still needs to be done.....

jan said...

Coreen, yes - I too have been told they only do one eye at a time. They do put this patch/cup over the affected eye and I can imagine that I would not want both eyes covered for 24 hours. You are supposed to wear the metal cup for a week while sleeping to keep from rubbing the eye in your sleep. About 2 days after my cataract surgery, I rubbed my eye without thinking and I was terrified that I had dislodged the little artificial lens/patch. Sometimes when the light is just right when I look in the mirror I can see the little lens/patch in my right eye. It looks like a little rectangle.

Solar said...


Been reading about your S F and it seems that the hard work is left to you...and that is what you are all about..doing the hard work that noone else would do....even after carping about it for a little in the past...I always knew that you would be doing all of this for him....thats just the way it is with some people...there are doers and then opportunist......glad the Coreen had some good advise for you...and that all of the other swamp heads were here for you.....

Jan......lots of good stuff, from you and Chloe...and Ivy, thanks for your kind words about my son.....he good boy...lov papoose heap much......he did not take me golfing like i thought that he would...but he is waiting for that Morgan Freeman "into the worm hole" comes out on disc ....going to a nice addition to my collection of science tapes and discs..


Even if I have not talked to you...our timing has been off a little...your still giving us a Sunday hug no? every Sunday, Emma gets a hug from Solar remember?...oh and my hoss also......don't forget my hoss......whats her name?...and an apple don't forget to give....?? her apple

Maria.....I might have to be out of state during the time that U will be in Chicago...but if not..I will look forward to meeting up with U...

Carol said...

Warning. Social worked called. Won't let him out. Doc
is keeping him in. Said
they were calling elderly protection. I think maybe
an interdiction is
in the works by the

Hope I can still
stop it. Sitting in
courthouse now waiting
to see if
have been filled. Heron help me now.

Coreen said...


I am in my office. E-mailed phone # earlier,
if you want to call.

I found some basic info about the interdiction
process here...you will need to have an atty
involved on behalf of your SF in in fact one of
the relatives has started the court action.

procedure in LA

Solar said...

Just checking back in....good luck Carol.!!

jan said...

Carol, John and I are here thinking about you.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear that this thing has gone so far Carol. What a mess. I thought you'd have him home about now.

Who got this whole thing started - I thought you said a shrink did, but was he under treatment with him?

Seems like you need to talk to whoever signed him in, in the first place, in order to know what to do first. I just know they never want to hang onto them, unless there's money involved.

Anonymous said...

Jan, I'm just now getting caught up. Glad to hear that John is home and that everything turned out OK.

Good to see you here today Solar. You've been a busy guys - keep int touch.

Carol said...

Heading to hospital
to visit. Well they let me in.

Carol said...

Vultures had him put in. He's
quite ready to be
put away. Seeing his lawyer tomorrow. Waiting for
to visit. We've have been at
this since 8a. Shrink has him committed for
15 days. Time up tomorrow.

Carol said...

Home again, home again, jiggity jig!

Deep cleansing breath. Inhale.....exhale.....

We were on our mission since before 8 and got home around 5p, no lunch break.

They let us in to see SF but I can't get him out yet. The Social worker(SW) mentioned that SF had an altercation with his Doc. I asked SF about it. He said that he saw his Doc either yesterday or today and told him he wanted out. His Doc said, "end of conversation" and walked off. He hasn't even seen my SF since he has been there. Some other Doc has, I believe. He then told his Doc to "go to hell". That sounds about like SF. Big deal, I might have been a little more confrontational if it would have been me.

They put him in the hospital initially on a CEC, coroner's emergency confinement. This was a co-conspiracy between vultures and Shrink. That CEC allows them to keep him and evaluate him for 15 days. His SW said SF did sign a voluntary admission on the 15th. He didn't know what he was signing. We asked what he can do to get out and they said he can sign a request to get out and it will now take up to 72 hours. I told those turkeys that I would be looking over his bill with a fine tooth comb to make sure he actually got what they were charging him for. I wonder if that was considered comfontational??

He's in a room, no TV, only one newspaper on the entire floor. I'd have gone nuts if I was there for even 24 hours.

I told SF that if/when he goes home he will have to abide by certain rules and went over them with him. I said I couldn't keep him at his home if he didn't. This morning the SW said they were going to contact elderly protection. I said go ahead. No signs of any abuse there. He has a pretty good memory and is clicking on more channels than I am right now. He's fat and sassy.

Love you Coreen. Coreen has been a great support. It was such a joy to talk to her. She is not a figment of my imagination. She has a sweet little voice with a yankee accent, well at least compared to mine but I can tell she can kick ass and take names. I must sound like a country bumkin by comparison.

Solar said...

Way to go Carol, and I saw that little Italiana ( Coreen ) lawyer just like u described her a while back...when this is all over for u, Im going to tell u a long scary story about some greedy people....


Not really busy all that much...lots of running around in one place tho.!

Can't keep up with the thunder storms.... second time that power has gone out today, fourth time this week...tornado warnings now until 7-8 pm

Carol said...

Off for a swim. Check in later.

Carol said...

Keep your head down Solar.

Coreen said...

Looks like you accomplished a lot today Carol...you & your sisters deserve a little
relaxation time..enjoy your swim...

Based on what you said about how they got SF
there,(CEC) I was able to find a LA revised statutes Section 28:53 which addresses the commitment procedure...

Not sure if they are going to release him or try to keep him another 3 days based on what you said above, but this statute provides that AT ANY TIME during the confinement period, either the patient or his attorney can request a judicial hearing to determine if probable cause exists for his continued confinement under the emergency certificate.

The hearing is be held within 5 days of filing the petition.

So you may want to discuss this with sf's atty
when you meet with him, if the hospital continues to refuse to release him...If they
duped him into signing the time extension, that
should be made known as well...

Being forceful & determined is not in my mind,
confrontational...as long as one stays calm,
cool & in control....

And by the way, trust me, we don't have any accents up here in the elite Northeast, but you guys sure do!!!....luv you guys....

Carol said...

No accents and no snakes, huh Coreen. Yeah.

