This is a sad fact and it often makes me want to cry. I see so many people who have nowhere to go. A big group are the mentally ill. They often wear out their welcome at home or it is just too much trouble or too dangerous to keep them at home. One Bipolar person, without the proper medication or sometimes, even with, can wreck havoc in a home.
There are homeless people who have nowhere to go. The jails and prisons fill up when the weather gets cold. They need a warm bed and a place to beef up for the winter. You don't often get beef in jail. These men or women will commit a crime just to come to jail and take a break from the elements.
I have had several young people, who just aren't quite ready to make it on their own. You know the type, you might have one of your own at home. They might not have nice, tolerant parents around to put them up until their ready to try out their wings. Some have broken wings.
To many of the young people these day, it's not such a humiliation to have made a pass through the local jail. I wish it still was. It seems like to some, it is almost a right of passage. And believe me, they don't pick up any good habits in jail. When I'm seeing inmates, I'm listening to the other conversations going on out in the hall. Hey, I'm good at multitasking, even if I sometimes forget to sign my name at the end of my report. There are older and/or more experienced criminals telling the new, less experienced inmates, just how the cow ate the cabbage, so to speak. If I can catch them before they leave medical, I tell them to just erase that tape.
Jails/prisons seem to be one place for the discarded people, the lost people. It could be worse. In these facilities, they get three squares a day, a bed, some socialization, health care, but it costs society. It ain't cheap. It can cost $30-40 thousand to house an inmate for a year, or even more. If there are any medical problems, much, much more. I have found that not many come to jail healthy anymore.
I wish there was an answer. I have pondered this problem since I started working in corrections. I kinda have a dream. Could we find a place where these lost people could go, maybe even help each other, and be more self sufficient. A community that provides temporary to permanent housing, training/education when needed, and a supply of labor to farms/ranches. People could grow their own food, help each other, and provide a family like support system for one another.
I just wish there were better answers to life's
There are homeless people who have nowhere to go. The jails and prisons fill up when the weather gets cold. They need a warm bed and a place to beef up for the winter. You don't often get beef in jail. These men or women will commit a crime just to come to jail and take a break from the elements.
I have had several young people, who just aren't quite ready to make it on their own. You know the type, you might have one of your own at home. They might not have nice, tolerant parents around to put them up until their ready to try out their wings. Some have broken wings.
To many of the young people these day, it's not such a humiliation to have made a pass through the local jail. I wish it still was. It seems like to some, it is almost a right of passage. And believe me, they don't pick up any good habits in jail. When I'm seeing inmates, I'm listening to the other conversations going on out in the hall. Hey, I'm good at multitasking, even if I sometimes forget to sign my name at the end of my report. There are older and/or more experienced criminals telling the new, less experienced inmates, just how the cow ate the cabbage, so to speak. If I can catch them before they leave medical, I tell them to just erase that tape.
Jails/prisons seem to be one place for the discarded people, the lost people. It could be worse. In these facilities, they get three squares a day, a bed, some socialization, health care, but it costs society. It ain't cheap. It can cost $30-40 thousand to house an inmate for a year, or even more. If there are any medical problems, much, much more. I have found that not many come to jail healthy anymore.
I wish there was an answer. I have pondered this problem since I started working in corrections. I kinda have a dream. Could we find a place where these lost people could go, maybe even help each other, and be more self sufficient. A community that provides temporary to permanent housing, training/education when needed, and a supply of labor to farms/ranches. People could grow their own food, help each other, and provide a family like support system for one another.
I just wish there were better answers to life's
Didn't want to put up a jail or prison pic. I think we all know what they look like. Instead I put up a pic of the warmer river on a cold day. This is the Church of the River. Namaste, the light within me honors the light within you. 
This is a pic of diamonds dancing on the water. A frequent gem out here!
Hey Solar, when I put up this post, I didn't see your little ponder going. This is what I left you on the last post. Please bring your comments to this post.
I'm sorry Solar. I did not see this post. Weird since it must have been here when I got up. It's really weird in light of the post I came up with this morning. We may be tuned in to each other. We are all starting to think alike. The universal consciousness, our little swamp universe.
If we could just get a bunch of others tuned into our way of thinking. We might be able to save the world. Get that Nobel Peace Prize I wanted.
And our avatars are back. Must be on the right track. Next Sunday, someone else has to do the lesson. No procrastinating.
Hey Solar, I'm pulling you stuff over.
Solar said...
"In the Streets of Chicago it seems that there have been a lot more innocent children getting killed.
The street gangs are especially violent this past Summer, and Fall: Maybe it's not a bad thing that winter is coming.
I think that most of it, is coming from fighting about drugs. I don't think that we would have as much violence If we Legalized drugs.
What if we could legalize drugs.!!
Your turn to make things better with you own what if's.comment on any of them as we go on to the next..."
I often think that drug abuse is the way a person who is creative and has lots of potential, uses to hide avoid using that creativity or potential. They just don't know what to do with it so they hide it under substance abuse.
That old friend of mine, Lynn, said that many alcoholics are some of the most interesting people she knew.
It could be that it is just a way to avoid dealing with the harsh reality called life. We do want a pill to solve every problem. It reminds me of that song..."I want a new drug..."
I want a new drug
Get up and dance Jan and John.
I doing the bed dance with the Magster.
It's 48 degrees at the Swamp this morning. It's dropped a couple of degrees outside since I got up this morning. The kitchen is about 60 with no heat going and I'm not sure what the bedroom is, no thermometer. The Mag and me are under a heating blanket and have one of those useless radiant heaters going full blast. I may be paying a fortune for an extra degree or two.
I'm not sure how I feel about legalizing drugs, Solar. Maybe some. Certainly alcohol is legal and it's a drug. It is actually the most dangerous drug to withdraw from. Withdrawal can kill you. It costs society a fortune but it also one of the favorite of our lawmakers and politicians.
