Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Buzz Buzz Buzz goes the bumble bee


Coreen said...

These are from last year....just starting to get buds this year...

And that snow mountain cherry tree fell down during the Halloween snowstorm...

Can you find the bumble bee in each of the pics...

jan said...

Study: People with lots of Facebook friends more likely to be narcissists

I found this article on facebook. Interesting.

jan said...

Coreen, beautiful pics. I found the bumblebee in all of them.

Carol said...

Great pics Coreen. I found the bumble bee in each.

Ah ah ah choo! The pics of those flowers are so real I think I can smell them and I had to sneeze.

I've been hearing that the early warm temps have caused some big time pollen and serious allergy reactions. People who aren't usually affected..are.

I think that I'm here to validate that fact.

Coreen said...

Did you sister make it back home after the cancelled flight...

Carol said...

Thanks for the new post Coreen. It's really beautiful. So springtime.

Carol said...

Coreen..I don't have a clue when sis's plane gets into Seattle. I'm not even sure what time it left Houston. Everything changed so many times and she was staying with Twin last night. I'll call her later to see if she got there OK.

Carol said...

I got thru an entire day at work without incident. It was a good day. I brought all my BBQ left overs and got rid of them. I didn't even eat much of it myself..maybe two ribs and I had three large racks. Also chicken and sausage. I always cook like I'm feeding an army.

Toward the end of the day.. while seeing my next to last patient.. I was waiting for one of my nurses to get me some info. I blinked and actually fell asleep for a moment. It was just a moment but I felt the loss of consciousness. I even felt a little refreshed when I opened my eyes again. I guess we could call it a 30 second power nap.

Carol said...

I looked at the hydrologic prediction for my river and it's gone down since this morning. It's only at 5.3 and it was at 5.4 this morning at 7. They may recalculate it and it may not get as high as predicted. I could drive thru that..but don't want to.

I'm enjoying being back at home. It wanted my company. I can feel it. It's also so uncluttered here.
When I moved to the was uncluttered. Now it's cluttered. I may have to keep moving back and forth so I can get both places uncluttered.

Carol said...

Jan..I'm having trouble focusing on Idol because I can't pause it to get up and go do something like I can the satellite. From what I have heard..they are all good.

Carol said...

I think I'm going to start coming here every couple of weeks or more often to spend some time here and keep it company. I do have to mow and in the summer I'll want to swim some. It's the only low impact exercise I can do these days. No stress on my old bones.

Carol said...

Coreen..being a blogger has really developed your photography talent. You have very good composition.

Carol said...

Tomato woman talks about us going to see the USA in our...well whatever. Sis and I drove by this camper place on the way home from the farm Sunday. I think I may have mentioned it. Can't remember.

There was this little pull camper that was so cute. We spun around so I could get a closer look. It looked like a little turtle but self contained.

Here is the website. It's called a r-pod. Check it out. I wonder if it can be pulled with a car??

Coreen said...

I take no credit for any pics...I just keep snapping & hope for the best...but thanks for the encouragment...

And since it is spring thought we should acknowledge it...even if it hasn't really popped here...

Weather guy just said we are avg. 10 degrees above normal March temps so far...

Sounds like a good plan splitting time between the river & the pool...

Coreen said...

The original way to see the usa...
dinah shore told us all..."in your Chevrolet"...

but today those rv's use a ton of gas, bad milage, so dollars to donuts...there won't be a lot of
road warriors this year....

Carol said...

Jan..I don't do Facebook often and don't have many friends on it. I just don't respond to requests. I've always preferred more quality and less quantity. That's with just about everything I do..except fishing stuff.

Carol said...

Well..they did change the prediction for the river. It's going up slower but going up higher now. They have the crest set for Monday at 7.3. Hmmm.

I just realized that I didn't bring much variety or numbers for clothes. I'll have a much shorter rotations.

Maybe I will try to get out there tomorrow for more clothes.

jan said...

Cute little travel trailer. I have always wanted to try one but John not too keen on them. I would want a bigger one. I like some space. I would probably get a little claustrophobia in a small one.

jan said...

I love to travel but after about a week to 10 days I am ready to come home. My sis and her late hubby had a big 5th wheel for years and did a lot of traveling all over the country. She hated it. She went along because he liked it. She is a real homebody. Does not like traveling at all. In all the years I have lived away from my hometown/state, she has been to visit me once. I do all the traveling to see her.

jan said...

I like FB to keep up with some friends and family that I would otherwise not. My grandson and his wife post pictures of themselves and the 2 babies often - If they were the only ones on FB, those pics would be worth it to me. I have a few friends from HS and now some new friends from our dream group. My son and 2 grandchildren in Ark are on FB - they don't post much but it is a way of staying in touch with them.

Carol said...

Well Coreen..Tebow is on again for the Jets. I think that it will be a good thing for the Jets. I feel that Tebow does have some good karma. I think he is for real..kinda dorky..but for real.

I don't have a problem with his one kneeing it. If he wants to thank God.. after a game.. for keeping his brains in his helmet..that's OK by me.

He seems to be a good sport about getting kicked off his team after helping to bring them to the playoffs.

Your boy..Joe N is unhappy about it though. He thinks it's just a publicity stunt.

Linda Kenney Baden..former criminal prosecutor and sport's fan..wrote an interesting article on Huff Post about Peyton going to the Broncos. She doesn't think it's a good idea.

I'm not crazy about her..usually don't agree with her when it comes to her legal stuff. She was once on Casey Anthony's defense team.

Here's her article:

Carol said...

Coreen..I do remember.."see the USA in your Chevrolet". But I don't have one.

Carol said...

I went to sleep listening to Travis Rogers on Yahoo Radio. I haven't listened to him is quite a while. I wanted to hear what Travis thought of everything that happened yesterday.