Carol said...

Chloe, I tried to keep what you wrote about the meaning of the Heron in my thoughts today and it helped. Thanks again little angel.

Coreen said...

You got that right!!! Absolutely!!!

And look whats on C2C tonite...not that I will
ever get to hear it, no matter how I try, I always fall asleep.....

Space News & UFOs
Investigative reporter Linda Moulton Howe will discuss rocket launches & space activity, the decline in snake population, and the Whitman AFB UFO.

Did you get any answers at the Clerk's office...I'm guessing that no action is pending...Hoping you nipped any takeover in the bud by your getting involved....

Carol said...

The swim was nice tonight. Water was 92 but only about 82 air temp. Just thought of it as a warm bath, in a very large bathtub. I like swimming in that saltwater. My skin feels so nice when I get out. Chlorine water is so harsh on the skin. Sis likes it also.

Carol said...

Again, didn't see you slip in Coreen. Humm, decline in snake population?? Haven't found that to be the case this year unless this is where they are disappearing to.

We finally got to the Judge's secretary and even the Judge, himself, popped out. They couldn't find anything and she said that the Clerk's office should have been able to give us that info. I told her my lawyer told me to ask her. She said that happens quite often.

After reading that link you sent, it looks like it isn't easy to interdict someone. Just like what you said. The secretary said SF would have to be served and have an attorney represent him. If he doesn't respond, an attorney must be appointed for him and they have to visit him.

Like you said, I think vultures have backed off but they were circling and just about to land when I stepped in.

Coreen said...

Glad to hear that there is nothing pending...

I know that it is not going to be easy
to get things in some normal routine for SF &
all of you who are going to have to pitch in
to help out...

Hope you get to enjoy the last couple of days
your sister is there....

Time to go for tonight...Yankees still playing
out west so late games...right now they are tied with Arizona & its only the middle of the
3rd inning...

Carol said...

Thanks again Coreen. Enjoy your game. Good luck Yankees.

Carol said...

Now that some of the steam is settling and super stepdaughter may have saved the victim from his fate, you know what is scaring me folkes? It's that there are still only so many hours in the week. I can't get any new ones made. Those hours of mine are pretty much encumbered. I could loosen up some late night hours but they aren't too useful to anyone, including me, even though I am perking pretty well at that time. I've only had the time this last couple of weeks because I took vacation time and I had big sis to help.

Looks like now a good bit of SF's fly was only interested in helping themselves and not him so I can cut them out of the village that I was trying to gather to help me watch over him. That leaves only a little younger that me couple, who don't have much time and his partner who works for him who ain't no Spring chicken. His partner has everything else to take care of and I saw him yesterday and he is half crippled up.

Big sis is flying the coup Saturday. Even though I can't expect any help from SF's blood family, they will be watching like a hawk. SF has a twin brother, who lives next door to him and is in worse shape than he is. The fly will be hovering around him and probably won't have any time to add another old dude to their watch schedule except. SF lives 40 miles from me.

It is only a matter of time, if the time is not now, before Pa will need an assisted living or more. Really don't expect him to know when that time is.

Now angels, what is my next move? SF has no money except what is tied up in assets that would have to be liguidated, no easy task. Hired help is nil in that area since we never found anyone reliable when we needed just a little help with mom.

I just thought that I will check with the College of Nursing here to see if they have any nursing students who live in his area who could use a little money to be available to drop in on him from time to time.

Any other ideas?

Carol said...

The entire time I was running the roads yesterday and trying to talk to different people, my nurse's were calling to ask me what to do about this or that. I couldn't even answer some of those calls. I had three calls while I was talking to you Coreen. It's really difficult to try to talk to someone on the phone or anywhere else with that dang beeping going off in my ear or the phone ringing.

Last night I answered my phone saying "on vacation, how can I help you". The guy who called laughed. My last call was at 11:15p.

Anonymous said...

Carol, I have to admit, your problem seems pretty overwhelming. When hubby was checking out things here in Texas for his dad years ago, there were a lot of services that would have offered help at the time. In house hospice, as well as other things like meals on wheels, etc. I just looked up Pace (which is one he recalls here) for Louisiana online, and don't know much about it, but it might be a good to check out what they offer: http://www.dhh.louisiana.gov/offices/?ID=105

Also, his dad used to be picked up a few times a week by the Friendship center, since he was interested in socializing - and they fed them lunch. They'd even pick him up for his doctor's appointments. Not sure they have that there, or even if your SF would be interested in that. I have a feeling that if you make some calls, you'll find out there's help out there for him (and therefore, help for you too).

Do a search under elderly assistance, or hospice etc. for Louisiana. You may be surprised at the help that's out there. This is one of many things that came up: http://goea.louisiana.gov/index.cfm?md=pagebuilder&tmp=home&pid=3&pnid=0&nid=1 ... I don't know if it has anything helpful on it, but sometimes if you can get just get one phone number, it'll lead you to others. You need to talk to others who are going through the same thing you're going through.

Anonymous said...

.... Carol, also call the County and maybe the Chamber of Commerce, and they'll have a list of local services. Medicare does offer in-house hospice and other services are offered - who even come in and change linen's and all kinds of stuff. Hubby runs into these things when he's in peoples homes working on the air conditioning needs. He really gets around all of Houston and the surrounding areas.

Anonymous said...

"Chloe, I guess my mental tapes are showing - so many admonishons from my parents. I am the oldest and it is showing. I guess my brain is a great big PARENT :0)"

Jan, I've been worried since yesterday that maybe you didn't realize I was just kidding with you about what that Heron was thinking while looking out over that deck. What you said is probably more what she was thinking than what I said. Actually, she was probably looking for dinner. :)

Anonymous said...

Carol, I'm glad that what your Heron represents has brought you some comfort. I believe that the timing for her visit was unmistakable. There are all kinds of miracles, if only we open our eyes (and minds)to them. You definitely have guardian angels Carol, so just sit back and relax once in a while, and let them do their job!

Anonymous said...

"Not really busy all that much...lots of running around in one place tho.!"