Drugs like methamphetamine, are really scary. If you exposed anyone to the chemicals they use in that drug, they would sue you but at the same time they are smoking or injecting that crap. You can tell the people who abuse it because they don't have many teeth left in their mouths, meth mouth it's called, and they often have horrible sores all over. No telling when they might grow another extremity.
Crack and cocaine is so expensive. I ask inmates, now just how long does this drug make you happy? Not long, and at what cost??? If I was going to take the chances they take, I'd want something that at least lasted for a couple of days.
I've seen the affects of cocaine. It can cause heart attacks and strokes in people with no pathology to start with. I watched one of the most horrible deaths I've ever seen that resulted from some recreational use of cocaine. It was a condition called rhabomyolisis. It resulted in kidney failure, liver failure and a serious blood disorder. No way to save that poor girl. Just had to watch her die and listen to her talk to the Devil. No shit, she was talking to the Devil.
Narcotics are great pain relievers if a person can take them for that and not for the euphoria they cause when first taken. To keep the euphoria going, you have to take more and more. It's not a good drug for euphoria. Not for long.
Well you can see that this cool spell has made me a little chatty this morning. I have saved all my chores for today. I wonder if there is enough hours in the day to do them all. Some, I have no choice to avoid.
This morning I feel like I did one time in 6th grade. Our teacher had given us all some free time in class - to read or visit with each other quietly. I was reading a book. I tend to get "lost" in whatever I am reading and am pretty unaware of what is going on around me. At some point I looked up from my book and saw it was raining outside. I said, "oh it is raining" and the entire class laughed - apparently, they had been talking about the rain for some time. I guess the reason I remember that scene - I felt pretty humiliated.
Somehow I missed that we had gone to a new thread last night. I went back to the post that Colleen did and found no one so thought I was alone. Now I realize everyone was at a new post talking about religion. So I completely missed that conversation. Rats, its one of my favorite topics too. I did enjoy reading all of your "takes" on the topic. I still have not sorted it out for me. I am married to an Episcopal priest (retired now) so I guess you know where I am. My Sister and her children converted to Judiasm years ago and my deceased brother was an evangelical minister. I have a friend who is a wiccan and friends who are agnostic and athiest. That is the great thing about NM - people feel pretty free here to be whatever they wish.
Carol, what a great post. Good discussion too. I work with an agency that I see a lot of families with young children. These families have little or no money, the moms are usually single even if they are with the fathers of their kids. Lots of times the dads are in jail or have been deported to Mexico. Some of the moms have been in jail, usually for drug use. I think it is interesting that when drug-using women become pregnant - they realize they have someone else they are responsible for and want to be clean. Some do go back to drugs after their kids are born, but the ones I work with stay clean. Because they have kids there are public programs to help them with housing and food and child care. In order to get the services we provide the women do have to be either working or going to school. I wonder how many public programs there are for men to get their lives together - especially after they have been in jail.
It's Coreen Jan, but that's OK, you just explained it. A little ADD, just like me.
Coreen, I bet that Yank's game was a thriller last night. Pulled it out the a--. If you gotta pull somethin out of there, it's best that it is a win. LOL
Don't forget, the Saints/NY Giants today. I'll have to look for the time.
Carol, I believe it takes a lot to overcome some of the habits or routines we start as young people and I believe that criminal and drug behaviors are lifesyles and changing lifestyle behaviors is the hardest thing we can do. In my lifetime I must have stopped smoking about 4 times. I am trying to change eating habits and its a bitch to do. I read somewhere that we have to "replace" behaviors we want to change with some other behavior or it just doesn't work. I have never been addicted to anything but nicotine - but that was enough. My husband is an alcoholic, recovering. I did not know him when he was drinking - but he believes that if he ever took a drink that he could not stop. All of the males in his bio fam are either alcoholics or drug users - some are recovering and some are practicing - as we speak. Its a bad disease.
Jan, we have lots of pregnant women coming in who are taking lots of those narcotics. We called them their vitamins, vit H, hydrocodone, vit X, Xanax, and vit S, Soma.
Those pain management shops in Tx, lining the streets, are giving them to pregnant women. Some I never even know have been taking them. They are too ashamed to admit it.
Some of the Judges keep them in jail just to protect the fetus. I'm certainly cool with that.
Sometimes we seem to have our own maternity ward and you know I know nothin about birthing no babies. We send them out.
Quess what I'm having for breakfast? Vegetable soup. It warms a belly.
Hey Mary, I have some hearty vegetable soup here with your name on it. Your share will feed you for most of the week sister.
As Solar has related, exercise is one good thing to replace drugs. Only problem is, it's work. Exercise can give people the same kind of high. Gets those endorphins flowing. It is also habit forming. I've seen people who were sucessful in replacing drugs with exercise. To those around them, sometimes it's almost as obnoxious.
Gorgeous pic Carol. wonder if I could convert it for a screen saver.
I completely understand Mary and her aversion to computers. I used to feel the same way. I bought my first one in 1984 only to write papers on for school. Then when they gave me one at work - did not use one at home until 3 years ago. I used to get pissed becuz John stayed on his so much - he likes to play games too and he connects with lots of friends. He is happy I am on mine with your blog now. Now,we are like 2 year olds and parallel play.
Jan, did you and John dance this morning? Put on that song I have linked up there and get to it sister.
Jan, I'm still in awe of what computers and the Internet has made available to us. I love to sit here and think of questions that I can look up to answers to.
Carol, I guess I only see the preg ones who stay clean. I remember one preg woman I worked with who had done lots of jail time for drugs and I spent lots of time visiting her. Her sis was providing her a home and in her last month of preg she started using again and went back to jail. She had this beautiful little 6 year old - fortunately the sis took care of her when mom went back to jail. These break your heart.
Veg soup sounds great. I think I will make some for supper. my tummy is making noises - off to eat somethin.
