Couldn't think of anything to lighten the mood
today, but then this 'oldie' came on the radio while I was driving & thought of Carol's ponders
& just knew I had to offer this. Whether it was inspired by Tommy James reading a bible passage or as others maintained a reference to drug culture, the words are inspirational, so
Carol & everyone else who may stop by today, this one's for you.
1 – 200 of 203 Newer› Newest»Carol, this one is for you, when it came on the
radio as I was driving to my office, I thought
of your comments this a.m.
And yes, I remember when it first came out,
way back in 1969....
Thanks Coreen, great pics and great song. Lots of little diamonds in those pics. Isn't it interesting that you heard that song and had those pics that worked perfectly with it.
I was 19 years old when this song came out. First year in college.
Great Post Coreen, pics and lyrics!
"Look over yonder, what do you see
The sun is a-rising yeah most definitely,
A new day is coming, people are changing
Ain't it beautiful, crystal blue persuasion
Maybe tomorrow, when he looks down
On every green field, and every little town
All of his children, in every nation
There'll be peace and good..., brotherhood, crystal blue persuasion
When he looks down
On every green field
And every town
All of his children
And every nation
They'll be peace and good brotherhood
Crystal blue persuasion"
Those weren't quite all the words, and the ones that really caught my attention:
'Better look to your soul, and then open your mind.' Reminded me of what Carol's talks about: being open.
OK, Coreen cleared the slate so that we could get back to some pleasant ponders for the day. Enough mud.
Little Emma will be turning the big One in January. We must all put our heads together and come up with the perfect one year old present idea.
Persuasion is the word here. Remember that this present may plant the seed for future endeavers like mom's giving me all those nursing presents did.
Even though I didn't really find the presents all that exciting at the time and didn't have any particular passion for nursing when I got into it, it did provide for a career that offered a great number of possibilities. I think I did try just about all of them at one time or other. And I don't look back with any regrets.
Health care may not be all that great a career choice 18 to 19 years from now so we have to try to determine what will. We have a eclectic group here for this ponder.
We must all agree on the idea and it must offer both persuasion and be fun for a 1 year old. This could be a tough one.
"Ya know, every now and again, here at the Swamp, we must reflect on some of the mud. Not too often though"
I agree Carol, on all of that. But 'not too often' is important too. Like what you said, you found you were focusing on the sources of pain in the world this morning - I don't think much good can come of that.
Coreen's post will get us back on track. We don't have to ignore the bad and sad stuff though. It's just shouldn't be our 'main' focus. It holds us back, and we need to move forward.
We can call it SWTS. That is Shopping with the Stars. We all have our own star if you haven't noticed.
When you come up with your final idea, you must present a post and give your rationale for your idea. That is if you are willing to take on this mission. Then we all vote.
I hope this one won't knock my back out of whack.
Oh yeah, you got a month or so.
Oh, and I was wondering if Solar could relate to that crocodile pic in the last post. That might be how he feels from time to time when he drops into the Swamp.
Don't forget, you must click on the pic of the crocodile to see the sequence of pics.
That croc may have had one too many beers the night before.
Carol, I just now got back here, and I don't understand our mission. Idea for what?
.. and I'm going to go back to look at that crocodile pic.
Carol, I didn't like looking at that sequence of pictures. I remember now why I didn't look at it the first time. It was the hippo 'attacks' crocodile. I hate seeing what animals do to each other.
Chloe, I'm choosing to believe the croc finally got away but not before realizing it made a big mistake that morning.
And Chloe there is a moral to that sequence of pics. Don't climb on someone's back unless you want to get bit.
And this morning Chloe, OSH was saying that she couldn't look at Craig's post because of Keith O. It was just after that that I saw some of those croc pics on NBC.
I thought about how the hippos were many of the women politicians who Keith liked to trash, climb on their backs. And I'm hoping Keith will eventually turn out to be the croc. It was just a free association thing. I wouldn't have linked it for any other reason.
I usually turn a nature program to another channel when they show animals attacking other animals. I do understand it is nature's way though.
I don't think that croc knew it was on hippos. There were so many, I think he thought they were just some inanimate object. But good metaphor, the way you thought of it Carol.
Are you feeling better?
I have to take off for a while. I'll check back to see what I miss.
Thanks for the new post and the link to Tommy James and the Shondells singing Crystal Blue Persuasion. I've been listening to all their songs. I forgot how much I love all those songs.
My pleasure, glad to have something to add.