Oh boy, I sure know that feeling Solar. It can be pretty frustrating - like treading water, just trying to keep your head up where there's some air.

Anonymous said...

.. and Carol, I mean 'real' Guardian Angels - not just the ones here. :)

(I think we all have them, but maybe get in there way sometimes)

Carol said...

Chloe, the fact that SF has assets, even thou tied up, eliminates many of those services. For most, you have to be eligible for Medicaid. It will be a while before he would qualify. And how difficult will it be to start liguidating his assets to help pay for his needs. His land is all leased for oil exploration. Can one even sell that under those circumstances?? The money he just recently recieved has either been spent on his overdue debts or still owed. Lots still owed.

You are better off if you are dirt poor than when you have assets, that are tied up, and still cash poor.

Anonymous said...

Well then, you're going to have to handle it one thing at a time.

A Realtor can find out whatever you need to know about whether or not you can sell that land (and they won't charge you either, in hopes of getting the listing). I wonder if the oil company would want to buy it?

Either liquidation or transfer of property is the only choice you have. With the vultures (your word) circling though, that's bound to complicate things more. And the fact that they already started this whole thing by having him committed, doesn't help either. Baby steps Carol.....

Coreen said...


As far as the long term care plan for SF...will
try to find some LA nursing home financial
requirements so you can talk with (again) an
atty in the area, &/or maybe someone at a nursing home/assisted living facility who could outline the requirements or any other
elderly care agencies that might offer information/assistance....

And yes, once there is no stay at home spouse,
the family residence does pose a problem to
qualify one for federal Title 19 long term
care coverage...each state has different rules
under the federal requirements...

but if & when the time comes
to place SF there, it may be that he would
be covered by Title 19, (because he has no cash to pay for care,if he has cash that would
be used first, but if not, he could still be cared for) but once he passed,
his assets (the farm properties) would have a lien placed by the state to recover what it paid out for his care...

not sure about if that is
LA law on this, but it may be, so at some point
after you get him out, you can check that out, but one step at a time...

Here, if there is an elderly person needing care with a home (with no spouse at home) (which is usually the only non-cash asset) it is required that the property be listed for sale, & at some point it gets sold, but in the meantime, the person is covered & a lien against the home would be placed on the land records, so the $$$ are paid back to the state....

Once the house is sold here, the $$$ are used
to pay the costs of the nursing home not Title 19 (& after those funds are depleted, the person would then be put on Title 19 coverage)

Lots of things to consider, but first it remains to be seen how long SF can be cared for
at home...it is going to be a learning process
& unfortunately a time consuming effort on your
part, but if you can get him situated short term at home, you can then work on the long term options...one step at a time...

Solar said...


After many false starts trying to take care of Mary my next door neighbor, we finally found someone to live with her, someone from Romania I think..Margret is qualified and speaks pretty good Romainglish...(we get along fine with my spanglish :-)

Just a thought, lots of unemployment around...maybe a live-in person from the area..or maybe your house sitters???sorry if dumb ideas...each case is probably different....

I have to go and see Mary now...she is not able to get out of bed anymore...going to cut her grass, and tease her a little....if she is well today..comes and goes......

Carol said...

Making progress Chloe. I have an appointment with SF and SW, social worker today. I want that SW to be there when I talk with SF. I would like it even taped but SW said he wouldn't do that.

SW told me they are recommending assisted living or 24 hour home care. I don't think 24 hour home care is needed at this point. He does nothing but sleep at night. I'm going to check into the MediAlert necklace. He has his partner/hired hand next door who checks on him multiple times a day. I think we could get by with several hours a day of help and some on call service. Trying to get the Meals on Wheels. They just called but don't know the waiting period. Staying at home would be cheaper. No health care financing for any of this anyway.

Carol said...

Thanks all. Just saw all the other advice. We're hitting the road. Check back in later.

Anonymous said...

A historically interesting article (as well as thought provoking) - one you may have seen already (it's from yesterday):

How the power of oil dogged former presidents, and could tar Obama

"The country may face another oil crisis as soon as a decade from now, says Heinberg, who is also a senior fellow at the Carbon Institute, a nonprofit think tank in Santa Rosa, California.

Heinberg believes it could include people freezing to death in the winter in the Northeast; farmers going bankrupt because they can't afford to pay fuel prices; the chemical industry collapsing because it doesn't have enough oil to make plastic.

Time isn't running out -- it has already run out, Heinberg says.

"What is humanly possible and politically possible are two different things," Heinberg says. "We've lived without oil for thousands of years until the last century so, yes, we can do it.

"But the transition is going to be wrenching unless we prepare for it. We should have prepared for it but we blew it." We've lived without oil for thousands of years until the last century so, yes, we can do it.

Anonymous said...

I apologize in advance, but I just can't resist linking this smut (before I hit the road).

Al Gore A "Crazed Sex Poodle?"
Masseuse's claims read like R-rated vice presidential fan fiction
JUNE 24--In a bizarre statement to police, the Oregon woman who claims that Al Gore fondled and groped her during a massage session described the former Vice President as a giggling "crazed sex poodle" who gave a "come hither" look before pouncing on her in a Portland hotel suite. In a taped January 2009 interview with cops, the 54-year-old woman, a licensed masseuse whose name has been redacted from police records, read from a lengthy prepared statement that detailed her alleged October 2006 encounter with Gore at the Hotel Lucia. Excerpts from the Portland Police Bureau transcript of the 2009 interview can be found on the following pages. In December 2006, a lawyer for the woman told police about the purported encounter, but after the masseuse cancelled three interview appointments, the case was closed due to her refusal to "cooperate with the investigation or even report a crime." It is unclear why, two years later, she approached Portland police and sought to memorialize her allegations against Gore, who she portrayed as a tipsy, handsy predator who forced her to drink Grand Marnier, pinned her to a bed, and forcibly French kissed her. The woman's statement--which could be mistaken for R-rated Vice Presidential fan fiction--describes Gore as a man with a "violent temper as well as extremely dictatorial commanding attitude besides his Mr. Smiley Global Warming concern persona." After fleeing Gore's suite, the woman returned home to discover, a la Lewinsky, "stains on the front of my black slacks." Suspecting that the stains were Gore bodily fluids, the woman made sure not to clean them. "I carefully hung them up and decided to be sure not to launder them until I knew more what to do with what had happened. Just my intuition." While the masseuse hired a civil attorney, "I was not interested in making any money from this case," she told cops. "I did not want to be labeled a gold digger like the women in this situation are often labeled." The woman recently eased off this principled stand when she offered to sell her story to the National Enquirer for $1 million. (15 pages) http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/years/2010/0624101gore1.html

jan said...