Re: the Saints..he thought it was excessive but deserved..even though they aren't the only guilty dogs.

I feel the same way but I'm really pissed... at the Saints. It's just sooooo dumb. Just like what I see every day in the joint. So self destructive. Why..why..why????

Is that they don't make enough money? Or they don't see enough blood and guts?? What is it??? Do you have a clue Coreen?? Does anyone else??

Hey..I got are sooo stupid!

Carol said...

I'm gonna be grieving here for a while. Ya know..I was just developing a real love for football...not just my teams but a few of the others also.

This crime and punishment will kick the Saints in the ass for years to come. Travis stressed that it would.

I guess we can't appeal it?? Coreen..ya want to put in for an appeal?? We promise we won't do it ever again.

I just bet what the Saints were doing is just a sub game of the game itself...called whack the quarterback. It's just a way for the players to entertain themselves. Are quarterbacks the most frequent targets here Coreen?

Carol said...

To move on from this depressing subject..I want to mention that Sis brought her PNW recycling values with her to our neck of the woods.

I do try but it's not easy down here. We aren't set up for it. I hoard my plastic plastic bags..any aluminum drink cans. Sometimes they just pile up and sometimes I find a place to bring them. Ya have to bring this stuff to different places and some aren't even available for working people because they aren't there outside of my working hours.

My sis has been the most significant influence on my environmental protection values. Probably the most significant influence on many of my better values...but still a little excessively controlling..alpha doggish. Maggie is starting to relax. We're bonding again. I forgave her.

Carol said...

When we were out tooling around in my gas sucking truck...if I tried to idle for more than 30 seconds..sis insisted on me turning off my engine.

I was of the erroneous impression that restarting an engine was harder on a vehicle and took more gas than idling for a short while. I Googled it and I was wrong. Most things that I have read on the subject reported that idling just 10 seconds uses more fuel than restarting an engine..just don't step on the excellerator to restart. And idling is harder on an engine than restarting it.

I read that in some states..idling is even illegal..probably for the exhaust fume reason.

Also I learned that we don't have to warm up our vehicles..just start and go. New vehicles are made to start and go.

jan said...

Sorry about your Saints Carol. I don't know enough about football to say anything about these trades (Tebow and Payton). It is surprising that I even know about that. I do follow stuff on the news online. I don't subscribe to any papers online - I just check into several of them and read the headlines - NYTimes and Los Angeles Times gives you 20 free clicks a month to their stuff and NPR and some others are free.

John does keep up with football news so he tells me stuff.

jan said...

I think Tebow is for real. He seems to be a real nice guy. I hope he does a good job for your Jets Coreen.

jan said...

John's favorite player is Eli Manning. He thinks his sister's husband's sister was married to someone related to the Mannings. Her married name was Manning and he was from Miss. She has been dead for years. I keep telling John he should check it out with his sister - she would know. John and my DIL in Ark. are related to about everyone in that area and lots of other folks too. When we lived in Ark. we were always running into one of John's long lost relatives.

jan said...

If there is anyone in Ark that John is not related to then my DIL is related to them. Funny thing, when Steve married her (DIL in Ark), Her uncle was performing the ceremony (he was pastor at 1st Methodist in Little Rock - that is Hillary's church BTY - anyway while at the rehearsal dinner, he (pastor) and Bob (Steve's dad) were talking and discovered they were distantly related. Bobs mother and dad were both from Ark.

jan said...

When I first moved to Little Rock, I went to the 1st meth church. Hillary was a member there - and she came several times - I would see her at a distance. She always sat at the back or in the balcony in the back. Bill Clinton is a Baptist and went to 1st Baptist Church. The first place I lived in while in LR was just 3 blocks from the Governor's mansion -downtown. I used to see Bill running with his entourage- never met him. He was Governor then - that was in 1990-91.

jan said...

Gotta get ready for work.

Carol said...

Jan..I have relatives in Arkansas..maybe I'm related to John. My relatives were from Camden..does he have any relatives there?

Carol said...

I've been reading up on that Trayvon kid. From what I've read so far..I think that shooter is guilty of a crime.

Carol said...

Jan..I only half watched AI last night because I was running around doing things but I went to the website and watched videos of the singers I missed.

After just one show..I'm already disappointed in the outcome. Now I remember why I didn't like AI that much.

Coreen said...

Sometimes stupid is well just stupid...guess you just have to consider the source...

Pat Robertson's comments on Denver
trading Tebow...
Pat Robertson
Broncos deserve a manning injury for treating tebow so shabby

Carol said...

I drove over to the camp to get some more clothes and a few things out of the frig I needed. The water was probably close to the same level it was when I made my first feather run. I could see the middle lines in all but one area. I got nervous there.

The road just curves so much that it's impossible for me to figure out where it is. I told my neighbor that the hood should all get together and get some stakes with reflectors to put out when the water level is high but still at a level that can be driven thru. It would help people like me who don't have that road memorized.

There are only certain areas where it's difficult to tell where the road is.

Carol said...

Did anyone see the story about John Edwards hooking up..literally..with one of the millionaire madam's girls in New York? I guess what happens in New York doesn't stay in New York.

jan said...

Carol, John did have a relative in Camden 70 years ago - Maudie Caple.

Carol said...

Dang...I just got a call from the joint about someone they just arrested. I swear..they can't seem to arrest anyone who is half way healthy. Most missed a good chance to be dead. And it seems that the seriousness of their crimes are directly proportional to the seriousness of their medical problems.

Carol said...

I was listening to Travis Rogers today and he was saying that it wasn't bad enough that the Saints did what they did but they kept detailed records of it..payouts..pool money..etc.

Carol said...

How did y'all sneak in comments when I didn't see them there before?

Carol said...