Old R&R is my favorite music...& luckily there
are still a couple of radio stations here that
play 60s, 70s & even some late 50s r&r....
Speaking of wild Loosianna critters, I saw a news segment last nite about huge rats called Nutrias. Wow! You can have them damn things all you want cause I don't a part of any of em. I hate rats, both the two and four legged ones.
Carol, Maybe that was the beast gnawing on your tree.
No Rez, I know a nutria when I see one. They do kind of look like beavers but without the big flat tail. They make holes in levees and are a big problem if you have a levee. We have a lot of levees here in Louisiana.
My one year experience of moonlighting, after work, as a crawfish farmer gave me some experience with nutria.
My 8 acre crawfish pond was surrounded by a levee. I was losing water so I had to find out where the break in the levee was. That required marching around that 8 acre pond in hip boots. Unfortunately it was about 1 pm on a hot afternoon.
I did finally find the break in the levee, where the water was pouring out. To add to the fun of repairing that levee, I also had to fight off a large audience of water moccasions waiting to snag a snack. They love to feed on crawfish.
Good thing I didn't find that nutria.
Nutria or Coypu
I have a family of adolescent squirrels that live here and I just heard them bitching up a storm outside. I cripped outside and there was one in my neighbor's, who lives down the street, herd of ferrel cats tormenting my little sqrirrels. I ran her off. No disrepect to Ms. Kat but she needs to stop tormenting my squirrels. No critters were injured in this incident.
It's so cute how they call me when they need help.
Me too skeered to look at this croc-vid y'all are talking about. Sounds like I might freak out. Do I need to be concerned about my sensitive feelins'?
They've been promoting a new Jeff Corwin series on MSNBC starting Sunday evening. "One Hundred Heartbeats" is about animal species on the brink of extinction.
One Hundred Heartbeats Promo
When Hubs and the now-Miss College girl first moved to the 'ham, I didn't come with them for almost a year. They used to spend their free time watching "Animal Planet" shows with Jeff Corwin, and also the Crocodile Man, the late Steve ("Crikey") Irwin. I think it was the only channel they ever had on. When I finally moved, I had a heck of time getting them to turn on something else.
"Take the crocodile, for example, my favorite animal. There are 23 species. Seventeen of those species are rare or endangered. They're on the way out, no matter what anyone does or says, you know."
~ Steve Irwin
Another winner of a thread post by you! Amazing how you can take a spark of inspiration and turn it into a work of art in the blink of an eye. (~_^)
And Rez, since those Nutria Rats, as they call them around here, got so plentiful and caused so much damage, they tried to find a gourmet Cajun cuisine that featured them. ie nutria sauce picante, nutria gumbo, nutria under glass, fried nutria on a stick (carnival fare), nutria pie, nutria mousse, nutria pralines, etc. I don't think any of um ever caught on.
If it did catch on I missed trying it:
Cooking Nutria
Ivy, I don't think that the sequence of pics was too bad but I'm under the influence of pain meds.
Ivy, you may want to think twice about viewing that "Cooking Nutria" video though. Just the thought kind of turns my stomach.
There are grown men I know that would run for their lives at the mere thought of those snakes you fended off at the levee. That would have been a job the Critter Control.
Your state of Louisiana has cooked up an effective response to the Nutria problem. lol
Fire Up the Crock Pot
Our great minds were on the same low
Hey Ivy, would you try it? Maybe Solar would? I think I'd try the vegetarian version.
Are you going to squeeze another day off out of your ailment? Not that I don't wish you a speedy recovery...
I'm all puffed up with pride over our little Coreen turtle. I discovered her ya know.
Well, Carol, I do have a thing for Brussels sprouts, hard to turn down any dish that features them...
No Ivy, I have to go to that CEU thing on Friday. I'll have to crawl to my desk tomorrow come hell or high water. I left tons of work yesterday.
Did ya notice that the site you linked is from the La Wildlife and Fisheries. Don't fall for it. They just want to get rid of the Nutria problem.
Maybe we can swap some Nutria for some of that oil in Iraq?
Did you get a look at the meteors? I got up to see, but we had a dense cloud cover. I remember watching an amazing meteor shower one chilly night...the now-Miss College was about 11 or so.
Yes, that's part of what made it funny...your tax dollars and that's their solution...if you can't beat 'em, eat 'em!
"if you can't beat 'em, eat 'em!"
LOL Ivy, that's always the La answer to any of our problems and it shows.