Chloe, not to worry. I thought it was interesting that Carol caught the Heron looking to the right and then to the left - or vicy-versey. I work with young children so what came to mind for me was "watching for traffic" when crossing the road. I know so little about birds that I had no idea what it was - to me it was just a bird. Now I know what a blue heron looks like - and some very meaningful info about them.

Ivy Green said...

I've recently been hearing that Portland has another nickname besides "Greenest City in America." Did anybody else watch "America's Got Talent" the last two nights?

Ivy Green said...

I got to spend part of my day observing three squirrels who have replaced the Rocky the Raccoon at my bird feeder. Watching MCG's Cat watch them. The squirrels knew exactly the moments they could sneak in, when Miss Cat couldn't get to them from behind the screen door, and when she could because I had propped the door open. Their "insanity" was the perfect antidote for my own.

I had a schedule for today that was arranged months and weeks ago. Then, one-by-one, things changed. Every item that came along dropped off, was replaced, only to have that one drop off. Until mid-morning when I realized I was left with a "free day" to call my own, to relax and ponder, and not let myself get drawn in to the insanity that surrounds me. Other people's stuff. Broken down trucks, missed appointments, alibis, heated tempers, whatever. I am learning not to jump on every squirrel that crosses my path. Squirrels will be squirrels.

Ivy Green said...

This was the affirmation message for today's date in my reader today. I got to it late, but it was perfect for the day.

"I'm learning to be flexible in my approach to life. Day by day, I am adjusting my attitudes and my rigid schedule to accommodate the unexpected. I am open to new beliefs and new ways of doing things. I release the rigid codes of behavior that others are expected to live up to....Life is filled with all kinds of interesting people and a great variety of experiences. An infinite amount of potential and possibilities exist for me if I am open to them. As I learn to trust myself, I am open to be flexible, adaptable, and less resistant to change...Today I release outmoded habits of thinking and feeling. My life possesses a balance of structure and spontaneity that allows me to experience new ideas and situations. My life expresses a spirit of flexibility, and with this comes peace, contentment and well-being."

~ Rokelle Lerner

Ivy Green said...

I know you are going to miss your Sis when she goes home.

jan said...

Chloe, very interesting info about Gore. It saddens me b/c I thought he and Tipper were still in love. Oh well! We never know what a relationship is all about - sometimes even our own. I have to admit I do like to hear the scuttlebutt.

jan said...

"I am learning not to jump on every squirrel that crosses my path. Squirrels will be squirrels"

Ivy, LOL - that is profound. I think I will tape that up somewhere that I can see it.

Anonymous said...

".... I am adjusting my attitudes ..... to accommodate the unexpected. I am open to new beliefs and new ways of doing things..... An infinite amount of potential and possibilities exist for me if I am open to them. As I learn to trust myself, I am open to be flexible, adaptable, and less resistant to change.... Today I release outmoded habits of thinking and feeling."

I am so glad you shared today's reading with us Ivy - you're right, it is perfect.

It spoke of so many of the things that are most important to me. And who doesn't want peace, contentment and a feeling of well-being. Thanks Ivy!

Anonymous said...

... ooh, and Jan. I like gossip too (scuttlebutt is a 'great' word! :).

Anonymous said...

Ivy, I think more synchronicity - the fact that you mentioned your squirrels today. I had to skid off the road today, to miss one that ran in front of me at the end of my street.

And one was jumping from tree to tree right outside my upstairs window yesterday (while I was pondering something or other) - which I rarely see that close to house, because of the cats.

jan said...

I miss squirrels. Not many here - I guess just not enough trees. We have birds aplenty though.

Anonymous said...

Coreen, I was surprised to see this - was it near you? Suspected tornado shatters largest city in Conn.

Carol said...

Very neat affirmation Ivy. I think I'll keep it.

Big sis and I finally got in a Yoga session last evening around 10p. Before sis got here, I envisioned us doing this everyday as part of our spiritual workout program. Hah, that didn't exactly work out. But, we still have three evenings left. Do you think that is enough time to achieve enlightenment??

We have gotten some nice swimming time in. That is very peaceful if we make sure it is before the deer flies come out for their workout.

The SW went over the results of my SF's Global Assessment of Functioning with SF and me and they had him accurately pegged in most of the areas except intelligence. He is quite sharp but they really didn't have time to evaluate that. The SW giving the info talked to us like we both had a Phd in Sociology or Psychology. I wanted to tell him how inapproprite that was but thought better of it. I didn't want to score too low in my social skills. SF kinda failed there.

Not sure when he will get sprung. We made some more good progress today.

Carol said...

Off to swim.

Carol said...

Ya know, yesterday, I saw Pa laugh many times. He seems to be clicking more on all channels. I haven't seen that very often. He's loving the attention. He is loving the fact that we are all busting it to take care of all his needs. Who wouldn't? After sleeping on it, I think he really does need to be in a place where he can be around people and have his needs met even though I don't know if I can convince him of that.

I have spent pretty much every working hour of my vacation, and more, the last two weeks hoofing it to deal with just a few of his issues and I had help, who is retired and also using her vacation, but soon that will be gone. I told SF that my job and life right now is about the hardest it has ever been. It is. I'm closing in on when I should retire and I working harder in a job than I ever have. I'm fixing to lighten a little of my off time load by having the roomie to help take care of my other house but that still doesn't make much room.