Dang Coreen..Pat Robertson must be reading my mind. I thought the same thing. Lately he's been making sense. He said that those bankers who screwed us all should be going to jail..and that they ought to stop putting everyone who smokes a little dope in jail. I think he's getting some old age "mentia" Colbert said the other night.

Carol said...

This evening I went out and blew off the pool cover. I couldn't even find a pool out there with all the stuff that falls out of my huge Live Oak tree. It used to fall into the pool but I fooled it this's covered with a pool cover that's like a giant trampoline. The company says that an elephant can walk on that cover. This elephant won't try it.

With my pool man and his back up both in jail..I'm gonna have to learn how to take care of my salt water myself. I was an expert on the old chemical system but don't know anything about the salt water system.

I don't know about how long # 1 pool man will be in jail..its his umteenth DUI. #2 is only in for something minor so he may be out soon. Until then..I'm on my own.

Carol said...

And BTW..the bounty payoff for a cart off was only $1500. With all the millions those football players make it seems kinda stupid to risk everything for that pocket change.

Carol said...

I was chuckling this morning thinking about one of the patients I had yesterday. He came in and told me that his girlfriend.. who he had sex with.. had Chlamydia and he wanted to be treated. That kind of thing happens pretty often.

I told him that he ought to consider using some protection when he had sex. Telling him that alone will not make an impression on him. They don't think of consequences when they are horny. I know that.

I was thinking..what can I say that will make an impression on this guy?? He was a young black guy. Most young black guys are very pissy about their appearances and their skin. Some even come to medical for one pimple on their skin. Really.

I always tell these guys that we can treat the Chlamydia..or gonorrhea..or trich or..some of the other STDs but there are so many STDs that we might be able to treat but not cure. If he got any of those..he would have to live with the misery that they can cause.

I had an idea. I got out my dermatology book. I found a good pic of genital warts. I knew that would make an impression on him..if he was a typical black guy. I showed him those pics. I watched his eyes get real big. I time you have unprotected sex..think of this pic. I said..think of a big ugly broccoli looking thing growing on your penis. Looking at the expression on his face..I got the feeling that he would definitely be thinking about it.

When he left my office..he thanked me for talking to him. He thanked me for showing him those pics. I smiled. That's one of the reason that I love my job!

jan said...

Carol, I love this story about the young Black guy. Good for you! You have a great creative sense of what you can do to prevent future disease. I howled when I read this story - John enjoyed it too.

I salute you today Carol. You should compile a bunch of your stories you tell here and write an article for one of your NP journals.

jan said...

As for Whitney. Such a sad story. It is so true that it is the little things in life that make us happy. I guess when you get that BIG in terms of fame and fortune- and the drugs of course - people like Whitney and Michael Jackson and Marilyn Monroe and Elvis Presley have long forgotten what makes life worth living.

Carol said... I have time for another assignment. And thanks for the compliment. It means alot coming from you.

You compile the stories..we'll do a book together..we'll call the book antidotes from an NP on the other side of the bars..or something like that. We can split any money we can make. If Oprah was still doing her show..we could go on it. She'd probably like a book like that and she can sell books!

My job gives me lots of good material but I only write them down when I'm inspired. I'm usually inspired when I wake up in the morning..still alive!

jan said...

Interesting thing just happened. Carol, you are very passionate about issues that are important to you. I want to know what you and Coreen think about this. I am on facebook with several past HS friends. One of them posted something about recent oil issues in the US. Another friend is an environmentalist and this one friends husb who works in Alaska and is only home every other month. He got on my HS friends FB site and had a huge disagreement with my other HS friend and he began telling my environmentalist friend that she did not know anything about US economics and other things and was really what I consider to be, verbally abusive. My environmentalist friend who lives in Arizona just wrote me and said our friend whose husb did all this just defriended her.

jan said...

I am not sure you will understand what I just said. When I read it back, it was not clear.

Environmentalist friend lives in Az
other HS friend lives in OK. OK friend is the one whose husb got on her FB site and talking to environmentalist friend. It began as a political disagreement. Environmentalist friend was sharing her viewpoint but OK friends husb - became inappropriate and carried it to a personal level. Then after the discussion, the OK friend defriended the Az friend.

Things are beginning to get UGLY now.

Coreen said...

Unfortunately everyone today believes that their version of reality is the 'right' one & there is less & less 'discussion' of issues...let alone agreement...

I marvel that now you can get an opinion to fit any set of facts if you search is increasingly more difficult to find a middle, a consensus, a compromise on just about any subject...there is no balance....

I don't see that changing in the forseeable future, but rather intensifying, particularly as the economy continues to impact everyone's daily life & for many in a most negative manner...

From the little you mentioned I can
imagine that one friend has a strong opinion about environmental
concerns (which today usually involves the issue of our use of energy(oil, gas, electric) vs. the husband who is working & earning a living in the very industry that your env. friend was
opining about (I suspect that they are on polar opposites in their views)...a volative combination in the current political environment...

Not sure what the defriending signifies(beyond anger)...forgive me if I sound well callous, but likely the mere fact that they were HS friends, doesn't necessarily translate into being friends in later
life...likely in the absence of FB they would never have continued to be friends anyway...

Guess whoever said never discuss
religion & politics was on to something....

jan said...

So true Coreen, about the friendships - and it is a long distance friendship. I just talked on the phone with the friend in AZ. She and I were not "good" friends in HS and have not seen each other in person since HS but we have shared pics of quilts we have each made in recent years and we are of the same "mind" on many political issues. She is more outspoken than me (obviously) based on the FB thing that just happened. The other friend in OK was my close friend in HS but I am unpleasantly surprised that her husb took such an ugly turn in the discussion. I do have some concerns for the friend in AZ as her husband has alzheimers and she is his caregiver. FB is one of her lifelines to the world.