No, I didn't get to see the meteors. I could barely get to the potty last night.
Aww, Carol, that's a shame, I'm sorry you're in so much pain. I sure hope you aren't rushing it by going in tomorrow...they will survive one more day while you recover.
Back in for a few.
Ivy, glad you like my mini-productions...but we
owe it all to Carol.
Carol, was hoping you were on the mend, but doesn't sound too good...I'm with Ivy about another day of rest, since you may just re-injure yourself & with your long drive ahead
on Friday, that may prove even more of a problem.
Oh, on the local news tonite, there was a story
about inmates at New London caring for horses
that the state has rescued & how both the horses (abused, abandoned,starving) & inmates have benefited from the program.
I didn't injure myself. This all started while watching DWTS. I was only sitting on the couch eating a pomegranate.
Found the clip about the horses & the inmates, hope it works.
horses rescued
I musta had one seed too many.
That's a neat idea Coreen.
Speaking of DWTS, my pick again is Derek & Joann, then Mya. I would rather see
Donnie Osmond in the finals, but just the way
everyone is gushing over Kelly on the show..
I would not be surprised if she was the third
Why Donnie, Coreen??
I actually voted this morning. I was up early and checked in at the ABC site. Voting was still open so I did.
I think Donnie is much more of an entertainer,
he works the room well, has charisma
for what its worth, but the judges as well as
the audience seem to be charmed by the Kelly
story....& she may have a big fanbase as well.
Donnie is and has been an entertainer all his life. He has a lot more going for him. He also had to practice while still having to perform elsewhere. He just isn't any better at the end than little Kelly is, IMHO.
I don't think little Kelly has ever done anything special in her life. She was born to a famous father and now famous mom. This seems to be the first thing she has ever tried to accomplish. She has a very low self-esteem but has put her heart and soul into this dancing. She wasn't good in the beginning. I think she deserves it more. Mary probably won't agree either.
Where's Jan? We need her opinion.
For me, it should be the best dancing couples,
and the visual presentation, so far (& I have
not watched the show but for a few of the later ones) would rule out Kelly, regardless
of how much she has improved, I just don't
see that as the measure to win...but I'm not
judging them.
Mary, Jan, where are you guys. Will you weigh in....
We do agree that the final should be between Mya and Joann so the rest is just a moot point. The final choice will be a difficult decision.
Do any of our lurkers have an opinion? Please weigh in if you do.
I like Donnie alot. I think he has improved very much also. In fact, I always thought he did much better than the judges said. I do have to say I think Kellie has a cute personality and has improved also. If the show goes like it should either Mya or Joann should win. I thought Joann's first dance last night was spectacular.
Ok! first order of business. My pick is Mya. I think she is the best dancer. Joanna has improved a lot. In the waltz last night her upper body posture was beautiful, but she does not have much control of her lower body. Her little spindly legs don't look very coordinated. I love Mya's smile. She is a gracious young woman as well as a good dancer. As for who will leave tonight, my pick would be Donnie. He is a great entertainer but he made a lot of boo-boo's last night. Kelly is a cutie and has improved a lot. I can't really tell that Donnie has made that much improvement over the weeks - he started out pretty good.
I bet you are sorry you asked me!!!I do get pretty wordy.
I will have to admit that the "futuristic" dance by Joanne and Derek last week was the most original and best of the season.
Mary, It is interesting how we all evaluate the dancers. I see that you think Donnie has improved a lot - I sent my e-mail before I read yours.
Carol, I hope you will not make that trip to Houston unless you are feeling really well and not in pain. A stressful trip on top of pain or illness would not be good.
Coreen, great post and pictures. Looking at water calms me.
Coreen, I just rewatched Donnie's first performance from yesterday on the ABC site. I tried earlier and the site wouldn't let me.
I saw that his partner's dress already had the hem torn early in the dance. He either stepped on it early or the dress had a flaw. And I really think it was his partner that screwed up at the end. She was holding him real tight and telling him something right after the dance. Maybe she wanted him to cover for her. You need to rewatch that dance on the Net some time and she what you think.
Great Jan and Mary, glad you finally made it.
You never talk too much Jan, actually not enough. I've got the talking too much area covered.
Remember, we can't give it away early because Jan can't watch it until later.
I want to add my voice to those of Coreen and Jan cautioning against a long car trip with back strain or pain. Especially if, when you get there, you'll be sitting in a lecture room for hours. Been there, done that, bought the tee shirt, still paying for it...