The SW did indicate to us and I stressed to my Pa that Elderly protection would be involved to monitor the situation. I told him that he could only go home if everything could work out for him to be safe and cared for. If it didn't, it was out of our hands. I still can't provide his care. I might be able to shake a few hours a week out if I leave off some of the mowing and leave out any recreation time for myself. I could see him more often if he was in a facilty here in town.

We worry about eating right and taking good care of ourselves, for what?? So we can end up like this, old and in the way? It's been a big wake up call for me. Is Kevorkian still around? I'm gonna be in big trouble when I get to be in his shoes, only it might be in just a year or two. SF, in his 80s, is physically in much better shape than I am. I'm rolling downhill fast. SF had lots of fresh air, hard work and mom had him eating pretty healthy for 30 years, all ingredients for a long life.

I'm sorry I have hogged the blog with this distressing subject. We all must face it sooner or later, if many of you aren't already facing it. I thank you for your tolerance and your advice.

Carol said...

Coreen, is everything OK in your area? Do you have power?

Carol said...

Just talked with Coreen. She is safe and OK but has had no power since 9p last night. She doesn't have a clue why not. She only experienced some wind. No damage close by. She will check in when she gets power back and we should send some good thoughts her way for it to come back.

Anonymous said...

"So we can end up like this, old and in the way?"

No, no, no, Carol - It's important you push away those thoughts! Expectations are very powerful.

I think it's good that you've been sharing your experiences with us - that way we all learn. Plus, going through these things (somewhat) together, tightens our bond.

You can do things differently that your SF. You've got plenty of time to think things through, in order to not ever end up in a similar situation. It's imperative that we simplify things as we get older. It takes a while to do that, but it just starts with a frame of mind and a lot of thinking.

I know that you know already, that we 'always' have to cover our ass.

Anonymous said...

Coreen, Sorry for the hardship you are going through - and I do know from personal experience (countless times!) that being without power can be a great hardship.

Hoping to hear from you soon that everything is back to normal.

Anonymous said...

House, Senate leaders finalize details of sweeping financial overhaul
"A new consumer protection bureau housed in the Federal Reserve would have independent funding, an independent leader and near-total autonomy to write and enforce rules. The government would have broad new powers to seize and wind down large, failing financial firms and to oversee the $600-trillion derivatives market. In addition, a council of regulators, headed by the Treasury secretary, would monitor the financial landscape for potential systemic risks.

"The finish line is in sight. The bill that has emerged from conference is strong," Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said in a statement early Friday. "It will offer families the protections they deserve, help safeguard their financial security and give the businesses of American access to the credit they need to expand and innovate." http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/25/AR2010062500675_pf.html

jan said...

Coreen, I too am sending good thoughts your way that your power will be on soon.

Carol, I applaud all the work you have done to help your SF. I am so glad your big sis could be there to help and for you to spend time together.

jan said...

Carol, I have been reading what you have said above over and over. You are not like your SF and you are NOT your SF. Your SF has cut himself off from people- you have not. You have many friends and 2 sisters and people who love you. You enjoy your life on the river. You have work that is meaningful. You reach out to us, your friends every day. I think you are feeling sad because your sister is leaving but she is with you and just a phone call or an e-mail away from you. So is Coreen. I too am just a phone call away. I sent you my phone no. and you can call me anytime. Yes, growing old is a bitch. I have said that so many times in the past years. But my dad used to say -"consider the alternative." I love you Carol. Even though we had so many years apart, I remember what our friendship was and all the things we did together. I am still here. I know you put me out of your life when I left there, but I have never put you out of my life and I never will. We have reconnected and I intend to see you one of these days.

jan said...

I am going over to swim - have missed it for 2 days. I will be back.

Carol said...

Just saw that Coreen's temp is 76+ with 21% humidity. So far so good. No wind, not so good.

Off we go into the wild blue yonder....

Carol said...

Thank you so much Jan.

Carol said...

Thank you all!

jan said...

here is a big hug for you (( ))

Coreen, I do envy your temperature and humidity.

I can't complain too much. We are having temps in mid to hi 90's but early this morn I sat out on my front porch and had my tea, and it was very pleasant.

Carol said...

Home again, home again.....

Coreen must still be without power or she would have checked in. I pulled up her power co. and they still list 1377 people without power in her town. Poor baby!

Our poduck power co has better online tracking than hers. Of course our poduck co. powers many states. I have Entergy.

Carol said...

We just got back from playing Merry Maids at Pa's house. Well a third of us was Mary and actually none of us were very merry about it. Glad I don't do that for a living.

When the three of us a bits and pieces of other relatives can't even get thru what my SF needed to do, I certainly can't blame him, at age 81, for not being able to keep up with it.

Carol said...

Well we are heading out to vacation. First to swim and then to go to the Casino to eat. They usually have lots of crab there and I have a hankering for crab.

Coreen, I'll be checking in to see when your power returns. Hope it is soon.

We have a tropical depression heading into the Gulf. I haven't even listened to the news and won't now. A friend of mine tried to give me the gory details of the horrible scenarios but I told her to keep them to herself. I won't share them because I don't want to give them any power.

Solar said...

checking in while I can...my power has been going on and off for a cpl of days now.! Sometimes when it is on..I can get on the net for a short time...and sometimes it only lasts a few moments...

jan said...

We are just coming in from a movie, Grown Ups. Good for a few laughs. Movies right now are pretty slim pickins. John liked it. It was pretty politically incorrect and definitely a guy movie. He does go see chick flicks with me sometimes - so turnabout fair play.

jan said...

Carol, I wish you would get a pic of the 3 of you sisters together and post it like the one you posted months ago of you all.

jan said...

Enjoy your crabs.

jan said...

Coreen and solar, we are all concerned about you and your power situations.

Solar said...

Looks like I have stabilized now..will try to post some tomorrow after catching up, but did see that Coreen is getting the same treatment....

Ivy Green said...

We have all enjoyed Sis's visit and will miss her when she goes home. I think she's going back to a heat wave...mid-70s.

jan said...

Solar, glad you are stable now - LOL.

jan said...