Yes, there is no true balance in some of these issues. I do feel that respect in these discussions is important.

And yes, my dad was one who said " to stay away from discussions of religion and politics." I will never forget my great aunt yelling from the kitchen to my dad when I was a little girl, " Thurman, if you are going to talk politics, you can go on home."

jan said...

An additional aspect of this issue I just found out from AZ friend. The OK friend whose husb was talking on her FB site was talking from his job in Alaska. His work is involved with this Keystone project. My AZ friend told me she has some concerns that OK friend's husb is checking in on his wife's FB site. Wondering why he is doing that???

jan said...

Coreen, I appreciate your thoughts you just shared on this issue.

Coreen said...

Jan, sounds like your great aunt was a wise lady...

& your anecdote
flashed in my mind past family holidays when everyone wound up 'aruguing' politics...It must be an American family thing....& we never have come to a consensus

As far as the FB thing...hopefully your AZ friend will consider the source & let it go...

you can't reason with some people....not sure whether either of you know the husband, but here I go are more often than not...bullies in their dealngs/conversations with
women in particular (especially when there is no physical converstation, the net is safe, it is not quite real ...that is something I have noticed in particular at the limited places I read on the net...

Coreen said...

Far be it from me to try to understand a relationship between

maybe being in Alaska, he just is
filling time, by reading his wife's

Not clear did the husband just insert his comments into the wife's fb after the az friend expressed her opinion there...& from there it escalated into a confrontation between the 2....

probably wise to not take the 'bait' on the net when one challenges another's opinion...

jan said...

Coreen, In reading through all the comments on the issue, I have not seen any comments from the wife. The husband signs the comments with his first name. OK wife has not been involved in any discussion on this thread.

After a telephone discussion with AZ friend, there has been a previous discussion on this issue that I have not seen that involves another person.

Carol said...

Guys..I've had a horrible day. Intense..overwhelming and lots of conflict. Maybe something is in the air. I came very close to telling all of them what they could do with my job. I'm getting closer by the day.

I was too nice from the get go. I treated everyone too nice. I see why some in my position don't. If you are too nice.. people take advantage of you. get tired of it and blow're a bitch. And those people aren't taking into consideration all that I have been thru lately and that I'm at the end of my rope.

In corrections..they only understand those who strong arm. No difference between admin and inmates. After working there awhile they all think alike. Nice just gets ya run over.

Carol said...

As far as the situation with you HS friends Jan..I agree with both of you. One person makes his living from the oil company and the other is concerned with the environment. They aren't very compatible. Neither will see things from the other's point of view. People just aren't very empathetic. And I'm not sure if there is a compromise.

The oil companies do not have a history of giving a damn about our environment or anything else. It's And they take most of it from way or another.

Carol said...

There are many people who are only concerned with what will make our lives cheap and easy now. They don't give a fat..flying..f..what it will do to our planet or our future. It's instant gratification!

Carol said...

But if they told me I would have to live without AC to save the planet...I'd have to say..oh well..we all have to go sometime.

Carol said...

Some of the consequences of our behaviors now will not be evident for 10..20 or more years. I won't be here and don't have any offsprings to worry about but I still care. At least I care more than many people who do have offsprings who will be around suffering the consequences.

Our economy is suffering the consequence of behaviors from years back. No one seemed to learn any lessons there.

Carol said...

And I'm going to the casino tonight. I need it and deserve it. It's one place where I can let go.

I still owe my casino stash drawer about $250. That was money I won. I borrowed from that stash and spent it when I was out of cash. I can afford to pay it back. Wish me luck..but I don't necessarily go to win..even though that would be a bonus..I go to escape.

Carol said...

Well..I changed my mind about going out tonight. I'm too spent. I'll do it tomorrow night. I need to stay home and make up a batch of Maggie food tonight anyway. We ran out so we'll both be eating takee outee for supper. I wonder what she's in the mood for?? She usually makes me guess.

jan said...

Carol, hope you get some much needed rest tonight. I didn't go to work today. Walked this morning but did nothing else but nap on the couch. I have definitely been on here too long. I think I will take a tech break.

Carol said...

Sean Peyton put out a statement taking full responsibility for the bounty scandal. He said he understands why the commissioner did what he did. He will adhere to their rules...

He's a stand up guy.

Carol said...

Jan..being an educator for years helped me to learn what I need to do to reach my audience.

Most of my peeps are not particularly interested in their health except maybe for entertainment when they get bored. Some will come down to medical just for a change of scenery.

Before I came to work..Bp weren't even routinely checked unless there was a crisis. After..every inmate coming thru medical gets a Bp check and it is routinely monitored if they have a problem.

BS are routinely checked if there is any indication of a problem and on all peeps with diabetes. On people who take insulin..they are monitored before each meal.

Many of my peeps with Bp and BS problems don't take any meds except when they come in. They stop as soon as they go home. It's just not a priority. I need to stress to them the importance of taking care of both problems.

Some of the techniques I use..feel free to borrow to explain the consequences of not taking their meds.

I'll start with the more traditional approach but if I see that I'm not getting anywhere with it..I change my strategy.

I tell them not to worry about dying..that would be a blessing. They need to worry about being in some nursing home..with some stranger.. who may not particularly care for them.. wiping their ass because they can no longer do it for themselves. I try to paint a vivid picture.

I do a pretty mean impression of a person with paraplegia and aphasia. It's an interesting challenge and I can see them pondering.

I do this not just to benefit my patient..but for a selfish reason also. I'm trying to save all of us lots of money. Does anyone know how must it costs to treat one person with renal failure? I would suspect it could be in the millions. My peeps are very high risk for complications of both hypertension and diabetes and I know I've saved us all lots of money.

Carol said...