Rut rho, our avatars are gone again. Maybe this blog knows how chatty we get and the little pics take up too much space. What ya think?
Jan, some people can't have kids while some of these women who spend so much time in jail have close to a dozen. Most, maybe none, are in their custody.
OK, did a little dance -
Exercise is a good replacement. Food works too.
Good girl.
Coreen, Peter King, of SI, is predicting the Giants will clobber the Saints. I hope he's off his rocker. Goooooooooooo Saints!
Good morning early risers.
Carol did you get that river shot this a.m.?
Nice going to capture the serenity of your river for us to share.
And yes, it seems the baseball gods have decided that my team is not going to be denied,
at least not yet. (5 down, 6 to go)
The NY sports guys seem to think your Saints will win today, but I still like the NY guys
in a little upset.
Oh, Game is 1 p.m. eastern time, on a fox channel.
And when you &/or Chloe get a chance I could use the instructions on how to post & link.
When looking for the game predictions, I came across this little article. It's interesting.
Rush has only himself to blame
Coreen, you slipped in on me sister. You better get it from Chloe. She's our technology instructor here.
Yes, your Yanks are awesome.
Another question, what kind of law do you practice, if that's not to nosy of me?
Yes Coreen, I took the pic this morning. It's not easy since the sun also rises from that direction. Have to be careful shooting into the sun.
I consider myself a 'country' lawyer. Know something about a variety of things, but not
a specialist in any one area. I have my own
small office in the town next to mine.
I do real estate closings, refinances, bankruptcy, wills, probate of estates, accidents, social security disability.
I do not do family (divorces) or criminal law.
Kind of like me Coreen, with medicine. Kind of a country NP. No real specialty but do have a passion for diabetes and heart disease. Those can be controlled to a certain degree. I like to help people learn to live with them and control them so they don't get controlled by them.
Carol, loved the article about Rush.
Carol, I find your dedication to what you have
chosen to do to be amazing.
The atmosphere in
which you work which could be so very intimidating to say the least, not to mention
potentially dangerous, & you are able to provide help to those who would be left behind in other cirucmstances, causes me to have the
utmost respect for you. Your compassion for
others, shines through the words you write &
the wonderful photos you share.
And I am all for more women being involved in
professions once dominated by men. My cardiologist is a woman & she is great. She
actually listens to what you say & talks to you, not at you, something that I have often
found male doctors do not do.
Thanks Coreen. I love my job. I tell others it's like being a missionary and getting paid well to do it. The best of both worlds. I've been blessed and I appreciate that.
Wow! some great controversial topics last night and this morn.
I have gone back and forth on legalization of street drugs. I think MJ should be legalized b/c it has medicinal uses. So many people use it and yet it is illegal. The growing and distribution of MJ is still illegal. If it were legalized and taxed I think we could be in better shape financially in this country and stop the problems with this in the US and in other countries. I don't have an opinion about legalization of other drugs.
Carol, like Coreen - what you do is amazing. Are you ever scared of these guys?
Coreen, there are those rare men who do listen to women, like Solar.
I sure wish we'd have had an opportunity to have a woman running the free world. I'm still crying about that one. I wanted it so bad. I really wanted my Hillary. Still wear her Hillary, madame president t-shirt, mainly to bed.
No disrespect to Obama intended. He does seem to have a touch of the metrosexual in him. Maybe thanks to the influence of his wife, Michelle.
If the site starts to do something weird, it's because I'm adding a pic. Do not be alarmed.
Carol, I too was for Hillary and literally cried when she did not get the nomination. I did come around and was and am for Obama. I think he was the best 2nd choice. I think he has brought many factions of our country together. I took a break and watched a little tv news and they were showing Hillary playing cards with a group of women and doing exercises with another group. She was smiling and looked like she was having fun.
Obama's election has been a huge thing for the African American community and they deserve to have someone they can identfy with. Next, we need an Native American president (my indian friends refer to themselves as Native Peoples - so I try to do that now).
Ya know, maybe as president, she wouldn't have been able to use all her talents as much. It is good to have her as our Secretary of State.
WE LOVE YOU HILLARY. Well, most of us do. Can't speak for everyone on this blog. And it's OK if you don't. We will still love you too.
I remain very skeptical of Obama. Leadership
seems to remain elusive. Don't think this
would have been the case if Hillary was running it all.
Not really big on the metrosexual guy thing, & I see Obama as more comfortable in a university
atmosphere where people gather around to listen
to & 'adore' their favorite prof. But thats just me.
Oh Solar is unique. He is a treasure. And
when Chlo & Solar get together, they remind me
of lucy/desi or george/gracie antics---I so enjoy their give & take.
I have used Obama's example when speaking to my AA inmates. I tell them that they can't let the color of their skin hold them back. I point to what he has said about fathers. Something like... any idiot can father a baby but it takes a real man to be a father. Someone needs to find his quote.
I was proud of him when he spoke to the school kids. I wanted him to do it and even suggested it a couple of times on TM. He did it and there were those who tried to make it into something bad, like he was trying to corrupt those kids. Will wonders ever cease?
And before Obama came on the scene, I wore poor Oprah out, using her as an example of what AA's can achieve. I told them, that that lady didn't get a break, she made her break, and left us all in the dust.
Nice catch of the glistening water. I can
enlarge your photo on the screen & when I do they do look even more like diamonds floating on the water.
I think of the metrosexual as a guy who is not afraid to show a little of his feminine side. I'm not sure if that is what it is supposed to mean. Hey guys, your feminine side is your best side. LOL.
Coreenesq, now I know what the esq means. When you first started on the blog - it was a mystery to me.
I don't want to think that I'm just sitting on my a-- in front of my laptop here. I've made at least a mile, up and down my steps, fed all my critters, including any lucky fish that happened by.
I planted two huge stainless steel bowls of leaf lettuce seeds. Transplanted a patio tomato I bought yesterday and had about 7 cups of coffee. It's what fueled my projects.