Carol, I hope when you get in you can help me out. My 21 y/o grandson has a head wound from last night. A girl in his group was horsing around, jumped on his back, it pushed him to the ground onto his forehead. His friends took him to ED and he now has 24 stitches in his forehead above his eyebrow. My son (his dad, Bill) just found out about the accident this afternoon. Grandson shares a house with a friend. Bill picked GS up and took him home with him this afternoon. Bill called me a while ago. GS had a terrible headache. ER doc gave him script for Oxycodone. He did vomit at 10 am this morn but not since. The oxycodone does seem to relieve the headache but after 3-4 hrs the HA returns. He is eating ok - no dizziness or vision changes. I had Bill (over the phone) do a brief neuro exam. Bill said he will wake him every 2 hrs tonight. Do you have any other suggestions?

jan said...

oops. 14 stitches - not 24.

Carol said...

Home now. I ate lots of good Dungeness crab, my favorite.

Jan, sorry about GS injury. It wouldn't be unusual for him to have a headache after banging his noggin on the ground hard enough to split it open. As long as he is alert and oriented, he should be OK. Did he lose consciousness? If he did that would indicate that he had a concussion. That's a little more serious. The Oxycodone is a strong narcotic analgesic but it can cause a rebound headache, kind of like a hangover. It can also make him act goofy.

In the joint we have those kind of injuries pretty often and I have never seen any problems afterwards. It would be very unusual. Make sure he gets those sutures out in about 5 days. With sutures in the face, if he doesn't, it can leave a railroad track scar.

If you have some sharp little scissors with good points, at home, you can cut them out. Make sure the wound looks fairly well healed.

Carol said...

Rut rho, Coreen did not check in tonight which would mean she is probably still without electricity. She did call about 7:30 and left a message that she had a flash of electricity, then out, then back but not sure for how long. Her not checking in leads me to believe it did not stay on.

I checked her outage map and there are still 800+ without power in her area. Bummer.

Carol said...

Popped up. Little attacks of fear. Multiple causes. Some PTSD from Hurricane Rita and the new tropical system. This is something that I deal with every summer since that storm.

Something else Jan I forgot to mention. GS might have vomited this morning due to that pain med. It can also cause nausea especially if he took it and tried to move around.

Carol said...

Swamp to Coreen, come in girl. Are you there? Do you see the light yet?

Carol said...

I'm seeing a star that could be you, over.

Carol said...

There are still a little over 220 people without power in Coreens neck of the woods. I've been watching.

Coreen said...

Finally, we are up & running so far....

good morning everyone & thanks for all
the good wishes coming this way...

The power went on at 7 pm last night, but then
went off after about 10 minutes (right after I
shut all windows, started the ac) & right after
my aunts brought my mom home, (but she went back to aunt's house) then about 8:30 pm it came on again & so far, it is still on, thankfully....

Will check in again in a little bit...all is
well, not sure about the food in the fridge yet...so back in a few....

Carol said...

Well Glory Be! Hallelujah! She's back to cooking with grease.

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you back Coreen! Bet you're out buying fresh groceries by now. Let us know how you're doing.

Anonymous said...

You too Solar. Did you guys have a storm there, or do you have a lousy electric company like we do out here (although they have improved - I shouldn't complain). Please let us know how you're doing too.

Anonymous said...

Carol, my little 'attacks of fear' always come in the middle of the night too. Our subconscious must be hard at work, letting us know there's something we need to straighten out. With me, it's usually my thinking that needs to be straightened out - I'm a control freak.

Anonymous said...

.... I've really enjoyed your Shhhhhhh! post Carol. You need to put up more pictures for us. Did you take the one Jan was hoping for, with your sisters last night?

Anonymous said...

"Movies right now are pretty slim pickins"

You've got that right Jan. There's a new one coming out soon with Tom Cruise, 'Knight and Day', but I'm not even sure how good that one will be (although I wouldn't dream of missing it). I don't remember good movies ever being so hard to find as they are now.

Carol said...

Ya'll we have all been a little stressed here. I, for one, would not want any pics of my wide eyed panicked look. Also not too many times when we could all three get together, at the same time, except yesterday for the merry maid duty. Mary and I would not want our sweaty pics posted anywhere.

Carol said...

Thank you God. All the computer models now have that tropical system heading down to Mexico. I don't wish any bad things for Mexico but if it hits that oil spill disaster or close to it, we're doomed. Best scenario is to stay way west and south. Please keep your prayers up.

jan said...

Carol, thanks for the info for GS. I went out this morn and checked on him. He is doing well. He did lose consciousness and has a concussion. He hit right over his right eye. He has 2 long gashes over his right eye into his hair. He has a really sweet looking face. This will just make him look tougher. The area around his eye is swelling. He has a little drainage in one area so I put a sterile bandage with some antibacterial stuff on it. When John had the gashes on his head the doc said just to let it drain but put the antibacterial stuff on it 2 times a day. Is that what you would recommend for Cory too?


Your pictures never fail CT .....

Something I want you to see :

I have this old bucket that I fill with water for hand watering small fruits and other things in my yard. Tuesday, I still had a gallon or two of water in it when I was done. I just left it in there. Thursday, I came home, and was getting ready to re-fill it, when I noticed the rainbow sheen of oil.

I dumped out the water, cleaned it out with dish detergent, rinsed it thoroughly, re-filled it, did my watering, and purposefully re-filled it with a couple of gallons of fresh water. Last night, I made sure there was no oily sheen there.

Sad to report that there is a very light sheen of oil on the surface of the water, today. I am going to continue this experiment every day, now. Hopefully, when the light gets a little better, I can start taking pictures, and getting them posted here on a day-to-day basis.

I'd like to ask you all to start conducting this same, simple experiment, if you live within the "Gulf Moisture Bubble" from the Gulf to the Mid-South, to Georgia.

Take a clean bucket or wash basin, fill it with fresh water daily. Check it every 24-hours, and repeat. Report observations in comments, right here. Perhaps some Math-type with mad graphing skillz will help map our observations over the coming weeks.



jan said...

Coreen, Welcome back. Hope your power stays on. We used to experience that in Little Rock. Every time it would storm our power would go off. With ice storms it could be off for days.

Anonymous said...