And I settled for Chinese for dinner tonight. Maggie had to settle for some left over BBQed chicken. I wiped off the BBQ sauce. She also had some of her Sci Diet dental diet food. She thinks they are cookies but they are an actually large pellet dog food for dogs with teeth problems. Don't tell her.

Carol said...

And when I said yesterday that I agreed some things that Pat Robertson said.. I didn't want to leave the impression that I wanted Peyton Manning to get hurt because the Broncos kicked Tebow out for him.

I did mean that I was afraid that might happen. I do think Manning is a high risk pick. He was one of the best that ever was but if I were him..I would cut my potential losses and just retire. His physical well being is more important than any sport.

Carol said...

Fiddler has recently started losing her hair. Sis noticed it before she left. It was of sudden onset. I've done some research on the net and see that thyroid conditions and allergies are a frequent cause. I've looked at the skin in the areas of hair loss and don't see anything real significant. She eats well.

She is semi wild but will let me pet her. She's not cool at my picking her up. I don't have any way to carry her to the Vet but I will get a carrier today at Wally world.

I have a friend who has a cat that has had lost hair for a while now. Her Vet diagnosed it as allergies and gives her cortisone shots. You know how I hate that stuff but when it's's needed.

Humans are suffering terrible allergies this year..I wonder if animal might be also.

Carol said...

According to the advance hydrologic river hasn't changed any this morning from where it was at 4p yesterday but they moved the crest to 7.6 to occur on Thursday.

I left a heavy generator in my carport area. It's that dang thing that either caused or irritated my thoracic compression fractures when I helped to move it before hurricane Ike. I'll never do that again.

I called my neighbor and asked him if he would boost it up or move it out. It has wheels but both are dry rotted and don't hold air anymore.

Carol said...

Standing in line at WM. I like to talk to my fellow line standers but ya have to be careful. If
Ya talk to some they think youre a perv.

jan said...

As a child living int he country, cats and dogs got mange sometimes and lost their hair. Owners would take them and dip them in something - it seems like it was crude oil - but could be wrong. Allergies is probably the cause for Fiddler losing hair.

Carol said...

Jan..I couldn't find a cat carrier at WM. A friend said she has a couple and will let me borrow one. Too late for today though.

As I was walking thru WM..I was talking to TW. I had my Iphone sitting on my lettuce. Used to be when ya saw someone talking to themselves out in knew they were schizophrenic. have to consider that they have a cellphone. I bet the incidence of schizophrenia has gone way down because they don't stand out anymore.

Carol said...

And re: talking to people standing in line at the grocery store..sis says that people down here in the south are much friendlier. She said she couldn't do it anywhere else and she should know..she's been everywhere.

Maybe it's cuz us southerners are ignorant and don't know no better.

Carol said...

I'm having a ball being back at my house. It's cool having a washer and dryer in the SAME house.

It's fun having to shop for things I don't have over here anymore. I just never needed anything at the camp and that's actually kinda sad.

Not having very many channels on the TV to choose from makes it easier to find something to watch. I now remember why I liked PBS so much. I'm watching overseas travel stuff on Create TV..PBS.

Too bad that I couldn't have introduced Whitney Houston to simple middle class living before it was too late.

Of course..I don't have the problems that so many who are affected by today's economy have. Thank you God..past..present..future!

Carol said...

I was sitting outside on this beautiful day and the scent of my Magnolia Fiscata permeated the air. It smells like sweet bananas. I wasn't sure how to spell Fiscata so I Googled it.

When the links came up..the 10th link was to our a post that Chloe put up for you Jan. I wrote a comment on that blog mentioning the flower. Google it and check it out.

That's how people find our blog!

jan said...

Carol, so confused - how do I get to where I can see Chloe's message?

I am stuck inside today working on taxes to take to accountant - we still have acct in ARK. Will drive to Tulsa and Fayetteville ArK on Wed. Seeing several folks including an atty. We are finally going to do our wills and trusts. we have been talking about it for years.

jan said...

Carol, so confused - how do I get to where I can see Chloe's message?

I am stuck inside today working on taxes to take to accountant - we still have acct in ARK. Will drive to Tulsa and Fayetteville ArK on Wed. Seeing several folks including an atty. We are finally going to do our wills and trusts. we have been talking about it for years.

jan said...

John has gone to a Mosque for a lunch with some folks in the Muslim community. His brother is retired FBI and he told John if he goes he will probably wind up on a gov't list. John went anyway. His church is trying to do something that is ecumenical.

Carol said...

Jan..just Google Magnolia Fiscata and page down to where you see the name of our blog. Click on it.

Carol said...

Jan..make sure you are using Google and not another search engine.

Coreen said...

Carol, go check out TM, today Craig
decided to set up a blog radio
where you could call him & talk
& everyone could hear it on the net...

Naturally, Jamie was the first on...& Renee & the guy jace from AZ
called is 30 min.

Interesting to hear voices for those guys...since I know yours
not curious...Let me know what you think of their voices...

Craig is going to have another tomorrow at 6pm eastern...apparently you can pay & have a blog radio show...

Coreen said...

Jan, if you don't mentioned doing your wills & a trust...

I know that in certain states so-called 'living trusts' are heavily I am curious about
who recomended a trust, what type it is (revocable/irrevocable)... what/why the person who
recomended it advised you as to the need for it...

Coreen said...

Oh & the big hype about 'hunger games' the movie that opened yesterday...the anticipation is that it could rake in $120-$150 mil
over the

Any interest in seeing it Jan?...

Jan have you or yours read and of the books?...I know they were geared to
children...know one woman who's 1 daughter loved them, the other not so much...they are around 12...

I am tempted to get the trilogy to see what its all about, but for some reason, I'm turned off by the fact that the story is kid's as
gladiators, who train to kill each
other in some future us called in believe panem...where each of some losing districts after a war must send kids to somewhere? to fight/kill other kids...There is a
female heroine who escapes, thats about all I know...