I was still a little pissed about Hillary when we voted in the pres. election - but when they showed the scene in Chicago- when the final results came in and we knew Obama had won - and the tears and crying of the African American people- and the Caucasions, I cried too. I thought to myself- OK this is the way it was meant to be.
Jan, the esq was not supposed to be on there,but I don't know how to take it off, it is part of my email address. Computers are not
really my thing. They do not speak english!
Carol, I am LOL at your activities this morning - I too had to move - so took Lobie for a 2 mile walk. Its a gorgeous crisp fall morning here. By the way, I went for a walk yesterday afternoon and took some pics of changing foliage. My pics are "pale" compared to your pics. Girl -You are good.
How can anyone feel like doing a bed dance at 6:30 in the morning. MG, you're energetic.
Did you notice it's going to get warm again for a few days Carol.
Jan, I really liked what you said about New Mexico, that people feel free to be whatever they wish. From what you say, they also feel free to talk about it, and that makes it even better. NM seems like a wonderful, beautiful place to live. I bet you're glad you found your way there.
Your 'rain story' from your school days was great too. Sorry we didn't have a new thread not at the end of the thread you were on. That always happens to someone: getting left behind. We missed you last night.
If you want Carols pic to be your desktop picture, right click Carol's pic, and one of the options that comes up when you do that will say set as 'desktop background'. If you left click on that option, it will become your desktop picture automatically.
Carol, They really are some beautiful pictures, both the one you took with the steam coming off your river and the diamond water one. Gorgeous. I hope you add them to your photo bucket. (Did you do your Sat. morn. pics yesterday?)
.. now I have to finish catching up. There's a lot of posts here.
Coreen, I am jwayland and would like to take that off the folowers list. If someone can tell me how, Please do.
Jan, what surprised me was how many younger, evolved women, didn't vote for Hillary. They don't have a clue what us old broads had to go through to give them the opportunities they have today. Hillary is a perfect example. Look at all she has had to endure.
Well one day, those young women will be sorry. They are letting it all slip away. Some will have to start all over again. Glad it ain't me. I have too many battle scars. My dragon fighting days are over.
Good morning Chloe, we missed you. And where is the Solman this morning??? Bring your feminine side over here right now Solar. But you don't have to wear that dress. Your jammie will do just fine.
I'm 'still' not caught up, but can't keep my mouth shut long enough to finish.
Carol, You sure do add that extra 'something' to your nursing job at the prison. The way you worry about them and provide the kind of advice they probably never got from their parents, is admirable. You are such a nurturing person, and much more understanding and empathetic of others than I could ever hope to be. I'm more of a 'just do it!' type of person.
I don't think Solar brings a feminine side here Carol. We've already got plenty of that here. It's just nice that he comes as himself.
No problem, I was just thinking that drugs should be legal...all the heavy drugs could be done like they do the other ones now...with a doctors approval..and all the rest legal...
If someone is going to do drugs..there is plenty of places to get them, and get them out of the hands of the dealers...lots of little innocents are being killed by stray bullets...and thats a good enough reasoning for me...
If you think about all the what ifs, that we could come up with..we would solve the worlds problems...that was the purpose of the late what if post.....
Just won't be too realistic b/c there won't be any money to make in this type of wishful thinking for the big corps...
ps to all of you pinks.....I thought that you liked me for my body...leave my mind alone...needs a little scrubbing anyway.:-_)))
I don't know who these metrosexual guys are, but all I can say ist that...once again..the bullies from the past..should be less and less, as time goes on, and we can educate the masses of all contributions...that why I agree with Patsi 99% of the time..she looks at it from a point of veiw that is unique to most..and fights
for them...
Chloe, Thanks for the tip on getting a pic to my computer. Can you come live near me? Actually, I have an extra bedroom! You are amazing at the technology. Isn't it great how there is such a variety of gifts and talents among these few people here? I am humbled by all of you.
And yes Chloe, I seldom feel judged here in NM. There is not the emphasis on how you look or how you dress or what your faith or lack of faith is. We do live in the University area. It is older, smaller homes. We have both owned and rental homes in the area- lots of runners, walkers, bike riders - so people in this neighborhood are more liberal. There are areas here that have expensive homes and more conservative views. When I move to a new town - which I seem to do often, I always look for an area like this.
Coreen, Did you see that Carol left you her email address yesterday. If you email her, she'll send you and invitation to be a contributor. That doesn't mean you have to do it, but if you just 'accept' the invitation, you'll have the ability to post whatever you want at the top, including pictures, if the whim ever hits you in the future. We'll be glad to help you with instructions on how to do it.
I saw what you said about computers not speaking english, but actually they're starting to more and more all the time. Once you learn a few little tricks, you can use them over and over to do anything you want, and most of the commands are in plain english now. For instance, this site does most of our work for us when we post. All we do is fill in the blanks.
Solar, glad to have you back. I like what you say about legalizing drugs.
I might add that all of you gals here are strong and very attractive to any male that is not intimidated....
I can say a lot more, but this is a family blog right?
I was just kidden Solar. I don't see any feminine side except that you are sensitive and willing to listen. You don't mind talking about your feelings.
Well, I need to look at what I write before posting - what I meant earlier is - I look for less expensive and liberal areas to live. Once or twice I have lived in more conservative areas and I was most unhappy - just didn't fit in.
Chloe, did not see an email for carol, but will
go back & look, if I find it, all I have to do
is reply & then I get added to the list?!
Jan, Thanks, but I don't know much more about the technology than the rest of you. You'll have it 'all' down in no time. As a matter of fact, you already do.
It's so nice that you don't feel judged by those you surround your with, or rather that they're not judgmental of others. I think that's a strong reflection of who you are.
No need to go back Coreen. I'm sure she'll be glad to give it to you again. Or I'll email her email address to you and then if you send her an email, she'll send your invitation back to you.