It seems it is unanimous, no one knows which three will be in it.
Down to the Miss Perfects, the
old dog & the underdog
And Carol, my lips will remain sealed....
Regardless, looks like Joanna has it covered, or more correctly wonder Hugh
Hefner was in one of the audience shots.....
Playboy's December cover girl
Great article Coreen, agree with it all
This pain is in an area where I'm not used to hurting. It is a mystery pain. Doesn't even make sense. I'm wondering if my body is trying to sabatage my trip Friday. I need those CEU hours.
I guess that pretty much tells us who is out now unless it is one of those chicken catcher moments. That would really be a surprise.
But it could be another chicken catcher moment! Mary's calling...
Don't know where your pain is emanating from,
& you & Jan have the medical background,
since I have a chronic sore lower back & both feet, I don't take any medication, but I do take lots of vitamins & the most important one I take daily (while it does not eliminate pain in my back & feet as) is chondroitin/glucosamine. It has helped me
for years, didn't believe it when I first read
about it, but it really helps me.
A couple of us posted on TM about "Pioneer Woman." Rather than repeating those comments here, I'm linking another item from the same "Southern Living" article that show the effort behind staging a simple photo shoot of food (which doesn't move). This is amusing to me because it reminds me when some girlfriends took me to lunch for my birthday at a tea room where it happened they were doing a photo shoot for "Tea Time" magazine. It was amazingly tedious to watch infinite attention to the most minor details before everything was photo perfect. The rose bouquet my friends brought me ended up in the shoot and in the magazine. I was so tickled by it. My friend was nervous because it turned out she had "lifted" the flowers from the floral shop where she worked and was afraid she'd be "busted." lol
Pioneer Woman Behind the Scenes
Another chicken catcher moment!
You do know the fix was in......since there is
no way of knowing the so-called voting tabulation.
Ivy, I kept looking for your friend's flowers until I went back and re-read your post.
Can't ask you exactly what you mean Coreen since it might give something away to Jan. Is Jan here? Maybe not. Her star is not shining.
Carol, I'll pass on the nutria gumbo and save it for you real cajuns.
And I agree with someone, you couldn't pay me enough to wade out there knowing those water moccasins were around. Never say never though.
Hey, what kind of Indian are you Rez. If it comes down to a survival situation, you'd better pick me to be in your group.
No mystery, the finals came out the way
the show's producers wanted it. There is really no way to know what the 'numbers/votes'
etc were.
Time to go...
And Rez, if we had to, we'd eat those snakes.
And the Nutria too.
Sauted in a little onion, garlic and bell pepper with some bussel sprouts on the side for Ivy. I like brussels also.
Hey I've actually had rattlesnake. Like many things wild, it tasted like chicken.
I wouldn't mind eating em just chasing them and catching up with em :-)
Well Rez, they don't just jump in the pot...unless you play a flute.. and what was that about Indians being accompanied by flute music?
I guess I'll come get you. :-)
I hardly ever get an actual newspaper, but I did this past Sunday, and they had the Parade Magazine insert with celebrity chefs T-Day recipes, and it turns out Iron Chef Cat Cora makes her Brussels sprouts in the same simple-but-delicious way I do. Yum (as TM's C-Bob would say).
Parade Magazine Best Chefs
Brussels Sprouts by Cat Cora
Sprouts get a bad rap. But when Iron Chef’s Cat Cora caramelizes hers with butter and capers, people line up. Try her kicked-up string beans with garlic and feta, too.
3 lbs. Brussels sprouts
1 Tbsp plus 1 tsp kosher salt
1/4 cup unsalted butter
4 Tbsp capers
2 Tbsp lemon juice
1/2 tsp freshly ground black pepper
2 Tbsp grated Parmesan cheese, for garnish
1. Prepare Brussels sprouts by peeling off the outside leaves and cutting off the stem. Using a paring knife, mark the core where the stem was with an X. Cut the sprouts in half.
2. In a 4-quart saucepan, bring 2 quarts of water to a boil. Season with 1 Tbsp salt. Blanch sprouts for 10 minutes or until fork-tender.
3. In a 10-inch sauté pan, brown the butter and add sprouts. Cook over medium-high heat until caramelized, 10 minutes.
4. Remove from the heat and add the capers and lemon juice. Season with remaining salt and freshly ground black pepper. Sprinkle with Parmesan cheese, if desired.
Serves 8. Per serving: 130 calories, 14g carbs, 5g protein, 15mg cholesterol, and 7g fat.