And Carol, both lefties & righties
claim it supports their views of
the world...(didn't I tell you just
a few back that today no matter what issue, you can spin it any way you want)....that may be what your guy
not sure if its colbert or stewart
calls truthiness, well at least that's what I call it...

jan said...

Coreen, I have the 1st Hunger Book on my e-reader and not read yet. I have to keep up with my dream book reading so cuts down on my novel reading.

Since John and I each have children, we have been advised to do trusts. My dad should have done a trust. His not doing a trust made it much harder on me. I am not sure whether the trust(s) we do will be revocable or irrevocable - will talk to atty about it next Fri.

jan said...

John's cousin handles all of his investments and she is the one who has advised a trust.

Carol said...

Coreen...what are the advantages of a trust?

Carol said...

Coreen..I'm listening to TM radio and trying to remember when I hit the trail. I think it was 2008?? It was when Hillary was running and I heard Craig on some program and appreciated something he said. I looked him up to tell him thanks and ran across TM.

I enjoyed my time over there..especially our happy hours. We'd get real silly at happy hour. I miss Chloe and Ivy Green. I sure wish they'd drop in and say howdy.

I think I ran Chloe off with all my talking about Casey Anthony.

I might have run Ivy off also. I hope it wasn't any health problems. She was having problems with her shoulder.

I remember reading that blogs usually don't last more than 6 months.'s been a little over 2 1/2 years and we're still here. I guess we are die hards. I kinda think of it as my journal.

Sis was keeping a journal..I just write on the Swamp. My life is out there for anyone to see. It's there for me to remember what I was up to over the last several years.

Carol said...

Coreen..I was listening to my Yahoo Sport's radio guy last night. He was talking about your Yankee pitcher guy..Joba..who had that very nasty ankle fracture.

I hate those trampolines. They are so dangerous. And someone that guy's size should never be jumping on one.

Carol said...

Oh..and I finally got a few more hours of sleep. And a couple of short naps also. I do have trouble sleeping for long at night but I like my naps. I just couldn't work them in..especially when I had company.

jan said...

Just watched Blind Side on TV. John had not seen it. Although it was a pretty good movie, there was always something about it that bothered me - I think it is that a white person was saving a Black person. I guess it is that the white person was the hero. Oh well. I did like the fact that the young man finished HS and college and went on to have a successful sports career.

Carol said...

The problem I have with going to sleep is that staying awake is too much fun. I'm watching "Women Who Rock A documentary that charts the female influence on rock." on LPB.

I'm finding more interesting things on my three networks. Mostly the 3 PBS channels you can get with an antenna. Don't have all those on my satellite.

Carol said...

Jan..Sandra Bullock adopted a black baby. Do you think that movie influenced that?

Carol said...

Coreen..I can't understand all the interest in Hunger Games. I read about it and it doesn't interest me.

Carol said...

Coreen...the swamp doesn't have anything that you can't find much bigger in New York.

You can go to New York to see this

Carol said...

Good morning Coreen.

Coreen said...

Good's a rainy morning here...looks like your rain reached us Carol...but not
heavy...actually we could use a good soaker...

Coreen said...

I saw that pic the other day...I would not be happy to see that if I was commuting to nyc...

Carol said...

Coreen..our weather is gorgeous. It couldn't be better if I ordered it myself.

Coreen said...

Think its great that you are enjoying your home...

About TM, yes I joined in there during the 2008 primary too...

I had heard Craig on radio shows &
TV & sent an email about Hillary &
he suggested checking it with most who showed up there, at first I had no clue what they were talking about, (still don't at times)took awhile to figure them out...still feel like I 'know' a few there, like Solar who I miss
showing up here, & KGC, Pogo....

I found it interesting to hear a voice for Renee & Jamie...could pick up the 'accent' in them...Renee definitely had New Englander tinge when she spoke..

Don't you wonder what some of those
we have been 'speaking' with sound like...that's why I'm glad we have
actually talked to each other!!...

Wonder if any others will call Craig...If I felt I had anything
in common with them anymore I might
call, but as time has gone by, I have foudn that I am far afield from the group think that is on display....

need to go out & get the papers & feed the birds & feed the kitties too...

a little trust 101 when I come back...

jan said...

Coreen, I look forward to "Trust 101."

Carol, glad your weather is better.

Our weather here has been beautiful. Up in 70's now in daytime and drops back into 40's at night.

jan said...

John has gone to church. I had a lovely walk outside for my spiritual time this morning. Will have b'fast, shower and then back to taxes.

Coreen said...

Why a trust...

Proponents stress it avoids probate, so your assets are not made public (as with a will, which is a public document once it goes to probate) trustee can transfer assets to your beneficiaries quicker & w/o court scrutiny/supervision, no probate court fees, legal fees...

Some infer/imply that no estate taxes have to be paid, BUT that is
not the depends on what type trust is set up...

There are two types of trusts...
intervivos that is made while you are alive & testamentary, which is a trust that takes effect upon death (sometime there is trust language in a person's will)...

There are two kinds of intervivos
trusts...revocable and irrevocable...

Revocable trust aka 'living trust'
is most common...wherein the trustmaker/grantor creates a trust
and is the trustee...controls the trust & may modify/change its terms, take assets out, add to it,change beneficiaries, even terminate it...

Because of the ability to do this,
continue & maintain control of the trust assets, the trust assets are still considered your property & may be subject to estate taxes upon death...also subject to creditors claims...

In CT a revocable trust is also not considered a valid transfer of assets for a person who thinks they
can create the trust & then obtain
Title 19 aid (nursing home care) w/o spending/liquidating their assets,usually a home & bank accounts (there is however a provision that a person who needs long term care & has a spouse at home, the state will not take/lien
the at home spouse's home, but thats a whole other topic)...