Carol, I was not surprised at how younger women voted in the primaries. My daughters in law and granddaughters were not voting for Hillary. My oldest sons voted republican (I think they feel a need to be on Bob's side). I felt like an outsider in my own family. So glad when elections were over. Steve is the only one with political views like me. We avoit talk of politics at family get togethers.
Oh & just so you know what you may be dealing with, I have 2 new computers because mine was
attacked a couple of months ago. Within 24 hours of having this new one at home, I somehow
lost the sound!!!! It worked for one day, then
I pressed something & it is gone. I have followed all the so-called instructions & it says it is working but not! I have to get my
computer person back here to figure it out, but
am waiting until its time to go over to windows
7 which I think is this week.
Back is hurtin' need to do something else. See ya later alligators.
Yes, sitting at the computer is hard on the back. When I first got my laptop, I lost some sensation in the front of my leg but I don't sit for long doing anything. I'm like a Mexican jumping bean.
Ms Ivy, where are you? I saw a new bird this morning but it didn't stick around long enough for me to identify it. Hope it comes back.
I agree with Solar about the drugs. Too many people filling up our prisons, put in with hard criminal, because they had a drug problem.
I just wish (as in Solar's 'What if' post) that we would be more lenient (on small amounts at least) and stop convicting so many people and making them serve hard time because they've got an addiction. I don't really want drugs to be legal, but I don't want to see the prisons full of drug users either. Once they're there, they learn some even worse habits, and may think of themselves as convicts the rest of their lives.
It's bizarre that it's legal to get drunk on alcohol, but so many other habits that are no worse, really, land you in prison.
And guys, it's not my picture taking ability. I just take enough pics so that I hope that at least one turns out OK. I took about 8 of those diamonds and only one was sorta OK.
Yes Ivy, we miss you.
Maybe your volume is just turned way down Coreen. Or could you have pushed mute? Is it a laptop?
I know when u r kidding.....the thing about being here is a little weird to me, it feels like im (I know that im not) listening to private girl talk sometimes...but no big deal..since what I see is a lot of introverted people come a gab a lot in this type of venue...I doubt if it would have appended any other way....TM was,my first blog that I joined in on..and that is after a whole year or so. of lurking...
To tell you the truth..I wanted to learn from everyone there,,which I did...and have since analyzed my self, and also wanted to see if I could keep up with them....
Kept up and surpassed Solar.
I'm no rocket scientist, as I'm sure you all have found out. I'm just a small town rural girl with some common sense, evenif I have to say so myself.
Chloe, tried all those things, plugged in/out/
but its not working, though it says it is, I gave up, will wait for him to come back. Oh, its a desktop Dell, I have a Dell netbook, but
thats just for quick checking. Only I could
disable something within 24 hrs of it being
installed!!!! I am somewhat impatient with it
not doing what I tell it too.
If you want to leave carol's email at mine, I will try later to set it up.
Picked some lurkers from China and Bucharest. How do you say hello in Chinese and Bucharestian?
Coreen, Whenever you have any kind of computer problem, the help menu is good place to go to, and you'll learn a lot of other things while you're there too. The help menu is the way I taught myself to use a computer. I spent a lot of time there, but don't anymore, and that menu has changed a lot.
You may already know this, but go to Start at the bottom of your screen. After you left click that, there should be a Help and Support option on the right side of the list that comes up, left click that too, and what you get next should have a window at the top that will let you search. Type in 'volume' and then hit enter, and you will have a lot of helpful information pop up.
You can use that help menu to learn just about anything. There was a time when it was my best friend.
Carol, Hello: å–‚
Google translator does it 'all' for you
Google Translator
O tay, Chloe
How about the other Chloe? What do they speak? That will be a challenge.
What Lucy said if perfect...I do like to google any question b/c it will often give you a lot more choices, and will also lead you to more interesting information,,that won't be in the help menu.....just ty
Once that I taught myself about system made me fearless of the will restore your pc to another time prior to the errors that were made at the present time...what as the most intimidating..was the names of things...the language..I still don't know most of it.
Carol, I just sent Coreen your email address.
The reason I only put the Chinese translation is because the other one wasn't on the list. But I'll do a search and see if anyone else translates it.
Thanks for all the pointers guys, unfortunately
my past encounters with computereze has taught me to leave well enough alone. I can not be trusted when I start presssing keys.
I'm not sure this is right, this one is hard to find.
Hello: salut, bună
Site that came up for 'Bucharestian' ??
"I can not be trusted when I start presssing keys."
Only way to learn.
Carol, You can look up Bucharestian on Google too. I should have put 'English to Romanian' and it comes up as 'Salut' there too.
Hey, what are we doing? These people aren't going to be lurking if they don't speak English.
You really can't hurt a computer.
Just donn''t adjust any security settings, or connection settings..but it does not have any moving you can't hurt it...if things get a little rough..just shut if off (re-boot) and re-start it should autmaticlly go right back to your settings..
Ask for help and step by step how-to's here, or in google.
Coreen click on my empty box (avatar) on the left of my post..when you look like I do in this pic...then you can say that you had enough...
Lunch??? sneaky.!
OK guys lunch it is! Hey Des, gotta be on your
toes. See you all a little later.
Just got back from starting some of the chores I've been procratinating. A little progress.
Coreen, we got a few on the board now.
Chloe, and Coreen,
That lunch call doesn't count....Chlo was in a language that I could not understand...never did I know she called lunch right?
Dang tricky pinks.!!
OK guys I can't join you for lunch during the week but don't forget I'm here now. I can be included. Want some soup? It's really good. I already had it once for breakfast.
Saints 14, Giants 0. Goooooo Saints.
Saints 20, Giants 3
Saints 27, Giants 10
Saints 27, Giants 17.
"Hey, what are we doing? These people aren't going to be lurking if they don't speak English."
Chloe, you are not only a great with technology, you are "quick on the draw."