Good idea!
P.S., I'm ix-nay on the capers...not even sure what those are...
Ivy, I love brussels, lemon juice and capers so that ought to be a winner.
The green beans with feta also. I put both capers and feta in all my salads.
Can something be substituted for the capers. Not sure i can find em around here. Jenny loves BS,. .brussels sprouts.
I just read dill pickles may work
When I was first introduced to feta and got a whiff, I thought, yuck, I would never eat that but after I tried it, we've been in love ever since.
Here's my Tea Room (well, not "mine" mine).
Tea Time
You should be able to find capers in any large grocery store Rez, even Walmart. Look in the pickle/olive section.
Well, I'm laying flat on my back trying to type and it ain't easy. I'd better call it a night. Nite folkes. Wish me luck in the morning.
Neat tea place Ivy. How's her food?
We just had a Trader Joes open around here and they have an unusual of items. Walmart, store of last resort.
Your River Rat is really a monster...
It's a bird, it's a plane, it's!
Later, have a safe trip to Houston.
The food is delicious...I'm partial to the quiche. One time my friend brought her granddaughter who was much fun having "tea party" with a little girl...I missed that, my daughter was never "girly" - still isn't.
We don't want Carol to go to Houston. She'll push herself too hard and her back isn't ready for us talk her out of it.
OK, DWTS just ended. I know the results. You all are thoughtful. I was afraid to come in and check on all of you b/c I thought someone would tell who got thrown off. I really hated to see Joanna and Derek leave. I loved the waltz they did. The music to their waltz was great too. I was happy to see that Mya was going on to the finals.
Carol, I think your body is telling you it does not want to go to Houston.
Yesterday (I think it was yesterday) I was home for a few minutes when Ellen was on TV - she had Joanna and Derek on and was comparing her cover pic with Oprah with Joanna's cover pic on Playboy. Ellen asked Joanna if she thought her pic on cover of PB would help or hurt her on DWTS's. Very interesting!
Joanna would have been my 2nd choice to win.
Jan, I think Joann and Derek should have gone to the finals also. That waltz they did last night was beautiful. She is much better than Donnie.
Ivy, I loved your "pioneer woman" link. Lots of fun.
Mary, I think so too. Donnie probably has a huge fan base.
I have a theory about his (Donny's) boo boo in the one dance. In that dance, the pro he was dancing with (I forget names) had on a dress that looked like her boobs would bust out any moment and the dress was cut almost to her belly button and I think all that just threw him off balance. He said several times in the earlier shows "I won't be able to go back to Utah."
I have never been fond of brussels sprouts but that recipe sounds good. Does it mask or cut the bitter taste of the BS's?
Remember our discussion about Personality types and their humor, that "NF's" tune out if the humor is inconsistent with their ideals...? I think I just did it without realizing...we had David Letterman on during his monologue...Hubs went to brush his teeth, came back to find I had turned off the TV. "Dave not hold your interest?, he asks." My reply, "Dave just grossed me out, and I said 'That it!' and I switched him off. That's when I realized, that's me being a dyed-in-the-wool "NF."
Ivy, me too.
Been reading and saving some recipes. I am getting hungry but need to go to bed.
Nite all.
I don't think the brussels sprouts taste bitter this way...caramelizing makes them sweet...maybe that sweet-and-sour business that's always yummy. Just try not to think of them as "little green men's heads..." lol
Ok, I'm a hair better this morning but still have to get in the warm shower. That might help. It really doesn't help that it is cold in here. Laying down is perfectly comfortable.
Ivy, Did you keep David Letterman off?? I'm afraid that Dave is living on borrowed time. Maybe he is that croc in the picture. Look here, I'm trying to make it easier for ya'll to see that croc get it's ass bit. He didn't die or anything, that we know of. He just got a little karma for what all he has probably killed in a vicious and horrible way.
I bet after you saw that croc eat a cute little heron or maybe some cute little turtles, you know, like us, you wouldn't mind a little hippo bit. It wouldn't keep ya up at night.
And Ivy, was hubs a little disappointed that Dave had to say good bye?? Did he want to call Dave back? Could he if he wanted to?????
Now I just don't know what to say about DWTS except that it's just par for the course. They haven't failed to disgust me with one single talent event this year! And it is the first year I ever watched Network TV.
I was blaming it on the idiot TV viewing audience but there are 4 of us here and there was no question about Mya and Joann. Our debate was all over Donnie and Kelly.