Jan, I'm both surprised and sorry to hear that your grandson's has a concussion - but very glad to hear he's doing OK now. I always put an antibiotic cream on cuts to keep them from getting infected - so, of course, I (who knows nothing about medicine) think you are doing the right thing. :)

Hope you keep us informed on how he's doing.

jan said...

I just have to post this web site to the "ugliest dog contest. Like babies, I don't think there is such a thing as an ugly dog. They are so cute.

Thanks Chloe and Carol. I think he is going to be fine. He has youth on his side.

jan said...

Chloe, I too keep that antibiotic cream close by. Its good stuff. Good health and frequent handwashing helps a lot too.

Carol said...

Chloe, didn't I hear somewhere that that ugliest dog died?? Seems like I did. Yes Jan,to the human dog mamma, there is no ugly dog. Some may not think my Magster is as beautiful as I think she is. I know ya'll all think she's cute. Don't ya?

Coreen, are you still getting over power outage shock??

C-Bob, I went around to things that hold water around here and found no signs of oil sheen yet. Well keep a lookout. I also have a pool full of water and it is crystal clear.

I also recommend being careful with the OTC antibiotic ointments. If it is a triple antibiotic ointment and has Neomycin it could be a problem. 60% of the population is allergic to Neomycin and it will cause a reaction that looks a lot like an infection. I am one who is allergic and my BIL is also. Learned that from a Dermatology workshop.

I would just keep the wound clean, with some soap and water, and dry. Those ointments can also provide a medium for bacterial growth. The wound care specialist at the hospital stopped using it on IV sites, long ago, because that ointment cultured out too many organisms.

Some prescription antibiotic ointments like Bactoban are good but not necessary unless treating an infection.

Carol said...

I tried to google allery to Neomycin and can't get the percentage that Dermotologist cited but it is not a figure I made up, a Dermotologist reported it. He wouldn't advise using it. I found a place that listed a one in twenty allergy.

jan said...

Carol, very interesting! I have not heard that before about Neomycin. I will tell Bill tomorrow.

Just got home from a birthday party for my son. Both my great grandbabies were there. A very pleasant night for me. They are adorable babies. I held and played with the babies all evening. I will sleep well tonight.

Carol said...

I woke up this morning and big sis has gone. She left at 2a. There's a real empty feeling around here. There's an empty feeling in my heart. Even Maggie has the blues. She's sitting on the back of the couch pouting.

But sis is only a phone call away. Considering that I used my 900 minutes of prime time call time for the month and close to 1000 minutes of rollover minutes, just in the last 9 days, another phone call doesn't really excite me. My brain is smoking. I'm half baked here.

Yesterday when we went to see SF in the hospital, I thought they were going to let him go home. I thought they had to. He signed that paper to be released and they only had 72 hours to hold him for further evaluation. Hah. His Shrink, who hasn't even talked to him yet and he has been in for about 16 days, PECed him again and had the Cornoner CEC him for another 15 days. I felt ambivilent. I was furious that they can do this, with the evaluation they had of him, but I didn't want to fight the Universe because I'm not really ready either but I acted like I was. I showed my teeth.

I also remembered, Chloe, what you wrote...."As a water creature the heron is also a symbol of going with the flow, and working with the elements of Mother nature rather than struggling against her." Thank you Chloe.

We were furious, especially since that Doc hasn't even visited with him since he was abducted. The little nurse was sympathetic. She said his Doc did see him on Friday because the medical notes indicated he did. I asked SF. He said no. I believed SF. The nurse came back and said she checked with someone and the Doc did not see him. She indicated that she would pass all this along to her Unit Manager. She is just a peon nurse there.... but a brave peon. I thanked her.

The SW is suppose to be keeping me up to date on progress but he isn't. Nurse indicated that he is new and, reading her expressions, he really doesn't know his job yet. That didn't take a rocket scientist to figure out. I told her that he doesn't know how to talk with patient's or patient's families either. The assessment he read us, I don't think he even understood.

I told that SW that telling a, what they considered somewhat demented person about his crystal and fluid intelligence, was not that appropriate. He just read that assessment and didn't have much of a clue himself what it meant. Fortunately I did understand it.

I have a friend who has gone thru this nightmare herself recently and still is. She knows what I am going thur. She had her dad on this same unit and had the very same experience.

Oh, and that NP who was suppose to help me out some, at the joint, she only came for a few hours on Friday and wouldn't see anyone except some patients who needed wound care. One of my nurses told me that. I told the nurse that we didn't need that because they already knew what they needed there. It seems that NP can't hang. My job is way too tough for her. Tomorrow I will go back to a real nightmare. Actually I'm looking forward to it. It's a familiar nightmare and one I am very capable of taking care of.

Carol said...

Yesterday evening, for our last supper together, we had fresh snap beans, parsleyed buttered new potatoes and grilled fillet mignon.

Sis snapped the beans yesterday morning while I was making my special quiche. We ate good yesterday and while sis was here. And believe it or not, I lost weight over the last couple of weeks. I bet you do believe it.

Carol said...

I talked with Pa's cowpoke friend last night, one I do know I can count on. He talked with the Priest at Pa's church and they are supposed to make a request in church today for some help. We put an ad in the paper also. It ran for the first time yesterday and we got some calls but everyone who called lived too far away. We need someone close.

Carol said...

You know in this life there's no reward for working hard all your life. My Pa worked very hard all his life. He worked from before sun up to until sun down, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. He worked way past when he could even still physically work. He acquired some stuff. They will end up taking it all. You're better off if you're dirt poor and never lifted a finger all your life. Then you're taken care of. Or if you're grossly rich, then we bail you out if there's a problem. But the hard working stiff, they give up everything so they have to take care of both ends.

Coreen said...


sorry to hear that your sister has gone home...

pretty sure having her close by gave you some
support trying to deal with all that is swirling around you...

While it seems progress is slow dealing with
your sf, hoping that the approach that will be
needed is getting a bit clearer with the efforts you are taking...

Everything if fine here, just slow in getting

Anonymous said...

Carol, Have you talked to the shrink? He's the guy you need to be talking to.