Chloe, Emma is gorgeous. I just love your pics of her. Keep sending as you gets older.
Solar, where is "system restore?"
Carol, you have not answered my question - maybe it got lost. Have you ever been scared of any of the guys you work with in the prison?
Coreen, I always asked for women docs for years but the last one I had - she was not so great, she talked so fast I was always asking "what did you say?" She really didn't listen to me. I get my med care through the med faculty at the univ. so when she left the practice, I asked my husband's doc if he would be my doc too - he swims with my husb and he is the best one I have ever had.
I'm back. Went downstairs for lunch & to clean
up the kitchen, my mom's the cook, my aunt is
here from FL, & I see the Saints are in the lead by 10, & its not even the half!
Plenty of time Carol.
Guess everyone is watching football. Bye ya'all.
OK my husb is watching the saints and giants. So, guess I will go shopping -
Its probably trial & error, but I do like the
more complete way that the women doctors I have been fortunate to have found to be more discerning, more thorough in assesssing your
complaints/symptoms, & willing to discuss options.
Uh Jan, when do you plan to write that test. I'm working on my procrastinated chores even though there is a good game going on. It's really exciting.
Carol, oh now its Saints by 17!!!
Still plenty of time-------
Ran out of printer ink for one of my chores. Have to go to WM. Can I do that over half time? Time to find out.
Saints 41, Giants 17 and I got the wrong darn ink cartridge. Right model number but wrong type. Drats. The universe is not going to make this easy. And the computer department is in the very back of this big store. Well I guess I can consider this my forced exercise program, another thing on my procrastination list.
Carol, looks like the fat lady is singing loud & clear. Seems as if all those sports know-everything guys have it all wrong since most of them have been saying that the NYGiants are the best team in football on paper---doesn't look like it today, so hopefully your Saints will get the respect they so rightly deserve.
Oh, I sent you my email request for an invitation that Chloe sent me.
OK Coreen, you have been invited. All you have to do is accept and it will list you as a contributor. You already are a contributor so we need you on the list.
Back to WM. I think it's safe to leave. I can catch it on the radio.
Pretty sure I've been add to the 'list'.
That would be 'added'. Thanks & I will try
to work at adding something.
"..another thing on my procrastination list."
LOL Carol, You actually keep a list of things that you 'don't' want to do? Your intentions are a lot better than mine Carol. :)
Coreen, I just want to mention one thing about your computer, then I won't bother you about it anymore. Now that I know you have a laptop, can you check to see if there' a mute button at the top of the computer or on the bottom of it. It will be a picture of a speaker with a line through it. If there is one, push it once to turn it back on.
Coreen, you're on the list. Congrats.
To quote the church lady...."Well isn't that special" That's in response to the Saints game.
Who dat? Who dat? Who dat tink dey gonna beat dem Saint?
Chloe, I don't actually have a list written down, it's just in my head, and it constantly taunts me. I made some progress today and there is still some day left.
I even mowed my grass here and my neighbor's, who never comes out here. I really didn't want to do the neighbor's but Mag does occasionally do her #2 there so I guess I owe them.
I hope Ivy's having some fun today.
"it constantly taunts me"
.. me too Carol. It makes me feel guilty and confused. If I wouldn't put things off, I'd have such a feeling of control over my life. But instead, I don't.
Jan, you asked twice if I was ever afraid, working the prison. I was looking over the comments and found that.
I have had just a couple of moments of a twing of fear. One was when I had this inmate in my office and he closed the door. The door of my office is never closed. It is kept open for security reasons.
My office door locks from the inside. I can open it but you have to have a key to open it from the outside. Getting it open with a key takes a little time.
This inmate didn't realize that and since he was going to have to show me something that required he drop his pants, he pushed the door closed. He was between me and the door and that gave me a little startle. Nothing happened but we did get that door open real fast.
Another time, I think I told you guys about this one, was when this Cuban guy was in my office. Most of the guys we have in jail from Cuba are in for murder. Usually it is murder of women. Usually it is their girlfriends or wives.
This guy was trying to get me to order something for him and I wasn't complying with his wishes. He mentioned something about getting out, and my knowing he was in for murdering his girlfriend, I told him, you probably won't be out for a while since you are being charged with murder. He looked at me with a scary look and said, "do I have to kill someone else to get what I want?"
Now that got my attention. I told him to leave my office immediately. He did and later he told the securtity guards he was sorry, he was only kidding. Huh, not funny. I told security he was never to come to my office again unless he had a security guard with him and he was in shackles. I don't think I have seen him since.
I saw this woman the other day, a new inmate, and she said that that Cuban inmate was the man who killed her mother. She said he killed her mother because if he couldn't have her, no one could. She mentioned that he had already killed someone else before.
My secretary told me, later that day, after he pulled that stunt, that right after he killed his girlfriend, he went out for lunch and then called the cops to report it. Didn't seem to bother him much.
Another couple of occasions when I felt a little twing of discomfort is when we have inmates in the office and all the lights go out. Dark as pitch in there. Fortunately, the lights are usually only out for a few seconds before the generators kick on. Those seconds do seem like a long time in the dark with a criminal sitting next to me. Too dark to check the rap sheet.
Oh yeah. The Cuban guy killed his girlfriend by snapping her neck.
It is actually more frightening thinking about where I work, than it is working there. Most of my inmates like me and I think would physically come to my defense if I needed them to.
I am not a brave person. I shake in my shoes when I have to walk from a parking garage into a building at night, sometimes even during the day.
Ivy, Ivy, did the cat get your tongue or some other vital part?
And Ivy, I felt a little deprived today, not getting a dose of your poetry. It's like not getting your coffee in the morning and I never skip my coffee in the morning.
And Ivy, I went to put the Magster out this morning and the sun was already coming up and I heard the hummers making their little hummer noise. I freaked, thinking they were going to go suck some really cold nectar and fall out into a hypothermia coma. I'd have to get out there with my little hummer stretcher and a warmed up cotton makeup square and revive them.