If ya'll weren't sure what I mean by a chicken catcher moment well it means that the least talented wins. In the America's Got Talent show, the chicken catcher, with very limited talent, won the show. I really can't buy that he really won. I don't think that there are that many chicken catcher fans out there and if there is, we are in trouble here people.
I missed going to the gun and knife show this weekend but we just might need one. We might need to be prepared.
And if this is possible guys, ya just might want to start practicing saying President Sarah Palin.....Try not to let that choke ya.
I actually like her and think the media is not being fair to her but not for President. She might be lots of fun to go fishing with. Have a moose burger with. Even some snake on a stick.
And back to Ivy. Ivy, I bet Hubs treats you like a queen, doesn't he? You come off all sweet and demure but under it all you might just be a pit viper. What about it??
And back to DWTS. With what they have left, I would assume that Mya will win. Now there should be no doubt about it. I wonder if I will even watch it again. Might already have been too disgusted. Ya'll might have to tell me what happens.
Morning Carol, I guess you've left for work already. Hope that means you fell better. Was that pain in your lower back?
"Remember our discussion about Personality types and their humor, that "NF's" tune out if the humor is inconsistent with their ideals...? "
I must have missed out on that discussion Ivy, but I do agree with it. It is very difficult to laugh at something you find offensive (to your beliefs).
Ivy, Like Jan, I love that Pioneer Woman link to. I'll be visiting there more often. A really amazing woman, imo
Carol, I think Kelly might be a little more confident than you think. I've read things and seen pictures over the last few years (until recently, that is) and I think her parents did a very good job of raising her. Sure she's young, and looking for her own nitch, but her parents have given her a lot of love, confidence (and 'lots' of security). She's already been extremely successful on he program, and if she doesn't win, I'm sure she'll be fine with it.
DWTS has helped her tremendously. I've notice a big upturn in public opinion. A lot of people really admire her now, more than ever.
I haven't left yet Chloe. I leave about 6:45 or so. I started getting ready earlier this morning so I could move a little slower. I am feeling better. I can move pretty well.
I think it is all the sitting and typing I do. I don't ever sit for long and I make hundreds of trips up and down stairs. There are stairs everywhere.
An occupation with lots of low back problems is truck driving. All that sitting, bouncing up and down. I usually never have low back problems so this is unusual. All my problems are from mid back up.
Ya'll have a great day!
Oh, and I agree about Kelly. She will be fine. She was very surprised that she was still in it last night. That made her day, year and life.
Now Im an alligator that has stepped on some gals toes...and sorry for it....never..I know where that a little notice if better than none at all. Is the risk worth bet. always/!
Coreen nice post, again...wanna dance?
I would eat a nutria, or anything, just don't tell me what it is...I never thought that I would eat grass hopper...but they are yummy.
Now Solar, you misunderstood. I had several different scenarios for that croc and yours was that it might be how you felt coming to the Swamp with all us women. Felling like we were all trying to get a bite of ya.
Yours didn't have nuttin to do with stepping on us. I left that one for Keith O and David Letterman. Don't get that confused. I'm not trying to start any trouble cuz I'm still recuperating.
It was weird today at work. I did two days of work and there was a lot to do but everything went smoothly and I even got thru early. It was like I was in a time warp. Time just stopped until I got caught up. It didn't feel like I was rushing but I was steaming thru it. Time can be a really strange phenomena sometimes. You never really know if it is going to go fast or slow.
I know. But sometimes it's downright embarrassing being here. Glad that Rez is here now, and that Tony too.
"Time can be a really strange phenomena sometimes. You never really know if it is going to go fast or slow".
Time is the single most thought of concept that there is so far.. once we understand it some more...we will travel it thru worm holes in the universe, and go to another dimension, or take a little peek at our past. later :-))
"Time can be a really strange phenomena sometimes. You never really know if it is going to go fast or slow."
Yep, it all depends on what you're doing. It always goes fast though, when you don't have enough of it.
"But sometimes it's downright embarrassing being here."
Why Solar? Do you think it's Freudian. :)
Good to see you made your way back to earth. I think you've already found a way to do time travel.
..well, just thought I'd catch up before I get my work done.
Funny, U calling me an Alien too, like Carol...thats all I needed, Lucy.!
Who is this Freudian guy???
"think you've already found a way to do time travel".
I have, and will tell you some time...wanna know how?
I want to know....
And if you manage to travel through time what,
when, who, where, past, future, would your first stop be.