Irrevocable trust is just what the term says...once you sign the trust document, you no longer own, control the assets in the trust, they are not your property, its owned by the trustee for your benefit, you can not change its terms...

There may be gift tax issues with the irrevocable trust, which is why
it is imperative to discuss with an
estate planning atty/accountant before executing an irrev. trust...
however, upon your death if you have an irrev. trust, there would likely be no estate taxes due, since your estate does not own any assets...

The vast majority of people do not
need such a trust as they do not
reach the level where federal estate taxes take the federal estate tax exemption is a little over $5 million a person (only for 2012, since the current law is set to expire at the end of the year & revert to
the old exemption of around $1 mill
(I would have to look up what it was before the Bush tax cuts went into effect)...States may also have estate/inheritance/death taxes, some track the federal exemptions,others set their own...currently in CT the state estate tax is for property over $2 million, anything
over that is taxed at a % of the excess value...

Trusts executed by married couples
often include what is known as ab AB Trust, which sets up an irrev. trust for the benefit of the surviving spouse on the death of the first, as well as for children...again to remove property from the decedent's estate for tax purposes...

Any trust MUST be funded to be effective...that is, you must transfer your property to the trustee of the, $$$,
insurance, whatever...if the trust is not properly funded, the property would then pass by will (or by intestate succession if there is no will-state law determines the succession)
for property owned solely by the decedent or by the terms of the asset itself, such as joint accounts/ownership POD accounts...

Setting up trusts are not inexpensive in CT...

Coreen said...

In keeping with the polarized nature of discussion these days...

By way of Kathleen Parker at WAPO....

"Likewise in the political realm, passions roam unbridled. By saner
standards, what would be readily identified as fanaticism is considered conviction, while resistance to compromise is allegiance to principle.

In an environment where talk radio & cable TV set the tone of discourse, dispassion & facts give way to heat & opinion. In the policy arena, moral principle morphs into purity tests for politicians, & moderates run for the hills."
American Id-eology

Coreen said...

Been watching Venus in the night sky for a couple of weeks...didn't know what the other 'star' was
but seems it may be Jupiter...

Hope there are not clouds the next couple of nights...
Venus & Jupiter meet the moon

jan said...

Coreen, I am going to copy and print the info about trusts and discuss with John. Thank you so much.

Carol said...

Coreen..did you see TM recently? I felt a little aggravated with that Jaslf for dressing me down for supporting those who want to boycott Rush L. Check it out.

I'd like to know something about his profile.

Carol said...

Coreen...sorry but I still don't understand trusts. It's Greek to me.

Carol said...

Coreen..I have a few people who tolerate me over at TM. Tony's..Flatus..Craig.

Carol said...

And I told ya Coreen..being argumentative is in my DNA. I can't help it.

And I think my thyroid is up again. Need the kick to get everything I need to do..done.

I'm thinking that hyperthyroidism might be Fiddler's problem. I guess she may take after her mom.

Carol said...

And seriously..I felt a little nudge from Patsy today. She never missed a chance to throw in the feminazi point of view.

Carol said...

I was pleased that Tiger won today. I was pulling for him. I think he's done his time.

Carol said...

And Coreen.. I agree that Rivera was taken out of context with that hoodie comment. When it's cold and windy..I put my hoodie up when I'm walking the Magster outside.

I bet I also look suspicious. Never thought about it but someone going down my road may shoot me thinking I'm up to no good. Then again..walking the Magster is not usually something a burgler would do before he robbed my place.

Carol said...

Y'all.. that guy who shot that kid Trayvon was playing cop without the training or following the rules that cops have to follow. A cop would never have gotten away with what that guy did. Anytime there's a shooting..especially a death..a cop is usually put on leave and Internal Affairs does a thorough investigation.

I can't believe he wasn't charged and then get his day in court. It sounds too much like he was stalking the kid. And he was told by the police not to. On the tape..the kid was screaming for his life. There's some new law in Florida about being able to shoot if you feel at all threatened. What if a person is just paranoid. Is that OK? That would let all the schizophrenics off the hook.

Looking at each of their pics..I would be comfortable if I met Trayvon in a dark alley but the shooter would have scared me to death.

If Trayvon had been a white kid and the neighborhood watch guy a black guy betcha he's be behind bars right now. My heart goes out to his parents.

Carol said...

And that young boy was only armed with some Skittles and iced tea. Makes me wanna cry.

jan said...

They keep saying there is another story to the shooting in Florida (Trayon), but sure sounds to me that the shooter was in the wrong. Glad I don't live in Florida.

jan said...

the most telling thing about that was that the 991 person told the guy to not follow the kid.

Carol said...

Interesting article:

"Stag Party
The GOP’s woman problem is that it has a serious problem with women."

Carol said...

There are several other neat things about being at home. In a way..I've been semi camping for three years. It's OK but..

For shower at the camp is so small that if I move backwards just a tad..I change the water temp with my ass and there's no room to run. The shower in the addition I added onto my big enough to fit several other people comfortably. I have never done that mind you.

Cooking does not require as many devices. I actually have a large stove and oven..even though I also have a small counter oven I prefer for my cooking. Doesn't use as much electricity.

Carol said...

People kept telling me to sell my house if I was going to live at the camp. I told way Jose. I love my house. We are old friends. It fits my bumpkin meets architectural digest.

Also..I knew that the river was unpredictable and at any minute I might need to evacuate.

My two places are probably about the size of what some people have with one house. Each are about 1500 sq ft.

Carol said...

Sorry Coreen..I can't keep my mouth shut at TM. I'm sure I'm pissing off some of the regulars. But I'm just channeling Patsy. I keep seeing her face up there on our followers and it's talking to me.

Carol said...