From what little I've seen in the past, the fastest way to get someone out of one of those situations is to tell them that there's no money to be had.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hear your sis has gone home. Bet you will spend the day catching up on some much needed rest.

And Jan, hope to hear Grandson is doing fine this morning - hope you're all doing fine this morning!

Carol said...

Chloe, the Shrink won't talk to me. I did tell the nurse that what they can't scam from Medicare, they can eat since I don't think they have adequate grounds for his incarceration. Maybe that will get someone's attention. I told them I would go over his hospital bill with a fine tooth comb. That Shrink better not be charging anyone for any of his visits.

hooked up my lawn trailer and am fixing to load my Snapper. I'm off now to work on my house. Roomie needs to move in this week and there are boxes everywhere. Also I have a difficult acre of tall grass to mow there. Baby steps...just taking baby steps..but at aerobic speed.....Later turtles.

Anonymous said...

I think he has to talk to you Carol. I'd be screaming bloody murder until he did - but then, I can be a hot head. (.. if he has an office, barge into it)

Good luck with your work packed day. Hope you find time to sit back and rest too.

Anonymous said...

... yep, baby steps... easy goes it - one thing at a time.

Anonymous said...

Turtle have the right idea.

Anonymous said...

"...working with the elements of Mother nature rather than struggling against her."

I just love those sentences you quoted Carol - there's a lesson to be learned there. Just remember that working with Mother Nature doesn't mean always going along with other people. They often lead you astray. Make your own path.

Solar said...


"...working with the elements of Mother nature rather than struggling against her."

This is exactly right..and the reason that I find the life cycle much easier to go along with, now just as when it was winter time...I just go with what im given.....no sense to complain much...just gets one in the habit of bitching...can't stand that.....

Jan, yes sometimes I can be a normal person..but not as a norm.!! HA.!


Super glad that you had time to visit with your sister, no not her-your other sister the one that doesn't call her self Maria...


Sorry for sending you our bad weather....went thru all the same things as you have...only a little sooner. Right now it has been thundering and dark since 6 am....but as long as my food doesn't spoil...I will go along with the punches....If food does spoil...can we bill the electric co,??? we buy food to last..thats why we buy electric refrigs........no


Hi tootsie.!! how are the exersices that you were on going....can you do all of them yet...the shoulder ones?

Solar said...

C Bob,

I see that you dropped in....you know there are many, many things in the water that we drink all of the time....too late, the chemicals are already in t hem.......

.....really don't have a clues as to how to reverse them...and since we won't teach the lower school students about these things ( another thing that the two party system f-ed up)..so they can t ake care of the future....the only way that i can see doing any good right now....is the right type of enforced regulations.....not written by big businesses of course....

But from t he congress people that are supposed to take care of us....but how do we get them to do this...when we keep voting the same shits back all of the time...just can't see them changing anything, until we change......so please come and talk to us inf you want to....we do talk in more than just a few words around here, and are not limited to just a few words....or a cpl of paragraphs....or in code.....but just don't make this a weather station...all of the time...just saying.....

ps, I do really enjoy when ( I scan your post to see ) you talk about history, and other things.....the sky is falling thing is ok when new information is around...but not 24/7...all over the world...things happen..I don't know if it will ever stop.....no I do know...it will never stop...mother earth will always have her way and try to heal herself......if we over populate the world..there will be some human suffering....just the results of the over population.....

We do speed up the process tho....NAFTA sucks...big time.!!

jan said...

Carol, reading your comment about going back to your work reminds me that for me, getting over some sadness at when I am sad to see someone leave or me leave them is to get back to my usual routine. It is the routines in my life that give me comfort. I hope that will work for you as well.

jan said...

My grandson is doing a little better. My son tells me that his headache is lessening but his eye has swelled more.

Now John's eye (the one that had surgery) is "crusting" over. He was putting in his own eyedrops (prescribed) and I am doing them again. I hope it is not infected. He has 3 different eyedrops - one is antibiotic, one steroid and one NSAID with directions to put in 4 times/day - in no particular order with 5 min between each drop. I have decided to let his antibiotic stay in 15 min before putting in other 2 eyedrops to give it more time to work. If it is not better tomorrow I want him to be seen by his doc.

Solar said...


.....hope that everything turns out just like you want it to.!

Not going to the flea market today..too many things that I don't need end up in my truck....but last week I saw a Huffy women 26 inch ( just the right size for a female-bike that is ) bicycle and took it for a ride...finally settled for 30 bucks..would have bought it for over 50....been riding it all week and going to take it over to the area ( Forrest preserves )
that we used to hold our S A C club picinics.......the bike has one of those real wide comfortable seats.....and all of the gears respond as if new.....wonder if they have helmets for the ass she going to go pretty fast I think.....just finished cleaning her up....looking for a name....lets see...she has long fine legs....nice curves where they should be...and her handle bars are easy to hold on too....and after warming up a little....she is ready for the high speeds......

Got it " Candy Girl"


Solar said...


Carol said...

Afternoon. I made some progress today but not as much as I wanted to. Part of my lawnmower blade flew off this morning but it was still cutting grass even if it had to strain a bit. I will get a new blade tomorrow. I had noticed a while back there was some damage to the blade.

I left lawnmower and worked in the house. Roomie is moving her stuff in. I think she has more crap than I do. She only gets half.

It's not going to all get done for a little while. This afternoon I went out to finish the mowing and a huge nasty looking storm cloud blew up. I put lawnmower up and came home. Hey, I'm going with the flow and the flow was headed back to owl camp. Soon as I got home, the clouds blew over but I'm not going back.

Now, time to relax and to watch a little TV. Sis doesn't like TV so all I've seen was a little of a couple of my Dylan R shows. Giving up TV used to be really hard but not anymore.

Solar I like that song and the name for your bike. I remember that song well. And yes those bike seats are awful. I would love to ride my bike but it hurts and I have two gel covers on the seat. I don't know how ya'll can sit on those seats with the extra part ya'll have. I'm glad we don't have those dangley things to have to deal with, unless they are earrings.