And by the way, a yes to do you want to dance.
Hope that your accomplishments at work signal
that you are feeling better.
"And if you manage to travel through time what,
when, who, where, past, future, would your first stop be."
This is a fun thing for a ponder, and also a little seriouse to boot...will think about it and make a post...
"And by the way, a yes to do you want to dance."
I lead.! I don't care what Sally told you.
Hi Solar, welcome back. Why do you feel uncomfortable here without other guys. I thought you were real comfortable here with us pinks (as you call us).
Hmmm, I like your question about time travel. I don't know if you asked it of just Coreen or all of us. But I want to think about the question for me. Very interesting question. Sort of like who would you have at a dinner party - but even more interesting than that. I must think and get back to you.
I think I would like to travel back in time to when my mother and dad first met - of course I wasn't around but I would like to see what they were like. I may just advise my mom not to marry my dad. Wouldn't that be something - then I wouldn't exist. Just playing with some thoughts folks. Hope you don't mind. Of course, she probably would ignore my advice anyway- she was in love.
If I traveled to the future, what time would I select? Thats a real tricky one. I don't think I want to travel into the future. That might be depressing or scary. I can only take things one day at a time now.
Im not unfortable with you 'pinks' at all. Just that sometimes things said makes it seem uncomforable in a nice real life I have alway been kind of shy..not after knowing some one..this kind of communication is not so restraining..rambling here, but that's sorta of the way it is with me...
Rez man.where are you...come and get me outta the hole im digging, or take away the shovel...:-)
Jan, and all of you pinks..keep thinking about this..I will make a little comment about a bit.
Carol, So glad you are better today. How are feeling about Friday?
I know for a fact that time moves fastest on Sat & Sun.
Carol, did you provide a link to that croc? I have looked for it.
The concept of time is the Most studied one since the first animal (the Sponge) waited for it next meal....but thats another story.
Lets seeeee. Time: We don't ever live in the Future, just the present..but that present is just an atom size present..just a moment. The past is a bunch of past moments that our we have in our memory...this will be a nice start for a post...
Gotta get a pic of me in the year of 2075..later
I forgot to say that Im happy that you are feeling better...the pain although not real, is real, cos the brain said stepped in the way of protect you...
just as you know that it can create certain types of hallucinogenic drugs to make you better able to stand pain...that what I was telling you all a little while back...if we look at a scary matter how many real time we will be afraid...
that the way evolution protect us...yeah your a pain...ooops yeah your pain might have been from a past similar thing when you ice skated before???
Hi Jan,
Glad to see you like the time/space continuum
that Solar talks about. I posed the question
to Solar, but it was not meant only for him.
I see that you have given it some thought.
Honestly, I do not have an answer to that question for myself yet.
TM was pretty interesting today. You guys all had interesting things to say. Palin is a fun topic to discuss. I might buy her book if I can find it at a good price.
Have you guys gotten over the DWTS results from last night?
Jan, my link to the croc pic is on the last post.
I'm significantly better today but kind of walk tilted to one side. Still don't want to go to Houston.
Ivy, I'm waiting for the answers to my questions from this morning.
I didn't have time to get a GPS so I'll just have to download the directions to where I have to go. I'd probably just get confused with some woman trying to tell which way to turn and then getting mad if I didn't do it at the right time.
If you must go; you can get a gps installed on the it.!
I just printed out the directions from MapQuest. I'll do it the old fashioned way. It doesn't look hard and I'll memorize so I don't have to read and drive.
Do you have any local scuttlebutt on the soccer player hoo-ha? Not much of an apology from Mizz Lambert. On the other hand, it's astonishing the other player "just took it." If it had been me, my "inner pit viper" would have taken over after the first hit.
NM Soccer Player "Explanation"
I forget the question.
I think you answered it. LOL
Did you see the link Rezdog posted on TM of the animal slide show? I was hoping he'd put it here too.
I missed that. I will go back and look.
Found it. Great pics.
I have made that's I-10 all the way, right? That won't be bad. What part of Houston do you have to get to?
Ivy, I'm not that bad. I can find Houston. I lived there for a year and was there a lot over the years. I printed the directions.
What part of town will you be in? I lived near the intersection of I-10 and Highway 6 for seven years back in the day...way back in the was still "country" when I was there, but it's probably "downtown" these days.
I'm at that age where I'm too old the be fearless like I used to be but not old enough to be fearless like I will be again someday.
Did you follow that?