I think Craig always has a new post waiting so that when I come on and stir shit..he can pop it up real fast. I am kidding..but many times after I post something..a new post comes up. probably are clueless about what I'm talking about. Many on TM are taking up for Rush's freedom to spout his venom because of freedom of speech. I don't agree.

I'm really disappointed in the women who are supporting Rush!!!! That I don't understand.

I'm all for freedom of speech but to attack someone like Ms Fluke by calling her a "slut" and "prostitute" is way over the line. No one will convince me otherwise.

I don't support the liberal male media who do the same either. I dumped Bill Maher for dissing Hillary. That didn't cross the line though..I just didn't like him anymore. Some of the Ms Whoever wrote in her article..did cross the line. Even Imus..who was fired for his comments..said Rush shouldn't be working unless he sat down and apologized to Ms Fluke. I quoted him on TM this AM.

If I say inappropriate things that would offend my bosses or anyone else at work..I'd be fired in a New York minute. We all would..that is..if we have a boss.

Carol said...

I would like to thank Whiskey Jack for his least he agreed. so did XR yesterday.

Carol said...

The comments have really heated up on this new blog post at TM. This Jaslf has appointed himself the new leader over there. I wonder who in the F he thinks he is??? Thanks again to Jack for telling him off.

It's that kind of attitude over there that has run many people off. Craig needs to step in.

Carol said...

Jack was my knight in shinning armor and even though I'm a feminazi wanna be...I kinda enjoyed it.

Carol said...

I just realized that I don't have ABC here. My crappy antenna doesn't get it. I'm trying to find somewhere online where I can watch it live.

Coreen said...

Just another dustup at TM...seems
you were all talking at each other,
maybe even past each other...not sure that any of you disagreed in the end...

But that said, appears that jlf? whoever he is, was both condescending & sarcastic towards
you (curiously not toward Jamie, well not really curious, though she in essence was saying the same thing)...and renee managed to get in shots at you for invoking patsi...

a shining knight...good luck with that one...but whatever floats your boat...

thought patd in an understated way
had your back pretty well, so all in all, looks like you managed to satisfy your desire
to engage in a little 'street fighting' today...didn't you have to work??!!..

Coreen said...

& just realized what you meant about not having abc & watching live...almost forgot again..looks like the dances are jive & quickstep...

Told you to get cable for the house!!!you never listen!!!....

Carol said...

Yes Coreen...I worked but ran home for lunch and a little street fighting. Hey..I do it a lot at work also. I was already warmed up.

I was surprised that I got as much support as I did. I did from those I love over there.

I like Jack. We've done a little street fighting before. He remembered and was a good sport. I like a fair fight.

Carol said...

I did finally manage to get my TV to tune in DWTS..40 minutes late. Dang it. I changed coaxial cable and got it.

First one I caught was Gladys. You have to fill me in on the rest. I can catch it online tomorrow before the results.

Carol said...

I like lots of the peeps over on TM and I love Craig. I'm not going to let some newbie run me off again.

When I talk here..I'm talking to our little circle but when I talk at TM..I feel like I'm talking to the nation. I think Craig has a big following.

Carol said...

I'm serious when I say I feel like I'm channeling Patsi. Except I'm a little milder than she would be.

I thought that RR was pretty snitty in her comment about spelling Patsi's name wrong. Patsi didn't care.

I almost said...Well Patsi didn't care how I spelled her name and her response to you Renee was x-rated and I couldn't write it online.

I decided that I'd be nice instead.

Carol said...

How did the first ones do Coreen?

Coreen said...

So far my favs are Katherine the blonde soprano...loved her jive...

And though the judges dissed
Jaleel, I like his jive too...could have done w/o the sodajerk hat...

Let's see...Sheri was early & she
rocked it again, had a slip but so what...chubette or not
she was having fun & she can move..

The young guy Roshon? did a really
great quickstep, it was fast, crisp
& excellent...

Gladys quicksetp was not so sharp, but for me she was still good...

Jack Wagner aka Frisco (general hospitla alumni)was solid don't remember if it was a jive or quickstep...

The woman with Derek.Maria?...their quickstep was fast, sharp...again any woman paired with him has the best chance...

Melissa was ok, think she did a quickstep, it was ok...

so far none of the dances have been
bad...everyone is doing really good jobs...

My favs remain Katherine & Jaleel...

Carol said...

Who was that? He's the sport's guy. He was great!

Coreen said...

Well another football player rocks excellent quickstep...

However, Martina just seems too
athletic to transfer to dance moves...

Coreen said...

Have to give so much credit to all these dancers...

The bottom 3 Melissa, Martina & Gavin...think one of them goes home...

Carol said...

I missed several. I just can't sit still long enough to watch anything. I'm up doing stuff and have no pause. I'm not going to put any money into TV stuff here..I just don't watch enough to justify.

I was out looking at my pool salt system. My pool system isn't working and all my pool peeps are in jail. I'm sorry I had someone besides me taking care of stuff. I never learned how to manage this system.

Carol said...

I was pretty moved by the support I got at TM from my guys over there.

Coreen said...

Looks like the media is in a state
of shock after the Supreme Court's 2nd day of oral argument re: obamacare...

its only noon and the headlines at
the liberal media outlets are in a tizzy thinking the court may actually strike down the ind. mandate..

After reading the 2 main briefs, I thought that the challengers had maybe a 40% change of the Court striking the ind. mandate down, whereas prior to reading the briefs...listening to the MSM take
on the hearings, would have thought there would be no way the Court would overturn, yet its noon
and the arguments are over & just
a quick scan of the media outlets...lots of speculation that the Court just might do what they
(the media & the usual suspects supporting the adm.) just this morning thought would be unthinkable...some of the recent
comments...were in the vein of
don't be way will the Court strike it down...