I dragged the Magster in fast, she rolled her eyes and thought I was nuts, to go get some warmer nectar. I got it out there, maybe just in the nick of time.
Only thing is that I checked the temp on that nectar a little later, with my meat thermometer and it was cold again. Maggie was right, I'm nuts. Those hummers drink cold nectar from flowers all the time. Who's out there warming up those flowers?
The moral of this story is....a little knowledge can be a dangerous thing.
Well, better late than never. Did not get that test written - I do have until next weekend -I went fabric shopping for a quilt for a great grandchild due in Jan. Much more fun than writing a test. About 8 pm I realized I did not have anything prepared for tomorrow's class - so panicsville - went to my office to do that - its only 3 blocks away - its just easier to do there. No distractions and no one else is there.
Well, as usual, I am talking to myself. See you all tomorrow. Sleep tite.
Carol, sounds like you are cautious at work with the inmates. I suspect you are right - I hope that if any of them tried something funny- others might come to your aid. It sounds like a good thing to know their individual histories.
Glad your saints won.
First time the sun was out in days or a week. It was a chance for me to play in the yard. Think of it as a jail break.
Here's your pome...
The clouds that cover sunshine
They cannot banish the sun;
And the earth shines out the brighter
When the weary rain is done.
We must stand in the deepest shadow
To see the clearest light;
And often through wrong's own darkness
Comes the very strength of light.
--Author unknown
Very nice poem Ivy. I was having a little withdrawal from your poetry. It helps to soothe the savage beast in me and I left work today somewhat of a savage beast. Almost bit the head off this young cocky guy that came in when my tolerance had all run dry for the day. It was a manic Monday.
I'm so glad your weary rain is gone. It was nice out this weekend. I mowed and planted flowers and lettuce. In both the Spring and the Fall, I crave working in the dirt.
I love it when I can pick fresh salad greens out of the yard and bring them in for a salad. Leaf lettuce is very tolerant of cold weather but not warm weather. Can't grow lettuce in the summer here. It may look OK but one bite tells you it isn't. Very bitter. I even got a little patio tomato at Lowes.
I'm curious, did those kids get any of the leaves out of your yard or did their parent make them bring them back?
Jan, Jan, Jan, that little procrastination lecture we got didn't get you moving on that test. I did put a little effort in a couple of chores I'd been avoiding. Didn't finish but did start a few.
You ought to set yourself a goal of a few questions every day and then when you get it started you might just keep on going until it's done.
Ivy, so good to see you back. I enjoy your pomes too.
Did get some work done on my exam today - I try to write multiple choice questions - but they take a lot more time to write - but little time to grade - so they are my favs.
It was a usual Monday, had my class in am and faculty meeting in afternoon. Glad to be home.
I admire you Ivy and Carol for your gardening skills. On the Today show this am - they had a 1700+ lb pumpkin from Ohio. It was big son-of-a-gun. The young couple who grew it said they watered it a lot and gave it lots of compost. I did not know they would get that big.
Carol, your comment came after I wrote mine above - you are so right - writing a few questions a day is the best way. That is exactly what I will do. My dad said - "good minds run in the same direction." I don't think my mind is too good any more though.
Only one little hummer at the juice bar this afternoon. He probably hit it on his way out of town. Kind of sad to see them go. It's also sad to think that they are solitary little birds. Don't migrate in groups, husband doesn't help out with the kids. I guess like some of us humans, their used to it.
I had another "get outta jail card" today... 'nother trip to Lowe's. Had planned only to get pansies and mums for my planter pots. Got the pansies, no mums, got gerbera daisies colorful. What really called my name (literally) was the trays of ivy pots. $2.18 per pot. Yesterday's yard status survey revealed just how much damage the marauding six-foot-tall rabbits had done to my eponymous planting bed. I didn't expect to find ground cover for sale at this time of year, but I figured it must be a message from the Big Dude to get on with it. Still some growing to do in this temperate climate.
I found my little hummer-bird at the front window today where I have no feeder. She was investigating the blossoms on whatever flowers it is my shrubbery puts forth at this time of year.
The swamp is quiet tonight.
One fish jumps, one owl hoots.
The river continues it's gentle journey
while the stars shine brightly above.
The night air is cool and crisp and
all is good.
Checked in earlier, but no one around, so I visited a little bit at Craigs. Just want to stop by an say hi/bye.
Sorry to hear you had a rough day Carol, hope tomorrow is better. If you're around Solar, Purple posted a letter that ended with "Please do something for the American People instead of the big corporation!" (at 8:20 pm), plus Jamie followed up with something she's heard about "...a bush back against the unholy alliance between government and corporations". Good stuff.
See ya tomorrow.
oops... Hi Ivy and Carol.
Carol, What you just wrote sounds like poetry.
Ooh, Daisies... my favorite. What color Ivy. This picture would sure make a nice headup picture for a post on flowers or anything else.
Gerbera Daisies
Ivy, I planted pansies and petunias also. I had petunias that made it all the way through this hot summer but just recently pooped out. I replanted them. Petunias usually like cooler weather than our summers. They do so well up in the PNW where their summers are more like our winters.
I had a Gerber Daisy that grew pretty leaves but only put on one flower all summer. I wonder if it will do better now that it's cooler. I kept fertilizing it but nada.
There is a flowering plant that I just fell in love with. It could be my favorite. It is the Fuchsia. They grow so well up in the PNW but I tried and couldn't grow them down here.
The pic up in the upper right hand corner shows my favorite colors for that plant also.
Evening Chloe. I saw you over at Craigs. Trying to keep the world running smoothly.
Thanks, gals. Pansies and gerbera daisies are both deer salad, so these will go in planters on my upper deck...the ivy will have to take its chances again.
Do either of you get deer in your yards?