It's probably a good idea for you to get to bed early tonight. Do you have to stay overnight? We will miss you.
I've known a lot of older women, a good bit older, who just buy a bigger car and drive with wild reckless abandon. I'm not there quite yet.
Ivy, I'm leaving Friday morning not tomorrow. Trying to get rid of me.
I'll take the laptop with me. Can't get rid of my that easy. What else is there to do in a hotel room alone.
Aunt Mary is going to be taking care of the Magster. Maggie will get to stay overnight in warmth. It was 57 in the kitchen today when I came home for lunch.
"I'll take the laptop with me. Can't get rid of my that easy. What else is there to do in a hotel room alone."
Je, je, je
Chloe, did you get lost in the barn?
According to a book I'm reading ("Breaking Point" by Sue Shellenbarger), The Adventurer (aka wild-and-crazy) is just one of several potential archetypes of women navigating their mid-lives. The others are The Lover, The Leader, The Artist, The Gardner, and The Seeker. I may have some of them all in me, although my "Adventurer" may be slowed down by her friend, Arthur Eitus.
In my mind, it's already Friday. lol
They do make Hoverounds.
Between my ZTR lawnmower and my golf cart, I have all the experience I will need to operate any future Hoverounds.
What did David say last night that set you off Ivy?
OMG, I'm still mad about it. I'm not even going to turn the show on tonight. Hubs loves David Letterman. We even attended a taping in NYC two summers ago. That, I have to admit, was lots of fun.
Last night, it was a disgusting joke about Sarah Palin, who is not even my favorite although I'm planning to buy her book if our Wal-mart marks it down to the $9.99 that others seems to be getting.
Mary, if you are around, my cellphone is broken. I'm incommunicato.
You wouldn't think that just a little butter sause with asparagus would blow out a cell phone but it did. Is Rez here, I need a little help with some smoke signals.
I think someone made a mistake on Sarah's book Ivy.
I'm having a little crisis here and no one is around.
I dropped my cell phone into my pan when I was sauting some asparagus earlier this evening. It just got a little butter, garlic, lemon, soy sauce on it. Nothing more than that. I wiped it off. It worked but then I tried to charge it tonight and it said not accepting charge. I turned it off and then couldn't turn it back on.
just going to shut down...I would take the phone apart, and clean it all up. specially the battery, and compartment...luck
should come back on when it completely dries of..I hope..
It didn't even get wet on the inside. There is nothing to dry. It just got a little grease on the outside and some near where the charger sticks in. I don't know why it won't turn back on.
I found an old cell phone I dropped in the dishwater a while back and it works but no one can hear me. I called Mary but she couldn't hear me so she probably thinks I'm over here dying and can't talk.
Its making contact, but not cleanly..a blow dryer, or something?
Good luck with that phone thing...frying pan into the fire? Maybe it needs to cool off...
You mean somebody at WM marked the book down by mistake, or somebody's mistakenly reporting it marked down?
I do not like what Sarah Palin stands for or what she says - I think she panders to her supposed audience. She is more of a celebrity than a politician, or if a politician, the worst kind. But I still want to read the book, and I won't laugh at repugnant jokes about her. Go figure.
Can U send Mary an E-mail?
I think someone mistakenly thought it was marked down.
If I were her, I would making pulling in all the dough I could. Make hay while the sun shines.
In this age of technology, it sure puts you in a fix when it breaks down.
It's kinda like this pumpkin pie-flavored ice cream Hubs brought home from Publix. It's not actual pumpkin pie, and I don't really like it, but I'm eating it because it's ice cream.
Somehow I miss the analogy??
It might be because I'm freaking to be out here without any way to communicate.
If I'm not going to have a land line, I'm gonna have to get two cell phones.
I'd think Mary would check here before she would check her email.
Ivy, I don't know any more info on the soccer player. I know she was suspended. We don't take a local paper. I hope she went back home to California. I think what she said in the article you linked was definitely not an apology.
Ivy, I think Palin was a poor choice by the Gop for VP of the US, but I think the jokes that Letterman have been telling at her (and her family's) expense are pitiful. I don't get Letterman's humor. I think Letterman's the joke.
Just can't help it - I mean 'jokes that Letterman has been telling'
Carol, I use Mapquest all the time in my job. I should get a GPS but its another piece of technology.
Folks, I think you have to pay monthly for GPS don't you?
Carol, better get another cell phone before you get on the road.
Good nite.
We're at 200...rollin' rollin' rollin', keep those doggies rollin'...
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