I would love for both of you to send more pics of your areas. Both are beautiful.
Yeah Carol, keeping my foot in the door. But it's getting harder all the time.
Ivy, I love 'ivy' too, partly because it's so easy to grow. We have quite a bit of it here, but strangely enough, I can't remember if I planted it or not - if I did, it's been a while. Nothing seems to slow it down.
Carol, We get dear in our yard, but I haven't seen them in a while. I usually see them more in the winter, probably because when the leaves all go, there's so much more visibility. There's a lot of areas here where I wouldn't see them this time of the year, even if they were here.
This year, I will definitely get a picture if and when they show up. You've seen how dense it is here, so there's not much to take a picture of without it all looking the same. Winter will look quite different.
It's funny you should mention the deer (sorry for the misspell above), because I saved the cutest little Of a baby deer today, to use as my avatar here. But I'm going to wait to use it, after the pictures show up again.
I'm so tired. See you guys tomorrow.
Ever seen one of those Fuchsia plants in your areas? One year they had them at WM. I was so excited. I got it home and it was dead in a week. I usually have a green thumb. It just didn't like the climate.
Do I have deer??? I had to slow down to let the deer cross (or hit me) at the top of my street about an hour+ ago. The neighbor beagles were going nuts.
I guess you have to fence or put plants up high to keep the deer from eating them.
I don't know what Birmingham looks like. I know Chloe's area. It's a lot like this area.
You live in a hilly area Ivy? I guess I need to google it.
Carol (I can't believe I'm still lurking, but)... Deer jump the fence. They mostly eat grass and other tall growth. Haven't ever noticed them 'destroying' anything. They pretty much eat whatever the horses eat.
We see them in the road a lot too, like Ivy does. Sometimes they're hit. I hate that they drive so fast around here, especially at night when the deer are most active.
They do a lot of deer hunting around here but I don't see many running around. Probably staying away from those guys with guns.
It's a good bit past my bedtime. Nite and have a great outdoor day tomorrow. Wish I could join ya.
Carol, If you put out some deer corn, I bet you'd see them. But that's probably not a good idea, because they might get shot since you say they hunt around you. The same thing worries me. But they're safe on our property, but don't spend long here. Just pass through.
"have a great outdoor day tomorrow. Wish I could join ya."
The important thing is that you start and end it that way. Good night.
We can continue on the other side...deer would make a great new thread...the good, the bad, and the ugly. Maybe even a few recipes.
Ivy, I was mulling over the poem you left yesterday. Those last two lines:
"And often through wrong's own darkness
Comes the very strength of light."
It works well with the post. I see that happening in the peeps we have in jail. It often seems like many of those people we have in jail had the experience set in their destiny. There was some learning they needed to achieve with that experience.
They aren't too happy about it and often don't understand the lesson they are there to learn but they are there to learn something. Some do and move on with life, some do not and have to keep repeating it over and over.
It's possible they are there to teach me/us something. I keep my ears and my mind open because everyone has something to teach me, even the bag lady rolling her grocery cart down the road.
There even may be some wisdom in the delusional ramblings of the psychotic. Could be a message in there?
Maybe they are there to test us also? If life is the big classroom I imagine it to be, then both teaching and testing are possible. And I'm working on my PhD.
I like the deer idea Ivy. Good time of year for it, when the weather gets cool. Will it be available when I get off from work today?
Saw a big colorful sign on the blog this morning "Google error" The server is having problems. Hope we didn't overload it with all our chatter.
I saw temporary mentioned.
Hey Google, we want our little pics back. Hello, hello.
And Jan, there was something else I was pondering this morning. You know when you teach/lecture, you have to repeat yourself over and over and over. Students are forever saying, "now what did you say" or would you repeat that again".
I found that after years of teaching/lecturing, I would do the same thing when I was having a conversation with someone. I know that had to be irritating to whoever I was talking to but I couldn't help myself, it was such a habit.
I'm sure I do it with my writing also, so please forgive me.
I have been enjoying reading about the deer. I never see deer where I live now - too much city - no woods. We give up one thing for another wherever we live. I gave up the woods and much wildlife (4 legged kind) to be close to work and a pool and a grocery.
Teaching is much different these days. We use powerpoint for short periods (if we lecture over 10-15 minutes with powerpoint - students call it "death by powerpoint") and then break into small groups for case studies for students to work out the info. I am just there to clarify. Students bring their computers to class - and can access any info they want.
Carol, Our nurs baccalaureate programs are "on the ground" but our masters and PhD programs are on line (web ct) - so graduate students are all over the state.
"That old friend of mine, Lynn, said that many alcoholics are some of the most interesting people she knew."
Carol, I agree with Lynn. I can tell who the alcoholics are (in recovery too) because these are the ones I am drawn to. I am a classic co-dependent.
I will be popping in every so often this week. I am ending a term with students and is a very busy time. Next week will be better.
Glad you liked the "pome." I noted how the theme aligned with the thread topic. And it was not an "accident" inasmuch as The Big Dude had my book flop open to that page "by itself." There's a first verse that I had omitted. Here is the entire poem.
Life's Lessons
I learn as the years roll onward
And leave the past behind,
That much I had counted as sorrow
But proves that God is kind;
That many a flower I had longed for
Had hidden a thorn of pain,
And many a rugged bypath
Led to fields of ripened grain.
The clouds that cover sunshine
They cannot banish the sun;
And the earth shines out the brighter
When the weary rain is done.
We must stand in the deepest shadow
To see the clearest light;
And often through wrong's own darkness
Comes the very strength of light.
--Author unknown
"That many a flower I had longed for
Had hidden a thorn of pain,
And many a rugged bypath
Led to fields of ripened grain."
Ivy, how true this is when I reflect back on my own life. Thanks for sharing this first part of the poem.
You're welcome, Jan. Thanks also for your candor in sharing your life's experience and perspective. It sounds like you too have walked the walk.
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